

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I only had a 3 pound water loss this morning so I would considered it a preemie so I decided to not name it! So no sister to yesterdays 8 pound pee. Becca, I will have to tell my girls that you had a classmate Latrine. They will get a good laugh over that suggestion. From the looks of my legs I still have a ways to go. Just wish the blood pressure would be showing the water loss. Charlie is just super worried about everything regarding me at this point. I think he is doing this so he won't be worried about himself or maybe he is worried that losing me would be catastrophic. Sometimes it takes something serious happening to yourself to appreciate some one else. I know he hasn't cussed at me one time since his colonoscopy.

    Janetr his surgery is scheduled for next Friday at 1. Next week my nephew is coming in to see his 2 aunts. This is the one who was a heroin addict and is finding relationships to be very important now and he is apologizing in his own way. They will come in Wednesday afternoon and leave Thursday afternoon. Wednesday I have a doctor's appointment for myself to check on my legs, B/P etc so this isn't anything I need to put off. Then church and choir practice Wednesday night. Thursday Charlie is on clear liquids so that makes having a nice dinner with family out. I think my only thing I can do to make Matt feel good about him coming over to see just his 2 aunts, well family to, is to skip Wednesday church all together. I more than likely will skip church Sunday plus I don't like the song we are singing at all.

    Charlie and I have been talking about his will, advance directive etc. Will is up to date and although e dont' have a written living will I know his preferences. When he was so sick last year and totally unable to help me know what he wanted done we even filled it out but when we went to get a witness they said the hospital doesn't have to follow them. HUH? So why have it. I know it was hard for him to talk about this but I knew it had to be done. It also made us go look for his will and in the process clean out some drawers.

    Yes, our laundry bill, diapers and wipes, heavy zip lock bags, medicines. There will be a lot of spaces empty in our budget now!

    I have never really asked Sylvia as a MFP friend as I haven't most of you because I really don't go to my home page. I only go here. So I can't message her to see how she is. Am really getting worried about her again.

    Becca, love the moped picture and story. I love driving a stick shift. I made sure that I taught both my girls how to drive one. I knew their Father would never have the patience to. If it were up to m I would never have an automatic again. But he has Parkinson's and it so much easier with the auto.

    Joyce, Indiana where Mother Nature does not know what season it is. BRRRR
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Joyce - I will remember you and Charlie in prayer. Thanks for all the information. It seems like life can just hit us like a ton of bricks sometimes. Great big (((hugs))).

    Janetr OKC
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    For those of you making end of life decisions for the ones you love, CSSJ, Carol, my heart goes out to you. It's been 17 years since my mother either had a stroke and fell or fell and hit her head, causing the stroke. It had the blessing of being quick, but that's in retrospect. We had to make decisions rapidly on whether to try to save her life or not, and her sister, my only aunt, never forgave us, and me specifically, for having the surgery done to attempt to relieve the bleed in her brain.

    The blood thinners she was on due to her heart disease made it impossible for the docs to actually save her... but the same drugs had kept her alive for nearly 20 years. When the time came to decide whether to turn the machines off, the doctor put it in a way that we could all accept--that it was time to let her make the decision. If she took a single breath, it meant she was still fighting. If she did not, it was time to let her go, because she was ready. Her heart beat for four more hours, but she never took another breath. It was a long, dark night indeed. I cannot imagine feeling that way for months or years on end. Those scars run awfully deep.

    Thank you for trusting us with how you're feeling about those things.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    On a lighter note, because my family always deals with everything with puckish, if not morbid, humor... told my sister I wanted to be cremated and my ashes scattered. She said she'd dig a hole and stick me in it if she wanted to, because I'd be dead and couldn't do anything about it. My mother's comment, when she was still alive, was just to put her in a Hefty bag out by the curb and let the garbage man take her away. Typical of my family.

    Heather, I'm sorry your DH wasn't up to dealing with that conversation. Neither of the men I married have been able to either, though I know it doesn't help. My first husband burst into tears in the middle of a restaurant, and the current and last one just blows it off with a joke. As my sister points out, I won't be able to do anything about it. We did make out wills when we'd been married a short while, because some of the members of my extended family are money-grubbing goobers, so I wanted to be sure that it was clear I wanted my estate to go to my new husband, and the son and daughter he brought with him to the marriage. They're the only children and grandchildren I will ever have, but the law might have seen it differently. Now after seven years together, it's a bit less urgent, but we probably need to redo them.

    On the weight side of things, made the mistake of eating a doughnut yesterday morning, and ended up eating carbs and sugar all day, extremely unusual for me. But... done and dusted. Today is another day. The DH is bringing my scale in with me when he comes, and I finally feel as if I've got enough of a handle on things that I can begin working out again Monday morning when the gym reopens.

    On a lighter note, overall, a hobby photographer who is the son of my husband's boss took some gorgeous pics out at the ranch of one of the old trucks that's been left on a hillside as yard art, pretty much (Southern joke). Trying to get three of his prints to make a triptych for my DH for his Father's Day, his birthday and our anniversary, all within three days of each other in June. Thought you'd like to see the prints I'm trying to get... shows much the beauty of this country. And the first one shows the constellation Orion, which I've been attached to for many, many years, no matter where I've traveled.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Love the lighting on the truck pix.

