Weight Gain Buddy?



  • Queen9387
    Queen9387 Posts: 34 Member
    rajraj123 wrote: »
    Please suggest good quality weight gain products. Thanks in advance

    Naturade weight gain powder. Apetamin. Consuming more calories is your best bet.
  • thejocelynchan
    thejocelynchan Posts: 6 Member
    edited April 2016
    I'm trying to gain a good amount of weight by June too! I don't think I'll reach my "goal weight" but I'd like to put on at least 5 pounds. I'm naturally thin and it's hard to put on weight. I just started tracking 1-2 weeks ago and I'm seeing that most of the time I'm not reaching my needed amount of calories! I'd like to lift heavier and start meeting my caloric goals.
  • Queen9387
    Queen9387 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm trying to gain a good amount of weight by June too! I don't think I'll reach my "goal weight" but I'd like to put on at least 5 pounds. I'm naturally thin and it's hard to put on weight. I just started tracking 1-2 weeks ago and I'm seeing that most of the time I'm not reaching my needed amount of calories! I'd like to lift heavier and start meeting my caloric goals.

    Good luck in your journey!
  • diverroboz
    diverroboz Posts: 61 Member
    NikiV38 wrote: »
    Queen1312 wrote: »
    Hello, I'm currently 139lbs 5' 6" and my goal is 165lbs by June 1st! I eat 3,800 calories a day easy peezy, but it would be fun to do this with someone with similar goals.! According to fitness pal with those calories a day I'll be 161lbs in five weeks, but we'll see.

    What is your weight gain goal?
    When is your dead line?
    What is your current weight and height?
    Any supplements?
    How many calories a day are you eating?

    Currently 102. Want to be at 110lb in 8 wks. Calorie intake goal per day is 2060. Have been sick so actually have been under my daily calorie goal. Looking to gain muscle while gaining weight.

  • diverroboz
    diverroboz Posts: 61 Member
    diverroboz wrote: »
    NikiV38 wrote: »
    Queen1312 wrote: »
    Hello, I'm currently 139lbs 5' 6" and my goal is 165lbs by June 1st! I eat 3,800 calories a day easy peezy, but it would be fun to do this with someone with similar goals.! According to fitness pal with those calories a day I'll be 161lbs in five weeks, but we'll see.

    What is your weight gain goal?
    When is your dead line?
    What is your current weight and height?
    Any supplements?
    How many calories a day are you eating?

    Currently 102. Want to be at 110lb in 8 wks. Calorie intake goal per day is 2060. Have been sick so actually have been under my daily calorie goal. Looking to gain muscle while gaining weight.

    Nutrition goals and weight gain is not easy! In order to pack in the calories in a healthy way try these tips
    1. Add COCONUT OIL to your shakes, salads, even tea! Check out any website on the amazing health benefits of this great tasting versatile supercool! Plants like these and Olives are well known for benefits of all kinds to your body!
    2. Add 100% WHEY PROTEIN shakes to between meal regime.  Takes a shake before bedtime.  Check the latest research into pre-bedtime carbohydrate and protein consumption.  Throw out the "Bro science" ideas about cars after 6 PM turning to fat! Not true as per a scientific study for over 6 Months duration.
    3. Add FLAXSEED to your diet!  Again Google these amazing seeds and add them to your breakfast cereal, they are really yummy! Tip! Take the best and cheapest cereal there is OATS, add Flaxseed and Cinnamon,  Whey Protein Powder and you now have a fantastic high quality low fat breakfast to help hit the calorie goals!
    4. Add NUTS to your diet, as an easy snack in between meals! They are easy to pack in your calories and are healthy as they are nutritious!
    5. Add SEEDS like SUNFLOWER, PUMPKIN, SESAME or whatever you like the taste of! Again search the Web, you will not find any bad press on these! Nature provides all the answers to the weight gain or loss problem,  BONUS is you get the essential fibre, vitamins and minerals from the soil that actually supercharge the body to provide a basis for hormone control/production that are integral to effective and timely fat loss and muscle synthesis
    6. Combine some, if not, all the above items into one meal with Whole Milk, use the MFP DIARY Meal logger and see how much MACRO NUTRITION statistics and calories YOU achieve in one beautiful healthy shake, it's1,100 plus calories! This at breakfast and before bedtime is guaranteed to add over 2,200 calories of high quality, high biological availability to your body to fuel your success.
    Every 100% Whey powder already is packed with the essential Amino,  so no need for additional supplements like BCAAs!
    7.  Set realistic achievable goals in a time frame suitable for that goal. Muscle and fat take time and dedication to gain and lose respectively. Rime was not built in a day!  Ask Google,  and your Medical Doctor or at least a respected Trainer for advice about the proper expectations for your particular situation.  There is no "one size fits all" solution in the athletic pursuit of muscle gain and weight loss!
    8. Finally use common sense and choose healthy foods like Eggs, lean meats, green veggies, fruits and nuts etc! Race horses are fed on premium quality food to sustain their championship performances, be a champion yourself! Sleep 8 hours average, drink lots of water not so called sports drinks. Learn to understand food labels so you can avoid sugar like it is poison! Use the MFP App to educate yourself about the foods you eat and keep tracking everything to monitor and fine tune things to get maximum results. Don't stick to a routine in training too long, do what Arnold did, keeps your growth going by the confusion principal! Supersets and Drop sets come when results flag with standard routines.
    9. Oh, make friends with me, and others here and keep motivated towards your realistic goals by posting pictures of yourself - be accountable to yourself and others to propel gains faster! It's the journey not the destination that makes life fun and satisfying, so don't go crazy, get in, work hard and get out of the gym in less than 60 minutes 3 times weekly to start off! Use and learn PERFECT FORM, video yourself traing Squats, Dead lifts, Bench Press! Muscle is built sleeping, abs are made in the kitchen - listen to your body and feel the work inside each body part for EVERY REP!
  • keziatk
    keziatk Posts: 25 Member
    Me!!! Do you have instagram where I can get in touch with you?
    Queen9387 wrote: »
    Hello, I'm currently 139lbs 5' 6" and my goal is 165lbs by June 1st! I eat 3,800 calories a day easy peezy, but it would be fun to do this with someone with similar goals.! According to fitness pal with those calories a day I'll be 161lbs in five weeks, but we'll see.

