Tell me your darkest secret. You know you want to get it out of your chest lol



  • alyssa0061
    alyssa0061 Posts: 652 Member
    My dog walks around crying and I'm convinced it's because she thinks I have given her a terrible life
  • obedient670
    obedient670 Posts: 26 Member
    quesera6 wrote: »
    i accidently on purpose get nutella on my fingers when im making something for my son with it :persevere:

    I'm laughing but not. Freaking Nutella. I gained 30 pounds from Nutella on Italian bread. Had to permanently stop buying it.
  • Noelv1976
    Noelv1976 Posts: 18,948 Member
    I drink beer at night... and I don't log it in :#
  • Aladdin111
    Aladdin111 Posts: 53 Member
    i think i might actually be crazy but capable of functioning well enough to fake it
    As long as your taking your medication, I think we'll all be safe lol
  • Aladdin111
    Aladdin111 Posts: 53 Member
    Noelv1976 wrote: »
    I drink beer at night... and I don't log it in :#
    Lol Tsk tsk tsk your cheating on us man!
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    i think i might actually be crazy but capable of functioning well enough to fake it

    I think that's why we are friends. I'm a high functioning crazy person too.
  • joymomrn4
    joymomrn4 Posts: 173 Member
    I've bought artwork and room decor for an important party and returned everything afterwards. I still feel guilty!
  • Aladdin111
    Aladdin111 Posts: 53 Member
    joymomrn4 wrote: »
    I've bought artwork and room decor for an important party and returned everything afterwards. I still feel guilty!

    Haha! I think most people have done something like that at some point of their lives, I know I have lol! So now you don't need to feel so bad ;)
  • Katy2Survivor
    Katy2Survivor Posts: 111 Member
    I cannot stop eating sweets :blush: .. Even if I know is bad :neutral:
  • BanninHaideri
    BanninHaideri Posts: 1 Member
    My darkest secret is that 'i don't share my secrets'.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    I routinely fart in crowded places.
  • latincoffee
    latincoffee Posts: 187 Member
    I hate people. Lol

    :lol: I feel the same way at times
    I feel like I just want to seclude myself from the world and not have to deal with anyone...then I have my coffee.

  • Aladdin111
    Aladdin111 Posts: 53 Member
    Katt551 wrote: »
    I cannot stop eating sweets :blush: .. Even if I know is bad :neutral:
    Haha yes sweets are this Apps #1 enemy.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    headofphat wrote: »
    I routinely fart in crowded places.

    Hahaha I hate it when I go down a aisle of a store and no one is around except the stench left behind!!

    That was probably me.
    PLTNM_INC Posts: 199 Member
    edited April 2016
    Little kids, can only handle them in small doses...either super bossy, super sticky, or super annoying. I love holding babies and handing them right back when they get all crabby.
  • hdatres
    hdatres Posts: 635 Member
    My two adult sep-sons ( age 20 and 24) (both are six-foot tall and about 300 pounds )are so lazy and disrespectful of me. They are also sissies when it comes the bugs. So when they weren't home I took a little bit of sugar and sprinkle it in their bedroom so they got ants. They totally freaked out about it!!!! And they made their dad spray the room down before they slept in it that night. I acted just as surprised as everyone else but inside I was laughing.
  • Noelv1976
    Noelv1976 Posts: 18,948 Member
    I sometimes go to the bathroom and flip the toilet paper around so it rolls under, not over
  • sarahstrickland2014
    I'm frustrated by going round in circles with my diet and reading others doing the same...

    I need to man up and crack on!
  • Aladdin111
    Aladdin111 Posts: 53 Member
    Noelv1976 wrote: »
    I sometimes go to the bathroom and flip the toilet paper around so it rolls under, not over
    Haha I do exactly same thing but the opposite. I find if its under the toilet paper can just keep rolling sometimes without stopping on its own.