July Cycling Challenge 2013



  • spdoman7
    spdoman7 Posts: 121 Member
    7/4...31 miles @ 19.8 mph...1,541 calories burned
    7/6...41 miles @ 19.9 mph...2,123 calories burned
    7/7...39 miles @ 19.8 mph...1,887 calories burned
    7/9...32 miles @ 20.0 mph...1,488 calories burned
    7/11...19 miles @ 145 hr...1,502 calories burned (MTB)
    7/12...13.5 miles @ 143 hr...952 calories burned (MTB)
    7/14...51.75 miles @ 19.7 mph...2,639 calories burned
    7/18...13.5 miles @ 141 hr...964 calories burned MTB)
    7/21...62.5 miles @ 18.7 mph(easy group)...2,838 calories burned

    Total...303.25 miles
    Remaining...196.75 miles
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    7/1 - 5 miles outside.
    7/2 - 5 miles outside.
    7/3 - Rest day.
    7/4 - 0
    7/5 - 3 miles stationary.
    7/6 - 5 miles outside, where it was only 77 degrees and cloudy.
    7/7 - 3.2 miles stationary.
    7/8 - 3 miles outside.
    7/9 - 0
    7/10 - 5 miles outside after a storm.
    7/11 - 5.2 miles outside. I was bitten by a dog on today's ride. Not bad, but I had to pedal really hard when two dogs came after me. Cleaned it with isopropyl alcohol and I should be fine. One of the dogs on my old bike route was killed today because it bit somebody (I had to change routes because two dogs kept trying to bite me). We have leash laws, but people don't seem to care.
    7/12 - 0
    7/13 - 5.6 miles outside.
    7/14 - 5 miles outside in between the downpours.
    7/15 - 4 miles outside. Half way through the month and just not quite half way to my goal.
    7/16 - 6 miles outside.
    7/17 - 0
    7/18 - 7 miles outside.
    7/19 - 7 miles outside.
    7/20 - 7 miles outside for the third day in a row. Woot. But unlike the other two days, today was during the heat of the day. Not good for me. Dusk is much better.
    7/21 - 2 miles outside. Short ride since it was already dark out and I mowed too.

    MTD 78 miles.
    Goal is 100 miles.
    Remaining is 22 miles.
  • FruityLoops
    FruityLoops Posts: 138 Member
    July 1 - 5.34 miles (road)
    July 3 - 4.79 miles (road)
    July 6 - 12 miles (off-road)
    July 8 - 5.52 miles (road)
    July 9 - 5.52 miles (road)
    July 10 - 5.52 miles (road)
    July 11 - 3.85 miles (stationary recumbent)
    July 12 - 5.76 miles (road)
    July 13 - 6.61 miles (road)
    July 14 - 5.59 miles (road)
    July 16 - 5.19 miles (road)
    July 17 - 5.52 miles (road)
    July 18 - 2.49 miles (stationary recumbent)
    July 19 - 6.53 miles (road)
    July 22 - 5.52 miles (road)

    MTD: 85.75 miles
    Remaining: 14.25 miles
  • grahamsimmons
    Hi guys, first post here on MyFitnessPal

    I'm just about on track for my July cycling goal (1000mi/1680km), but it's starting to slip from me.

    I did however just get a new bike on Saturday which is likely to boost my mileage! Half the weight of my old steel bike at 6.6 kilos, so it's difficult to concentrate on distance when I want to tackle climbs! Still, it must be done.

    1233km down, 447 to go!

  • jxspxr
    jxspxr Posts: 150
    I'll join in!

    I will repair my mountain bike today, my plan for the week:

    Monday July 22: 10 miles (will go walking somewhere 5 miles from here)
    Thursday July 25: 20 miles or so (will do a MTB track with a friend! It's been months since I did that!)

    That's it for now. Got a big deadline for my study, so I give that priority over more cycling. My target for August will be 125 miles (200 kilometres).

  • jxspxr
    jxspxr Posts: 150
    Hi guys, first post here on MyFitnessPal

    I'm just about on track for my July cycling goal (1000mi/1680km), but it's starting to slip from me.

