

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    edited May 2016
    Kim, I forgot about the cost of toilet paper. We have been counting the cost of all the different things that we will not have to pay for anymore. $753 infusions, $45 Lialda medicine, diapers, probiotic. And now we can put toilet paper on that. We only buy Quilted Northern 3 ply plush since his litttle tushy hurts so much. We go through 10 rolls of that a week. And that is just for 2 people. My two goofy daughters were trying to think up names for the 8 pound 'newborn' I peed out yesterday. They were trying to think of names that would have anything to do with urine. They had some weird names and I think I convinced them to go with Amber. But i told them they may have to think of another name tomorrow.

    I would love to go to the cape. I don't know anyone there but it just seems so beautiful.

    Becca, how did buying stamps turn into buying a car? There has to be a story to this one.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Well today I volunteered at the Senior Luncheon as one of three servers. There is a nice couple, he is retired military and she is Korean. She had some friends over from Korea, and they were having lunch as well. So she says, " I love how you sing, please sing for my friends". I say, sure I can do that, when?" She replies, "You do it now. " Oh wow, way to be uncomfortable, and put on the spot....but I sing and of course the place goes deathly quiet....there are times that I just want to stop singing and say..."eeek".... But it does make them feel happy, and I definitely get out of my comfort zone. Afterwards I always get so nervous, and flushed. I used to get splotches on my chest like hives before a performance. THAT was embarrassing!! All in all, a nice day.

    ((((((hugs))))) to ladies struggling with issues, tough life decisions, family troubles, and other problems put on your plates. As I have seen on here, you are all much stronger than you even realize. Know that I care, and will always be on your side. I have your back!

    To all the new peeps, you can vent, unload your problems on here, no judgments here. Just pile them up on the white sides of these screen mentally..... I have a big broom (kindly fashioned by awesome artisans here) and sweep it out nightly!!!

    like that old lady from the Carol Burnett Show that swept
    in Oregon
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Becca - I love your out look on life and so glad you have my back.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    CSSJ09 & Peach: It has been quite a few years since I lost my mom to the effects of lifelong chain smoking. In the end her lungs failed. She was not getting enough oxygen. It was hard to see her suffer, and I regret that I couldn't ease her situation. Hugs to you both. I know how hard it is to see someone you love suffer. :heart: :broken_heart::heart:

    CJ: I'm busy recharging my energy levels so that I have enough oomph to climb into the saddle and ride. Thanks for your good wishes. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I hope you are feeling better. (((HUGS)))

    Our daughter and the grandkids have gone back to Illinois and I miss them already. They're exhausting at times, but I love them. We dropped them off at the Portland airport late last night for their flight home. Today I've alternated between resting and putting highchairs and such back into storage in the garage attic. I hope to go to yoga tomorrow. I've missed every yoga session for the whole visit and look forward to getting back to my routine.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • atitagain1958
    atitagain1958 Posts: 160 Member

    I am BUSHED! I've spent the last 2 days cleaning because we got company today. My DH and his friend took our 2 dogs and his 2 dogs to the river for a swim so I could get a break. I had a nice long nap! Now I'm wide awake at 1:00 am!! I've even taken my melds that usually make me tired!! Sigh! So my body is exhausted and feels like it's sinking into the recliner where I sleep but I'm wide awake! But I stayed on track today even with company. My DH grilled chicken and I made a yummy honey mustard sauce for it. We had a baked potato and a classic spinach salad with warm bacon dressing. Of course my salad was kinda dry but it was still yummy! I don't like soggy salads anyway! I didn't load my baked potato like the guys did and no chicken skin for me...I put just a little sauce on the meat. My problem seems to be sodium! I have to get my sodium level down. I never realized how much sodium I ate. No wonder I have high blood pressure! Oh, well! One day at a time, right ladies? Have a good day everyone!!

    drkatiebug - Thanks for the warm welcome and the info! I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you! Congrats on being in Onederland! It's such a great feeling, isn't it? I've been there before...beautiful!! Enjoy!!

    Heather UK - You are so funny! Well, I definitely fall into the fat and inactive group! I know this will be a long journey for me. I'm no stranger to dieting. I guess I just never got the hang of it! Sigh! But I keep trying and I guess that's important. Thanks for the warm welcome and support!

    Meg from Omaha - Thank! Don't forget to look back once in a while...I'll be back there waving at you! LOL

    KJLaMore - I like that...curvy. LOL Another Michigander! I live in Northern Michigan by Higgins Lake/Roscommon. I'm not working anymore. I have some health issues so it's hard for me to be as active as I'd like to be. I'm also on some medicine that made me gain weight! Chasing little ones should burn a lot of calories for you! I can barely keep up with my 10, 12 and 14 year old grandkids! LOL

