Weekly Weigh In Challenge for June



  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    TGIF !!!

    Sorry I am running late with my post today, I've been out walking lots trying to catch up with steps. I'm tyring to win my fitbit weekly challenge. I haven't won one in awhile. I have to say my timing has gotten better! Nothing like a full bladder to get you moving lol. I hope you are all having a successful Friday and that you are succeeding in all you do. Just keep yourselves moving, eat right, stay hydrated and the weight will take care of itself.

    Question for today....

    What did you eat today??
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    For breakfast I ate avocado and 2 eggs on an english muffin topped with some salsa + coffee with a tsp of honey, Lunch was left over Pepper steak Stir Fry that I found on Skinnytaste.com with some avocado , for snack I had skinny over night oats from the same website, and for dinner I will have turkey meatballs with zoodles also from Skinnytaste. Trying to keep it light for dinner as tomorrow is weigh in day.
  • 3patsy3
    3patsy3 Posts: 6 Member

    Starting Weight May 29th:202
    Goal Weight July 3rd:194

    Weigh In Week June 10

    June 5:
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week:
    Total LBS lost this month:

    Weekly Goals:2 pounds less

    Struggles:a year of eating whatever I wanted.

  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,102 Member
    Friday weigh in for me! Not as much as I wanted, but I'm dealing with PMS bloat...argh! At least the scale is still moving in the right direction, and frankly, I almost never lose on PMS weeks, so it is a mini-success. Hope to have some better numbers next week..

    Name: b3achy / beachy
    Age: 51
    Height: 5'3"

    Starting Weight May 29th: 147.2 lbs (but was 146.2 lbs on 5/27, the week before 3 June)
    Goal Weight July 1st: 140 lbs

    Weigh In Week (I weigh in for record on Fridays, so I adjusted the days for Friday weigh ins)
    June 3: 145.2 lbs C/W/H: 35"/30.25"/40.25"
    June 10: 144.8 lbs C/W/H: 35"/30"/40"
    June 17:
    June 24:
    July 1:

    Total LBS lost this week: .4 lbs
    Total LBS lost this month: 1.4 lbs

    Weekly Goals:
    • Cardio at least 4 times a week / 24 hours in June challenge
    • Strength training 1-2 times a week / Kettlebell 2 times a week
    • Planking challenge daily
    • Eat within my macro ratios and under my calorie goal daily / Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily
    • 7-9 hours of sleep per night

    Struggles this week:
    • Didn't get any strength training in this week - neither kettlebell or bands, but did lift/carry a bunch of boxes.
    • Still struggling with sleep.
    • PMS, water retention, bloated...argh!
    • Started to break up my plank challenge sets this week, though they want us to do it in one set.

    Successes this week:
    • 2 NSVs - I am starting to see a cut line at the top of my abs to about half way between my chest and my belly button. Have never had a center line like that even at my fittest. Thinking the planks are helping with that! Also got into a size smaller shorts yesterday. Still a smidge tight, but was able to sit down in them without the snaps on the waist popping!
    • Even though it wasn't as much as I wanted to see, I still lost a little weight this week. Actually, it's probably one of the few times I've ever been able to lose anything during PMS week.
    • Got to Day 16 yesterday in the plank challenge.
    • Did pretty good getting more veggies and fruit into my diet this week.
    • My house is mostly clean (it's been a disaster for months), and the spring cleaning has had me more active this week (in hours, not calorie burn), than I've been in months - hips and legs are so sore from climbing step ladders, bending to pick up things, carrying/moving boxes, etc. One more day, and I should be done with the inside! Next up, the garage and garden.
  • KareninLux
    KareninLux Posts: 1,413 Member
    Just having an altogether crappy week! Little or no exercise (recovering from a stress fracture) and eating just over my deficit. Grrr.
    Gotta grip this!!
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,102 Member
    KareninLux wrote: »
    Just having an altogether crappy week! Little or no exercise (recovering from a stress fracture) and eating just over my deficit. Grrr.
    Gotta grip this!!

    Stress fractures are the worst, and so hard to work out with one! I ended up wearing a boot on my foot for about three weeks last year due to one...it wasn't fun. I feel for you!

    You know what though, a week is just a blip. You can't change the past, but you can make smart decisions for your future! Draw the line in the sand and move forward. You can do it!!
  • ElleMcQueen
    ElleMcQueen Posts: 30 Member
    What did I eat today?