    Well I very proudly entered my 1# weight loss after my "maintenance" turned into a 3 # gain! Back in the game and happy for it.

    Terrifically busy and grateful for it. DH is recovering from miniscus and doing great at pt. he's a very motivated patient. Don't think he took more than a single Tylenol the whole time What a trooper! DD is in full senior slump waiting for her life to begin. Agh the drama but at least every other day we get along!!

    Work conflict with my colleague who did a BAD thing that I can't talk about will have a meeting with HR. I do not expect to be a part of it. And if I am asked I will decline to be dragged into it any further. She has called me a "true blue" friend for life for not calling her out that is not what I am--I am not her friend. She just doesn't know it yet. The blinders are off. She is toxic and though she is my colleague I am no longer going to have personal contact with her. I have my work career to protect and that is what I will focus on from now on.

    Phew!!!! long post!!!! Thanks for reading
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    My phone keeps cutting off my name from my posts. I am going by Karen from ny Cause there are so many Karen's on the posts
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    edited May 2016
    Oooooohhhh Lisa - what great arty photos! They will look great "curated". :laugh:

    DH is ok this morning. I think he woke up early, but he has regained his equilibrium. He did say his tummy was upset because of "last night's trauma", but it was in a light way.

    Cooking chilli tonight, because it's the FA Cup on TV. (SOCCER), something simple that doesn't require concentration to eat. :laugh: I will put in a jacket potato for DH. I expect I will sit with him for a change; usually I ban football from the living room, but the FA Cup is a long and venerable tradition.

    One of my pesky pounds has gone, so I'm hopeful that the other will disappear before the cruise in 2 weeks. DH has cricket for 4 days, starting tomorrow, so I will have to watch myself. The fridge always starts calling me as soon as DH leaves the house. At least I have some good motivation this time. ;):D Want to look my best. :)

    Joyce - I don't think a Living Will has any legal force here either, but at least it's an indication of what we want, if people are dithering.

    Love to all. I hope to squeeze an episode of my French TV series in this pm before the Cup. Watched one yesterday. Weird, but good. Four in all. Need to finish it so I can get the CDs back in the post so I can watch the last one of the month before we leave. I get 2 per month from Lovefilm. Saturday is also reading newspaper day. We've done our exercises. :D

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited May 2016
    Joyce. Blessings. here is a link for Five Wishes printable form:

    https://www.pdffiller.com/21962556-ADVANCED-DIRECTIVE-5-WISHESpdf-Five-Wishes---York-Hospital-Various-Fillable-Forms?utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Unsorted US Miscellaneous Forms&utm_term=Five Wishes&utm_content=*Five Wishesj

    Indiana does not recognize it as a legal document but the hospital may honor it anyway. At the very least it may help you and Charlie personally to fill it out.

    I will be thinking of you and Charlie every day.

    Karen in Virginia
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi everyone...I have been soooooo MIA. No particular reason except that I'm exhausted all the time from my new job and the commute (anywheres from 2 hours a day to 4 hours a day depending on traffic) that I am not focusing on much else. What I really need to do is get back into tracking my food. That is always my biggest challenge. I am trying to find the motivation so will try to pop back in each day just for consistency's sake. I'll start with breakfast.

    Kimses in MA
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Lisa: Love the truck pic's!

    Pip: Your letter was very touching, thanks for sharing it with us.

    DJ: Congrats on getting to the gym. Your plan of starting slow and building up sounds like a very wise decision. Hope you aren't too sore tomorrow.

    Ljdw99: What a beautiful amaryllis. I'll have to lookup up that plant as I'm not familiar with it, but it sure is lovely.

    Irish Terri: Congrats on that golden wedding anniversary.

    Carol in NC: I'll keep everything crossed for your application at the new job. Maybe perseverance will pay off and a social work degree won't matter. :wink:

    We are finally getting some rain in some areas and blizzards in others. Where else could you get Wild Fire and Winter Blizzard warnings at the same time! Fort McMurray has seen some rain but not nearly enough yet. The smoke is impacting air quality for large distances.

    My plan for the day is to attend a Tai Chi workshop - all the proceeds will go to help evacuated Fort McMurrayites.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

    Carey-Northern Alberta
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    edited May 2016
    ldjw99 gorgeous!

    Lisa love the truck pictures. Very artistic.