    DJ - Thanks for the warm welcome! Funny, I USED to be an exercise junkie!! LOL A little about me...hmm...I have 2 grown children, a girl and a boy. I have 3 grandchildren, 2 boys and a girl. 2 of my grandchildren have special needs. My 14 year old grandson is bipolar, has ADHD and social anxiety. My 12 year old granddaughter is cognitively impaired, also has ADHD and is blind in one eye. These are my daughters children. She's a single mom with health issues of her own. I'm very close to all of them. They live about 3 hours from me but I try to see them once a month. I'm not close to my son anymore for reasons I won't go into. He has the 10 year old. He's bright as a whip but I only get to see him about twice a year. I divorced my kids father after 21 years of marriage due to the fact that he was gay. I also found out he was embezzling money while we were married. I'm remarried now. Have 2 dogs which we adopted. My weight issues stem from my childhood when my family always told me I was fat. My mom started me on diets when I was in elementary school. She forced me to drink non-fat dry milk mixed with tap water. Nasty!! They would get ice cream but I couldn't have any. Needless to say, I started sneaking food. I have lost weight in the past with Weight Watchers. I reached goal 2 or 3 times. The first time, I was able to keep my weight off because I was an exercise junkie. Then I broke my back. I slowly started gaining it all back. That's what always seemed to happen. I'd reach goal and be fit then have a major medical issue that caused me to slowly gain it all back plus more! I'm now struggling with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, IBS, Complicated Migraines, COPD, Major Depressive Disorder and loss of full function of my right shoulder from an old injury. Unfortunately, a lot of my medicine has made me gain weight and I've been struggling to lose it. The Weight Watchers meeting I attended in the past didn't have enough members to continue. I'm not sure how I'd feel on the meeting day anyway so I thought MFP would be better. Well, I've rambled and told you WAY more than you probably wanted to know!! LOL But there's my life on a platter (almost). LOL

    Claireblue2 - Thanks! I'm looking forward to getting to know you!

    Nancy from MI

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,368 Member
    edited May 2016
    Sorry to have been MIA for so long. Life just got too hectic to even read the posts, but I missed you all so much! Things are quietening down a bit now so I am jumping back in. I will skim back over the May thread this morning and type to y'all later today.

    May 2016 Goals

    Start weight: 220lbs (Spring 2014)
    End goal: 140lbs Just 13lbs to go!
    Current weight: 153 (on 13/05)
    Goal weight: 151 (for 31/05)
    Weight lost this month: 6lbs

    Daily goals:
    :star: Pre-log/follow through/under 1400 20/31
    :star: balance carbs/protein/fat. 20/31
    :star: 8+ cups liquids. 15/31
    :star: 30+ minutes each Strength/flexibility/cardio. 20/31
    :star: 10000+ steps daily. 20/31
    :star: Finish eating at 8pm 25/31 days. 14/25
    :star: Finish eating at 9pm 6/31 days of my choice. 4/6
    :star: Post daily goals/progress - Just for Today. 20/31
    :star: Post progress - No Late Night Snacking. 20/31
    :star: Complete Hogwarts/GoTs/ Biggest Loser/12 week weight loss challenges. 3/4 weeks



    Irish Terri harp.gif
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Terri - so very nice to see you. Congrats, glad to hear how well things are going for you. Hope you find a few minutes here and there to squeeze us in.

    Janetr OKC

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,368 Member
    edited May 2016
    Janetr I have missed the banter on here so much. Have read back 4 or 5 pages. So much to catch up on. Things are running down for the summer at the moment so time pressure is easing a little. I had plateaued for ages, so decided to put myself on maintenance for a while. When I upped my calories, blowed if the weight loss didn't kick-start again, hence the drop this month.

    I have a new goal. We are going on a cruise to celebrate our Golden Wedding Anniversary in July,

    and I want to qj02lupon62e.gifIrish Terri harp.gif
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    Kim, I forgot about the cost of toilet paper. We have been counting the cost of all the different things that we will not have to pay for anymore. $753 infusions, $45 Lialda medicine, diapers, probiotic. And now we can put toilet paper on that. We only buy Quilted Northern 3 ply plush since his litttle tushy hurts so much. We go through 10 rolls of that a week. And that is just for 2 people. My two goofy daughters were trying to think up names for the 8 pound 'newborn' I peed out yesterday. They were trying to think of names that would have anything to do with urine. They had some weird names and I think I convinced them to go with Amber. But i told them they may have to think of another name tomorrow.

    I would love to go to the cape. I don't know anyone there but it just seems so beautiful.

    Becca, how did buying stamps turn into buying a car? There has to be a story to this one.

