

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
    Hello Ladies: Well I am down a pound this week. Yeah! I am starting to get caught up on my transcription now that I can take the sling off for a little bit longer periods. I am really anxious to start PT, two more weeks now. Tomorrow a group of us from choir at church are going to Kimball, SD to sing at our former music directors church. She left our church two years ago to be the pastor at Kimball. I am looking forward to that. The music is relatively easy and it will be a fun morning. The church is providing a meal for us after the service so no idea what the choices will be but I am sure it will be okay. I will just have to adjust my calories the rest of the day.

    Welcome to all the newbies. This is a very positive encouraging thread. Congrats to all those with victories of whatever kind and prayers to all who need them. Sue in SD
  • Subzeromambo
    Subzeromambo Posts: 27 Member
    Barbie, your sweater is beautiful and you look great!

    Grandmaille (sp?), I am very sorry about your sister. It is hard to focus on diet when someone dear to us is dying. Many virtual hugs to you.

    I have been following the FODMAP diet for one week. I lost 2.5 lbs last week! The diet is designed for people with digestive issues, not weight loss. The weight loss is just a happy benefit. There is so much food on the diet that sometimes it is hard to eat it all. It has no gluten, no lactose, no beans, no sugar, very low carbs and lots of fruit and vegetables. It is really delicious. My family has been eating it with me and everyone is enjoying it. We have absolutely no sense of deprivation. I am glad my surgeon recommended it.

    I walk everywhere and no longer drive a car. It has been fun to have exercise as a natural part of my daily life. I am off to a canoe trip next week but hope to start yoga classes and race walking when I return. I have already been accepted on a team based on my last half-marathon times. I have a lot of training ahead of me!

    All the best!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh, I FEEL GOOD THIS MORNING! But my blood sugar was 129 so there is no denying I am a diabetic. DH was really hoping to see me 'get rid' of that diagnosis since my dose was decreases and my goal is to stop it altogether. So I had to tell him that our days of routinely going to DQ or Pizza Hut are over. But my weight still went down another pound.

    My oldest daughter has the gift of Grace. She just has a way of saying something when needed and yet not hurting anyones feelings. Someone mentioned earlier that sometimes our diet takes over our whole lives. One time she just told me that Mom not all of us are on your diet and we have other things in our lives and like to talk about them and have you as a part of them. It was like a kick in the butt. I get so upset with my sister, she has so many medical problems, issues and medications that she talks about them ALL the time. She is turning her family away from her.

    My daughter and family meaning my grand daughters!!! are coming this week They will be here on Friday and leave on Sunday. It's the oldest birthday and we will celebrate their birthdays. if weather is good we will go to our local amusement park. I say local but trip advisory rates it #1 in the US. Maybe you have heard of it, Holiday World and Splashing Safari. Ever since my younger daughter got a divorce and then hurt her back she has to avoid the big roller coasters. 2 of them have been rated #1 in the world. So we just don't go on them anymore. But my SIL still loves to and the oldest grand daughter will be 12 in a couple of weeks and adores her Dad so they are looking forward to doing the roller coasters. And the 6 year old is tall enough to be on more rides.

    Everyone have a wonderful day, Joyce in Indiana
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat to u all.
    Barbie,you look great,love the sweater.
    Liz,how sad about your sister.My best friend was told to be put in palitive care.She doesn`t even look sick.
    She has stage 4 kidney and lung cancer.She is going thru chemo now.
    Prayers for you and your sister.HUGS:heart:
    Hugs jane:heart:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Hi, just a short post from London in the rain, where I am with my DGS . :love: He is completely adorable and a credit to his parents, especially his mother, who is nothing to do with me! :laugh: DH, as always, was wonderful with him. It is a pleasure to behold. My friend came over as well, so that was a bonus. The only hiccup was when he was woken up by the thunder and sound of rain pouring down the gutters and did NOT want to go back to sleep. All quiet now.

    Sorry to hear of our members' money worries and health issues. Also those dealing with loss of loved ones. My DH lost his beloved partner to breast cancer and when I got it soon after we were married you can imagine how he felt! :cry: I could hardly tell him. It was almost worse than dealing with my own feelings. All I can say is Palliative Care is often brilliant these days and I have a friend from our breast cancer group who died happily and peacefully that way. Another is living much longer than anyone thought. She does a blog - Lindsey in Extra Time. I always dread mine returning and value each year I have. It makes me want to "seize the day". My friend who visited today also has secondaries and looks and feels healthy. May you, Liz, have as much time as you need with your beloved sister. My thoughts are with you.

