

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Joyce-I hope you're feeling better soon!

    Only have a sec, cause I'm making dinner but had to share with my MFP family-I got the job!!!:happy: More to follow later, but I'm super excited-it's a market research interviewer and I have a huge job background in that from a zillion years age, when my kids were little. Hours will work perfect when I start school

    Kathy in happy IL:drinker:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Feel SO much better after my preserves and then a good supper. I am over my calories and carbs for today but that's OK. At least I'm standing without being dizzy and able to talk coherently. I was trying to talk to the doctors nurse and it was hard for me to get my thoughts out.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    Feel SO much better after my preserves and then a good supper. I am over my calories and carbs for today but that's OK. At least I'm standing without being dizzy and able to talk coherently. I was trying to talk to the doctors nurse and it was hard for me to get my thoughts out.

    Joyce, Indiana

    So glad you're feeling better, be careful! Especially while you're changing your medication. Be well, sending positive thoughts!
  • Iwanttobeahotwife
    Ok, so I'm a newbie. My cousin told me about MFP and said it has been a great motivator for her.
    I don't have any friends on MFP so I am reaching out to ask you to be My Fitness Pals.

    Recently I turned 50 and I am heavier than I have been all my life. My food choices are good, and I do exercise regularly, but obviously I get too much of the one and too little of the other.

    I want help to stay motivated and to keep my eye on my goals: to have excellent health, to be fit and to feel attractive, to love my body and for my husband to love it too.

    I welcome stories of how you got started, what was the trigger(s), how you have succeeded, what keeps you going,... :smile:

    thank you, Friends
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    OK Atlanta, Georgia gals -- has anyone used a chimney sweep? I think I hear birdies in the chimney.

  • starling01
    starling01 Posts: 81 Member
    Gail, most chimney sweeps will not remove birds in a chimney until after the birds have left for the season (when it gets cold). There are Federal regulations about the removal of migratory birds, and although most of the birds likely to be in a chimney are not migratory birds, removing them will still probably kill them. After it gets cold and the birds aren't nesting, a sweep can remove the nests and install a bird guard to keep them out. You may be able to find a sweep to take care of them now, though. I have birds in my chimney every summer. :)

    Northern Virginia
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi gals! Beautiful weather here today, only in the mid 80s. We are supposed to have record lows (can you believe it???) for the next two nights…low 50s! We will be sleeping with windows open!

    The concert was nice last night until the lightening started then we fled! I finished my diary for yesterday this morning and did fine plus I got 7600 steps in. Today I got custom drapes (well really they are valences) in the dining room. The drapes themselves are gorgeous, but I don’t like the brackets holding them up. First they are a dark wood and all my wood trim is light (but the dark looks great with the fabric), second the brackets themselves are massive, and third they are positioned way too high above the windows. So the installer said to wait until we get our wood floor installed to see how they look, then call him and he’ll come and change whatever I want changed. We played around with them for a while to get some ideas. I worked in the garden for about 1 ½ hours, but probably half of that was sitting and watching all the birds! DH and I just got back from a nice walk.

    Janemartin: so glad to hear DH got his job! Good for him. I sure both of you are proud!

    Kevrit: haha I have done that so many times!

    Barbie: sounds like a very busy day for you!

    Sue: baby steps baby steps once again. It’ll come back for you.

    Janie: drink up! Great burn!

    Michele: it feels great to start that exercise routine again, doesn’t it?

    Molly: hope your fibro settles down and you have some good days

    Gail: wow good for you to get that extra exercise in. I remember hearing something about your weather last night on the weather channel but now I can’t remember what it was!

    Pat: get those nasty greens in any way you can! Christmas cards…OMG I can’t even think about that now. OH! Actually I did. We had our portrait taken for the church picture directory and we ordered Christmas cards! YAY now I don’t have to think about it!

    Lila: I love nothing better than coffee on the deck, except for maybe reading the paper too. Coffee and the morning paper are my favorite routine which I miss when I am working.

    Joyce: I agree with you…get to a professional for a checkup! We will be worried until we hear what you find out!

    Katla: boob pictures LOL???? We have a system like that here too. It’s great! My mammo is next week I think. I'll see about getting pics LOL

    Grandmallie: I wish there was something to ease that painful foot!

    Heather: I agree, your visitors will not be noticing any dust or things out of place. I hope you enjoy all your activities that are coming up. I am glad you have cooled off too.

