Plateauing for a long time, could use some help.



  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    OP: I agree with the scale recommendation.
    The biggest life saver for me was to buy a digital scale and weigh everything. Everything I eat (outside of a restaurant) is weighed on my electronic scale and then logged.

    I had no concept of portion control, and was very sad to find out that my measuring cups were far off from actual servings.
    Invest in the scale and you will see a difference!
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    Wow. Body shaming is not cool...and most certainly not professional. -.-

    You're right it's absolutely neither professional, ethical, or acceptable on a site like this where people with weight issues come to for help. If you see examples of her body shaming simply click "report post" on the bottom of the message she posted and follow the prompts. Let the admins/moderators deal with her.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Over doing the cheese in place of protein is a huge no-no. Fat free greek yogurt is not a problem, but stay away from cheese. A little sprinkle is ok but unless its fat free, the majority of calories from cheese is from fat (obviously sugar is not the problem with cheese)...
    A couple questions for you, since you're a personal trainer and have studied nutrition for 10 years:

    What exactly is the problem with dietary fat?

    Why should cheese be entirely avoided?

    *Pulls up chair, grabs popcorn*

    in...for the dairy debate...
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    BH= Bacon Hater

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Over doing the cheese in place of protein is a huge no-no. Fat free greek yogurt is not a problem, but stay away from cheese. A little sprinkle is ok but unless its fat free, the majority of calories from cheese is from fat (obviously sugar is not the problem with cheese)...
    A couple questions for you, since you're a personal trainer and have studied nutrition for 10 years:

    What exactly is the problem with dietary fat?

    Why should cheese be entirely avoided?

    The problem is Cheese contains Saturated Fats, which are not healthy fats. Unless you are doing enough cardio to burn this fat, it will sit in your body as gained fat...which I am guessing is the main thing everyone here would like to lose.

    Now lets take the fats you get from Salmon and avocados for example. These foods are high in fat, but contain good fats like Omega Fatty Acids. These fats your body can utilize and have a better chance of being absorbed and used by the body instead of just sitting in your fat cells and adding to weight and body fat.

    This is all pretty common knowledge, stay away from saturated fats found in cheese, milk, butter, and meats. Instead opt for fat free, like fat free cottage cheese, skim milk, and lean cuts of meats like the filet. This is also why you want to skin your chickens ad avoid eating the skin.

    I can see from your pictures that what you recommend works for you, but everyone's body doesn't work exactly the same. Further, there is no evidence that saturated fat causes weight gain on a caloric deficit. In fact, that's quite impossible. So telling people to avoid saturated fat is pointless in a discussion about weight loss. There is some evidence that links saturated fat to cardiovascular disease (some of which has been disputed), but there is no indication that it causes weight gain independent of caloric intake.

    Everyones body is different of course, but there are tons of studies which indicate Saturated Fat clogs your arteries and is not good for you or your body. This is really common and I'm surprised it is causing such a discussion. Everyone knows, cut the fat off when cooking meats, take the skin off chicken, dont eat fried foods, don't eat a lot of cheese...the reason is because all of these foods are very high in saturated fat. You can simply look it up in Wikpedia

    Its been known for many years now to get your fat sources from unsaturated fats.

    As far as nika_bolinhos....are you sure your extra weight loss was due to eating more fat, or possibly more likely due to the fact that you are changing up your fitness routine, especially adding in a full body resistance training routine. I doubt its an increase in fats unless its from healthy foods such as avocados, salmon, nuts, olive oil ect. Adding some kind of weight/resistance routine is so important and makes a huge difference. And our bodies adapt very quickly to exercise regimes, so changing things up and trying new activities is one of the best ways to jump start your weight loss and get out of a stubborn plateau. Its all about constantly challenging your body and then your body having to adapt to those new changes. I would likely attribute these 2 things to your weight loss, though I'm sure honey boo boo would love your high fat diet, I would be careful with it.

    I think you just contradicted told the OP to cut out fats and exercise more to help with weight loss..then you tried to tell Nika that a high fat diet + working out more led to weight loss...

    I am curious to the science that states your body recognizes good fat vs bad fat...I mean fat is well fat, right?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Thank you for your advice. I do have a lot of trouble with protein in the fact that I don't eat a whole lot of meat (and no red meat at all as recommended by my doctor). Do I have to start eating more meat in order to get more protein, or are there other options that aren't really high-calorie?

    Also, a question about the TDEE method... that really confuses me a lot. It says my TDEE is 2586, but MFP has my max set at 1650. I just... don't get it, haha.

    Here is a list of protein sources that gives the calories per g of protein that may help with your protein target.
  • FunkyTobias
    FunkyTobias Posts: 1,776 Member
    And our bodies adapt very quickly to exercise regimes, so changing things up and trying new activities is one of the best ways to jump start your weight loss and get out of a stubborn plateau. Its all about constantly challenging your body and then your body having to adapt to those new changes. I would likely attribute these 2 things to your weight loss, though I'm sure honey boo boo would love your high fat diet, I would be careful with it.

