

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Becca: You and your DH are in my prayers. OHSU is a very good place for someone with complicated problems like your DH has. I'm keeping my fingers, toes and eyes crossed that you get a plan of action that you can cope with & feel good about. :heart:
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Becca I'm sure it will be a long few days. We are here and sending warm fuzzy thots, hugs and prayers for your DH and y0u and the boys.

    Janetr OKC
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Becca--Sending hugs and prayers for you and DH.

    Michele--Sending hugs and prayers for you also. Let us know what the doctor says.

    Barbie--So sorry to hear about Jake's DD. It is not easy to lose a child. Hugs to both of you.

    Katla--So glad you got word from Sylvia. I do miss her also.

    Marcelyn--Sorry to hear about all the problems the rain is making for those around you. It has been rainy here the last week and at times pretty heavy. So far we have had no damage. But would sure like the sun to shine.

    Joyce--Great news about DH and pray all keeps just getting better everyday.

    Well ladies we are such a busy group. I went to the doctor yesterday and he took a bigger peice out of my arm and sent in as it was not healing. Then he found a spot on my face he froze. Glad to have it checked out. I go back to the doctor for my arm on Tuesday and hope it is healing well. I am getting really tired of trying to do things left handed. Sorry I have whined enough. Please take care ladies.
    Blessings, Vicki Grand Island-NE
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    afternoon kiddo's~
    well I defrosted the stand up freezer this morning.. to say that was a chore is an understatement but its done, Tom and I did take a ride down to the shore walked the boardwalk a bit and then shared a fish and chips lunch/dinner . then rode home... wow the sun wipes you out...
    Becca~ thinking of both you and hubby and hope the outcome is workable...
    they had a memorial service today for the guy who commited suicide... I didn't go, I just feel so very sad for his kids.. they said if anyone wanted to make any donations they have set a fund up at the local bank for his kids education...one graduated from college, the other one will be graduating from high school in a week or 2, then there is the boy who will be going into his junior year, and the youngest going into middle school..
    I dont know how Alicia will survive with the 4 kids ,and bills she works like 3 part time jobs and Scott if he did have life insurance ,will be null and void since he killed himself...
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    "Karen in VA: I think you are referring to me as Kayla. It is neither my real name nor my myfitnesspal moniker. Katla is a made up name that uses part of my first name and part of my last name. :wink:"

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon - My bad! it was that stupid autocorrect. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I shall be more vigilant!

    Becca You must be exhausted. We will all be waiting with you for the news on the biopsy. Sorry you are going through this.

    Vicki Hope you get good news on your biopsy as well, and hope your arm heals up.

    I am thankful to those men & women who have served our country in the military this Memorial Day weekend.

    Granddaughter caught her first fish. Then released it. She's a natural!eecqd6a0ok1d.jpg

    Karen in Virginia
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Vicki - Sending good wishes for all your ops and biopsies! Hope it's all good news. :flowerforyou:

    Heather UK
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Becca: Adding my prayers and good energy already enroute to you.

    Margaret: Gingerberry kombucha is my favorite, too. I have now been to Farmers' Markets in 3 different states and found vendors selling a variety of kombucha. You can even provide your own glass container to save a few bucks. Guessing it's a growing trend. I'm sorry to hear about your DH. Continued prayers for him and comfort to you.

    I worked out hard in the gym this AM, then spent about 3 hours puttering with potted plants on our deck. Tired and sore, but happy with the results. Early dinner and early bedtime (and an Aleve) for me tonight.

    Stay well friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    aw thanks my friends... So I am sipping my 2nd cuppa coffee and I just had a "dish towel war" with my teenager. You know when you flick the towel and it snaps? My son has taken his coffee back to his room, having to stop and set his cup down and laugh... I want to say, "Hey son, do you realize how delightfully distracting that little war was"? Just gave husband his tea, and he is watching some black and white military movie. Of course he is talking to the screen.... He has always done that, so he isn't going bonkers or anything. He is experiencing some itching all over his body, (which is a symptom of liver stress). Man this is gonna be a looong weekend.

