

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    ohhh sun is out today, and I laid on the balcony in my shorts and bra..ok it really LOOKS like a swimming suit top, I swear. Getting tan lines do suck though, I hate them... lol!! Husband is getting more tired these days, and got emotional watching the movie where George C. Scott plays PATTON. Took me back to when he did that daily. I looked over to him saying....ok cut that out, you can't get teary now. I do tell him he is managing all this really well. He is so itchy, a side effect of liver problems. That is driving him batty. Being that it is from the inside, any medications aren't really going to help, plus they are not good for the liver. Making him lasagna today for dinner. I have a mini loaf pan so I am going to layer individual ones in that. Plus I can make mine with the 2 lasagna noodles, 1/2 cup each of diced tomatoes, sauce, and moz cheese. I won't be measuring for his ones though... My son detests lasagna sadly, so I will just make him pasta and save some of the sauce for him. As you can tell I had a HUGE breakfast, so no snacks today!

    ((((((hugs)))) to everyone. If you can hug a veteran do so :-)

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Joyce, indiana~ (((((hugs)))) to all you are going thru. Don't worry about food intake logging, you have enough on your plate friend! It is amazing how fast complicated surgeries heal, and how fast they get patients up and going out the door. When husband got his liver, he was out in a week. I thought, how crazy is that! Their explanation was that with his new liver, its safer at home than in a hospital with all the sickness there. Made sense, but I seemed to be doing a lot of tasks that nurses should be doing. I remember thinking, "I am not trained to do any of this". But we do it, and its fine. Chin up friend, normal is right around the corner..

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    Stats for the day:
    Taking the kids to the ocean- 3hrs 3min 48sec = 593c
    Other- 24.43min - sawing tree limbs = 94c
    Total cal 687
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    Yogi in action 44x0me6bi5zi.jpeg


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    To add to Katla's information on Memorial Day, it was originally started by former enslaved people to honor the men that freed them.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    I shall keep on doing the revision, but they reckon it's the equivalent of a whole year's university instruction.
    Unfortunately I can't remember most of the vocabulary, but I do know more than I did when I started and much more than I expected. :D I'm sure that when someone starts talking to me I won't be able to understand a word, but I can say a few sentences. Most importantly, I have had SUCH FUN. :D And it's a free app.
    Love Heather UK

    I've been meaning to thank you as I have been using Duolingo to learn/relearn Spanish. I find that my receptive spanish is much better than my expressive. But it is so much fun completing the lessons. There is all kinds of help along the way and you end up feeling so accomplished. AND it's FREE!!

  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    DIL and grandkids left today. Son decided he was also going with them and took the 2 dogs as well.. So now it is just me at home. Always have a hard time when they leave. Not sure what i should be doing now..
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi gals,

    Cheri - at 56 it could be age discrimination - it doesn’t seem right but I hear it from a lot of folks over 50…

    Kim from N. California

    He is well aware that he may be up against this type of discrimination. Corporate employers must realized that the workforce is not "aging" out as it once did as many people are working way beyond traditional "retirement" age out of necessity. I feel so bad for him and he feels bad putting me through yet another relocation. Overall we are doing well but not sure how much longer it will last. We have the next two weeks of moving our 2 kids to their new apts. to focus on and I have a sneaking feeling that if he doesn't hear anything by the time we return here his attitude may turn south. Sigh...

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Irish Terri :heart: Ireland in the sun!

    My daughter saw this picture and almost cried. She loved her time in Ireland. She spent six months in Closkelt and met her husband there. He is "American Irish" only one generation removed from Ireland. It holds a special places in their hearts.

    Drying out in Houston
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Karen from NY – When my DYS was in 7th grade, he won the Duke University Talent Search for Mathematically and Verbally Gifted Students and they won a trip to Washington, DC. He tried his best to get the soldier guarding the Tomb for the Unknown to crack a smile. He never looked down at him, just kept staring straight ahead. DYS is a ‘card’ and he couldn’t even get that solemn face to change. He is such a sweetheart and even brought home a gift for me.

    Katla – HISTORY! My DOS loves ‘anything’ that has something to do with the “Civil War”. He talks about it with his girls. Has several series of books on it, too, that he inherited from my Mother. My Mother was big in the DAR and had traced he line back to the Mayflower. She tried to get the 3 girls in my family involved; but, at that time we were not interested. Come to find out that the ‘gold bars’ she had gotten for each family member found somehow got lost when we were dividing up her ‘stuff’ before she went into an A.L.F. Either we allowed her to keep them with her; or they were locked up in the buffet in the dining room and were in it when we sold it to an antique store. Oh well, none of the 3 of us have them.

    Yeah! Second day in a row of 90 minutes walking in the pool noon-stop. Great resistance and fun exercise.

    I don't know what it is; but every evening between 7:00pm and 9:00pm, I get the stupid hiccups. Get up, and melt a tsp. of sugar in my mouth; and usually they're gone by that time. Just have to tract that, too.

    Hope that everybody has a great holiday weekend. Guess it will be Tuesday before I get my car back. It's been a long 3 weeks.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Great pictures Pip!
    These are two I took after my lasagna creations.
    The pan I used to make them:

    There were only 4 leftover. Fit perfectly into these plastic containers.

    Remember when I was talking about my Quinoa salad? This was on the camera, so I thought I would post it.

