

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    It is amazing what a good night sleep can do for a person ... wow
    Having my first cup of tea.. and working a long day today 9-6 and it will be flat out crazy..
    Gonna see if I can steal my grandaughter for the weekend , as the next weekend I will be in Nashville.. getting sooo excited about that trip..
    But soooo nice to be home and in my own bed...
    Lisa ~ you are busy busy.. some people can run like that, not me but I give you Kudo's
    Rita~ so sorry about your job.. hope you can get what you need to survive in Connecticut ,it is tough..
    well off to the shower and off to work..
    ta ta for now
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Morning ladies. I like the idea of aiming for feeling lighter. Kind of like when you get a haircut. You've got a spring in your step. Anyway I am back exercising and that makes me happy. This is gonna be the summer of "arms". I will be
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Asking questions from the experts! So get ready NYKAREN
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Lenora, you must be mistaken. By law, anyone receiving SSI (Supplemental Security Income) cannot work and has never been able to work. So that can not be where your husband's money is coming from. You also cannot own more than $2000 in assets, including vehicles.

    Under SSDI (Social Security Disability INSURANCE, your husband CAN work, but by law has to report his earnings. Social Security will then take away $1 for every 2 that he earns. You can have assets under SSDI. Remember, this is the insurance fund that every one pays in to from their paycheck under FICA. If someone does NOT report their earnings, they are breaking the law and can have to pay back ALL that they received if SS finds out.
  • prbford64
    prbford64 Posts: 22 Member
    Good morning, everyone...I've discovered something new to add to my plan to slim down. I'll be in the shower - with my Dawn - if anyone needs me. LOL! Have a great day, everyone!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Karen delightful!
    :heart: Margaret
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Cheri - I know this is a stupid question, but what sport are the Cavs in? Woohoo for your hubby getting the A&M job! Have you ever taken the puppy on a long trip? Do you know if she/he will get anxious?
    Michele in NC

    Michele the Cavs are a basketball team in Cleveland, Ohio. And the longest trip Pokey has been on is 6 hours when we moved from Carmel, IN to Fairlawn, Ohio. We made several stops along the way, she traveled in her crate which we had put directly behind the driver's seat so the person in the passenger seat could interact with her and she could see directly out the front window between the front seats. Eventually she settled down and traveled just fine.

    Honestly, I am more concerned about transporting my houseplants. I've already reconciled that I will have to part with many of them as I have done each time we move. However, I have a spider plant that is a cutting from one that came from the kids preschool ( 25 years ago) that absolutely will go with me. I rescue houseplants from the reject shelf in the stores. My husband suggests we rent a UHaul Cargo Van to relocate them in. Very thoughtful of him.
    Will have to figure it out as I don't think following him in UHaul again (as I did relocating our daughter from Chicago to VA) is something I want to do again. I might leave them in the home as a "gift" to the new owners. This way if they don't want them at least I don't have to dispose of them. I seem to be attached a bit!

    Realtor coming this morning to sign papers and get process started. Home photographer coming this afternoon. Waiting to hear from TAMU (have since learned that is the acronym for Texas A&M) about travel plans for housing search.

    Having my coffee. Checking in with you ladies.

    Sunny NE oHIo
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Margaret- beautiful fairy garden!

    Paula- lol! I'm using Dawn from now on!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,937 Member
    Dawn in my daily shower! Just came back from chiropractor who treated me for depression and anxiety. So sleepy now but will not give in. I am working hard to not give in to it this time. Going for a walk now that the rain has stopped before it gets hit. My favorite exercise!

    Rita, from CT
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Rita- Welcome back!

    Love the fairy garden and the Shampoo warning. Putting my extra bottle of Dawn on the tub ;)

    Janetr: Sorry about the tooth...hope that it feels better quickly!

    Lisa: I could use an eighth of that energy. I love the thought of being lighter one day at a time.

    Being back to work full time has really impacted my cooking and eating at home. It is really difficult to really know how accurate nutritional info is on items purchased at a restaurant. I really need to get back into what I was doing before I returned to work. The only issue is the amount of time and energy that takes. There just isn't enough of either in the reservoir.