    I did however just get a new bike on Saturday which is likely to boost my mileage! Half the weight of my old steel bike at 6.6 kilos, so it's difficult to concentrate on distance when I want to tackle climbs! Still, it must be done.

    1233km down, 447 to go!


    Respect! That's a huge target, but it looks like you will make it! :D
  • grahamsimmons
    Hi guys, first post here on MyFitnessPal

    I'm just about on track for my July cycling goal (1000mi/1680km), but it's starting to slip from me.

    I did however just get a new bike on Saturday which is likely to boost my mileage! Half the weight of my old steel bike at 6.6 kilos, so it's difficult to concentrate on distance when I want to tackle climbs! Still, it must be done.

    1233km down, 447 to go!


    Respect! That's a huge target, but it looks like you will make it! :D

    Cheers! 30 miles per day for the next 9 days ought to do it. Just hope it doesn't rain so I can stay on the carbon wheels!

    Good luck to all!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Just found this thread, I love biking have been doing it for almost a year now. I try to get out every evening and do a minimum of 10 miles per day always trying to push myself to go further. My problem is that I live in Florida and it's the rainy season so getting out is hard. Well since this month is almost over I hope I catch the next challenge I would love to join if one is done for August. Good luck to all and have fun!!!

    Please feel free to post as much as you want in the remainder of July. I will definately be putting up another thread in August and will add a link in this thread when I do.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I ended up having to take the weekend off of cycling and everything else. I blacked out on my ride thursday. Thankfully, I was off taking a break when it happened. After sitting for half an hour waiting for the dizziness to pass, I gave up in defeat and called my husband to come get me. Since then, I've had a little trouble getting my blood pressure back up. I think that I've had more powerade and sodium in the last 2 days than I have had in my whole life.

    This morning, after my husband went to work, I snuck out and went for a ride. I kept it short, since I know he'll be grumpy with me.
    6.2 miles

  • cheeky0122
    cheeky0122 Posts: 38 Member
    Love this thread! I am so happy I found it (and that I'm back on myfitnesspal after a hiatus). I guess I'll tell you all a little about my riding background; My boyfriend bought me a Cannondale road bike for my birthday last December, but as I am a fair weather rider and didn't have any winter gear I waited until Spring to ride...still wasn't riding much. Recently I have been feeling really inspired to get in the saddle and train! I'm going to try and average between 70 and 90 miles a week if I can for this month. I have a Garmin Connect account if anyone is interested in connecting with me, let me know and I will give you my username! Happy trails (:
  • cheeky0122
    cheeky0122 Posts: 38 Member
    Hey there! Doesn't matter if the going is slow as long as you're going (: Somedays my average speed is only around 8mph, and somedays its up around 14mph..all depends!

    Edit: Whoops, this was supposed to be in reply to this comment:

    "I've just started biking. My longest trek has been 14 miles. How long does it take to do your two different rides. I'm pretty slow, it takes me 50 minutes to go 10.5 miles."
  • grahamsimmons
    Laid down another 34 miles on a quick detour home from work, so by the time I've got to work tomorrow I'll have passed 1300 kilometers for the month! :)
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    Laid down another 34 miles on a quick detour home from work, so by the time I've got to work tomorrow I'll have passed 1300 kilometers for the month! :)

    LAWDY! My quick detour home from work turns my 6.5 mile ride into a 10.5 miler. Anyways... It's been sooo hot here. I took a 10 day or so break early in the month but right now I've logged 82 miles I hope to ride another 70 before August. Weather & time permitting...
  • reggiepe
    reggiepe Posts: 146 Member
    7/1 - 9.09 miles
    7/2 - 8.48 miles
    7/3 - 5.95 miles
    7/4 - 0.00 miles
    7/5 - 5.96 miles
    7/6 - 3.70 miles
    7/7 - 0.00 miles
    7/8 - 8.87 miles
    7/9 - 6.95 miles
    7/10 - 7.41 miles
    7/11 - 6.94 miles
    7/12 - 6.20 miles
    7/13 - 0.00 miles
    7/14 - 10.07 miles
    7/15 - 6.12 miles
    7/16 - 7.01 miles
    7/17 - 10.45 miles
    7/18 - 6.31 miles
    7/19 - 6.96 miles
    7/20 - 0.00 miles
    7/21 - 6.88 miles
    7/22 - 6.96 miles