    I did talk to my mother-in-law yesterday, when he was having his procedures done, just keeping her in the loop. If my husband had his way, he wouldn't tell anyone anything. Men are private that way. Us ladies have to share, and try not to let stress burden us. Its our natural way, as the nurturers of the world you know?

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I am just going to agree with Becca. Am reading and loving everyone of you. My girls are here with me right now and it's a wild time whenever they are together. Although they can be exhausting I enjoy it so much because not every sibling loves her sibling when they grow up. I told Christina she didn't need to stay with me all the time and could go on home if she wanted but she said she has this rare ooportunity to be with her sister all by herself and not have to be a Mom at the same time. He is doing just fine, has been up and walked, hates the clear liquids. Only thing wrong is that his urine output is low.

    Love you all, Joyce Becca I just want to put my arms around you and say it will be ok but we can't just say that.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Becca – HUGS abound for you and your husband and the trip on a holiday weekend. My Husband and I used to get in the car and travel on holiday weekends (lots of times down to Jacksonville, FL where his parents lived and went to the beach). We try NOT to have to travel on holidays now. Too many fools on the road. I’m beginning to think that our 15-year-old granddaughter might be in her 50’s before she gets her Learner’s License; I think he Dad told her that she was going to HAVE to get it. They could not find her SS Card, which is one of the requirements to get it. DDnL#1 has lost all of their cards; when she was looking through her purse; I told her that is somewhere you do NOT want to keep it, it should be ‘at home’. Nobody has the right to ask for you SSN as a form of identification anymore. She says she has looked through everything she thought it would be in. She threw out all her clothes that had the logo of the job she just walked out on. She’s got a ‘new’ job starting Tuesday; but, of course, is having to start over pay-wise. But, I am ‘still very proud of her’ for not taking the constant $#*T she has been putting up with for 12 years. She got very upset when one of the salesmen wanted her to approve something that she had not ‘seen’ and she told him ‘no, she was not comfortable doing it’; she took it into her boss’s office and told him that she was not comfortable doing it. He looked up at her and make the comment that ‘everybody there was in a bitchy mood’. She told him, near tears, that she was not ‘bitching’ … she was just making a comment. Before she felt like she was going to burst into tears in front of him, she asked if she could take her lunch hour right then’. He told her “NO!” She then said, I “NEED” to take my lunch hour now, he told her that ‘if’ she walked out that door, not to come back’. She surprised him when she walked out that door and did not come back. She wanted DOS to go to pick up her last check and get her ‘stuff’. He told her ‘he was not going to do that, she needed to call him and ask if she could come in to get her stuff’. When she got there, he had her stuff in a box and a big envelope on top. He told her to look at it. She pulled it out and it was a ‘non-compete clause’. She told him that she was not going to work for a competitor and anyway … she would not do that to him’. Then he said, ‘oh, I forgot to put your paycheck in it’. Yeah, right … he wanted to make a point that he was only paying her for 2 days and 4 hours. I had told her that she was going to probably lose her vacation time … since GA is an ‘at will employment state’. She could walk out anytime she wanted to, and he could fire her any time he wanted to and there was no need to ‘work out a 2-week notice’. Most employers don’t want a disgruntled employee working because of what they could do to sabotage a company. She is going to keep the books for a large farm in another county that butts up to the county we live in. She’s got about 6 months’ worth of filing to be done, too. Her new boss told her that he really needed a ‘system’. She’s good at that sort of thing.

    I told DOS that ‘if’ DMGD got her Learner’s License she could be ‘Driving Miss Daisy’ (me); he said that was exactly why they wanted her to get it. I think I will be a ‘good teacher’ … I taught their oldest daughter how to drive. She isn’t as upset when I am the passenger as she is her Dad and/or step-mom.

    What kind of ‘cutest green car on the planet’ do you have?

