

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    edited May 2016
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    17,000 steps
    178 minutes of dog walking
    81 minutes riding the exercise bike
    21 minutes garden puttering

    :)Katla, I haven't heard much about your riding until today...it sounds like you had a grand time and are increasing your skills....I have a very strong spiritual connection that has allowed me to walk through a lot of stress with grace but what I am most stressed about is the prospect of having to drive Jake home from the hospital in Seattle.

    :)dr.katie, Jake has had to rely on meditation and his spiritual program to walk through the current stresses in his life.

    :)Karen, you look great

    :)DJ, I love soup, but it sure takes a long time to make

    sleeping-beauty-smiley-emoticon.gifJoyce,I go to bed about 7:30 every night to make sure that I get enough sleep even if I wake up in the middle of the night and have to read myself back to sleep.

    I had things I wanted to do in the yard today but the weather was icky so I stayed indoors and watched a baseball game and then the Preakness on TV with Jake. The yard work will still be waiting for me tomorrow.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington

    Resolutions for May (with mid month comments)
    *weight training twice a week (yes)
    *30+ minutes of garden puttering three days a week (yes)
    *daily meditation--gradually increasing time (started at 5 minutes and am up to 8 minutes 30 seconds)
    *continue sorting and discarding photos (doing this almost daily)

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    I feel emotionally drained from today. Talking to my teenager about how he communicates with me. I know he is going thru a lot right now. Feeling the burdens of making decisions, finishing up projects, doing final essays, it can all be so much. He is learning that sometimes being human, not getting 100% on things is OK. What isn't OK is when I ask to have him explain things about projects he is stressing over, all I get is eye-rolls, clenched fists, and him not going thru the process of problem solving. A lot of his stresses are self-induced, and while I know at school his teachers and fellow students paint him as this articulate, easy-going student, what I see is not that. And that distresses me. The Navy will eat him alive.... I think. Maybe we are the only people where he can fully be comfortable being nervous, anxious, and uncertain with. And that is OK too. It just makes me scared for him, is all. OK I am done venting.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Great dress, KetoneKaren. Enjoy the wedding.

    Barbie, I am so sorry for all Jake's pain, his upcoming surgery, his daughter and his friend. Any one of those would be enough stress for one person.

    Come on, DJ, why can't we celebrate Pip's birthday all week?

    My baby's birthday is tomorrow. He will be 36. He said he didn't want me to cook him a dinner. One of his good friend's has twins whose birthday is also tomorrow. They will be three. He says he is going to their party and celebrate with them.

    My rocky would have been 15 tomorrow

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    Before and after, kids r growing up n getting older
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Pip your 'kids' are so precious. Animals always show us you don't have to be the same breed or in humans eyes color to be siblings. I don't think I have ever heard you say whether or not you have human kids or not. That cook out dinner looks scrumptious! I love the fire pit. Is the cooking hanger a home made thing? Ifit is Kirby should patent it.

    Charlie has been doing a lot of talking about his surgery today. He usually keeps things so hidden inside him I am glad he trusts me with those feelings. His big thing he is so scared about is the anesthesia. I told him that is a common feeling. You are most vulnerable at that point. I have reassured him many times that I am there not only as his wife but his advocate.

    I had not heard from my oldest daughter if she was coming home for the surgery. I am not one to 'beg' some one to be with me. Maybe I feel vulnerable also. But I messaged her to call me. I didn't want texts back and forth. That is so time consuming. Plus I wanted to hear the sincerity in her voice. She had said earlier that Memorial weekend would work out real well for them to come over. So I was hoping that it would be the same. She didn't mean it though. So my breaking heart had to let her know that it would be nice to have her there. She said she would have to see if she can change schedules around to get off her volunteer serving at church on Sunday. She said that she thought it wouldn't do any of is any good for her to come that weekend but the next when he got home. When he gets home it needs to be a very private time for the both of us trying to get used to his ileostomy. This child is the same one that when she got married she told me that Maid of Honor should be reserved for a best friend and wanted me to do that. We were that close. And Michelle won't be there during the surgery either. She will see us for that little time before he goes to surgery and then leave. She has to work on the last work day before a holiday in order to get holiday pay. Heck, I am willing to pay her that extra money. I have told her that I would but she says we will be OK. My sister will be with me all day. Can you tell how nervous and anxious about this?

