I understand and then I don't (scales and weighing and calorie worrying)



  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    DebSozo wrote: »
    tlflag1620 wrote: »
    DebSozo wrote: »
    tlflag1620 wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    tlflag1620 wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    Sharon_C wrote: »
    I'm with you, OP. I made the decision a long time ago not to weigh my food. I'm a pretty good eyeballer and I can eat a serving and not go back for more. I could easily see weighing and logging becoming an unhealthy obsession with me. Now I just try to eat healthy and hit the gym 5 times a week.

    However, that's not to say that weighing doesn't work for other people. It does and they should do it if it works for them. It's just not something I want to do.

    For curiosity sake, are you at your goal weight? Is your goal weight above what is considered a normal weight for your height or is it within that range?

    I second @RosieRose7673 - it seems you are fishing for a certain answer here, expecting that no one can achieve and maintain goal weight/normal weight without measuring. I'm a 35 year old female, 5'7" 142 lbs. Smack in the middle of "normal" bmi, size 6/8 (US). Got there, and have maintained that, for three years (outside of a pregnancy) without weighing or measuring a thing (don't even log much of the time). At this point I continue to lose on average .25 lbs per week without trying. I figure my weight will continue to slowly reduce until I get to what is ideal for my body (even though I feel like I'm well within ideal range at this point). Historically I've found that my losses stop around 138-140 and I stabilize pretty well from there (I had my fourth child 10 months ago, it took about eight months for the last of the baby weight to come off).

    Not everyone needs to weigh and measure. I'm not knocking those that do, it's a useful tool and people need to find what works for them. But whether you count calories or not, being at a deficit is all that's required to lose weight. Even the last few lbs.

    Keep reading.

    People can't take people at face value anymore?

    So many inaccurate assumptions...

    I mist have posted my response as you were posting yours... It happens.

    I just know many people on here don't seem to think it's possible to lose those last few lbs without meticulous logging (read:weighing and measuring). Because of that, your questions sounded "loaded" to me. That's all.

    I'm asking this with all due respect, but how do you teach people how to lose the last few pounds without weighing or measuring?

    Not sure it is something that can be taught. That's why weighing and measuring is so helpful for so many! I mentioned waaaay upthread, lol, that I focus on eating foods that I find particularly satiating, which causes me to spontaneously eat less. I believe that's a big part of why I don't need to weigh food. I also know that I've never been one to eat out of stress, boredom, or for "comfort"; I seem to have pretty reliable hunger signals (at least when I eat satiating foods). Not everyone has that, or their hunger signals got messed up over years of overeating, yoyo dieting, or bad habits (ie boredom eating). I don't know if you can get those reliable hunger signals back.... Perhaps to a degree.

    FWIW, I was never very overweight (at my largest I was merely "overweight" not "obese), and I never yoyo dieted. My weight was put on through moving to a more sedentary lifestyle after college (10 lbs in a year), a motorcycle accident that left me bedridden for about 6 weeks and with limited activity for a month or so after (another 10 lbs in that 3-4 months), and four pregnancies (gained 50 lbs with each, but lost the baby weight in between each one). I do think how and why one gained weight factors in to whether or not they have to weigh and measure in order to lose... But that's just my very unscientific, personal opinion, that is probably not even correct :D

    I understand. My body self regulated for many years naturally. Now it has busted and wants me to gain weight. I hope I can get it back into mindfulness and intuitive eating like Big Daddy is hoping he will one day be able to do as well. I hate weighing and measuring. But my body is rebelling and wants to gain weight so I must find ways to stop it.

    I would like to point out that tflag is 35, and you are 55. That can make a big difference right there. How many people have posted on how easy it used to be to lose or maintain weight when they were younger. All of a sudden, it doesn't work anymore---for quite a few people. I will hope that she continues to have success, but that's why it's impossible to replicate what she's doing---as she said herself, she doesn't know why it works for her.

    This is true. I weighed 142 pounds at 5'7" back when I was 35 years old and never had to measure food or think about it. Once I hit my 40s it got much more difficult. I never believed anyone when they said my metabolism would slow down. But it did.
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    DebSozo wrote: »
    tlflag1620 wrote: »
    DebSozo wrote: »
    tlflag1620 wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    tlflag1620 wrote: »
    brower47 wrote: »
    Sharon_C wrote: »
    I'm with you, OP. I made the decision a long time ago not to weigh my food. I'm a pretty good eyeballer and I can eat a serving and not go back for more. I could easily see weighing and logging becoming an unhealthy obsession with me. Now I just try to eat healthy and hit the gym 5 times a week.