    Joyce, Indiana

    Joyce I may have mentioned that my mother once taught a student named LATRINE. We used to Crack up whenever she mentioned the name.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    CSSJ~ so very sorry to hear what you are going through.. at least you have the advance directive in place...when my DMIL was hospitalized I tried talking to her about it,she wouldn't make any decision,and neither would her 3 boys ,DFIL said keep her going, and her Dr came in on a Sunday ,his day off and told her she had to make a decision,,, she said do what you need to do, and that was 6 weeks of prolonged life, with PIC lines,dyalisis and oxegen ...
    My husband does not have one in place, and I dont know if my dad does, but I sure do...
    I have been awake since 2:30 this morning, less than 7 hrs sleep ,working 9:30-5 today and then I dont know if I am going up to take care of Faith tonight or going up in the morning..
    Tom will be happy to have the house to himself for the weekend
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited May 2016
    CJ - I am so sorry for what you are going through. Do you have someone you can share all your concerns with? When my mother was in hospital I had my brother. Thankfully we were of the same mind and as she was physically ill, with no chance of recovery, she was put on the Liverpool Care Pathway, with our agreement. This path has now been abandoned by the government as it was badly handled by some hospitals, but we had nothing but praise for the care my mother received. We were both with her when she died peacefully with no suffering.
    I keep meaning to write down what I want, but haven't done so yet. I have done a lot of reading on the subject and have a plan. My DH is not of the same mind as me, so I guess I'd better get scribbling.
    I send you my love and I am thinking of you. <3

    Irish Terri - Great to see you back! :flowerforyou:

    Today is the 100th day of my Norwegian on Duolingo. :bigsmile: We are celebrating tonight with Dover Sole and "brown" shrimps. I wish it meant that I can speak Norwegian, but it does mean I can speak it better than I could when I started. :laugh:
    Lunch is Tricolore salad. Organic buffalo mozzarella - one of my very favourite things. :D

    Some of you might be interested in today's Desert Island Discs. On BBC 4. Available online as a podcast. It was Inga Beale , the female CEO of Lloyds of London. Very interesting and great music too. I thought CJ especially might be interested, but I know one or two others of you listen sometimes. Penny? Her mother was Norwegian. :D

    Love to all. Thinking of getting a new laptop. My old one, 7 yrs, is driving me insane!

    Heather. UK
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    CJ, I didn't have time to mention it, but when my 93 year old grandmother was dying, my mother was pushing for "everything" to be done to prolong her life. The docs had to finally tell her that she was being selfish- that was NOT what my grandmother had indicated that she wanted. At the very end, when she was at home with home health nurses, they asked me about giving her more pain meds. She was moaning in pain, but they were afraid to give her more because it would slow her breathing and my mom was being my mom. I told them that it was more important that she not be in pain than for her to live days more. So they upped her pain meds, she stopped moaning and was at peace, and she died later that day with my son by her side. He swears he saw her spirit leave her body and "it was the most gentle spirit that could be". Yep, that was my grandmother- loving kindness personified.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Nancy from Michigan, with the cluster of issues you have, I would strongly suggest that you get tested for celiac disease. I had a similar cluster of symptoms, and many of them went away when I was finally diagnosed and went totally gluten free. I have not had a migraine since. I do have permanent damage from the celiac and eating gluten for 50 years, but feel so much better!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Sue, too bad you don't live close to me. I gave several teapots. You could have your pick. None of them are silver, though. They are ceramic.

    CSSJ, I am so sorry for what you are going through with your DH. Thanks for sharing with us, though. I have a dear friend whose husband has early onset Alzheimer's. He still has good days and bad days, but it is tough, tough, tough! Thanks for the reminder that I need to get my living will in place. Once my quality of life is gone, I'm ready to go.

    Joyce, congrats on the "birth" of Amber. It is great that you guys can have a little fun in the midst of your medical woes.

    Ah, onederland is such an elusive little bugger. I have a feeling I will wander in and out until I can get over this hurdle and lose about 5 lbs. the knee is feeling better, but I feel kind of achy all over. The women at bridge last night said that my arthritis is only going to get worse if I keep working out. I don't think I believe them. I mean, what am I supposed to do? Just give in to it? It seems to me that making myself stronger can only help. They are all at least 15 years older than I, but are they really wiser? My doctor said it wouldn't hurt as long as I didn't run or jump, that it was the high-impact stuff that was hurting my knee. I do know one thing - getting some more weight off is going to help more than anything, and working out helps with that immensely.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    CSS ~ Thanks so much for sharing about your DH. My heart breaks for you and your family. Prayers said.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Irish Terri good to see you again.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi gals,

    Katla – I too love company and love getting back to my routine…..

    Nancy – sodium is a “hidden” ingredient in so many things, even stuff you’d never think of -- for many of us we do not think of this as dieting, but a lifestyle change as a diet has a beginning and an end, but for me at least to be successful this has a beginning but no end…

    Terri – you’ve back!!!!!!!!!!!! We have missed you..

    Katiebug – your bridge club ladies are repeating old info ---- move move move!

    Well made the spinach feta pie --- but what I thought was feta in the fridge was gorgonzola so it is spinach gorgonzola pie with basil and marjoram instead of spinach feta with parsley and dill…. Gotta use what ya got! As there was no way at 9pm I was going out to the store.. The asparagus soup seems good just had a taste, will be serving it with dinner tonight. Will report later – it was very easy!

    Heard an interesting talk on the radio about getting americans to buy groceries on line and how hard it was to get the logistics right and to get us to let someone else pick out stuff for us. I thought of Heather, and I wondered with the online food shopping you do, do you let them pick out fruit and veggies, or just other stuff… I find sometimes I get there with one thing in mind and it will not be good looking so I might completely change what veggie I am buying…


    Kim from N. California