    This is just a great bowl of granola, yogurt, berries and honey. Love my summer simple breakfasts!

    Have a great evening all!
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    edited May 2016
    Pip Your goldens are beautiful!! Love how they take to the water. My Skye (Named for the Isle of Skye) passed away suddenly this past February and I just don't have the will to give my heart away again.

    Yours are such happy pups!! <3<3<3
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Did an hour of balance games on the Wii. The plan for tomorrow is to hold my plank and then take the extremepump class. Yes, they are having class tomorrow. I checked with the instructor and she said she was going to be there.


    Marcelyn - so glad you didn't get water in your house. In our first house the basement always flooded, and I know what a pain that can be.

    To all gardeners - I'm still so very confused about what plants I want to put in front of the garage windows. My requirements are a plant that blooms (flowers) EARLY (like April or even March), doesn't get very tall, and stays a bush (even if there aren't any flowers on it) in wintertime. So far, the only thing I've come up with that meets these requirements is a rhododendron. I looked up about the loropetulum and the Internet says it's a deciduous plant, which I don't want. I'm so confused. Anyone who can help me?

    Karen - congrats on your soon to be new status!

    CJ - the last time Vince was in the hosp, Jessica took one of my shopping bags (it's pretty large) and put one of our cats in it. She's only about 4#. Jessica put a towel over the cat (fortunately, she's not a real squirmy type) and sneaked it into Vince's room. I'm assuming you're going to use pavers sand between the bricks. Sounds like the process we have to go thru. We need to do it every year. Wish there was some way it could become permanent.

    KJ - when my kids were little, I used to take a 32oz container of low fat yogurt and a 12oz thing of frozen OJ concentrate. Thaw the concentrate (do not reconstitute) and mix the two together. For some reason, OJ seems to be the best. I tried other juices (apple, grape) and they just weren't as good. Anyway, it had been years and recently I made it again only this time I used Greek yogurt. I liked the consistency the Greek yogurt gave it.

    Just made some more brownies. Jessica talked about going to see a friend of hers who lives around here, so I'll give her some to take over there. I'll give her some to take back and Vince can finish the rest.

    Going to have mahjongg here tomorrow night. I called this one gal back & asked if she wouldn't like to host since I know that she doesn't get to very often and she has Memorial Day off. She felt that she'd rather come here and not make Vince drive me there. That's so sweet of her. Really, it wouldn't be a problem.

    katla - how exciting that you might be able to partially lease one of the horses! I know you'll really enjoy that.

    Karen - I just googled "balance exercises" and got quite a few hits. I do find that using the stability ball or the bosu ball helps some. Wish I could be of more help

    Kim - you are so so right about the things we've learned. I feel bad for the people who don't keep up with this. Even after a couple of years, I'm still learning. Those people have stopped learning

    klanders (Karen, isn't it?) - sometimes what they serve the patients in the hospital is healthier than the cafeteria. Even then sometimes that food is questionable.

    Lenora - what a hoot your son must be!

    Charleen - so sorry about Skye. It does take a while to get over that hurt

    Went to go see our neighbor across the street. If you know of Shane Watts (motorcross bikes), it's his house. Anyway, found out that they're moving to Australia (where he's from) for a year or two. They'll be leaving Thursday. She's going to be giving Jess a lot of things that they'd otherwise be donating (like dishes). Guess I'll make some chocolate chip cookies for them to take on the trip out West. They're going West (where her family is) for the summer and then flying to Australia.

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    Charleen2 - I'm so sorry for your loss. My first golden was rocky, 4 years later we got bullwinkle. Rocky is gone now. 4 years after that we got Floyd. 5 years after that we got our first non golden, yogi, the black lab. I couldn't imagine not getting another one. One will never replace the other, u can't compare them. Floyd has gotten the personality of rocky as he has gotten older, it's funny. We all deal with the loss of a loved one in our own way u do what's right for u.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    Yogi's eyes r closed, he's pooped
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hi gals,

    Joyce – do what you can, if you miss logging while you are dealing with the hospital that is life, you make the best decisions you can and then deal when you are back home, NO feeling guilt or bad about it… this is life.

    Heather – congrats!

    Pip – great pictures of the “kids”

    Cheri- at 51 when I got laid off, I ended up after months of doing all the “right” things ended up in my own business…I know he does something with higher education not sure what, but could he leverage his skills into something in the gig economy? It doesn’t have benefits, and sometimes not the pay you may be used to but anything is better than zero… There is a woman here that helps kids apply to college and do the government forms for financial aid – and she makes great money…

    I got a huge job today, one I don’t usually do, most of my work is gardening or embroidery, but a friend of the family wants some outdoor cushions made, so I went over and saw what they want… I am sure it will be 40 + hours of work… it is 6 cushions, all done over 2 inch foam, and each 35 inches by 17 inches wide and the cushions will butt up against each other so will need the stripe to match, with cording and the covers will be removable. They did not flinch at my hourly rate at all… which was nice. I gave them a ball park on the foam and cording (they will provide the fabric) they gave me the go ahead, and a down payment – I had coupons from the local Joann fabric, expiring today - so ordered the cording and bought the foam and saved $199.83 with the coupons!!!! I am happy, I’ll pass a bit of the savings through. Turned out to be about 1/3 off the price. I need some more supplies but I have coupons for next month that will be a good deal on those items.


    Kim from N. California