Can't lose anything thanks to Depo Provera!!!



  • MLgarcia3
    MLgarcia3 Posts: 503
    When I was on that, my doctors actually told me it in and of itself won't make you gain weight, at least not any more than any other birth control. It actually just increases your appetite which leads to over-eating and that's what causes the gain.

    This is what I was told too.. I got it right around the time I started on MFP and still lost all the weight I set out to lose.
    But it made me bleed for months so I switched to Yasmin and love it.
  • Selunca
    Selunca Posts: 208 Member
    To the people telling her that BC doesn't make you gain/stay stagnant - every body is different and reacts differently to different hormones and drugs. So buzz off.

    I have no issues losing weight on my previous birth control, but due to complications with my c-section I had to change. Three months ago. I haven't lost 1 lb since then and I've been doing everything right. My OBGYN said high estrogen pills CAN effect weight loss, no matter how hard you try.

    I start the switch to a new one at the end of this week and am guessing I will start to lose again.
  • bellamia88
    bellamia88 Posts: 149 Member
    I have been on the pill for a few months now and I noticed that I am hungrier than normal. I went on it to regulate my periods but I think once I get back from my vacation in a month I am going to stop taking it. I feel as if I have gained some weight but then again I have been lazy lately so it could be a combination of both. I seem to hear more horror stories about the shot than any other method of birth control.
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    Options ain't worth it.......:grumble:
  • shadowkat57
    shadowkat57 Posts: 151 Member
    The greatest irony of Depo Provera? This is the drug used to chemically castrate males. Can you guess what one of the side effects is listed as? Oh you know it...weight gain due to hormonal changes.

    I cannot bring myself to believe that a drug that is given to men to basically change their personality into a submissive non-sexual creature is just fine and dandy for women.

    Regardless the irreversible bone loss side effect seems a hell of allot more concerning then the weight issue.

    Those silly fitness experts keep recommending that I consume the same chemical they use for WATERBOARDING at GITMO.

    I cannot bring myself to believe that a chemical applied to prisoners for the express purpose of torturing them is just fine and dandy for me to consume on a daily basis.

    High five for awesome!
  • tamikawoodson
    tamikawoodson Posts: 185 Member
    I'm on Depo and have been for quite some time. In my many attempts to lose weight with different diets, I did lose weight. I have lost over 30 pounds so far while on Depo. I'm walking 5-6 times a day, watching my portions, carbs and calories.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Oh, we're still at this? It appears even OP has abandoned the post.

    rml_16: Okay, we get it. You hate the shot. Noted. Now, can we move on? Continuing to argue with an actual OB is kinda silly.

    Bottom line: EVERY SINGLE BC METHOD OUT THERE HAS HORRIBLE REVIEWS. Go ahead, google any brand. There are a million reviews on pretty much every known brand of BC out there, and most of those you will find will be negative. If we were to listen to all the reviews online, I'd never take any form of BC. As Spinderella (and a number of others) have said, each method affects each woman differently, which is why it is up to the patient and their doctor to determine which is best, lots of times (unfortunately) through trial and error - because each woman's response varies so greatly to any given method/brand.

    So, having said all of that, I still don't think it was solely the depo that caused the weight gain. I still stand by the fact that OP isn't eating enough - or, since she never opened her diary, maybe she's not logging accurately and is eating more than she thinks? Who knows. But I don't think she (or any woman for that matter) can place all blame solely on their choice of BC. Take a look at your eating/exercise habits and be honest with yourself - and if nothing has honestly changed, then take a trip to the doc.

    I didn't abandon my post, I have a job. Also, I am logging accurately and I think you are rude and have reported your post.

    Hiyay whilst you wait for the depo to come out of your system are you considering taking up helloitsdan's offer of running some numbers for you. see if it will help a little? cant hurt.
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    Oh, we're still at this? It appears even OP has abandoned the post.

    rml_16: Okay, we get it. You hate the shot. Noted. Now, can we move on? Continuing to argue with an actual OB is kinda silly.

    Bottom line: EVERY SINGLE BC METHOD OUT THERE HAS HORRIBLE REVIEWS. Go ahead, google any brand. There are a million reviews on pretty much every known brand of BC out there, and most of those you will find will be negative. If we were to listen to all the reviews online, I'd never take any form of BC. As Spinderella (and a number of others) have said, each method affects each woman differently, which is why it is up to the patient and their doctor to determine which is best, lots of times (unfortunately) through trial and error - because each woman's response varies so greatly to any given method/brand.

    So, having said all of that, I still don't think it was solely the depo that caused the weight gain. I still stand by the fact that OP isn't eating enough - or, since she never opened her diary, maybe she's not logging accurately and is eating more than she thinks? Who knows. But I don't think she (or any woman for that matter) can place all blame solely on their choice of BC. Take a look at your eating/exercise habits and be honest with yourself - and if nothing has honestly changed, then take a trip to the doc.

    I didn't abandon my post, I have a job. Also, I am logging accurately and I think you are rude and have reported your post.

    I'm sorry that you find my post "rude" for asking some simple questions, and pointing out that your failure to lose weight might not be solely to blame on the depo. But if you're not willing to be open to other possiblities, or to try other solutions that I (and a few others have suggested) then I guess that's your loss.