    However, that's not to say that weighing doesn't work for other people. It does and they should do it if it works for them. It's just not something I want to do.

    For curiosity sake, are you at your goal weight? Is your goal weight above what is considered a normal weight for your height or is it within that range?

    I second @RosieRose7673 - it seems you are fishing for a certain answer here, expecting that no one can achieve and maintain goal weight/normal weight without measuring. I'm a 35 year old female, 5'7" 142 lbs. Smack in the middle of "normal" bmi, size 6/8 (US). Got there, and have maintained that, for three years (outside of a pregnancy) without weighing or measuring a thing (don't even log much of the time). At this point I continue to lose on average .25 lbs per week without trying. I figure my weight will continue to slowly reduce until I get to what is ideal for my body (even though I feel like I'm well within ideal range at this point). Historically I've found that my losses stop around 138-140 and I stabilize pretty well from there (I had my fourth child 10 months ago, it took about eight months for the last of the baby weight to come off).

    Not everyone needs to weigh and measure. I'm not knocking those that do, it's a useful tool and people need to find what works for them. But whether you count calories or not, being at a deficit is all that's required to lose weight. Even the last few lbs.

    Keep reading.

    People can't take people at face value anymore?

    So many inaccurate assumptions...

    I mist have posted my response as you were posting yours... It happens.

    I just know many people on here don't seem to think it's possible to lose those last few lbs without meticulous logging (read:weighing and measuring). Because of that, your questions sounded "loaded" to me. That's all.

    I'm asking this with all due respect, but how do you teach people how to lose the last few pounds without weighing or measuring?

    Not sure it is something that can be taught. That's why weighing and measuring is so helpful for so many! I mentioned waaaay upthread, lol, that I focus on eating foods that I find particularly satiating, which causes me to spontaneously eat less. I believe that's a big part of why I don't need to weigh food. I also know that I've never been one to eat out of stress, boredom, or for "comfort"; I seem to have pretty reliable hunger signals (at least when I eat satiating foods). Not everyone has that, or their hunger signals got messed up over years of overeating, yoyo dieting, or bad habits (ie boredom eating). I don't know if you can get those reliable hunger signals back.... Perhaps to a degree.

    FWIW, I was never very overweight (at my largest I was merely "overweight" not "obese), and I never yoyo dieted. My weight was put on through moving to a more sedentary lifestyle after college (10 lbs in a year), a motorcycle accident that left me bedridden for about 6 weeks and with limited activity for a month or so after (another 10 lbs in that 3-4 months), and four pregnancies (gained 50 lbs with each, but lost the baby weight in between each one). I do think how and why one gained weight factors in to whether or not they have to weigh and measure in order to lose... But that's just my very unscientific, personal opinion, that is probably not even correct :D

    I understand. My body self regulated for many years naturally. Now it has busted and wants me to gain weight. I hope I can get it back into mindfulness and intuitive eating like Big Daddy is hoping he will one day be able to do as well. I hate weighing and measuring. But my body is rebelling and wants to gain weight so I must find ways to stop it.

    I would like to point out that tflag is 35, and you are 55. That can make a big difference right there. How many people have posted on how easy it used to be to lose or maintain weight when they were younger. All of a sudden, it doesn't work anymore---for quite a few people. I will hope that she continues to have success, but that's why it's impossible to replicate what she's doing---as she said herself, she doesn't know why it works for her.

    Very true! In my teens and twenties I could eat pretty much anything and stay stable. In my 30s I had to start focusing on those foods I find satiating (for me that means LCHF). At some point I may very well find that I need to use the "compass" instead of relying on my innate sense of direction! That's why I refuse to bash weighing food, lol... I don't like eating crow (even if it probably is low carb... har-dee-har-har)
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Thanks guys--I'm glad you could both see that. I'm 61 and very active, but have to fight to lose those lbs and still look fairly good. I like counting because my macros are essential now. How can you watch your macros without counting?
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    We all have to make the best of what we still have left and employ whatever techniques work the best for whatever stage we are in life. We can all turn things around no matter how quickly or slowly.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited June 2016
    Thanks guys--I'm glad you could both see that. I'm 61 and very active, but have to fight to lose those lbs and still look fairly good. I like counting because my macros are essential now. How can you watch your macros without counting?