    DeeDee: I really pride myself on my cooking, but recently made bread that was heavier than a brick. The kids kept it for months using it as a door stop, book holder-open, etc. It never molded or anything. I swear it was hard as a rock.

    Cindy: I often wonder how many people would make changes if they saw some really honest and realistic pictures of themselves. I used to just say “I don’t look like THAT!!!” and ignore it. Good for you to make changes.

    M: that kind of mental illness is so hard on everyone.

    Sandy: we had a rule for our kids. They had to have one spoonful of everything I made. I don’t think you know this but they were adopted from Russia at 9 and 13. They wouldn’t ever try bread here. They were extremely malnourished but so picky it was ridiculous. So I had a Russian neighbor over who translated for me (and I think added a few choice words of her own….Russians mamas are known for being tough birds) and told them they WOULD eat what I made. No problems since LOL. That was over 7 years ago and I am just now finding out what they do and don’t like. I think they were scared!

    Kathy: so glad you got the job!

    Joyce: so glad you found out what the problem is….since you have lost weigh your dose probably needed to be adjusted. Stay well now!

    Wantotbehot: welcome aboard!

    Gail: there is a company called Critter Control at least here in NE and they can remove animals that even have federal protections on them (Beth is right about that). She is also right about nesting.

    OK ladies. I need to add my gardening to the exercise column and go get rid of these huge grey streaks in my hair (what??? Me have grey:? NOooooooooooooooooo)

    Take care, Meg from pleasantly cool Omaha
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    Ok, so I'm a newbie. My cousin told me about MFP and said it has been a great motivator for her.
    I don't have any friends on MFP so I am reaching out to ask you to be My Fitness Pals.

    Recently I turned 50 and I am heavier than I have been all my life. My food choices are good, and I do exercise regularly, but obviously I get too much of the one and too little of the other.

    I want help to stay motivated and to keep my eye on my goals: to have excellent health, to be fit and to feel attractive, to love my body and for my husband to love it too.

    I welcome stories of how you got started, what was the trigger(s), how you have succeeded, what keeps you going,... :smile:

    thank you, Friends

    My “aha moment” when this photo of me in a sweater that a knit thinking I had knit it large and roomy and it was tight and l looked like a lumpy old woman in it.

    I decided to start by planning my meals for the day and sticking to the plan. Then I found MFP and began to log my food and make gradual changes to eliminate empty calories and eat nutrition dense food. Then I began to look for ways to be more active.

    Less than a year later, this is what the sweater looked like on me.

    What motivates me is to stay connected to this thread every day and log my food and exercise every day. Keep coming back to this thread and you'll be amazed at the results and you'll become part of our supportive community.

    Barbie from warm and sunny NW Washington
  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    Hi Ladies-I really enjoyed reading your posts. I too am 50+ and on my weight loss journey. I started back in Feb, to exercise 3 x a week with a super fitness group. In Mar we started a Big Loser competition, where you had to workout 5-6 days a week and well log your food daily. I accepted the challenge and eventually won! Yep, after 90 days I had loss 37 lbs, that was 1 June. Now it is 26 July and I have lost only an additional 10 lbs despite the fact that I am still working out faithfully 6 days a week and eating right, still logging daily. So I am guessing this is the dreaded "plateau". I am changing things up, trying new workouts to trick my body etc. but well, hopefully I will finally reach that -50lb mark soon.
    I am going on vacation with my sis at the end of Aug. We will be visiting our family, that we haven't seen since Aug 2006, and many lbs (less) ago. So...I want to lose 10 more lbs by then to be where I was back then. I am really in much better shape now even if the scale is not as kind. I feel wonderful, well aside from a little pain in my right knee (new) which I probably from too much cardio.
    So ladies...it is very nice to meet you all and I hope I can be of support for you.

    Mel in the Central East Coast, USA
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    OK, this is really really weird. I snuck on the scale today (tomorrow is my official weigh in) and the scale says that I weigh LESS than before I left. Must be somthing wrong with the scale because I sure don't feel like I'm weighing any less.

    Going to drop our aluminum off at the Humane Society and then off to the deep water class. Tomorrow is yoga.

    Molly - sure hope you feel better fast.

    Gail - good for you going to the Y rather than work. Which is more important anyway, you or work?

    Pat - we really haven't cleaned the pool since we got back, it's been raining so much. We're talking about doing some work behind the equipment pad today so after the Y I'll come right home. It's not supposed to be as humid, either.

    Lila - ohhhh...a new fridge. What kind are you getting?

    joyce - please let us know how things are going. I'm concerned for you. You don't have to be a nurse to know that losing 6 pounds and 10 inches in a month means something is wrong. Hope you find out what.

    katla - have a great time. Honestly, I'd never heard of MyHealth but it sure sounds wonderful!

    grandmalle - would doing exercises in the deep water of the pool help you? That would be zero pressure on your heel but you'd still be working

    DeeDee - you dinner sounds wonderful! And you didn't invite me????? Hmmmmfffff..... (SMILE)

    Sandy - I usually plan my meals for the upcoming week and do the cooking on Sun (sometimes Sat), then just heat up the leftovers.

    Lucy in DE - did you have to go to jury dty every day? When I was called, I just had to go on Monday and then call every night to see if I was needed the next day. How nice of you to help your friend out with the jewelry party that way!

    Joyce in IN - you're getting me concerned, now

    iwanttobeahot - welcome to a great group. You'll get lots of inspriation here. Keep logging in. I guess for me the trigger was a picture that was taken of the backside of me when my first daughter had her prom. I was so WIDE. I find that logging EVERYTHING, even nibbles, helps me so much to stay on the right path.

    Beth - thanks for the advice to Gail. I never had birds in my chinmeny, so I never knew that chimneysweeps wouldn't clean out your chimney until the birds stopped nesting. Interesting fact

    Meg - I think that when they installed the drapery rod in our bedroom they installed it a bit too high. But that I'm living with. Maybe the woman had custom drapes, but I doubt it

    barbie - never in a million years would I have thought that was you! What a change in you over that year! You look fantastic!

    Mel - welcome! You sound so determined. You're doing everything that you can, your body just needs to respond.

    Well, tomorrow I'm going to take the plunge. Gee, wish it was in the pool:). Anyway, I'm going to weigh myself. As you know, I was scared to when we first got back, but I need to, can't keep putting this off. So tomorrow's the day!

    We did work outside a bit today, but only for about 2-1/2 hrs. Vince wanted to put landscape fabric over some of the drainage pipes, he dug the trench for landscape lighting in case we ever need it along one fence. I personally don't think we'll need it. I also dug a trench for an extension of one of the drainage pipes. But after the 2-1/2 hrs he said that he was tired and wanted to stop, that he didn't want to jeaopardize his health. I didn't want him to, either. So we stopped working but I went into the pool for an hour. It's just so so relaxing floating while the waterfall is on. If I hadn't had my timer on, I probably would have just laid out there for hours on end.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I have finished my days calories and feel really good. Up until tonight I would still feel an empty pit in my stomach. maybe I should have called my doctor before today to let him know my blood sugar has been normal for about 6 weeks and he would have cut back my Metformin. But today was scary. i had never experienced any kind of hypoglicemaia before so i guess I really didn't know what to expect. I was thinking I would be all cold and clammy like the reactions we had in the hospital. So I know now how MINE feels. Just like when my husband had his heart attack and I didn't believe him because it wasn't typical at all. Since I wasn't thinking real clearly today I need to make sure that my husband knows what to do. It felt so good taking that Metformin out of my pill keeper this evening. A big step towards independence!!! WOW!!!!!!:smile::smile: :smile: :smile:

    So, how is everyone today? I feel like I have been rather self centered today. My kids are coming next week!!!!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    morning chica's,
    Barbie -- you look amazing!!!!good for you..
    well I am sorta peeved.. I am trying not killing myself,but hard, and I know the weight isn't coming off as fast as I want. I am back up at 160 and holding, and believe me I am drinking my 24 oz tervis full of water 3 or 4 a day plus warm lemon water in the morning 16 oz,and a cup of tea 16 oz, and sometimes but not all the time yogi detox tea 16 oz.
    I know I havent been getting the green vegetables in that I need and have to get more veggies. will have time at work today to go over the grocery list...
    processed food is a downfall I guess,will try and be better. I have to look into going to the Y just for the pool, but it is like 400,00 a year.. dont have silver sneakers or any discounts, already checked with my insurance...
    The girls and I at work, are kinda getting scared..the dental buisness at least our office,isnt staying full,people are canceling, or just not making appts. with holes in the schedule,we are getting emails and calls from creditors looking to get payed.. our financial courdinator only works 3 days a week.We are getting worried that we are headed for unemployment. and I would be the first to go..
    they have already cut my hours,and I am a floater, so I assist, I can do front desk,I do the lab,ordering, laundry, even fill the hummingbird feeders.
    I am putting it in Gods hands,Something has always worked out,but it still makes me nervous..
    have to go hop in the shower and get ready for work, then taking my dad and going to my uncles 80 birthday bash at a beach, will have to watch what I eat, and will bring my water of course..the DH and his buddy are going up to Saratoga to the horse race track today so hope they have a good time too.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Joyce:smile: So glad you`re doing okay now:flowerforyou: ! Congrats for getting to cut down on your meds:bigsmile: !