    Enjoy your day ladies <3

    Carey - N Alberta
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    Morning peeps-
    Giving my hip a break, not riding in to work, taking the train. Took a few pain pills
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    edited June 2016
    KetoneKaren - The fairy and her garden were just right, putting a smile on my face this morning. Thank you! <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    Taking it easy today.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    edited June 2016
    Carey - Can you batch make food to be packed for lunches, so it's just grab and go. Plenty of ideas on the internet.And have you got a slow cooker so you can assemble food (don't worry about prefrying ) the night before and switch it on in the morning. You could make several batches at a time and freeze portions . Then you only have to remember to get them out in the morning.! :*
    I bought my son the Instant Pot Duo for his birthday. It's expensive and there are much cheaper options. You need something ready for you when you get in.

    Just made my yogurt and prepped the mushroom risotto for dinner. DH has been cutting our rampant lawn. 70 trips to the compost!

    I am still ploughing on with the Duolingo Spanish as I need to familiarise myself with the irregular verbs and all the crazy tenses. Enjoying it even though I have effectively finished the course. I still make mistakes, so I'm not done yet. :noway:

    Pip - What's up with your hip?

    Charlene - I think upping your calories to the recommended amount is a great idea. And you can add in your exercise calories. This is not meant to be a penance and the more you eat, the more likely you are to stick at it. Slowly does it. It took me 18 months to lose 57 pounds, but I've kept it off for another two and a half years. :D

    Love to all, Heather UK
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    The shampoo/Dawn joke is hilarious. In a similar vein, but seriously, a friend of mine told me about her friend who is following a very expensive, strict, weight loss program where she has to use their (that is the weight loss program people's) soap and shampoo because the oils in regular shampoo and soap will be absorbed into her body and interfere with her weight loss. I think she paid something like $1600 for this program. The whole situation just makes me sad.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglifts Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing

    Goblet squat-3X7X 35
    Russian kettle bell swing-16 X7X 35

    Walk 1,000 Miles Challenge

    6 miles


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    Cityjanelondon 3 hr spin session on Saturday happened to my hip
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    edited June 2016
    t113033.gif Re, congrats to you on discovering that your current eating and exercise plan is sustainable. That will bring you lasting success. The longer I continue my healthy eating and exercise, the less attractive I find the alternative. Some of the foods I used to love don't sound good anymore (they sounds too greasy or salty or something) and just sitting around and not exercise seems like a terrible way to spend my time.

    t113033.gifLarisa, I'm so glad you like your new job

    t113033.gifCharleen, I can't look at your food and exercise diary so I don't know exactly what your current plan is, but if you keep adjusting it to something that you can sustain, it will start to feel normal and you may not want to go off course for any reason.

    t113033.gifLinda, congrats on getting up and getting yourself to the gym

    t113033.gifMichele, I'm not a dessert person, either and lots of people think I'm crazy (but not my husband)

    t113033.gifKatla, every time you mention yoga I think that I should get back to doing it, but so far I haven't....maybe today will be the day.

    t118017.gifjanetr, I hate the dentist, too....sorry to hear that you have to go through all that with your tooth

    t113033.gifKaren in VA, I get my graphics from two sites, [url=" http://www.glitter-graphics.com/ "] http://www.glitter-graphics.com/ [/url] and http://yoursmiles.org/ If you have trouble figuring out how to use the sites, send me a personal message and I'll walk you through the process

    t113033.gifCherie, keep your eye on the prize with your move and take it one minute at a time....it will be a challenging and extremely satisfying experience

    t113033.gifMargaret, beautiful garden

    2157045gp85zev8ri.gifMary, great workout

    t31216.gifPip, a three hour spin session sounds like it could have injured more than your hip....good idea to take it easy

    t113033.gifJake and I are doing things that need to be done before his trip to the hospital. I have no idea what to expect when we get home---how much help he'll need, etc, so when a good friend said she really wanted to do something to help, I asked her to do the one thing that I know about---put the garbage and recycling at the curb while we're gone and put the containers back after it's picked up. Jake is busy making a double batch of his marinara sauce so there will be plenty of it for us during his recovery and also to be available when his daughter and her family come to visit in July in case we want to cook a meal for them here.

    t0464.gif Barbie from beautiful NW Washington where it was too overcast to see the full moon

    My word for 2016 is "alacrity"....I will greet all experiences in my life with cheerful readiness

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Barbie- it is very nice of your neighbor to help you out. It's a little funny what Jake thinks is important to do before going to the hospital! It actually probably keep his mind off of the situation. My DH likes to make barbecue sauce when he needs to relax.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member