Over 50 Ladies?



  • ngaih
    ngaih Posts: 5
    Im 50 and new to this- and just lost 4kgs in 10,days so keen to get involved
  • ngaih
    ngaih Posts: 5
    Im keen to be involved with this forum - just dont know how to add people -looking for very low cal dietr ecipes
  • susiechange
    Hi, I would like to be your friend too :smile:
  • Grankakes
    Grankakes Posts: 128 Member
    well add me too. 54 with about 100 to lose. got 2 beautiful new grandchildren and i've got to get in shape to keep up with them!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Just to let you all know
    there is a board labeled "Women ages 50+"...........can be found under motivation and support message board............women from all over the world, some starting, some long timers on maintenance.......lots of support and friendship; just post there and keep coming back...........you'll get to know everyone!!!
  • mamapesbear
    Hello everyone!
    I too am over 50 (57 to be exact) and overweight. I would like to lose 100 pounds but would be thrilled with 75! I recently rejoined the workforce which includes a 2 hour commute round trip. We are having a 90 day weight challenge at my job (since we work for the Dept of Health) and I want to kick butt on this! I joined a gym Tuesday and will go evry morning -EARLY- and work up to 1 hour.....I hope!
    Let's support one another!
    Add me as a friend!
  • alsoagood1
    alsoagood1 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm 55 -- would love having another friend who will help me as I help them! Welcome to MFP....wishing you much success.
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    Am sending you a friend request. I'm older than you and kicking this old metabolism for all its worth! I'm happy as hell in the Pacific NW.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,021 Member
    I just turned 50 this yr I joined mfp 3 yrs ago and have lost 114 lbs
  • 1flowergirl
    1flowergirl Posts: 57 Member
    feel free to add me, there are good days and bad days,thankfuly almost always great days on this journey. And yes this 50 year old body just doesn't spring back like it use to,It use to frustrate me now I find it amusing.I would like to support you on this journey.
  • udamom
    udamom Posts: 65 Member
    Just turned 50 Sunday (wahhhhhhhhh) was trying to losr 30 lbs before that happened but only got to 19. I log most every day and will encourage. Feel free to add me (anyone on this thead)

  • daphnegerig
    daphnegerig Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 54 and as many of you, have struggled with extra weight for quite a few years. I used to be slimmer in my early 30s but was diagnosed with lupus and had to take prednisone every day. It took away the pain and made me feel great...but it also slowly added about 70 extra pounds over the next 20 years! No thanks to lupus I also had to have both my heart valves replaced in late March 2013 and now I feel fantastic!!! Oh, I'm still overweight and slow, and lazy and undisciplined. But now I can walk up a flight of stairs without feeling like I"m passing out, and walk down a street without stopping. Hooray!
  • kokum50
    kokum50 Posts: 4
    I'm 50 and can certainly relate to the "changes" that happen at our age, I'm back and trying to stick to losing that 30 lbs that came with the "change" so I would love to be supportive and supported - feel free to add me as a friend
  • fallcheryl
    I'm new and just turned 50 back in the Spring - with over 50 pounds to lose.

    Job keeps me on my behind all day, which hasn't helped much. Living in Washington State and am trying to get an evening walk in every day while the weather is nice.

    Would love to have some "friends" in the same boat!
  • Mary3905
    Mary3905 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I am 55 and working to lose 100 pounds. Totally dedicated to this and finally have my diet and exercise programs working together, Tracking food and exercise in MFP and I need all the help and tips I can get. Wishing success to us all.
  • mombolongo
    mombolongo Posts: 28
    Hello I'm way over 50...More like 62..lol...Just started this site and I'm loving it...Been on the yoyo diet all my life...Now it's so slow to get rid of those extra pounds its at a crawl...Want to lose 50 lbs..I'm on alot of medicine's for high bp and high cholesterol...So glad to join your group if you'll have me...Love meeting new friends......Carol Ann
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I'm 54, lost 30 on MFP and a lot of hard work. 15 more to go and then I'll reevaluate. I do things in small intervals.
    I hit menopause an it was like getting used to new everything...how I felt, weight going places it never did before, desserts taking the comfy chair, etc.
    I was so tired all the time, it was hard to get motivated and walking alone wasn't working after a while. For me the newer 20-30 minute DVD's were great because I could tell myself, you can do this, it's only half an hour....granted a "long" one at times, but doable.
    I have 3 college-age children and a 3 year old lab. Anyone want to share or need a little motivation, feel free to say hello or friend me.
  • katper15
    katper15 Posts: 21
    Totally understand where your coming from I'm 51 and just got over some knee problems and back problems from thinking I could do zumba (ha). I sent a friend request so add if you'd like.
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm 50 years young - can't quite believe it! Haven't finished with my 20s yet! Spent most of my 30s and all of my 40s getting old before my time, as my figure got more and more matronly so it's nothing short of a miracle to discover it doesn't have to be that way! I've lost 2 stone since signing on here in November, and want to lose another. No sign of the menopause yet (or none I've recognised apart from all-over dessication!) - it probably doesn't dare! But I'm sure it's lurking.

    50 is the new 30!!!! With all that weight gone, it is starting to feel that way anyway!

    I'm happy to make new friends! I'm a Brit in the UK so talk a bit wierd and keep strange hours :wink:
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    In October I will be starting my last year of fifties - where does the time go! I've been active on MFP for a little more than year and really enjoying the support found here.