    Congratulations! How did you lose your last 10 pounds? How long did it take you? I feel like I'm missing something others have found as a secret to losing the last few pounds and hope that weighing is my answer.
  • egorre
    egorre Posts: 72 Member
    edited June 2016
    I weigh most my food, but not as strict as before as I already hit my goal weight. I understand your POV, however, calorie dense foods should be a must if your goal is losing weight. Peanut Butter, Olive Oil, Cheese, Nuts, Avocados, etc. will get you if you don't weigh these things in the long run
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    brower47 wrote: »
    jane, I'm not going to refute every off track analogy you brought up. The more we discuss, the more chances for jerks and detractors to chime in with irrelevant stuffs, name calling, etc. It's sad that we can't discuss objectively. I stand by my logic that when you said you have tried the not weighing approach and it didn't work so well, that means you don't know it, specially you don't know what the millions that do not weigh and succeed know. I think one poster (I assume in the counter camp) equates that (not weighing and succeeding) to having a magic wand.

    What logic? There hasn't been a measurable amount of logic in a single one of your posts. I couldn't even eyeball the amount, there was so little of it.

    You jump in out of nowhere .. .and think your post adds much value and logic to the debate?

    For those who are genuinely interested, what I was debating with jane about was I liken her claim that she knows the not weighing approach but "it didn't work well" (her words) for her to something like..someone who said she knows how to drive but ends up with lots of crashes. So, to me that person doesn't really know how to drive. But jane probably begs to differ.

    I imagine Jane knows how to drive--you're safe on the street. By the way, all your talk about "not knowing" how to lose without counting, has gotten me really curious. Care to put your money where your mouth is (or keyboard) and explain how you do it, and what success you've had--how much you've lost, are you at goal, etc.? All this talk has made me wonder....since you say there's no magic wand.

    It's frighteningly simple. When I eat, I truly eat, enjoyably, satiately and when I "don't" eat, I eat light, mainly for nutrition. I call the latter phase "tuning out eating".

    Obviously I put health first. I don't eat too much or too little to the point that makes me feel sick. Because I do both "phases" out of desires, it feels easy. In other words I don't eat while feeling I need to lose or while I am losing, I want to eat! No contradiction. The only small fluctuation is how long (1 week vs 2, 3 weeks) it might take to lose if I happen to have too many eating occasions.

    At this point in time the desire to lose is more, thus I'm losing. If I happen to gain due to liking eating too much, so be it. But I know if I could drop all 26+ overweight lbs in 4 month time to be in normal bmi now, I could do that anytime, provided that my desire is there.

    I don't adhere to 24 hr time frame. No need for daily moderation, saying no to friends, watching every little thing. No worry about constantly having to look for foods. I think there's another lady who said she hates having to find foods to eat.

    If you could create such eating behaviors/patterns like I have, then you would lose. No magic wand.

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    brower47 wrote: »
    jane, I'm not going to refute every off track analogy you brought up. The more we discuss, the more chances for jerks and detractors to chime in with irrelevant stuffs, name calling, etc. It's sad that we can't discuss objectively. I stand by my logic that when you said you have tried the not weighing approach and it didn't work so well, that means you don't know it, specially you don't know what the millions that do not weigh and succeed know. I think one poster (I assume in the counter camp) equates that (not weighing and succeeding) to having a magic wand.

    What logic? There hasn't been a measurable amount of logic in a single one of your posts. I couldn't even eyeball the amount, there was so little of it.

    You jump in out of nowhere .. .and think your post adds much value and logic to the debate?

    For those who are genuinely interested, what I was debating with jane about was I liken her claim that she knows the not weighing approach but "it didn't work well" (her words) for her to something like..someone who said she knows how to drive but ends up with lots of crashes. So, to me that person doesn't really know how to drive. But jane probably begs to differ.

    You're continuing to put words in my mouth and make (incorrect) assumptions. This may be how you approach disagreements or differences of opinion usually, but I find this isn't as productive as really trying to understand what someone means.

    Why don't you focus less on me and explain your position that choosing to use a specific tool to meet a goal indicates that one doesn't know what one is doing and that one is afraid to venture beyond what they know?

    OK, I did assume that you probably differ with me, which you had been doing along. Let's move on between us.