    Joyce, Indiana
  • anniespruce
    anniespruce Posts: 9 Member
    Pip - tell us one of your favorite Rocky stories. i am sorry - I sure know what it's like to miss a great dog. I miss animals I grew up with 50 years ago. I'm a little bit of an animal nut and I hope all mine that have passed meet me in Heaven, like people who have had NDE's sometimes report.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pip: Rocky was a lovely guy. :heart:
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 295 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Before and after, kids r growing up n getting older

    AWWWWW. It is so hard to lose our fur babies.
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 295 Member
    Barbie and Joyce hugs to both of you. Know that we will be here just as you will be there for your DH.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    My DIL is here with my grandkids for 10 days!! They surprised my by arriving one day early so they could be here for my 60th birthday. We put up a trampoline fir the kids yesterday and they had great fun on it
    Crazy busy day at work today. Apparently it is a full moon tonight and there were lots of nutballs and overdoses today. I am sure there will be more tonight and the aftermath tomorrow!!
    Had to walk to work today cause my daughter borrowed my car but my DIL came to pick me up which was greatly appreciated after 12 hours of work. Not near enough water today due to being so busy. Will try for more tomorrow
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    Well I don't suggest getting back to wonderland the way I am doing it but I am getting back there. I started my water pill weighing 219.8. I am now 206.

    I can't remember who it was that sent me the link to 5 wishes. Can that just be printed off and filled in later or does it have to be filled out and then printed?

    So, so tired today. I wish it was time for supper so I could get ready for bed. A nap just makes getting to sleep all the more harder. I go to bed at about 1:30 with my Ambien in my system and by looking at my sleep status on my fitbit it takes about 2-3 hours to get to sleep and it is a restless sleep.

    Joyce, Indiana

    Joyce in Indiana - I sent you the Five Wishes link. It can be filled in online or printed and filled in by hand. When I did mine I had to fill it out three times before I really felt at peace with what I wanted. There were things I just hadn't ever thought about before. It was a rather emotional and provocative exercise which I am very glad I went through. I imagine I will revise it as the years go along. Good luck...and I will be thinking of you.

    Here is the link again:

    https://www.pdffiller.com/21962556-ADVANCED-DIRECTIVE-5-WISHESpdf-Five-Wishes---York-Hospital-Various-Fillable-Forms?utm_source=bing&amp;utm_medium=cpc&amp;utm_campaign=Unsorted US Miscellaneous Forms&amp;utm_term=Five Wishes&amp;utm_content=*Five Wishes

    Karen in Virginia
  • SSB09040
    SSB09040 Posts: 53 Member
    edited May 2016
    Hi, I'm trying to keep fit and healthy but need motivation sometimes.

    Goals for May (and the rest of my life too!):

    Maintain current weight.
    Maintain current exercise @ 45-60 mins daily.

    Cease binge eating every 4-5 nights!
    I crave sweets, savouries, carbs and proteins and eat nearly a whole day's calories in one evening, then feel disgusted with myself afterwards. A vicious cycle.
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Hi all. I'm fine but have internet connection woes. Writing on my cell phone, which doesn't always work well. Heading for Stockholm today for a week of teaching. Special hugs to Joyce, Carol Peach, and Joyce.
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Sorry, Joyce certainly deserves double hugs, but the second set was intended for CJ.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Ah... fresh bread rising on the stove, second cup of coffee burbling in the coffeemaker, dishwasher running, laundry in the dryer... all the noises of a house with all the conveniences. The only one of those I've got in the apartment is a coffeemaker. I've decided to stop calling it "the warehouse," as it's really starting to look like someone is going to live there.

    But, came out to the ranch for the night, will head back into town again this morning. The DH needed me to drive his truck while he drove one of the ranch trucks back from the dealer, where it had been worked on. We'll take another ranch truck in today (Sunday) that needs an inspection. That means he'll stay the night (yay!) and get it inspected in the morning. Love it when he stays in town with me.

    I put in about 12 hours working on the apartment yesterday, the first six installing pegboards and shifting my DH's tools into what will be the wood shop. Once he got there, we got the studs up for the last two walls for the kitchen and the bathroom. We also got ceilings on the entire living area yesterday except the hallways. Well, pergolas, as my husband calls them. The ceiling studs are up, but still have to get sheetrock or wallboard up. We're going to put white beadboard on the kitchen/living area walls, a little more expensive, but easier than sheetrock (drywall) by far.