    I usually have 2 eggs, oatmeal and fruit for breakfast, but i kept it to 3 eggs this morning and that was it
    Lunch I had a bowl of Onion Soup
    Keeping it light today because Mexican and Margaritas are calling my name tonight!
  • justinea90
    justinea90 Posts: 4 Member
    Name: Justine
    Age: 25

    Starting Weight May 29th: 240
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 230

    Weigh In Week

    June 5: 240
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week: 0
    Total LBS lost this month: 0 (Just starting)

    Weekly Goals: I hope to continue my calorie counting, and low carb diet.

    Struggles: I love bread :(

    Successes: I have been mostly successful with the diet so far, though I have not lost anything since I started on June 1.
  • beurredepeanut
    beurredepeanut Posts: 23 Member
    Omg it's already weigh in day tomorrow :( I've been sick the past few days and my baby also has his first cold which means very little sleep. Didn't eat well, didn't move much and didn't drink enough water. I just hope I won't have gained..
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,102 Member
    edited June 2016
    What did I eat today?

    Meh, I didn't eat super great today...

    Breakfast: Cappucino (wasn't hungry)
    Late morning snack: Vanilla protein powder smoothie with berries and Almond Milk
    Lunch: missed due to paddling for an hour between storms
    Early snack: Chocolate protein powder drink (when I got home)
    Late afternoon/early evening snack: Corn chips, fresh salsa, cheddar and jalapeno cheese stick, almonds (after walking back from the local market to get some veggies)
    Dinner (planned): Baked chicken breast/tenders, zoodles, spaghetti sauce, glass of wine

    BTW, of course after I posted, I ended up going to the bathroom for a third time and then stepped on the scale (late am) and yep, it finally dropped (and has been lower than I posted all day today)...I swear it knows when I'm weighing in for record and bumps it up just to annoy me...I'm saving the difference for next week.

  • chris5602
    chris5602 Posts: 31 Member
    A little late but I'd like to join. I need some motivation and it sounds like fun

    Name: chris5602
    Age: 47

    Starting Weight May 29th: 168
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 160

    Weigh In Week

    June 5: 160
    June 12:
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week:
    Total LBS lost this month:

    Weekly Goals:
    Drink lots of water
    Walk my dog every night
    Cut out carbs
    Decrease candy

    Making time for myself

    I lost the weight a few years ago and remember how great it felt
  • Maria_Fatima
    Maria_Fatima Posts: 238 Member
    Omg it's already weigh in day tomorrow :( I've been sick the past few days and my baby also has his first cold which means very little sleep. Didn't eat well, didn't move much and didn't drink enough water. I just hope I won't have gained..

    Hope not. But even if you have, don't let it get to you. The journey to fitness is not linear, never forget. Fluctuations happen. It's okay :)
  • Maria_Fatima
    Maria_Fatima Posts: 238 Member
    b3achy wrote: »
    What did I eat today?

    Meh, I didn't eat super great today...

    Breakfast: Cappucino (wasn't hungry)
    Late morning snack: Vanilla protein powder smoothie with berries and Almond Milk
    Lunch: missed due to paddling for an hour between storms
    Early snack: Chocolate protein powder drink (when I got home)
    Late afternoon/early evening snack: Corn chips, fresh salsa, cheddar and jalapeno cheese stick, almonds (after walking back from the local market to get some veggies)
    Dinner (planned): Baked chicken breast/tenders, zoodles, spaghetti sauce, glass of wine

    BTW, of course after I posted, I ended up going to the bathroom for a third time and then stepped on the scale (late am) and yep, it finally dropped (and has been lower than I posted all day today)...I swear it knows when I'm weighing in for record and bumps it up just to annoy me...I'm saving the difference for next week.

    Haha well done on that loss youre saving for next week :D
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    edited June 2016
    Name: Laurie
    Age: 43

    Starting Weight May 29th: 247
    Goal Weight July 3rd:242

    Weigh In Week

    June 5: 242.6
    June 12: 242
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week: 0.6
    Total LBS lost this month: 3

    Weekly Goals: Stay away from soda and get daily 30-minute walks.

    Not a great loss but I've got the bloat going on.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Happy Saturday!!