    You're free to stop bringing me (and the false assumption you've made about me) up any time you'd like.
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Thanks guys--I'm glad you could both see that. I'm 61 and very active, but have to fight to lose those lbs and still look fairly good. I like counting because my macros are essential now. How can you watch your macros without counting?

    I do log periodically (as a sort of spot check) and when I first began eating low carb, I logged for a few weeks, mainly to get a sense of which foods I needed to watch out for. I never weighed or measured, just eyeballed, but I saw that if I focus on eating my fill of meat, eggs, and fibrous veggies (making that the majority of my diet), eating moderate amounts of whole dairy, seeds, and low sugar fruit (I can have those types of foods every day, but need to watch the amounts), and strictly limiting or avoiding grains, sugary fruit, and starchy veggies (I can eat those things in small amounts now and then) my macros are pretty close to where I want them. I get less than 80 g of carbs per day (usually closer to 50), at least 100g of fat per day (often as much as 120), and around 80g of protein per day. But, then, I mostly focus on keeping carbs low and trust that the rest will work itself out. As I get older (especially after menopause) I may need to pay more attention.

    I don't think weighing and measuring means you "don't know how to drive" (let's not pretend that that comment wasn't meant to be derogatory). I think that some people, when they get turned around/lost can manage to find there way home without a map. Others need that map. It's always better to use the map, if you need it, than to wander aimlessly because you are too proud to use a map! (not directed at you, snowflake954, but at the poster who keeps implying that those of use who don't weigh/measure are somehow "better".... it's simply not so)

  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited June 2016
    brower47 wrote: »
    jane, I'm not going to refute every off track analogy you brought up. The more we discuss, the more chances for jerks and detractors to chime in with irrelevant stuffs, name calling, etc. It's sad that we can't discuss objectively. I stand by my logic that when you said you have tried the not weighing approach and it didn't work so well, that means you don't know it, specially you don't know what the millions that do not weigh and succeed know. I think one poster (I assume in the counter camp) equates that (not weighing and succeeding) to having a magic wand.

    What logic? There hasn't been a measurable amount of logic in a single one of your posts. I couldn't even eyeball the amount, there was so little of it.

    You jump in out of nowhere .. .and think your post adds much value and logic to the debate?

    For those who are genuinely interested, what I was debating with jane about was I liken her claim that she knows the not weighing approach but "it didn't work well" (her words) for her to something like..someone who said she knows how to drive but ends up with lots of crashes. So, to me that person doesn't really know how to drive. But jane probably begs to differ.

    I imagine Jane knows how to drive--you're safe on the street. By the way, all your talk about "not knowing" how to lose without counting, has gotten me really curious. Care to put your money where your mouth is (or keyboard) and explain how you do it, and what success you've had--how much you've lost, are you at goal, etc.? All this talk has made me wonder....since you say there's no magic wand.

    It's frighteningly simple. When I eat, I truly eat, enjoyably, satiately and when I "don't" eat, I eat light, mainly for nutrition. I call the latter phase "tuning out eating".

    ...At this point in time the desire to lose is more, thus I'm losing. If I happen to gain due to liking eating too much, so be it. But I know if I could drop all 26+ overweight lbs in 4 month time to be in normal bmi now, I could do that anytime, provided that my desire is there.

    ...If you could create such eating behaviors/patterns like I have, then you would lose. No magic wand.

    I have trouble losing. I would love to lose whenever I want to!
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    DebSozo wrote: »
    Thanks guys--I'm glad you could both see that. I'm 61 and very active, but have to fight to lose those lbs and still look fairly good. I like counting because my macros are essential now. How can you watch your macros without counting?

    Congratulations! How did you lose your last 10 pounds? How long did it take you? I feel like I'm missing something others have found as a secret to losing the last few pounds and hope that weighing is my answer.

    I still have about 15lbs to lose. I'm not in a rush, and am losing fat--doing a recomp. I would like the secret too, but don't want to wind up wrinkley at the end. For 61 I'm looking good I think, and maybe some would say I'm not overweight. Everyone has to live with their own vision of themselves. Just be consistent--you'll make it. Good luck.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    brower47 wrote: »
    jane, I'm not going to refute every off track analogy you brought up. The more we discuss, the more chances for jerks and detractors to chime in with irrelevant stuffs, name calling, etc. It's sad that we can't discuss objectively. I stand by my logic that when you said you have tried the not weighing approach and it didn't work so well, that means you don't know it, specially you don't know what the millions that do not weigh and succeed know. I think one poster (I assume in the counter camp) equates that (not weighing and succeeding) to having a magic wand.