    My father was a painter/paperhanger/sheetrock installer and contractor, so I spent a lot of time on construction sites as a child. I know I'll be living in one for the foreseeable future. Hopefully we'll get it finished by the end of the year. This weekend, I'll just be happy if he gets the light and the vent fan installed in the bathroom before he calls it a day. Tired of plugging in my bathroom light! But, could be worse, could be driving all the way out to the ranch eveyr night--the 45-minute commute gets old when you're tired... and expensive when you're not making much money.

    Love y'all! Thought you'd like to see the current plan. The yellow bit still needs ceiling, and the purple bit still needs everything.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    edited May 2016
    Lisa- nice job...looks like that will work wonderfully for you..
    It is rainy,damp and cold here in Connecticut,feels like March weather rather than the end of May...geesh..
    But I am bundled up and sitting out on the covered front porch...by far this is my favorite place to relax here...there are flowers and bird feeders and a hummingbird feeder,dense trees across the street and heard turkeys gobbling before...
    Today will get Faith her meds,insulin and breakfast,then off to grocery shop.i usually like to be there first thing when they open as I get a bit anxious when there are to many people around me,but will get through it.
    Barbie and Joyce - will be thinking of both Jake and Charlie and keeping both in my prayers as there surgeries approach.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    Looking good Lisa! Wasn't there some problem originally with planning permission for a living in unit? Have you got round this?

    Thanks Karen for the 5 Wishes link. I will do something about it. What I really should get round to is Lasting Power of Attorney. I have no access to DH's money should anything happen to him so he couldn't manage things himself. (Stroke, accident, Alzheimers etc) Last time I suggested it in the lawyer's office he was very reluctant. It's quite expensive. :ohwell: We only have monthly expenses in the joint account.

    Sorry, Barbie, for Jake's physical and family problems. I'm like you, in that the driving would be on my mind. Do you have a good friend who would be prepared to collect you both? I know it's hard to ask people, but some people like to help.

    DH has gone off to cricket. Showers are forecast for this afternoon, so he may be back earlier than usual. I am having Won Tun soup for lunch with seaweed and miso . LOTS of chillis. :D
    My chilli con care that I make is not very hot because DH doesn't like it too hot. I like a good, deep flavour - not too much tomato. I just put added chilli sauce on my portion. :D

    Kim - Wondering how all your entertaining is going. You have a lot on your plate!!!!!!!!!
    I have my brother at last coming over for lunch on Friday. Haven't seen him since January! He only lives 10 miles away. Just going to do bought picky bits, make a hummus and a soup. He is diabetic, so won't be doing a dessert. Might make nice bread and have some runny, stinky cheese, which he and I love. (I have to hide it from DH ) My DSIL is also coming. :D
    The restaurant voucher I bought him for his birthday did not work at the restaurant! :sad: I was billed for it on my bank account so I will have to take it back to the shop. I didn't keep the receipt because it came through on my account. Hope they can sort it out. I can print out the bank statement. Very annoying for them as they had eaten their meal and then it didn't work! :sad:

    Going to watch the rest of my French TV series today. It's very, very good, although quite controversial in France.

    Love Heather UK
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Heather... in answer to your question, we're kind of walking sideways around it. Everything we're putting in can be construed as office-oriented, except maybe the bedroom. And when you're working two jobs, you have to nap somewhere, which I technically am working two jobs... not my favorite way to go about things, but we could fight anything they try to level against us without too much trouble. And the last people who owned the warehouse used what's now the craft workshop as a one-bedroom apartment, so not sweating it too much. The city doesn't care, as long as you pay your city bills...
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Barbie I can relate to your concern about the drive. Short of hiring a pro or friend to actually do the drive , you could very methodically (right up your alley) plan your route and itinerary with the mental breaks that you will need. When faced with a long exhausting drive under stress I have used my music tapes as well as ticking off the journey with positive reinforcement to get myself through. I had to keep reminding myself I was handling things. I was doing what needed to be done and I also thought about the positive result that was awaiting me. that is being home safe and sound. I know this may not be your exact scenario but I hope just thinking about it might help ease the anxiety. You've got a lot on your plate. Sending you