Men, what do you REALLY think of girls w/ stretch marks?



    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    I know the title says men, but I need help from the ladies too! :flowerforyou:

    Please be honest. I've been googling and a lot of men have said that stretch marks don't really bother them or don't even bother them at all. I find that hard to believe and I feel like guys just say that just to make the OP feel better about herself.

    Anyways I ask because I have severe stretch marks. Not the tiny white ones, the bright pink and red thick ones that are all over my breasts, hips, stomach, and thighs and I'm very self-conscious about them :/ I'm looking at laser stretch mark removal but it's expensive.

    So guys, what do you REALLY think about them, especially severe ones? Be please 100% honest about it.

    *****Oh and please state your age too! (Just curious but I feel like the older the guy, the less stretch marks would bother him, but I assume that's not always the case)******

    And for the ladies, what do you think about stretch marks on guys and on yourself? Does your significant other mind your stretch marks?

    I've had three kids and have one, large stretch mark that starts at my belly button (on the side) and goes down to my hip area. I love it! It's a reminder to me that this amazing body of mine has given birth to three kids :) My husband could care less about it-I've asked him about it before and he's like 'whatever' lol.

    Now I do have really bad varicose/spider veins, also from my pregnancies, and those used to bother me a lot (start at my ankle and go all the way up to my thigh area). But, as I've gotten older, lost the weight, and gotten more comfortable in my skin-I've learned to be ok with those as well. This is my body and I'm darn proud of it :)
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    I don't mind , as long as their personality doesn't have stretch marks
  • sinistras
    sinistras Posts: 244 Member
    my bf has more than i do and hes in way better shape than me. i used to be ashamed of the 3 on my left hip and the 2 right next to my belly button. but you know what?


    THIS JUST MADE MY DAY! Yup! I've Earned my STRIPES carrying my child!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I have some stretch marks on my hips and thighs from puberty. I hate them, but NO ONE has ever said anything about them to me. People in general don't seem to care that much.
  • abbyrae1
    abbyrae1 Posts: 265 Member
    I have some from when I got taller, some on my thighs from when I was a kid (played soccer, gained about 3 inches and 15lbs of muscle in about 3 months). I used to be really self conscious of them because when I was less in shape, they were really apparent and bothered me but they have gotten smaller as I have gotten older and lost some weight/toned up.

    My man has some pretty severe one son his hips and shoulders from football and his growth spurts as a kid, I think his bother him a bit but I they don't bother me at all, same with mine, they bother me more than him. I have noticed, the more tan I am, the less visible they are

    Ultimately it is what matters to you. When you are in better shape (more fit) are they less apparent? Is it something that truly bothers you? if so, maybe you should look into treatment for them, but if you can accept them as part of who you are, then I would save the money
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I honestly don't even notice until and unless it is pointed out to me. Why would it matter?
  • skykitten
    skykitten Posts: 10
    My partner has some. He was bigger, he's now smaller. The don't bother me at all. I can't even tell you exactly where his are as I've forgotten because they're so irrelevent.
  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    I have lots of stretch marks from having 2 big boys. I've never really thought about it this way, but I'm not initially confident when a guy sees them for the first time.

    The funny thing about this is that I've got birth marks and scars all over my face. If a guy can get past that and want to date me then why should I care about the stretch marks?

    Thank you for letting me see this in a whole new light everyone!!
  • TruckersWifeTruckersLife
    I am nearly 43 and yes i am a bit self concious about my stretch marks i have 5 children but i have found with the exercising that i am doing they are slowly disappearing so dont be so disheartened about them they will fade
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    My husband had me look up sites to see women's bodies after birth, so that I could see that I had bounced back (just got some tiny white stretch marks on my thighs that everyone keeps saying aren't even stretch marks). But, when we were looking at the pictures my husband said that he doesn't find any of the stretch marks unattractive. He said they just look like patterns. He said they even look pretty. He said that my stretch marks are like imaginary friends because I'm the only one that can see them. He even showed me that he has them too. And I didn't even know. That's how hard to see and unnoticeable they are. Mine are like that. I asked him how he got them and he said, "From having skin".

    ^ I love this. Thanks for sharing. :flowerforyou:
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I used to be really self conscious about them (covered, since age 13) but they have all faded and now I don't care. As far as I know, my husband doesn't care either. I was really pi$$ed when one ripped right through my hip tattoo though...getting that touched up was like being branded. Since the tissue had been compromised they had to really put some pressure on that needle.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    I don't have any, I've not been overweight and I've not had any kids. I intend to have kids in the future though so I expect I'll get some at some point.
    I'm not overly keen on them but if someone I really loved had a few scars here or there I don't think it would make any difference to me. My man could have had a pineapple growing out of his face and I still would have been attracted to him!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    [uote]I've not been overweight [/quote]

    I don't have a single stretch mark from being overweight. I have quite a few from puberty, though.

    My mother has been obese her entire life and had a baby and she has none.

    They aren't an indication of weight.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    It's similar to a scar or birthmark or mole. Maybe the body would look better without it, but have to be pretty naive to expect a photoshop-quality body on anyone.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I've never had a man bothered by them. Women will inherently have stretch marks when you hit puberty your breasts and hips grew faster than your skin could keep up. When you become pregnant your breasts and stomach will grow faster than your skin can keep up. If you become heavy very fast your skin cant keep up. It's life. They still find you very sexually desirable. Most fade over time. Dont let it ruin your confidence especially when you are intimate. Nothing more will kill your desire and his desire more than a lack of confidence or focusing on your flaws.
  • Biodemon
    Biodemon Posts: 143 Member
    I have a lot of silvery stretch marks (ones that healed from long ago and several that healed from last year to this year). Honestly, they don't bother me as much. Nor do they bother my boyfriend. He doesn't even see them. He just sees me and not the fluffiness either. If you have a man that cares about your stretch-marks, MOVE ON. That there is clearly the sign of a guy that cares more about beauty on the outside than the inside and that is NOT love. :3
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    I'm 30. i have some on my belly but they're mostly faded. DH has never commented about them and ive never asked his opinion. They're just there, not a big deal to us. DH has some on his arms, they dont bother me at all. I actually find them hot because i know that they're from when he started growing muscles :blushing:
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    Have you never seen a man naked? They have stretch marks too, so why care what they think of yours? Pretty sure my man isn't thinking about stretch marks when he sees me naked.
  • jonjhayden
    jonjhayden Posts: 165 Member
    I find women who have lost weight (20lbs or more) to be very, very sexy. Maybe its the dedication, the shared experience, I don't know but I really do. Stretch marks go right along with that. So...yeah not bothered by strech marks.
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    "We don't have no time to worry bout no **** like stretch marks... They came from either 1 of 2 things... Either you was big & got small, or you were small & got big ! Either way we f$&@ing... Either Waaay!" -KATT WILLIAMS

    LOL!!! That seems about right!!