    Michele:smile: You can come to dinner anytime:happy: , I tell my friends who decide they want to come over they are very brave:laugh: . I can cook fish pretty good though:tongue: , however making a homemade dessert:noway: , I would really embarrass:embarassed: myself:tongue: . Floating in the pool sounds wonderful:glasses: !!! Congrats on your weight being down, maybe you just needed a break and your vacation did the trick!

    Barbie:smile: You look fantastic:flowerforyou: !!!

    Grandmallie:smile: Seems like a lot of Dr. offices are a little bare these day. I stopped by my dermatologist office yesterday to make an appt. for a rash I developed and no patients were there at all, Dr. saw me while I was there:happy: , good for me, probably not so good for her though. Maybe it`s just slow because of summertime and people being on vacation before school starts. Have fun at the birthday bash!

    Welcome to everyone new! Come in often and chat away with us!

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in overcast likely to be raining soon NC:frown:
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    I'm not good about posting,but do read most of the posts.Congrats to all the "losers" & good thoughts to those who are having problems.My weight tracker never seems to move as I only get on the scales every 2 wks.

    Years ago,I used the scales to say I hadn't lost,might as well eat/or,I lost,so now I can eat.How lame is that? Age has brought a bit of wisdom.The scales are no longer the boss.

    Water aerobics 4 times a wk & some walking helps.Have to be careful ,have several implants.

    Loving the weather this wk,so much cooler.Will be ready for Fall,I'm so much NOT a summer person.Patceoh
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Barbie, you look amazing! I just to say thanks again for keeping us going very month! I never could have come as far as I have without this thread and all of you lovely ladies!!! :flowerforyou: I never was consistent about logging or planning meals out ahead of time before coming here and getting lots of tips and advice! Even now, I strayed for a few weeks but am back in full swing. If I didn't have this thread to keep coming back too, I probably would permanently fall back into old habits.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

    Kathy in very chilly IL (it's supposed to be record cold here for July) but that's ok :smile:
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Barbie you look amazing and so does your sweater good work!
    Thanks again for keeping us going so we can all achieve your results someday!

    So glad to hear some of you are feeling better, and thoughts and prayers going to those of you who are still not well.
    Congrats to all the loosers yay for you!
    Welcome to all who are new.
    Cooler here this week so getting my garden back from the weeds, good workout
    Hope everyone has a good weekend and take care

    Juanita in sudbury
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    :smile: Good Morning Friends..New & Old;
    I haven't been on much I know....My sister had some tests done on a lump in her breast...they took 5 pieces of it...it has been bleeding since then...she found out on Thursday that it is cancer..again..and it is also inoperable too...just like the one in her lungs :cry: :cry: ...And she is to be put in Palliative care just as soon as they can start it...They told her she might be able to have radiation treatments again...they gave her 2 for her lung....At least they will be there for her when the pain gets eating her.....I pray she doesn't have to suffer before the cancer takes her....and maybe it would be better if God took her before the cancer eats her up inside....But...I want her here with us as long as possible..and I know that is sefish but I cannot face her not being here :cry: :cry:
    And... I am SO discouraged with gaining my weight back.....I lose a few lbs..then gain more lbs :embarassed: I have been able to... mostly...to keep under my score in my food diary.. at the end of the day....but it is just under.....I cannot get myself in diet mode :noway: :noway: .....I am SO discouraged with myself....my July resolutions are out the window ...

