So sick of "person above you" posts



  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I dont look because I dont care about what the children are saying. Kid stuff, let the babies have their bottle....

    I agree bunch of silly little children playing their little games of hopscotch and marbles. Damn whipper snappers.

    I'm older than the lot of ya. I'm 50,000 years old, so there. bunch of ankle biters playing with your fancy agriculture and metal tools....

    and 10/10 did bang your ancestors
  • potatocar
    potatocar Posts: 250 Member

    Seriously though. People like hearing nice things about themselves. People like compliments. Probably a lot of people on this site who haven't really received many in real life.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    they should split chit/chat and fun and games. stick all the "above" threads in fun and games. and leave chit chat for discuissing if the kate upton's of the world are fat.

    I agree. It disturbs me when someone tries to start a topic on serious issues in the fun and games section
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member

    Seriously though. People like hearing nice things about themselves. People like compliments. Probably a lot of people on this site who haven't really received many in real life.

    On the flipside of that are the people who post on there looking for compliments, but receive negative feedback. What happens to the psyche of those folks? Is it helpful or harmful? Does it become a form of "shaming"?

    I don't post in those threads because I'd be the one who was more worried about getting a bunch of negative comments than positive, and I have enough self doubt and insecurity of my own doing, than adding to it by a bunch of strangers over the internet. So, I stay out of them entirely while I focus strictly on helping myself improve.
  • potatocar
    potatocar Posts: 250 Member
    On the flipside of that are the people who post on there looking for compliments, but receive negative feedback. What happens to the psyche of those folks? Is it helpful or harmful? Does it become a form of "shaming"?

    I don't post in those threads because I'd be the one who was more worried about getting a bunch of negative comments than positive, and I have enough self doubt and insecurity of my own doing, than adding to it by a bunch of strangers over the internet. So, I stay out of them entirely while I focus strictly on helping myself improve.

    Well, I don't necessarily agree with "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" for every situation, but it sure as hell should imply when it comes to these games. Why would you tell someone he's not dateable, or rate their looks from 1 to 10 with a low number? Do people expect their honesty to be appreciated?
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    On the flipside of that are the people who post on there looking for compliments, but receive negative feedback. What happens to the psyche of those folks? Is it helpful or harmful? Does it become a form of "shaming"?

    I don't post in those threads because I'd be the one who was more worried about getting a bunch of negative comments than positive, and I have enough self doubt and insecurity of my own doing, than adding to it by a bunch of strangers over the internet. So, I stay out of them entirely while I focus strictly on helping myself improve.

    Well, I don't necessarily agree with "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" for every situation, but it sure as hell should imply when it comes to these games. Why would you tell someone he's not dateable, or rate their looks from 1 to 10 with a low number? Do people expect their honesty to be appreciated?

    A-HA! Therein lies the problem. Is it better to lie to someone about what you think about their PICTURE (when that's all you have to go on) or instead respond "Would not bang" or "no" in the thread, for EVERYONE to see? Is it more harmful or helpful to lie or to be honest?

    I guess I don't understand the point of the threads, either. But, I just don't go there. There are many, many more threads where I can be honest and upfront with others without posting such superficial nonsense.

    :wink: :smile: :laugh:
  • potatocar
    potatocar Posts: 250 Member
    A-HA! Therein lies the problem. Is it better to lie to someone about what you think about their PICTURE (when that's all you have to go on) or instead respond "Would not bang" or "no" in the thread, for EVERYONE to see? Is it more harmful or helpful to lie or to be honest?

    I guess I don't understand the point of the threads, either. But, I just don't go there. There are many, many more threads where I can be honest and upfront with others without posting such superficial nonsense.

    :wink: :smile: :laugh:

    I think when it comes to things like this, it's better to lie. People pride themselves so much in being honest about everything, when most of the time it's just insensitivity. People are fragile, words can hurt. "Your new haircut doesn't suit you. You looked way better with longer hair." Oh, why, thank you for the input, I'll just go sew my hair back on. If you think the haircut is awful, the person is probably going to be hearing it from other people. There's little harm in saying "I like your new haircut. But I think you looked even better with longer hair." Right?

    And if you find the person above you in one those games downright ugly, how will telling them the truth help, and how will lying hurt? If you lie and tell them they're prettier than you actually think they are, are they going to continue to be ugly because of that? Are they going to fix it if you tell them the truth?

    I guess I'm against telling the truth when there's nothing to be gained from it. Telling the truth just for the sake of it. It's only function is making you feel good about yourself or serving as an excuse to be a prick. "I was just being honest."
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I get that, potato. I remember about a month ago, a young poster put a picture of herself in a skimpy bikini with the title that basically asked "Should I lift weights?". Well, that started a s*t storm of negative posting, where people just cruelly (all for the sake of being "honest", according to them) ripped everything apart from how heavy her arms were, face was, thighs, belly, etc. It shocked me to see so many hurtful posts.

    She wanted advice, not criticism, and instead got criticism, not advice. And she couldn't delete the thread -- so there it remained, the world to see a bunch of rude and cruel postings about how she needed to do this, or that, or stop eating this, or that, etc.

    That's why I'm so adamant against those threads. Sure, the person put the question out there for the world to read and respond, but nobody can control anyone else's responses to these questions. And there are a lot of people out there who delight in posting rude and critical responses to people. It's a form of cyber bullying, in my opinion.