    Goal - 200 miles
    MTD - 130.31 miles
  • autumnlily31185
    autumnlily31185 Posts: 279 Member
    July goal 50 miles all stationary

    7/4- 4.5 miles (20 mins)
    7/9- 7.5 miles (32 mins)
    7/12- 4.3 miles (18 mins)
    7/14- 6.5 miles (30 mins)
    7/22- 11 miles (50 mins) Bike is fixed yay =)

  • autumnlily31185
    autumnlily31185 Posts: 279 Member
    I ended up having to take the weekend off of cycling and everything else. I blacked out on my ride thursday. Thankfully, I was off taking a break when it happened. After sitting for half an hour waiting for the dizziness to pass, I gave up in defeat and called my husband to come get me. Since then, I've had a little trouble getting my blood pressure back up. I think that I've had more powerade and sodium in the last 2 days than I have had in my whole life.

    This morning, after my husband went to work, I snuck out and went for a ride. I kept it short, since I know he'll be grumpy with me.
    6.2 miles


    Not good =( Hope you are doing better. Try not to overdue it if your body is telling you to take a break
  • Ekboriqua
    Ekboriqua Posts: 43 Member
    Hello everyone had to share this one. Went on my bike run today, beautiful Florida afternoon for a bike run. Well here I was pedaling away when I hear a funny sounding motor come up behind me, which I thought to be a scooter or moped. I came to a stop light and the sound got louder next thing I see what was making that noise, it was not a scooter or a moped but a bike with a motor on it. I had to stop and laugh then yell out cheater. Got back on my bike and kept on going shaking my head. What will they come up with next.

    I must say though it pushed me to do my personal best rode for 1hr 30mn and did 14 miles. Also saw the most beautiful full moon as I was coming home, it was simply breath taking.
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    ^^^ Funny. I think I need a motor on my bike. :smile: And, yeah, the moon has been breath-taking the last two nights. Really cool here because it's been kind of cloudy so you see the clouds drifting past the moon. I confess to going outside sometimes at 3am just to look at the sky.
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    7/1 - 5 miles outside.
    7/2 - 5 miles outside.
    7/3 - Rest day.
    7/4 - 0
    7/5 - 3 miles stationary.
    7/6 - 5 miles outside, where it was only 77 degrees and cloudy.
    7/7 - 3.2 miles stationary.
    7/8 - 3 miles outside.
    7/9 - 0
    7/10 - 5 miles outside after a storm.
    7/11 - 5.2 miles outside. I was bitten by a dog on today's ride. Not bad, but I had to pedal really hard when two dogs came after me. Cleaned it with isopropyl alcohol and I should be fine. One of the dogs on my old bike route was killed today because it bit somebody (I had to change routes because two dogs kept trying to bite me). We have leash laws, but people don't seem to care.
    7/12 - 0
    7/13 - 5.6 miles outside.
    7/14 - 5 miles outside in between the downpours.
    7/15 - 4 miles outside. Half way through the month and just not quite half way to my goal.
    7/16 - 6 miles outside.
    7/17 - 0
    7/18 - 7 miles outside.
    7/19 - 7 miles outside.
    7/20 - 7 miles outside for the third day in a row. Woot. But unlike the other two days, today was during the heat of the day. Not good for me. Dusk is much better.
    7/21 - 2 miles outside. Short ride since it was already dark out and I mowed too.
    7/22 - 0

    MTD 78 miles.
    Goal is 100 miles.
    Remaining is 22 miles.
  • grahamsimmons
    This mileage is taking it's toll on my body. All aches and pains at the minute... still managing to crack a few personal bests though! There's a category 4 climb only 15 miles from work so I headed on up it on the way home last night - 3km at an average grade of about 8%! The new bike felt fast as hell on the way up which was nice!

    Only problem I'm having is that I keep coming in around a thousand calories down on what I should be eating to sustain my weight, despite necking a pint of milkshake after each ride!

    1,304km down, 376 to go! Not long left now!