    ** Barbie you look wonderful ** Good for you!!! :smile:
    Will be back later...

    Liz fr Halifax NS
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Lizaplus my heart goes out to you I also lost my sister to breast/lung cancer and it was the most stressful time, feeling so helpless was the worst. I understand the wanting her with you but wanting the pain and distress to end, enjoy your time with her my sister and I relived many old memories during her last days and it was a comfort to us both. Thoughts and Prayers are with you both.

    Juanita in sudbury
  • yellowsnowdrop
    yellowsnowdrop Posts: 154 Member
    I'm fairly new on the forums so a BIG shout out to everyone from a sunny and warm North Eastern England. I strted my journey in February this year but have had a couple of setbacks whilst plodding on. I had emergency Gall bladder surgery some 7 weeks ago now and TOTALLY lost focus, I have since joined a gym and work out 3 x a week and walk every day probably 4-5 miles.
    I have back problems which sometimes leave me in quite a bit of pain and despite my determination NOT to let my back rule my life sadly sometimes it does.
    I just want to stay motivated to do this and finish what I started, still got a way to go but heck, in the grand scheme of things, small steps are just that, steps and in the right direction.

    I'm Helen, I'm 54 and I still need to loose about 28lbs.
    My hugs to all out there, have a happy weekend.
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Happy Saturday, Ladies! Boy, this has been a strange week for me. All I have wanted to do is hibernate, read and sleep some more! I don't want to talk to people, I don't want to exercise, I don't want to play in my craft room, I just don't Want To! Hope I get out of this phase soon.
    I am starting to read the posts from July 25th, this could take a while!

    Joyce- I am worried about you, too. I think a call to the doctor is in order. That is too much weight to lose too fast. Take care.
    - I am happy that you got ahold of the Dr. and that decreasing the meds has helped. Take care!

    Grandmallie- Oh, that foot! I just read the post about losing business at work. I understand that fear, but it truly is in God's hands. I also understand why dentists are losing business, and they can just blame the high costs for that. The school insurance policies were wonderful about giving us dental coverage until about 6 years ago. Then they increased the price for families, and then they increased the price for singles, and now it is not even given as an optional benefit for retirees. It is really sad that our medical/health care system is all being driven by the insurance companies. Sorry, about this, I will put away my soap box now.

    DeeDee- Sounds like you had a wonderful dinner and visit w/ the family. The chicken sounds yummy.

    Sandy- Everytime I see that cute picture, I smile! I just wish you could get rid of those headaches. Does meditation help?

    Kathy- Good thing you looked before you opened the door for the racoon! They can be mean and destructive!
    I am glad all of your tests came back normal, but what caused the chest and leg pains?

    Iwanttobeahot..- You will find lots of friends here. Welcome!

    Meg- I make Christmas cards for people who will appreciate them, and I need about 45 or 50, so I have to start early! I am sort of slow about it. (short attention span, I guess!)

    Barbiecat- Those are wonderful pictures! You have done a great job of making that sweater fit!

    Mel- Welcome! You have already achieved amazing weight loss, congratulations!

    Michele- 2 1/2 hours outside sounds like a whole lot of work to me! Wow!

    Liz- You have much more to worry about than the scale. I am so sorry that your sister has to suffer through this. Prayers for peace and healing for her, and strength for you. Take care of yourself.

    Helen- Welcome! You will find lots of ladies here willing to help motivate you!

    Wow! That was a lot of reading! It is so sad that so many are struggling with health, finance, and personal issues. I know all of those things affect why or how we lose/gain weight. It almost sounds trivial to say that the weight is at all important when one is dealing w/ something like cancer or job loss or family distress, but it does matter. I think that our weight or our perceived weight issues often color our thinking so much that we can not deal with the other issues in a rational manner, either. I know that when I am at my emotional lowest over my weight, then I do not respond to the world around me. My mind becomes fixated on just that issue and uses it to avoid the other issues in my life. I do not know anymore if the other issues trigger the weight issues or if the weight issues sometimes trigger the other issues, but I do know that they are all enmeshed. If I can, somehow, manage my weight issues or eating issues in a rational manner, then I seem to be able to manage the rest of my world more rationally, too. Now, having said all of this, I may have just convinced you that I am a total fool, but, I think this may be true for others, too.

    Ok- now I am done playing philosopher, I will go off and try to be effecient today. I need to get a hair cut and pick up more kitty litter!!!!! Oh, I hate toxic waste duty!

    Have a wonderful day!