    What is your weight gain goal?
    When is your dead line?
    What is your current weight and height?
    Any supplements?
    How many calories a day are you eating?

  • diverroboz
    diverroboz Posts: 61 Member

    would suggest consuming at least 3,000 calories a day! Eat every three hours and make sure they're large portions, always have a snack in between meals. Make sure to do some strength exercises like squats and core workouts two to three times a week (no cardio) and be sure to eat more calories than you burn![/quote]

    I'm curious about your advice about NO CARDIOVASCULAR, can you please explain why or what you're thinking here?

  • Queen9387
    Queen9387 Posts: 34 Member
    diverroboz wrote: »
    would suggest consuming at least 3,000 calories a day! Eat every three hours and make sure they're large portions, always have a snack in between meals. Make sure to do some strength exercises like squats and core workouts two to three times a week (no cardio) and be sure to eat more calories than you burn!

    I'm curious about your advice about NO CARDIOVASCULAR, can you please explain why or what you're thinking here?


    When you're physically active, you burn calories that your body could otherwise store as bodyweight. The more active you are, the Harder it will be to gain weight! And when you do gain weight you'll gain it at a slower rate. The point is to gain weight not lose it. That's why I suggested strength exercises instead, so you can gain weight and tone at the same time.
  • Queen9387
    Queen9387 Posts: 34 Member
    keziatk wrote: »
    Me!!! Do you have instagram where I can get in touch with you?
    Queen9387 wrote: »
    Hello, I'm currently 139lbs 5' 6" and my goal is 165lbs by June 1st! I eat 3,800 calories a day easy peezy, but it would be fun to do this with someone with similar goals.! According to fitness pal with those calories a day I'll be 161lbs in five weeks, but we'll see.

    What is your weight gain goal?
    When is your dead line?
    What is your current weight and height?
    Any supplements?
    How many calories a day are you eating?

    No I don't have Instagram. You can message me on here if you'd like.
  • danihc96
    danihc96 Posts: 5 Member
    I am 5.4" and 109 lb.. my weight gain goal is 120 lb.. i need 2200 calories per day with healthy eating .. i have been using this app for one week.. i could hardly do 1700 calories per day.. my bad.. i have to increase my calories..

    I'm in a very similar situation. I'm 5'4 and 110 lbs and my goal is 2,200. No joke - a Sonic shake or "masterblast" has sooo many calories it's crazy. The one I often get has 1,300! Also, I snack on hummus and flat pita bread and typically get 500 calories from that each time I snack. Chocolate protein milk also tends to give me a calorie boost as well. I take each day as it happens instead of becoming discouraged if I have a day where I can't meet my calorie intake goal I just try harder the next day. Good luck!
  • danihc96
    danihc96 Posts: 5 Member
    mellyrd7 wrote: »
    Queen1312 wrote: »
    mellyrd7 wrote: »
    How long have u been on ur gain weight journey ? How much have to gained so far ?

    I just started getting serious about it and using this app again last week. So far I've gained 9lbs.

    Oh wow 9lbs that's amazing !!! Keep me updated I can use the inspiration. I'll keep u updated as well. I been eating so much that i feel stuffed all day long. Can't wait for my body to adjust.

    What do you typically eat?? I don't have the "cleanest" diet and wouldn't mind suggestions!
  • diverroboz
    diverroboz Posts: 61 Member

    ************************ Your thesis simply and correctly assumes that calories IN MINUS OUT leaves some hopeful excess, whereupon protein synthesis occurs and you gain weight.