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I'm definitely no expert so all things with a grain of salt.

    Your diary looks pretty good but two things I noticed:

    1) Your macro for protein seems a little low, and carbs a bit high. I'm not sure what your % breakdown is at (did you just do what MFP set?) but you could try adjusting it in the goals>custom settings. A 40/30/30 split for carbs/protein/fat is pretty standard, but there's also information all over about what macros you can use. For women though I would recommend having at least 120-150g of protein a day. (Not that I hit that goal myself very often but I am trying!). You may have to figure out what % that is for MFP settings.

    2) You look to be doing about 14-1500 calories a day but eating back exercise? If that's the case I would point out that the MFP calculators for exercise tend to overestimate a LOT so I usually don't like "eating back" exercise. I tend to prefer the TDEE method, which you can find a lot of info about on these boards or just google it =)

    In regards to #2 as well, I would ask how accurate you think you are with your measurements. Usually we find we are eating way more than we think because of innacurate measurements. Buy a food scale and take a week or two to measure EVERYTHING you eat, and see if it is coming out as accurate as you thought. Some info here:

    Well that's about the best info I can give without being a cert. nutritionist or anything, hope it helps =)

    ^^first answer and was a good answer luckily.
  • finchest
    finchest Posts: 245 Member
    i haven't read all the comments, but have you had your thyroid tested? i had a very hard time losing weight for about a year despite pretty diligent eating habits, and doctors found i have a large thyroid nodule and hypothyroidism. if you're feeling low energy in addition to the troubles you're having, might be worth getting tested.
  • PandaCustard
    PandaCustard Posts: 204 Member
    While I appreciate the helpful advice, for now I am closing my diary again to friends-only. I have gotten several private messages, one of which told me to completely cut out all fruits and grains and eat 800 calories a day. Another suggested Atkins (great idea, considering I am not a huge meat-eater, but I love fruits and vegetables). Honestly, I kind of wish I never asked, because I feel more confused than ever about what I'm supposed to do. For now, I am increasing protein and exercise and am buying a food scale when I get my paycheck next week. I just set my macros at 40/30/30 as suggested. So... yeah.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    There are some studies that seem to think saturated fat was improperly targeted as the cause of problems. Lots of the saturated fat we consume is packaged with other problematic foods (like simple sugars or white bread or other fiber free food).

    It looks like the original premise was wrong. There are plenty of human populations who consume tons of saturated fats that do not have problems with obesity or heart disease. It is more complicated than "skip saturated fat."

    Personally, I find it is easier to eat a small amount of full flavored cheese. Than any amount of lowfat cheese (in the vast majority of cases). But cheese isn't really a protein. I think of it as a flavoring agent. Like bacon. Not a great source of protein, but an excellent source of flavor for your potatoes, eggs, beans or soups.

    I totally agree, the problem with demonizing fat in general is it causes people to consume more processed, high sugar, low fiber carbs instead. Something might be labelled "fat free but have 40g of sugar. In the end its really about balance. There are better options and there are better choices. Hi fat foods are also high in calories. So if its a pungent cheese like blue cheese you will probably eat less of it, but if its a cheese like cottage cheese the fat free version taste almost the same and you can eat more of it. Its nice to save some calories so you can have that scoop of ice cream later when you're craving it and not hurt your efforts.

    I dont know why the topic of bacon is such an issue but turkey bacon is delicious and half the calories and less fat. The real issue is balance, not high fat low carb, or high carb low fat...just make better choices.

    I don't like Turkey Bacon, but I do recommend Wellshire's reduced sodium, reduced fat bacon. It tastes exactly the same as "regular" bacon and is nitrite free. Winning all around. Each slice is 30 calories!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    While I appreciate the helpful advice, for now I am closing my diary again to friends-only. I have gotten several private messages, one of which told me to completely cut out all fruits and grains and eat 800 calories a day. Another suggested Atkins (great idea, considering I am not a huge meat-eater, but I love fruits and vegetables). Honestly, I kind of wish I never asked, because I feel more confused than ever about what I'm supposed to do. For now, I am increasing protein and exercise and am buying a food scale when I get my paycheck next week. I just set my macros at 40/30/30 as suggested. So... yeah.

    Sorry things got confusing. If you want, check out the Eat Train Progress group and read through the stickies. Maybe the info there will help make things clearer. Best of luck OP :)
  • PandaCustard
    PandaCustard Posts: 204 Member
    Sorry things got confusing. If you want, check out the Eat Train Progress group and read through the stickies. Maybe the info there will help make things clearer. Best of luck OP :)

    I'll check that out. Thanks! :)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    While I appreciate the helpful advice, for now I am closing my diary again to friends-only. I have gotten several private messages, one of which told me to completely cut out all fruits and grains and eat 800 calories a day. Another suggested Atkins (great idea, considering I am not a huge meat-eater, but I love fruits and vegetables). Honestly, I kind of wish I never asked, because I feel more confused than ever about what I'm supposed to do. For now, I am increasing protein and exercise and am buying a food scale when I get my paycheck next week. I just set my macros at 40/30/30 as suggested. So... yeah.