    Grandmallie – I think it is so sad when someone thinks the only way ‘out’ is to ‘off’ themselves. But, nobody will know what was going on in his head for him to do that. That is what the preacher said about a HS friend who had committed suicide … when everybody thought that things were going well for her. She had gone to the beach with a friend and her husband for a week; her brother was supposed to get married that Saturday, and she was going to fly out to California to spend a week with another HS friend; but, instead, she drove into the woods behind her house and shot herself. Normally, that is not the choice of the way most women commit suicide; they usually go for an overdose and just ‘go to sleep and not wake up’. More men commit suicide by gun. I feel for the widow and the children, they will always wonder if there was anything they could have done to prevent it. So sad. Prayers for the family and friends.

    Rori – What is ‘gingerberry kombucha’? Never heard of it. But, I live in Georgia.

  • lisabridwell
    lisabridwell Posts: 31 Member
    edited May 2016
    How does this work. Looks like when you login the last post shows up. So do you scroll up to the last time you were online to begin reading posts from that time until the end?? Or do you read the post from the bottom up? And it looks like everyone comments to individuals' posts in a consolidated reply instead of using "quote" in response to each post? Is that right? Isn't "Quote" an odd word to use for the reply or comment action? Looks like people prefer not to use the Quote though... is that because it repeats the person's original post before adding your reply? And it looks like a regular "post" is actually called "Reply"... am I the only one confused by the terms? Appreciate your help teaching me how to participate in this group.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    edited May 2016
    Stats for the day:
    Sat jog- 29.04min, 6.3-7.0sp 9.22ap, 138ahr, 5k = 308c
    Jump/skip 25min- 135ahr. 158mhr = 248c
    Other- 153 min, weed wack lot = 610c
    Total cal 1166
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    884004ikaypxy3c5.gif Becca, congrats on your successful driving adventure through city and country...you are a hero... <3 sending hugs to you and your hubby as you await the results of the tests..stay in the moment and don't be making up stories with scary parts.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    Vickil57 wrote: »

    I went to the doctor yesterday and he took a bigger piece out of my arm and sent in as it was not healing. Then he found a spot on my face he froze. Glad to have it checked out. I go back to the doctor for my arm on Tuesday and hope it is healing well. I am getting really tired of trying to do things left handed. Sorry I have whined enough. Please take care ladies.
    Blessings, Vicki Grand Island-NE

    t4426.gif You haven't whined, just shared your frustration with a group of women who care about you....we have big shoulders to lean on and we take turns leaning on each other

    :smile: Barbie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    How does this work. Looks like when you login the last post shows up. So do you scroll up to the last time you were online to begin reading posts from that time until the end?? Or do you read the post from the bottom up? And it looks like everyone comments to individuals' posts in a consolidated reply instead of using "quote" in response to each post? Is that right? Isn't "Quote" an odd word to use for the reply or comment action? Looks like people prefer not to use the Quote though... is that because it repeats the person's original post before adding your reply? And it looks like a regular "post" is actually called "Reply"... am I the only one confused by the terms? Appreciate your help teaching me how to participate in this group.

    :) There are lots of ways to do this and after you've been doing this awhile, you'll find that you use different ones at different times. I quoted your post so I can refer to it and also be sure that you see the reply to your questions. Many of us write a longer post on a word processing document that we can save and add to as we read what others have written. If you bookmark the page and then go back to it by clicking on the gray star at the top of the page, it will take you to where you left off before. The "reply" box is where your post your reply to what you've read on the thread. Just keep coming back and experimenting and asking questions. We are glad you are here.

    t4426.gif Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Did 40 minutes of Circuit Training with Jackie DVD. Glad it was't something that took a long time since we needed to leave early to take Jessica's car and then she had an appt with the vet for 9. We also took Loki to get his blood checked. The plan for tomorrow is to do some balance games on the Wii. Haven't done that in a while.

    I have this tube of gel-type cleaner that I use on the wall between the spa and the pool. Well, I KNOW I left the tube in the garage to remind myself that I wanted to get more. I couldn't find it anywhere and Vince swore up and down that he didn't put it in the pool shed, that it probably got knocked down. Well, I looked on the floor of the garage and it wasn't there. So out of curiosity I went to the pool shed. Sure enough, that's where it was. Now I know that I didn't put it there, that's not like me at all. I left it out to remind myself that I needed to get more for next year. It's totally like Vince to put something away. So I'm sure he put it away, but he won't admit it. Oh well....

