Men, what do you REALLY think of girls w/ stretch marks?



  • stephenszymanski
    stephenszymanski Posts: 114 Member
    I have stretch marks on my stomach and my biceps. Why would I care if a woman has them? They are apart of life, unless you're an alien.
  • dctexas65
    dctexas65 Posts: 22 Member
    48 here, 4 kids...way too many stretch marks to count in way more colors than the rainbow... Do I care: NOPE Do Men Care: Nope, not as long as they are getting any if you know what I mean.
    Now here is the truth: if I could turn back time and take care of my body would I do it differently? You bet your behind I would!!!
    if we were talking about still wouldn't care...but that is a whole different topic for me...
  • FCHW
    FCHW Posts: 35
    Well personally, I don't know what other men or women think, but I have stretch marks and have had them for a long time. People usually complement me and say I look good. I really love/appreciate the body of a woman, I am attracted to women physically (aren't all of us?) And I personally don't care about stretch marks. And if you're with a man who cares about whether you have stretch marks or not, then that person is dumb. Own your stretch marks and be confident. Confidence is sexy. :heart: :smile:
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    <--- My kid wrecked my stomach. I had some on my hip prior to getting pregnant. I get self conscious. But I've never encountered a man who had a problem with them.
  • creativecarabao
    Real men dont care. that is all.
  • cambam84
    cambam84 Posts: 59 Member
    I have them all over my tummy ( i have 3 kids...1 was 10lbs and the latest child was 12 lbs) I was not blessed with super stretchy skin! They do not bother my husband at all, he says he loves me no matter what I look like, plus they are from carrying our children so it makes them even more beautiful! If your stretch marks are from children be proud, if they're from weight gain and loss be proud! I have my moments when I am self conscious about them...but they aren't going anywhere and I love my children to pieces!
  • thistimewillbedifferent
    Still laughing at the comment about having them around the mouth/lips...
  • dontwishforit_workforit
    I have some, I'm sure my wife does, but I have never noticed them and she doesn't give a thought about mine! I hem and haw sometimes because I have them on the sides of my bust and along top.. But my shirts hide them, even tanktops, so really it is me just being overly critical of myself :) I just tell myself it was worth the outcome - hella cleavage and hips to grab onto ;)
  • 00sarah
    00sarah Posts: 621 Member
    My husband had me look up sites to see women's bodies after birth, so that I could see that I had bounced back (just got some tiny white stretch marks on my thighs that everyone keeps saying aren't even stretch marks). But, when we were looking at the pictures my husband said that he doesn't find any of the stretch marks unattractive. He said they just look like patterns. He said they even look pretty. He said that my stretch marks are like imaginary friends because I'm the only one that can see them. He even showed me that he has them too. And I didn't even know. That's how hard to see and unnoticeable they are. Mine are like that. I asked him how he got them and he said, "From having skin".

    You have the husband you deserve. He sounds awesome.

    Exactly. I have minor ones, but let me tell ya... It's mostly genetics. However, time will help, coconut oil will help, and SUNSCREEN is your best friend for this. Do NOT tan, as another poster suggested. Ask any dermatologist. <3
    and I find my husband's stretch marks (on his shoulders, from muscle growth) incredibly endearing. Beauty is in imperfection...
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    I have no love for stretch marks on myself, but no one else has seemed to care, or ever commented. I notice them a lot less when I feel fitter.

    Btw, if you wanted to go that route, apparently the red ones are most responsive to laser treatment (not much can be expected for the old pale kind). Not sure if all the laser does to the red ones is make them pale, though :/
  • SharyannaHoot
    Why should you give a s**t about what men or anyone else thinks about you?!
  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    I have 'em from eating too much. My mother has them from having me and my brother.

    Why would I care if someone else has them too? Why would you care if I care?
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    In for insecurity and validation!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    They do fade over time so don't be worrying too much. My teenage boy even has them pretty badly on his back just from growing tall too quickly, never been fat a day in his life.
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    More importantly, what do YOU think of girls with stretch marks? The most intense stretch marks I ever saw was on a man, not a woman and I've yet to hear a man ask if women think it's a turn off.

    The feminist is coming out and I have to say I wait eagerly for a generation of women who won't need to ask these questions - I don't mean to be unkind here - the reverse is true. How about asking this question: Would you really want to hang out with a guy that's got some primal hang-up about stretch marks? You're better than that! Have faith in your character.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Couldn't care less. I've never heard any my male friends mention them either.
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    My husband has them, when they appeared I was freaked out because they looked pretty severe. They were so bright red first and there were a lot of them suddenly. But I got used to them quickly and didn't care. Now they are faded and I don't mind at all (neither does he) :3
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    More importantly, what do YOU think of girls with stretch marks? The most intense stretch marks I ever saw was on a man, not a woman and I've yet to hear a man ask if women think it's a turn off.

    The feminist is coming out and I have to say I wait eagerly for a generation of women who won't need to ask these questions - I don't mean to be unkind here - the reverse is true. How about asking this question: Would you really want to hang out with a guy that's got some primal hang-up about stretch marks? You're better than that! Have faith in your character.

    This! If someone has a problem with ANY part of your body or your being, they can kick rocks! :drinker:
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    I have never had a guy comment on my stretchmarks. Honestly, if they are close enough to see them, they better be focused on other things.

    Haha perfect response.
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    that they like to be stretched.Period!:wink: