Full time workers, when do you go to the gym?



    BHKLEIN Posts: 104
    In the summer: go outside!!! Walk, jog, run.... whatever you like best but get outside. Go hikings, swimming, biking... anything that requires you to move your body. Not only will you lose weight (depending on how much your eatting), but you will soak up some rays, maybe get a tan and feel a lot better then sitting in a stuffy gym with sweaty people! You really don't need to pay for a membership in the summer. Get some resistent bands and work several muscles groups! Go to the gym in the winter if you can't get exercise equipment at home. It's very hard to find time when you work and esp. if you have kiddos at home. I find it easier to do workouts at home and eventually got some equipment like a weight bench with the leg press, exercise bike, treadmill and some free weights. You don't even have to buy these new. Having several different options to exercise works best for me. I get bored doing the same thing over and over and so do your muscles. You need to continously up your exercise so your body does not get use to. Get a calendar and put the days your going to exercise and stick to it! If you are busy a day that your suppose to exercise move your exercise to to another day that's free. Scheduling the time makes it easier to commit to it! If you exercise before supper, I suggest eatting a small snack like a handful of nuts or half a protein bar so you don't get light headed during exercise.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I either get up at 5:00 a.m. or I workout when I get home in the evening before dinner time.

    Depends on how lazy I am in the morning :)
  • ready4anewme13
    ready4anewme13 Posts: 23 Member
    I've been doing the at home workouts so I will either get up around 5:30 and do my TurboFire workout or I'll come home after work and do it. I sometimes will workout in the morning and at night depending on how bad I did over the weekend. :)
  • aepdx
    aepdx Posts: 218 Member
    I get up at 5am and exercise until about 6:30. Sometimes I bike ride, sometimes I go to the gym, sometimes I do Fitness Blender workouts, etc. It varies. I get to work at 7:45. On my lunch break, I walk for an hour. After work, I do yoga a few days a week. Try to get up earlier, it sounds like a pain, but it isn’t a big deal.
  • blampman1978
    I go after work. I work 10 am-7pm and it takes me 15 min to get to the gym and I generally stay for an hour or so. Lately I've been lazy and the way my clothes look is proof.. to tight:(
  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    I work 8am - 5pm. I usually go after work, but I found that the crowd is really bad in the afternoon after work, and I can't do all of the things I want too; so I just recently started waking up at 4:30am to go work out by 5am. The benefit of this is, I get to work a bit earlier, and I can leave earlier, so I can prep and sleep for another early day. Also benefit for me of working out early, is I have more energy to start my day, when I was working out at night; and would leave around 8pm, I found I had energy for a few hours and it through off my sleeping schedule. lol
  • DoctorCheeba
    I usually work out at home, for me the gym is too inconvenient. On my usual days, I go for a 6km run in the morning before work and then directly after work I'll come home and work-out for an hour before I do ANYTHING else. Otherwise I get distracted and caught up in other things and then I don't feel like it :p
  • dcmitchell01
    dcmitchell01 Posts: 76 Member
    Usually after work, around 5. At Golds' there's a kids club where the kids can go while I work out. I will usually pic them up at daycare and head to the gym. My girls love it, they call it the "kid's gym".
  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
    I work either 8-4 most days a couple I woke later so I do cardio in the gym at 5:30 and I am still working with a trainer spot checking on other areas 2 times a week at lunch break. i love doing it early and being able to know how much I need to eat back and can spread it out over the day instead of in the hole at night. It was hard to figure out what to eat before I went to gym but have found a granola bar is enough and stay away from protein until afterwards. Is this an issue for others on eating before? Anyone else have other suggestions on food for before I really hate granola bars but it need to be something to grab and go for me.