    It is lovely to hear the sound of the rain. It has been a long time. I hope the garden at home has had a soaking.

    We may catch an art exhibition on the way home tomorrow. L S Lowry. He was a painter from the north of England who painted industrial landscapes and the famous 'matchstick men'. Largely untaught. I have membership of the gallery which runs out on Tuesday, so it might be an idea to get it under my belt while I can.

    My new friend from yoga has texted me to say she is up for a trip out to Winchester on Thursday. Lunch at Loch Fyne, which is mainly a fish restaurant. Last time I went to one of the chain I had mussels and oysters, very slimming, but I don't know about this time of year.:noway: The mussels from Shetland have just been banned as the plankton bloom has called severe levels of toxins! Hmmm!:frown: I will probably just have fish.:laugh: Anyway, , it's nice to have a local friend to go out with. I will have to collect my money from the consignment dress shop. And spend it on lunch!:laugh: Winchester, BTW, is a beautiful, historic cathedral city, which used to be the capital city of King Alfred in the 9th century. DH's books are written about that era and the first one is set in Winchester. The cathedral is amazing and I do a pretty good tour!:blushing: :bigsmile:

    Love from me in wet and cooling London, UK - Heather :heart:
  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    :smile: Good Morning Friends..New & Old;
    I haven't been on much I know....My sister had some tests done on a lump in her breast...they took 5 pieces of it...it has been bleeding since then...she found out on Thursday that it is cancer..again..and it is also inoperable too...just like the one in her lungs :cry: :cry: ...And she is to be put in Palliative care just as soon as they can start it...They told her she might be able to have radiation treatments again...they gave her 2 for her lung....At least they will be there for her when the pain gets eating her.....I pray she doesn't have to suffer before the cancer takes her....and maybe it would be better if God took her before the cancer eats her up inside....But...I want her here with us as long as possible..and I know that is sefish but I cannot face her not being here :cry: :cry:
    And... I am SO discouraged with gaining my weight back.....I lose a few lbs..then gain more lbs :embarassed: I have been able to... mostly...to keep under my score in my food diary.. at the end of the day....but it is just under.....I cannot get myself in diet mode :noway: :noway: .....I am SO discouraged with myself....my July resolutions are out the window ...

    ** Barbie you look wonderful ** Good for you!!! :smile:
    Will be back later...

    Liz fr Halifax NS

    My heart goes out for you and your sister. I have experienced 3 significant loses to cancer in the last 2 yrs. It is devastating. With God's grace she/you won't suffer but it is all in His hands. As for your weight, well I turned to exercise online and on DVDs to battle the sadness, which was a good plan. I hope you can have the strength to continue with your journey, if not, it is not the top priority right now, quality time with your sis is the #1 thing.
  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    Good day ladies - so today is my normal weigh in day, when I report to my fitness group. I am down 2.4 lbs this week, just .6 lbs away from losing 50! Okay, long way to go but heck of start I'd say :happy:

    I am happy to be here, on this thread. I get daily encouragement via facebook from the fitness group and our coach but this is just another way to stay in touch with where my journey needs to be heading. I love the positive feedback.

    Had a sort of "cheat meal" today. I wanted some Puertorrican food and had some, end of story. It was delicious but I didn't over due it at all. I am getting ready now to do my zumba. I normally do the Hip Hop Abs workouts but like to change it up a few times a week. I am feeling latina today so zumba it is!! love that salsa music.

    So I am wishing you a great day/evening...wherever you may be. See you soon.....:flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    afternoon ladies,
    I am back from work , and the party..
    Liz- so sorry to hear about your sister, I will keep both her and you in my prayers, Cancer is such an ugly, nasty thing,
    I pray that she works through it with dignity and grace..
    Well I have to say I was good and bad at the party.
    My uncle was suprised.. and his daughter flew in from florida and drove down to the party and suprised him even more...
    I did go over on the food today,,I had a grilled chicken breast, a cheeseburger -no bun, Hot dog-no bun,salad -no dressing ,
    and drank a ton of water..
    BUT what put me over the top was the boston cream cupcake.. I had one, and brought another one home:blushing: and just had that with a cup of tea..
    Ce La Vie~ will make up for it, will go for either a walk tomorrow or the gym.. have to grocery shop too. but will go by my list..
    Hope everyone's weekend is going well,:drinker:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    well here is post 500 so I am just bumping I guess!
    Liz so sorry for your news. Iam sending hugs and prayers to you and your sister.

    We have been out all day now going out for dinner with friends. More tomorrow. Take care, Meg
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Ok I can't read. We are at 450, not 500 LOL!!!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening, ladies!