    What logic? There hasn't been a measurable amount of logic in a single one of your posts. I couldn't even eyeball the amount, there was so little of it.

    You jump in out of nowhere .. .and think your post adds much value and logic to the debate?

    For those who are genuinely interested, what I was debating with jane about was I liken her claim that she knows the not weighing approach but "it didn't work well" (her words) for her to something like..someone who said she knows how to drive but ends up with lots of crashes. So, to me that person doesn't really know how to drive. But jane probably begs to differ.

    I imagine Jane knows how to drive--you're safe on the street. By the way, all your talk about "not knowing" how to lose without counting, has gotten me really curious. Care to put your money where your mouth is (or keyboard) and explain how you do it, and what success you've had--how much you've lost, are you at goal, etc.? All this talk has made me wonder....since you say there's no magic wand.

    It's frighteningly simple. When I eat, I truly eat, enjoyably, satiately and when I "don't" eat, I eat light, mainly for nutrition. I call the latter phase "tuning out eating".

    Obviously I put health first. I don't eat too much or too little to the point that makes me feel sick. Because I do both "phases" out of desires, it feels easy. In other words I don't eat while feeling I need to lose or while I am losing, I want to eat! No contradiction. The only small fluctuation is how long (1 week vs 2, 3 weeks) it might take to lose if I happen to have too many eating occasions.

    At this point in time the desire to lose is more, thus I'm losing. If I happen to gain due to liking eating too much, so be it. But I know if I could drop all 26+ overweight lbs in 4 month time to be in normal bmi now, I could do that anytime, provided that my desire is there.

    I don't adhere to 24 hr time frame. No need for daily moderation, saying no to friends, watching every little thing. No worry about constantly having to look for foods. I think there's another lady who said she hates having to find foods to eat.

    If you could create such eating behaviors/patterns like I have, then you would lose. No magic wand.

    Ah....I see. The basic "eat to live, not live to eat". Thanks for responding on this question. It was kind of you to elaborate on your method. I agree that it is simple, but perhaps not possible for everyone. Another question: do you exercise? I ask because it's easier to lose with your method without exercise. Exercise burns can be hard to coordinate when trying to lose.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    That is not simple. :(
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    edited June 2016
    brower47 wrote: »
    jane, I'm not going to refute every off track analogy you brought up. The more we discuss, the more chances for jerks and detractors to chime in with irrelevant stuffs, name calling, etc. It's sad that we can't discuss objectively. I stand by my logic that when you said you have tried the not weighing approach and it didn't work so well, that means you don't know it, specially you don't know what the millions that do not weigh and succeed know. I think one poster (I assume in the counter camp) equates that (not weighing and succeeding) to having a magic wand.

    What logic? There hasn't been a measurable amount of logic in a single one of your posts. I couldn't even eyeball the amount, there was so little of it.

    You jump in out of nowhere .. .and think your post adds much value and logic to the debate?

    For those who are genuinely interested, what I was debating with jane about was I liken her claim that she knows the not weighing approach but "it didn't work well" (her words) for her to something like..someone who said she knows how to drive but ends up with lots of crashes. So, to me that person doesn't really know how to drive. But jane probably begs to differ.

    I imagine Jane knows how to drive--you're safe on the street. By the way, all your talk about "not knowing" how to lose without counting, has gotten me really curious. Care to put your money where your mouth is (or keyboard) and explain how you do it, and what success you've had--how much you've lost, are you at goal, etc.? All this talk has made me wonder....since you say there's no magic wand.

    It's frighteningly simple. When I eat, I truly eat, enjoyably, satiately and when I "don't" eat, I eat light, mainly for nutrition. I call the latter phase "tuning out eating".

    Obviously I put health first. I don't eat too much or too little to the point that makes me feel sick. Because I do both "phases" out of desires, it feels easy. In other words I don't eat while feeling I need to lose or while I am losing, I want to eat! No contradiction. The only small fluctuation is how long (1 week vs 2, 3 weeks) it might take to lose if I happen to have too many eating occasions.