    Denise called today to thank me for her birthday cake. I had Pete call me and told him that I was making a litter box cake and knowing how wonderful the post office is they would probably turn it upsidedown. So would he put it together if I needed it? He said he would. Only after I sent the package (it was addressed to him), Denise opened it. When I first asked her to have Pete call me she said that she hoped it had to do with my rings.

    Heather - have fun on your cruise! I'm so sorry for your son.

    When we went to the vet today, they had a kitten for free. Jess really wanted it but Shadow wasn't happy about it. If Shadow had gotten along with it, I bet she would have gotten it. Actually, she mentioned needing two kittens. If they had two, they'd have been gone

    Beth - Vince has back problems and it all started when he was in his early 20's when he lifted these heavy bags at the place we were working at. To this day, he will have problems

    katla - trust me, when I first heard the word "tumor", I really started shaking. But when the doc told me that in most cases it's begnine, I started to feel better. I'm an optimist and I prefer to think that it's begnine until (if) I find out it isn't. Now Vince is just the opposite, he's more pessamistic. If this were him, he be researching and convincing himself that it's cancerous.

    Becca - thanks for keeping us updated. You mean hubby had to go without food until 3:30? I think I'd be starved by then. Guess the good part would be that I'd lose weight....lol Prayers for your hubby

    This morning I had some sort of stomach bug. Every time I went to the bathroom (sorry if this is TMI), it was like I was getting prepped for a colonoscopy. We went to NY Hibachi Grill because we know Jessica likes it. I had only seafood, water and tea (unsweetened), veges, fruit, some sushi, a bit of desserts. I did realize that the next time we go there, for dessert I can have just a pot of tea. Their pots are pretty large so that should last me while everyone else has dessert. I did try to make the best choices I could.

    Vicki - be sure to tell us what the doc has to say. Really hope things are OK

    Had to serve at the mass tonight. At first I thought I didn't but then I realized I was looking at June's schedule, and this is May. Oops! I don't know why she has me on the schedule to lector or serve so very infrequently. There are people she has on there to lector 2 and 3 times during the month, there are months when I don't lector at all. For some reason one of the days under "Eucharistic Minister" she has "please help". Why didn't she put me down for that day?

    Lisa - I think it's an individual thing, some people read the posts from the last one up to the first, others from the first to the last. Whatever works for you. Barbie gave good advice. Like she always does.

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    edited May 2016
    The water is going down. We drove out for lunch today and although there is water on some roads most are open. Problem is the mess the storm left behind. Half my drainage ditch is filled with sand the other is carved into a canyon. I spent today relaying sod and getting it half-way put into order but we are expecting more rain in a couple of days so I didn't do any major repairs that would just be wiped out in the next round. We helped a couple of neighbors that had lost trees. At least ten trees in the neighborhood came down. BIG trees, all of them oaks. The sound of chain saws filled the air. :) The ground is so saturated the trees just don't stay rooted if they are near the drainage ditches.

    Our area has officially received 25 - 30 inches of rain in the last 60 days. I'm tired of rain. I do believe the drought has broken. People just a mile from us have gotten 35 inches. The rain on Thursday was falling at a rate of 8 inches an hour. No wonder I had a river running across my yard. Nothing got in my house, I'm good with that. It's the first time my swimming pool has overflowed though...

    My husband did make it home. He drove from San Antonio and just had to do some creative mapping to find a road open that led to the house. He was happy to be off the airplane. I guess they ended up sitting on the tarmac for three hours before they let them take off. His long legs would not have survived that so I'm glad he got a rental car and drove.

    I tried to catch up with everyone. Surgeries gone well, poundage dropped, beautiful grandkids, etc etc. It's all good.

    Oh, and I practiced the cello today. I figured out a scale using two strings for it. I am thinking that is "first position". I have to read more about it. I do know I'm going to need a teacher to help with posture and bowing... I won't let my husband hear me though, nope nope nope. In due time but not while I'm scratchy sounding.

    Drying out in Houston