    Sandy......before i forget again.........love the new pic!

    Barbie............simply amazing change

    Joyce.........glad your are feeling better and got your meds corrected

    Liz........very sorry you are so hurting; there are no words to ease what you are feeling........just know we are here and will listen and keep you in our thoughts........my hope is that your sister is at peace and with out pain

    Know I've forgotten a lot; have a pounder of a headache and have taken a med........ate poorly: Golden Corral for lunch (took a friend and her mom who is visiting from Miami; the mom's choice...... then did a short tour of some of the local horse barns) and Taco Bell for dinner; just a major case of summertime blahs, I think. Did get up very early and went to tai chi and yoga........bed will be early.

  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Headed out to Hawaii tomorrow - whoo too!!!! Unfortunately I'll need to do some work while I'm there - but I'd rather work in paradise than elsewhere.

    Liz - so sorry...my heart is aching for you and your sister.

    Barbie - amazing transformation! You look great

    Jane - congrats to your DH on his new job

    Robin - so happy to hear you so happy in your new job

    Joyce - glad you are feeling better

    Yanniejannie - hope you feel better soon

    Out of time (still need to pack)...I'm always getting ready at the last minute. Sorry I didn't respond to everyone. Not sure if I'll be checking in much or at all while I'm gone. Everyone have a great week. Jodios
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Thank you all for the compliments on my new pic, it's not easy to post pictures of myself.
    Well today was weigh in day. I lost nothing and lost no inches either. On the brighter side I didn't gain anything. Went for a nice walk with my DD today. Planned my menu and made my grocery list. It's been a good day

    Meg – I didn't know you had adopted from Russia, that is so awesome. I bet it was a challenge. I too had the same rule of trying at least everything. My DS wouldn't eat any meat whatsoever, so |I tried to hide turkey (finely chopped) in mac & cheese and they both sat there and picked every piece out. Kids!! :laugh:

    Barbie – you look wonderful, you give me hope that I can do this. I'd like to chime in and say thanks for keeping this thread going

    Mel – welcome, it's nice to meet you. I hope you come back often and post.

    Joyce – so happy to hear you are feeling better and you found the cause of your not feeling well. It must have been scary.

    Grandmallie – I'm so sorry you are struggling with your heel, it makes it so much harder to lose weight when you are in so much pain. I checked out our Y here and it was $47.00 a month, a little too much for me right now. I understand your fear about your job, I lost my job about 2 years ago and I thought I'd never make it but I did. I left it in God's hands and I am ok. I have a great job (not as much money) and enough money to pay my bills.

    Kathy – I'm with you, I think this thread and all of the wonderful new friends have kept me comming back and giving me a little more faith in myself.

    Liz – I'm so very sorry to hear about your sister. You both are in my prayers. Go easy on yourself as you travel this path with your sister.

    Helen – welcome, I'm sure you will find this a great bunch of women who are very supportive.

    Pat – I've tried everything for these migraines. I've been through all the tests and the only thing that they say is that there is a small part of my brain that isn't getting oxygen but it's nothing to worry about.
    I'm very drug sensitive so some of the medications make me sicker then the actual migraine. So I just try and treat them instead of prevent them, though I have learned some triggers so I avoid those as much as possible.

    Jodios – I hope you have a great time in Hawaii

    I'm off to bed, have a good night everyone!

    :heart: Sandy from Ontario
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thank you for all your kind words about my pictures. I posted them in response to a question about what was the trigger that started our weight loss journeys. It was also to point out the good reason for having a picture of yourself at your heaviest….it feels terrible at the time, but later the photo becomes an asset.

    :bigsmile: Jake and I worked in the yard for about two hours this morning. He took the leaf blower up on the roof and blew off the stuff that dropped from the trees. I held the ladder as he climbed up and down and was available in case he needed me and got out of the way when he blew stuff down and also got a lot of work done on my project. The dogs came out and played in the yard for awhile. Later I practiced the 12 dances we’re doing at the county fair next month. This is the first time I’ve tried dancing all of them by myself and I was happy to report that I know them well enough to dance alone. It’s easier to dance with a group because if you lose concentration and forget what you’re doing, you can get confirmation from the dancer next to you. In between I walked the dogs ---they are the most agreeable and reliable workout partners, they never let me down.

    :heart: Barbie from warm and sunny NW Washington

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Stress really and truly does affect your weight, I'm totally convinced of that. My official weigh in day is today, and I'm -- believe it or not -- 4 pounds less than before we left for the wedding.