    FWIW: You really should have helloitsdan run your numbers. I still think you're not eating enough to support your level of activity, and speaking from experience, this absolutely can cause your weight loss to stall. And that's not me being rude, that's actually me trying to help and offer you a solution. I'm sorry that you find the truth (or anything other than what you want to hear) to be "rude". Best of luck on your journey.
  • tsdaughe
    tsdaughe Posts: 88
    Honestly it really depends on the person. Depo is awful. My GYN wouldn't put anyone on it and only if they had tried everything else because she said the weight gain and problems she had with her patients were not worth it. I have a friend who was on it so long and got pregnant while on it. It caused alot of pregnancy problems leading to a premature baby. The doctors told her too that in their practice they only use Depo as a last resort. I am one of those people that just cannot take birth control. The ONLY one that worked for me was the nuva ring. Even Mirena caused urinary retention, anxiety, hair loss, etc. Other birth control caused low sex drive, weight gain, horrible mood swings.

    I see you said you are working with a nutritionist. Is this person licensed or certified? Because 1100 calories and then exercise is very low. I know my body will hold onto everything when I am not getting enough calories and when I take a week break and eat whatever, I drop 6 lbs. So, if you haven't already, I would invest in a HRM for better assessment of calories burned and if your not already, at least eat back some of your exercise calories. 1100 calories is very low especially for women and your body will hold onto everything to protect itself. You need more calories then that just to fuel your heart, lungs, etc. Talk to your nutritionist or get a new one.

    Don't give up and keep up the good work.
  • laurawilfong
    I recently found this old post on myfitnesspal message board! Thanks for your encouragement, Everyone!
  • bigcrystal123
    bigcrystal123 Posts: 246 Member
    I have been on depo since april of 2011 and i started my weight loss journey on feb of this year and i have lost 19 pounds so far.yea i did gain weight from the shot but it wasnt completely the shot.the shot makes u hungry so that makes u eat more thats wat cause the weight gain.but weight gain is a side effect.basically every birth control will tell u weight gain is a side effect
  • laurawilfong
    I was on the depo for over a year. It was what caused my initial weight gain to begin with. It is one of the worst birth controls out there. Plus I only had my period once when I was on it. And it may cause other serious health issues. I would switch to something else if i were you. I did. I switched to the ortho evra patch and loved it.
    So my opinion is that the depo is making you not lose, but this is just my opinion. Good luck and hope all goes better!

    You're not SUPPOSED to have a period on it. That's how it WORKS. Heavy periods or spotting the first few months, then months to years of NO periods.

    That actually a SELLING point for many women.................

    I had no problem with not having periods, it's the fact that I'm basically infertile now that I don't like....
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    When I was on that, my doctors actually told me it in and of itself won't make you gain weight, at least not any more than any other birth control. It actually just increases your appetite which leads to over-eating and that's what causes the gain.

    ^^^That. If the cravings are too much for you and you've been even slightly over-eating, it might be time to switch your birth control. But don't blame Depo - it doesn't directly cause any excessive weight gain.

    You can also try upping or downing your calories - a lot of people have success after playing with the numbers a little. Good luck.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    My advice? Just stop having sex, or just date women.

    :drinker: :bigsmile: This made me LoL.

    Me too...I was on depo for years and managed to get to my "best" weight since giving birth at 165 (I am 5ft 7) so it can be done...45mins of cardio 4 days 1 day off 3 days 1 day I use Mirena (IUD with hormones) and still can loose weight. It can be done just have to work hard.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I was on the depo for over a year. It was what caused my initial weight gain to begin with. It is one of the worst birth controls out there. Plus I only had my period once when I was on it. And it may cause other serious health issues. I would switch to something else if i were you. I did. I switched to the ortho evra patch and loved it.
    So my opinion is that the depo is making you not lose, but this is just my opinion. Good luck and hope all goes better!

    You're not SUPPOSED to have a period on it. That's how it WORKS. Heavy periods or spotting the first few months, then months to years of NO periods.

    That actually a SELLING point for many women.................

    I had no problem with not having periods, it's the fact that I'm basically infertile now that I don't like....

    Isn't that the point of birth control? To make you temporarily infertal so you do not get knocked up? Birth control. Name kinda says it all.
  • tanyagarneau
    Thank god for this. I am only 19 years old. I have been on depo on and off for about 4 years because I get insane migraines and I dont have many options for b.c. I have been wondering forever why I keep gaining weight. I now know it's the birthcontrol my doctor finally told me that is causes 5-10 pound weight gain A SHOT. I was literally 192 a week ago, got my shot and now im 198. So frusterated.
  • SlimJanette
    SlimJanette Posts: 597 Member
    I've heard that about depo :\ I hate BC sooo much. I'm on it myself only b/c 3 is our max kids and I'm not getting pregnant again lol..I can't wait to be birth control free some day.
    Tubal or vasectomy?

    ^^ I agree, then you are free!
  • meadowsmummy
    meadowsmummy Posts: 108
    i have lost 28 pounds in the last 19 weeks while on Depo and i get my injection every 10 weeks. Just sayin'
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    I have a friend that went on depo and gained 75lbs!!!! She has been off of it for years now (5+) and still has yet to lose the weight that she gained.

    All doctors that I've talked to will tell you that weight gain is a side effect of all bc meds. Which is ONE of the reasons that I refuse to take any of it. My OB/GYN has been trying to get me on that *kitten* for years and I still refuse!
  • meadowsmummy
    meadowsmummy Posts: 108
    5-10 pounds a shot....thats ridiculous i think you need a new dr.
    Mirena has the same hormones as depo-maybe it would be an option for you