    I keep my diary closed for that reason. But it sounds like you are on the right track. Good luck with everything. :flowerforyou:
  • FitnessBeverlyHills
    I haven't taken an online course in personal training or written a book about how to make chihuahuas go number 2 in a litter box,

    :laugh: The reviews on Amazon are pretty fun.

    Really, now we are attacking my book? At least I am a published author..what at all does Dog Training have to do with this Forum or this Thread? What is it you do again? Lets all change the thread and start attacking your job and career that makes sense. Isn't all this gossipping against Forum Rules?

    edit..oh I see you're part of the Bacon Club it all makes sense, just another to add to the ignore list and please if you don't like what I have to say do me the favor of simply clicking the ignore button next to my name.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    While I appreciate the helpful advice, for now I am closing my diary again to friends-only. I have gotten several private messages, one of which told me to completely cut out all fruits and grains and eat 800 calories a day. Another suggested Atkins (great idea, considering I am not a huge meat-eater, but I love fruits and vegetables). Honestly, I kind of wish I never asked, because I feel more confused than ever about what I'm supposed to do. For now, I am increasing protein and exercise and am buying a food scale when I get my paycheck next week. I just set my macros at 40/30/30 as suggested. So... yeah.

    I'm sorry. I agree that Eat, Train, Progress is a great group. I've learned a lot just by lurking there.

    And I was the one that commented on 30 day shred. I didn't mean to make you feel that the workout was inadequate, I was pointing out the hypocrisy of the BH trainer (since she's been just a peach in a couple different threads) that she said you weren't doing enough, but once you said 30 Day Shred she shut up...because she works at a Jillian Michaels owned gym.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    I haven't taken an online course in personal training or written a book about how to make chihuahuas go number 2 in a litter box,

    :laugh: The reviews on Amazon are pretty fun.

    Really, now we are attacking my book? At least I am a published author..what at all does Dog Training have to do with this Forum or this Thread? What is it you do again? Lets all change the thread and start attacking your job and career that makes sense. Isn't all this gossipping against Forum Rules?

    edit..oh I see you're part of the Bacon Club it all makes sense, just another to add to the ignore list and please if you don't like what I have to say do me the favor of simply clicking the ignore button next to my name.

    ~pats head~ self published
  • PandaCustard
    PandaCustard Posts: 204 Member
    I'm sorry. I agree that Eat, Train, Progress is a great group. I've learned a lot just by lurking there.

    And I was the one that commented on 30 day shred. I didn't mean to make you feel that the workout was inadequate, I was pointing out the hypocrisy of the BH trainer (since she's been just a peach in a couple different threads) that she said you weren't doing enough, but once you said 30 Day Shred she shut up...because she works at a Jillian Michaels owned gym.

    Gotcha. Honestly, while it is a great workout, I probably should be working out more since I have plateaued. I have pretty severe fatigue problems, and the only way to get through it is to try to be as active as I can. (Although what you pointed out is pretty funny...)
  • FitnessBeverlyHills
    I was pointing out the hypocrisy of the BH trainer (since she's been just a peach in a couple different threads) that she said you weren't doing enough, but once you said 30 Day Shred she shut up...because she works at a Jillian Michaels owned gym.

    I don't think I've "shut up" about anything. 17 minutes of circuit training is not enough and thats my opinion, I never took it back, I could care less if I work at a Gym founded by Jillian Michaels it really makes no difference to me. Worry about your own fitness and providing your own helpful advice instead of lingering on my every word and trolling around everytime I make a post about something. The ignore button is a wonderful feature, please do yourself the favor of using it.

    And sorry hate to tell you I'm not self published by thanks for caring so much about me and googling all my information like a creepy stalker.
  • FitnessBeverlyHills
    Self Published would imply I paid to have my book Published, if you bothered looking up the company I sent in a transcript which they accepted. I did not spend one dime publishing my book and I have their crappy editors to thank for leaving grammatical errors in the final published version. This is why books go through an editing process. Regardless this has NOTHING to do with fitness and its a little creepy that I now have trollers investigating me because we have different opinions on our approach to fitness.

    FACT #5: PublishAmerica is not in any way a POD, vanity press, or subsidy publisher, and has nothing in common with them. None of our authors are being self-published. In the most commonly used context, POD indicates "Publish On Demand", or vanity publishing. Vanity publishers charge for publishing someone's book. PublishAmerica does not.
This discussion has been closed.