    I did a yoga DVD today. Was going to go to the farmer's market but it's raining so hard and so much, the farmers probably won't even be there. DeeDee, Cindy, and sandshillmom - can you believe this rain???? I don't even know if the overflow pipe on the pool can handle this much.

    Joyce from IN - congrats on getting to take the Metformin out of your regime. So what is your new regime?

    DeeDee - you can make the dinner, I'll provide the dessert/s

    grandmalle - The MD that we used to go to, his office was getting bare. People would get sick and without insurance they wouldn't go to the MD. Then they started charging for things that I thought were outrageous (like Vince needs to go every month for his protine. They always used to call with the results. Suddenly, the office said he "had to see the doctor". To get the same number that they would tell him over the phone! But in this way, they could charge for an office visit. Then Vince started going for his test on days when the MD wasn't in. We finally changed doctors) I hope your office doesn't start changing for things that they didn't before. Everything will work out, that's for sure. Have a good time at the party!

    Liz in Halifax - my heart goes out to you and your sister. I can hardly imagine the pain both of you are going thru right now.

    Helen - welcome! Were you able to have the laproscopic surgery?

    Pat - what kind of Christmas cards do you make?

    Sue in SD - have a good time tomorrow. Glad to hear you can keep that sling off for longer and longer periods of time now

    subzeromambo - congrats on getting on that team!

    Joyce in IN - have fun with your granddaughters. That is so nice that your oldest daughter has that gift. Have fun at the theme park

    Well, we had a torrential rain. I guess we got about 6" of rain in a very short period of time. Vince was going to go downstairs to see if there was any problem with the septic, but it seems that we got water in the basement. I guess we must have had about an inch in my exercise room and in the storage room next to it. We have a shop vac that Vince was using, I was using just towels and trying to get the water into a bucket. Then I went to Lowe's and bought another shop vac so we could both be sucking water out of the rug at the same time. It's cleared up right now. We put down so much of the riverrock but there is just one small place where we haven't put it down. Well, you should see the way the red clay washed up. The pool is brown right now. Well, that happened last year so we know that you need to run the filter for a few days then the robotic cleaner and it'll get cleaned up.

    Jane - how sad for your friend!

    Heather - if you miss the sound of rain, just come to NC. We've got plenty (too much) !!!!

    melfitnesspal - WTG!!!!

    jodios - have a great time. And to think ---- you didn't invite me ---- hmmmfffff (LOL)

    Sandy - it isn't just kids who will pick out each and every piece of something that they "think" they don't like. Vince does it all the time -- that is, IF he can see it....lol

    Michele in NC
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Today was a lazy day…went to work this morning, then read and watered plants this afternoon. Tomorrow will be an active day, including swimming. I enjoy reading the posts on this thread…it is my “reward” after logging my food and exercise. It is encouraging to see the victories and my heart goes out to those of you experiencing difficult times.

    Liz…I am so sorry about your sister. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer almost 24 years ago, at age 49, then she was “cancer free”. A few years ago she was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, she has Chemo treatments every 3 weeks, and she continues to have a good life, although some days are not as good as others. Although I don’t know you, I think I understand some of the worry and the emotional ups and downs. My heart goes out to you and your sister, take care.

    Yanniejannie…hope your headache is gone.

    Jodios…have a wonderful time in Hawaii!!

    Heather…I would love to hear the sound of rain; it’s been in the 90’s and low 100’s for the last 2 months, luckily we have irrigation water.

    Joyce…glad you are feeling better…aren’t grandkids a delight?!!

    Subzero…a canoe trip sounds good…have fun!

    Sue in SD…Congrats on the weight loss!

    Pat…I enjoyed your "philosopher" post.

    Grandmallie…I hope things turn around at your work.

    Michele…your previous pictures of your pool are so lovely, I can imagine it would be relaxing especially with the sound of a waterfall!! Congrats on the weight loss!!

    Barbie…beautiful sweater, you look great and are an inspiration! I like your comment “act the way you want to feel”.

    Meg…always nice to read your posts…concerts, gardening and walking!



    Terri, from southern Oregon
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michelle :flowerforyou: you asked what my new regime would be. I never even thought about it. I just figured I would go along like I always have. I am going to have to talk to some one. I have 2 visits left on my Medicare covered visits with a dietician. But those have to be scheduled. So I think I am going to call the doctors office Monday and just have his nurse ask and call me back. When I was in my diabetic classes I was told that for a diabetic you should consider your fasting blood sguar to be 101 - 110. I was striving to be below 100 because doctor always told me my blood sugar was always to high even though it was 102. You see I have always kind of believed I am not a diabetic. I convinced the doctor to finally give me the diagnosis because it was 102 or so while I am n Metformin. With the diagnosis I could get my classes free.