    There should be a way to wear a living will around your neck. My dad had a living will but because they called for an ambulance. They brought him back to life in that ambulance. He lived for two more years. He looked a bit lost and occasionally say what am I doing here. The ambulance drivers by law were required to do everything in their power to bring him back to life. If his living will had be pinned to his chest it might have had a different outcome. His end was messy and difficult.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    morning peeps-

    after the gym, going to the lot to get away, by the ocean...
    janetr- rocky , not pictured, my first golden, his bday would have been 5-22-01, he woulda been 15, died on 5/5 before he would have made his 11th bday. one of my bro and his wife have the same bday, 5/24, i know he will be 66, he's 9 yrs older than me because the oldest is 10yrs older than me and i'm the baby and i'll be 57 on 5/25/59.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    oh, won't be able to run the 13miles cuz we r gonna go to the ocean, won't have time. boo hoo.. kirby said he is preparing a special dinner for us over there and it has been marinating... mmm. the card reads:

    i thought i was having a hot flash this morning
    then i realized my left booob had fallen into my coffee.

    inside it says:
    hope your birthday leaves you with warm mammaries

    later peeps
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Skuehn48 – You could go to a local bookstore such as Books-A-Million and look for a book on etiquette; and it will show you the proper ways to set a table for a luncheon. My DMnL gave me her cookbook which also showed me how to set a table for a meal, tea party, luncheon, buffet, dinner. I went to etiquette classes as a child, and was required to help my Mother when she set a table for a buffet. How to ‘mix and match’ china and crystal and flatware. Not that I entertain that much; but, I do know how to do it. It really has become a ‘lost art’ with people using paper/plastic cups in the social setting. I, at least, try to use my ‘good’ china at Thanksgiving. I just have to remember NOT to put my ‘good silver in the dishwasher with my everyday flat ware.

    MightyLolo – I’ll be happy when the pool gets ready to get in the pool. DOS took a sample to the pool place to be checked; that he will do today (maybe) and then water will stay warm as the days get longer and the sun beats down on it.

    Mrspaws91 – WOW – 7 children – that is amazing! Especially in today’s world; when things costs so much more (although just as difficult to buy food) to feed that size of a family. You have to be extremely creative.

    Charleen2 – I am skipping my ‘lunch’ so I can go to the ‘ice cream tasting party’ at the 4-H club.

    Carol in NC – I know it is difficult to be working a job with little or no benefits; and basically be taken advantage of; my DDnL#1 is in the same boat. She comes home almost daily with a ‘migraine’ because of has happened during the day. We’ve encouraged her to find a new job; but, none of them pay her what she makes now; but, that is to be ‘expected’. She wants out; but, she isn’t trying that much. She says the company will ‘fall apart if she leaves. They did ‘ok’ when she left before; but, when she failed the insurance test 8 times … the company let her go; and, she went back to the company she is working with now. I would have ‘flipped burgers’ before going back. They treat her like a ‘slave’. IF she takes any time off, she has to take part of her weeklong vacation time. Even after working for them for 12 years she does not have a 2nd week. They work her long hours and put so much of their work on her to do for them. It’s a ‘sad’ situation.

    Lisa – Love the pictures of the truck; they’d look good framed and hung up side-by-side (or vertical, if you have the space.

    Margaret – He could get a medic alert bracelet or necklace with a ‘’DNR” engraved on it and wear it all the time. That’s how the EMT’s knew I had had a seizure and not some other life-threatening event. They took it from me and called Louis and had info on the phone with the Emergency lists which has my allergies and list all of them and that I had a more comprehensive list in my glove compartment.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    I am up at Faith's,Sean and Jean left a bit ago with Buddy the dog, at least he is a good traveler...they have a small front porch up here with comfy chairs,and flowers and birdfeeders, and for right now it is sunny . so will sit outside and relax...
    relax is an unusual word for me....I am usually running doing something.. but I can actually get a few things done that I need to do. make grocery list, brought family pictures up I will go through tomorrow or tonight...
    Faith is in coloring... so will get her lunch in a few hours, then when she goes down for a nap woll go visit a neighbor of mine for a couple of hours... then back to feed her dinner and in for the night..
    Tom forgot his phone at work, so he will ride over later, he is digging up the drain we have in front of the basement bulkhead and will be doing something with that.. and then mowing the lawn..
    I haven't quite figured out what his plan is, as I think in my mind that if he stops for a second or doesn't keep working on something he will end up like his dad ,with dementia in a nursing home
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    If you call an ambulance, by law the EMTs have to resuscitate the person. They are not doctors so cannot pronounce someone dead. So they have to do CPR even if the person is cold and stiff. I have had EMT training when I lived in Idaho. Hospice repeatedly reminded me not to call an ambulance when I was caring for my mentally retarded cousin in his final months. Most EMTs will not take the time to look for a medic alert bracelet or necklace until AFTER they have resuscitated someone. So it is important to make sure people around you know your wishes.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Hi ladies.

    Carol, Carol and Janetr ... Thanks for checking in on me. To all the other ladies who have asked where I am ... Well ... Here I am!

    I've been in a royal funk ...very overwhelmed with events swirling around me ... Not very good company ... And as I seem to be failing in every area of my life, not feeling like I've had anything positive to add here lately.

    I'm way behind on the posts and I'm trying to catch up ... But it's going to be a while.

    So I'm here... Just behind the 8 ball. I'll get it together eventually.

    Beth near Buffalo

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    Hi Beth! Sooooooo glad to see you. <3

    Heather UK