    The weekend is here along with the weekend struggles....this is when we tend to lose focus. Stay strong, make the healthiest choices possible, keep yourselves moving! STAY HYDRATED!You can do this!!!

    Challenge question/fact for today...

    Tell us about an exercise you have wanted to try.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Eventually, once Ive lost some more weight I would like to try Crossfit. Its something Ive always looked at and admired and I've wanted to try it for a long time. I dont think I can just yet tho. I still have a long ways to go.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Name: Mari
    Age: 37

    Starting Weight May 29th: 287.8
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 277.8

    Weigh In Week

    June 4: 285.8
    June 11: 283
    June 18:
    June 25:
    July 2:

    Total LBS lost this week: 2.8 LBS
    Total LBS lost this month: 4.8 LBS

    Weekly Goals:

    Work out minimum 5 days this week.
    Reach my step goal each day.
    Drink my 3 liters of water each day.
    Weather permitting, walk 3 times this week.

    I have been struggling with a sore heel going on 2 weeks now. This has almost completely stopped my workouts. Ive been walking a lot which hasnt helped my heel either but its less impact than what I usually do. Also...I will be starting my period soon so my mood has been quite down.

    I am down another 2.8 lbs. I did a lot of walking this week and yesterday even walked a little over 20,000 steps!!
  • missjuicyfruit5
    missjuicyfruit5 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm gonna have to change this weigh in to my normal day which is a Thursday. Scale seems to be off the rest of the week, but it's just water weight. So here are my results from Thursday on behalf of tomorrow.

    Name: Michaela
    Age: 21

    Starting Weight May 29th: 306.6
    Goal Weight July 3rd: 295

    Weigh In Week

    June 5: 304.0
    June 12: 301.2
    June 19:
    June 26:
    July 3:

    Total LBS lost this week: 2.8
    Total LBS lost this month: 5.4

    Weekly Goals:
    Keep under my calorie goal and not snack
    Drink my water
    Make use of the forestry and get out more (live right next door)

    Had a bit of an issue with the scale this week, gained 2lbs for most of it even though I've been really disciplined with what I eat, It just would not shift, but stuck with it and it payed off.

    Exceeded my weekly weight loss goal of 2lbs even with my blip this week
  • Shelle33
    Shelle33 Posts: 63 Member
    What did I eat today yesterday?

    Yesterday was terrible. Really terrible. :(

    Breakfast: Multivitamin, leftover thin crust veggie pizza (bad planning meant I'd run out of my protein bars and berries - this was all I had in the house and there isn't anywhere to grab decent breakfast near my new job. Excuses, I know.)
    Lunch: Grilled halloumi and roasted vegetable sandwich, grapefruit mineral water (this was the best meal of the day)
    Dinner: Tried a new recipe and HATED it. Black pepper tofu stir fry with rice noodles and spinach. It tasted like inhaling black pepper. My boyfriend loved it (he finished it all, without the spinach), but I had one bite and then ended up eating pita with hummus and spinach. Cocktail.
    Evening treat: To celebrate my new job, my boyfriend took me out to the fancy dessert place. I had earl grey soft serve.

    I've been really struggling over the past few weeks. I've stalled in my weight loss, hovering either 1 lbs up or down from 176 for about a month. It's so frustrating seeing the weight dance around this number.

    My biggest issues with food right now are fruit/vegetables and protein. I'm a vegetarian/pescetarian living with the pickiest eater alive. He refuses to eat almost all fruit and vegetables (he likes grapefruit, cucumber, daikon, some carrot, and sweet potatoes...that's it) and he hates most vegetarian proteins (he likes tofu and chickpeas, but hates beans, legumes, etc.). He basically exists off of carbs, meat, and cheese (and picks out everything else, which drives me mad). It can be so frustrating coming up with recipes to make that he'll actually eat. It also makes it challenging for me to cook the food that I need to eat, as it tends to mean cooking two separate meals.

    Honestly, I blame his parents. It makes me so angry that they indulged him like this. They've basically passed the problem onto me. I'm NOT his mommy and I refuse to fight with him over meals. He's a grown man and he should be taking charge of his health. But it's meant me gaining weight and not being able to cook the meals I need to in order to stay healthy. :(
  • Shelle33
    Shelle33 Posts: 63 Member
    Tell us about an exercise you have wanted to try.

    I've always wanted to try a colour run. They look like so much fun! :)