    At this point in time the desire to lose is more, thus I'm losing. If I happen to gain due to liking eating too much, so be it. But I know if I could drop all 26+ overweight lbs in 4 month time to be in normal bmi now, I could do that anytime, provided that my desire is there.

    I don't adhere to 24 hr time frame. No need for daily moderation, saying no to friends, watching every little thing. No worry about constantly having to look for foods. I think there's another lady who said she hates having to find foods to eat.

    If you could create such eating behaviors/patterns like I have, then you would lose. No magic wand.

    Ah....I see. The basic "eat to live, not live to eat". Thanks for responding on this question. It was kind of you to elaborate on your method. I agree that it is simple, but perhaps not possible for everyone. Another question: do you exercise? I ask because it's easier to lose with your method without exercise. Exercise burns can be hard to coordinate when trying to lose.

    Yes, I exercise voluntarily like most people. Specifically I play competitive sport and I can burn loads. It's not hard for me to coordinate. I have figured out the patterns (ie listen well) of my body.

    I create and refine my approach which adheres to my lifestyle and philosophy. I take advantage of my traits (ocd, tendencies, willingness) and educational background (psychology, analytic skill).

    Thanks for being objective and polite.

  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    brower47 wrote: »
    jane, I'm not going to refute every off track analogy you brought up. The more we discuss, the more chances for jerks and detractors to chime in with irrelevant stuffs, name calling, etc. It's sad that we can't discuss objectively. I stand by my logic that when you said you have tried the not weighing approach and it didn't work so well, that means you don't know it, specially you don't know what the millions that do not weigh and succeed know. I think one poster (I assume in the counter camp) equates that (not weighing and succeeding) to having a magic wand.

    What logic? There hasn't been a measurable amount of logic in a single one of your posts. I couldn't even eyeball the amount, there was so little of it.

    You jump in out of nowhere .. .and think your post adds much value and logic to the debate?

    For those who are genuinely interested, what I was debating with jane about was I liken her claim that she knows the not weighing approach but "it didn't work well" (her words) for her to something like..someone who said she knows how to drive but ends up with lots of crashes. So, to me that person doesn't really know how to drive. But jane probably begs to differ.

    I imagine Jane knows how to drive--you're safe on the street. By the way, all your talk about "not knowing" how to lose without counting, has gotten me really curious. Care to put your money where your mouth is (or keyboard) and explain how you do it, and what success you've had--how much you've lost, are you at goal, etc.? All this talk has made me wonder....since you say there's no magic wand.

    It's frighteningly simple. When I eat, I truly eat, enjoyably, satiately and when I "don't" eat, I eat light, mainly for nutrition. I call the latter phase "tuning out eating".

    Obviously I put health first. I don't eat too much or too little to the point that makes me feel sick. Because I do both "phases" out of desires, it feels easy. In other words I don't eat while feeling I need to lose or while I am losing, I want to eat! No contradiction. The only small fluctuation is how long (1 week vs 2, 3 weeks) it might take to lose if I happen to have too many eating occasions.

    At this point in time the desire to lose is more, thus I'm losing. If I happen to gain due to liking eating too much, so be it. But I know if I could drop all 26+ overweight lbs in 4 month time to be in normal bmi now, I could do that anytime, provided that my desire is there.

    I don't adhere to 24 hr time frame. No need for daily moderation, saying no to friends, watching every little thing. No worry about constantly having to look for foods. I think there's another lady who said she hates having to find foods to eat.

    If you could create such eating behaviors/patterns like I have, then you would lose. No magic wand.

    Ah....I see. The basic "eat to live, not live to eat". Thanks for responding on this question. It was kind of you to elaborate on your method. I agree that it is simple, but perhaps not possible for everyone. Another question: do you exercise? I ask because it's easier to lose with your method without exercise. Exercise burns can be hard to coordinate when trying to lose.

    Yes, I exercise voluntarily like most people. Specifically I play competitive sport and I can burn loads. It's not hard for me to coordinate. I have figured out the patterns (ie listen well) of my body.

    I create and refine my approach which adheres to my lifestyle and philosophy. I take advantage of my traits (ocd, tendencies, willingness) and educational background (psychology, analytic skill).
    Thanks for being objective and polite.

    Nice! Thanks, this explains it better.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited June 2016
    Now I know the "secret". I'm not 35 years old nor do I play competitive sports.
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Totally agree. I've lost without weighing digitally