Difficult husband?



  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member

    I hear about this all the time. People are different and like to lose weight differently, right? Let your husband buy 2%, etc. my dad wouldn't even set his lips to almond milk, coconut milk, or whatever I drink!! Include him in the diet process and ask him to make a healthy salad however he wants it...maybe teach him a few things in the kitchen if he doesn't know how to cook?

    I hate to say it, but when men lose control they tend to rebel. It's the truth.

    Hope you're having a great week so far :)
    I agree we are different and he doesn't have to do it my way. Honestly it's all the sugar he consumes that worries me. Milk doesn't worry me as much. Hell if he reached for the 2% milk when he was thirsty instead of the soda I'd be a happy camper.

    He doesn't know how to cook and has no desire to learn. He does like salads so I try to include one somehow in a lot of the meals I make. I even make extra in case he feels hungry later and wants something to much on.

    ALL husbands and wives should learn how to cook! I think it is imperative that they learn some basic cooking skills, should they ever be in a situation where they need to live on their own. TEACH him to cook, or take a cooking class together. Don't let him remain dependent on you for the food that HE eats.

    The days of "men work outside the home and women run everything in the home" should be over by now.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    do what you want to do and what is best for you,
    not your husband.
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    A List of Advice:

    1.) Don't let people get to you, ignorethe bad/worthless posts and appreciate any and all good advice/support you find on here. People enjoy seeing people get butthurt. You fighting back just eggs it on. Just ignore and move on.

    2.) Focus on yourself. My exerince is that if you focus on others then you wont be able to focud on yourself. Funny thing is, if you focus on yourself you will start to see results and so will everyone else. Once they take notice then they will start to listen to your advice or at least be more open to it.

    3.) Keep an open mind.

    4.) focus on calorie deficits. Portion control and exercise are the keys to getting healthy. If he doesnt want to change whst he eats then suggest just eating less of the things he enjoys. I still eat pizza and pasta nd drink beer and I've lost 49 pounds in 6 months.

    5.) have fun and find things that the bth of you can enjoy in order to be active.

    Hopefully this helps. None of it was meant in a negative way. If it is perceived as so then I'm sorry it translated that way to you.

  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    I'm a really strong believer that in weight loss, one size DOES NOT fit all. If you are successful with what you do and he succeeds with what he does, why should you hve to do the same thing?