    So if a non diabetic normal blood sugar is 10 points lower than a diabetic, when I finally got in the 90s I was actually to low then. Then when I dropped into the 80s I was really hypoglycemic. To a non diabetic 84 would not have been hypoglycemic. I don't know if I am confusing everyone or not. I know it was to my husband. So I a wondering if my doctor is not on the same page as the dietician. So I told my husband all he needed to know was that if my blood sugar ever went into the 80s that he needed to watch for certain signs and make sure I had some concentrated sugar. But since the blood sugar was 129 this morning I can no longer kid myself that I am not a diabetic.

    So a routine???? I AM going to go to the Y on Monday whether I feel I can do it or not. I will not let myself get discouraged if I can only go 1 mile. I have to realize that I am also dealing with my MS in this and have to build my tolerance back. Hopefully the added exercise will help keep the blood sugar down. Now if I can just find my blood pressure cuff and keep track f my blood pressure. I know that with being almost 40 pounds lighter I may need those medicines readjusted. And that will make me be one happy person!!!!:happy: :happy: :happy:

    My sister had breast cancer. It was some weird kind. She was so sure she wasn't going to make it so she wasn't going to go through any kind of treatment. She had already made arrangements with IU School of Medicine to donate her body to science and it would be one more thing for them to study. We convinced her to go through one treatment and if it didn't work then we were OK with her decision to stop it. So she did. I don't think she realized one treatment was going to last a full year!!!! She remembers our sister and how she did with her chemo and radiation, how she looked, the cost, the toll on the family and she died anyway. Well her family situation was different, ecxellent insurance, children out of the house and of course much better treatments. She has now been cancer free for 5 years and loves life!

    Have a good night all, Joyce, Indiana
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Jodi:smile: have a wonderful time in Hawaii, remember to wear sunscreen:glasses: !

    Sandy:smile: Maintaining is a good thing, so much better than gaining:bigsmile: ! Keep it up, I`m sure it`ll start coming off again!

    Grandmallie:smile: Sounds like you had a lovely party! Did the Dr. say anything about what the next step for your heel pain would be?

    Teri from OR:smile: Sure wish I could send you some of the rain we`ve been having, it`s rained all summer here:angry: !

    Lizplus:smile: My heart aches for you and your sister:brokenheart: :cry: . Enjoy the time you have together!

    Barbie:smile: I thought about you the other day, it was a cool 70 degrees when I took Noel out for a walk, she loved it, I needed a sweater:laugh: . Yesterday I wore long sleeves, it was around 72 degrees with rain:grumble: ! You are our line dancing queen!!!

    Joyce:smile: So glad you`re feeling better!

    Michele:smile: We had almost 6" of rain yesterday:noway: :angry: . I`m just so tired of it, gray gloomy days:sad: , I`m missing my summer weather, I`ll take the heat and the humidity over this rain any day! Congrats on the 4 pounds gone:flowerforyou: !

    It is another gray gloomy morning:cry: , we have a 50% chance of rain again today, yesterday it was only a 30% and it rained all day long:sad: . Today is my day to put on my tiara (I very rarely take it off:laugh: ), and boss my guy friends at the coffee shop, I`m feeling quite bossy today too:devil: , I think it`s the weather:tongue: . I`m wondering if I even want to wash my hair today or just throw it back in a pony tail, with this weather, it just goes flat or gets frizzy, my hair tends to surprise me, never know what mood it`s going to be in:grumble: , needless to say flat or frizzy it doesn`t look good:ohwell: . I think the pony tail will win out today!

    Have a wonderful Sunday ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee floating away in NC:frown:
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, everyone -

    DeeDee, your rain is on its way here - the day I was planning on going to an all-day outdoor concert, boo! I spent all day Saturday working in the garden, shopping, and cooking for today. My favorite cooking magazine came last week, and for once it had an entire menu (picnic foods) I wanted to try. It included a fab-sounding quinoa salad with peaches, cherry tomatoes and pickled onions, herbed green beans with feta, and for dessert a (non-diet) cardamom pound cake with tea-poached plums. Yum! Oh, well, if it rains a lot I can always make a picnic on our living-room floor. I'm flexible that way :laugh:.

    I was planning on working out this morning (to earn that pound cake) but woke up feeling very stiff. The rain showed up last night, so that probably has something to do with it - however, now that I've been up for a bit I'm feeling better, so better get after it!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend -


  • elainematto
    elainematto Posts: 28 Member
    Gorgeous! I am a gardener too