    When you're physically active, you burn calories that your body could otherwise store as bodyweight. The more active you are, the Harder it will be to gain weight! And when you do gain weight you'll gain it at a slower rate. The point is to gain weight not lose it. That's why I suggested strength exercises instead, so you can gain weight and tone at the same time.

    NOW THEN... May I reply...

    But you can have weight gain and cardio fitness by eating more calories to fuel gains in both aspects! Job done!

    HIT is showing great promise, Arnold made it famous in pumping Iron, it has been dubbed train insane, whatever!
    The key ingredient to faster gains lies deep within the specific type of stimulus that is in play. This being the build up of LACTATES. Lactic acid is produced when ATP the source of ALL ENERGY In the body is burned without OXYGEN, read ANEAROBIC conditions!
    So conventional excercise methods of set and 2 minutes rest between, restore an Oxygen rich environment inside the muscles. Naturally, this allows maximum weight to be lifted for another set of the same rep range. This is an AEROBIC chemical cycle and as such does not produce that burning sensation that results from ANEAROBIC cycle.
    It appears from the research that not only does TUT Time Under Tension, but Lactate exposure that drives optimised hypertrophy.
    Food for thought and experimentation - I am going to try it!
    Queen9387 wrote: »
    diverroboz wrote: »
    would suggest consuming at least 3,000 calories a day! Eat every three hours and make sure they're large portions, always have a snack in between meals. Make sure to do some strength exercises like squats and core workouts two to three times a week (no cardio) and be sure to eat more calories than you burn!

    I'm curious about your advice about NO CARDIOVASCULAR, can you please explain why or what you're thinking here?

    When you're physically active, you burn calories that your body could otherwise store as bodyweight. The more active you are, the Harder it will be to gain weight! And when you do gain weight you'll gain it at a slower rate. The point is to gain weight not lose it. That's why I suggested strength exercises instead, so you can gain weight and tone at the same time.[/quote]

  • madeleneitebu22
    madeleneitebu22 Posts: 1 Member
    edited April 2016
    I would love to be your weight gain buddy. I started my journey on the 28th of march I was 10.4 now on the 30th of April im 11.2. I eat about 3000 calories per day, I used apetamin and serious mass to get to where I am. I am really pleased with the progress ive got a little stomach but I do workout at the gym. I would like to be about 11.8 stone so I have to keep pushing.
  • Queen9387
    Queen9387 Posts: 34 Member
    I would love to be your weight gain buddy. I started my journey on the 28th of march I was 10.4 now on the 30th of April im 11.2. I eat about 3000 calories per day, I used apetamin and serious mass to get to where I am. I am really pleased with the progress ive got a little stomach but I do workout at the gym. I would like to be about 11.8 stone so I have to keep pushing.

    Great!! we're around the same weight and have the same goal. But I recently made some changes I now consume 5,000 calories and I weigh 154 but I want to reach 180. 7lbs a week... Are you still using apetamin and mass protein?
  • mrsfitfine2016
    mrsfitfine2016 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm trying to gain a good amount of weight by June too! I don't think I'll reach my "goal weight" but I'd like to put on at least 5 pounds. I'm naturally thin and it's hard to put on weight. I just started tracking 1-2 weeks ago and I'm seeing that most of the time I'm not reaching my needed amount of calories! I'd like to lift heavier and start meeting my caloric goals.

    I have the same issue. It's hard to eat healthy and max my calories.
  • mrsfitfine2016
    mrsfitfine2016 Posts: 2 Member
    Queen9387 wrote: »
    rajraj123 wrote: »
    Please suggest good quality weight gain products. Thanks in advance

    Naturade weight gain powder. Apetamin. Consuming more calories is your best bet.

    Serious mass is another one.
  • nikkinyiel
    nikkinyiel Posts: 18 Member
    I am 5'5 ...currently 135lb looking to go up to 150 by July 4. Today is my first day on this journey. How far along are u? Have you seen any progress?
  • potbelliedboy
    potbelliedboy Posts: 25 Member
    I'm at 172, hoping to reach 190 and started at about 160. I've been eating about 3,00-3,500 calories a day. Pizza before bed works pretty well :)
  • Queen9387
    Queen9387 Posts: 34 Member
    nikkinyiel wrote: »
    I am 5'5 ...currently 135lb looking to go up to 150 by July 4. Today is my first day on this journey. How far along are u? Have you seen any progress?

    My initial goal was 165 by June 1st but currently I'm at 163 that's because I've been eating 5,000 calories a day. I've set a new goal which is 180 that's where I'll stop. I started my journey April 2nd. So far so good.
  • Queen9387
    Queen9387 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm at 172, hoping to reach 190 and started at about 160. I've been eating about 3,00-3,500 calories a day. Pizza before bed works pretty well :)

    Awesome keep up the good work!