Breastfeeding in Public....



  • jgranger221
    ""Unwanted Boob" I'm not familiar with that phrase. Are you sure such a thing exists?
    I travel a lot and unfortunately, see a lot of unwanted boob.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    My hope is for discussions like this to one day seem odd and slightly inappropriate because nursing your baby as nature intended will just be what women do, no matter where they happen to be when baby gets hungry. Women should be supported no matter how they choose to feed thier babies and should be only as "discreet" as they see fit.

    I haven't read every post but I'm guessing the topic arose because of the woman on the train in the UK - she was feeding her baby behind the buggy, the conductor came past checking tickets then came back to say "Whatever you're doing take it in the toilet" (or words to that effect - certainly no more polite than that!) The Equalities Act (2010? earlier?) makes it illegal to disturb a breastfeeding mother or ask her to move - when the woman rang the rail operator the person on the phone (female) said "There's no such Act".

    Yes, in the 21st century there are still such people! I fed both my babies - the first for 6 weeks the second for 4 months (and guess which one is the mummy's boy - yes, the younger!)

    It always surprises me when stuff like this happens in European countries (There was a story not to long ago from Denmark about a woman breastfeeding in a cafe and was told to do it elsewhere as well... and it resulted in a protest I believe)... because I remember when we lived there when I was a kid you would see more boob in a body wash commercial... Hell, I even remember a commercial for chocolate (and with teenagers or young adults) that involved more sexuality than breastfeeding ever will. But that was in the Netherlands though.
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    I normally have no problem with breastfeeding in public, I just wanted to state that right up front.

    Now though, I ask all you public breastfeeding supporters...What about this? Should someone in their Armed Forces uniform be breastfeeding in public?

    Personally, I don't think they should. This is not because of some crap like "mothers/women shouldn't be in the military"
    This is because of my opinion on the Uniform and what it means. In my Opinion, When in public and in uniform, you are a soldier. That's it. If you need to breastfeed while in uniform, you need to do it privately.

    By the way, I think the same thing for a female Police Officer.

    A woman proudly serving her country whilst supporting a growing family. Service above and beyond, I reckon. I cannot understand your objection.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I normally have no problem with breastfeeding in public, I just wanted to state that right up front.

    Now though, I ask all you public breastfeeding supporters...What about this? Should someone in their Armed Forces uniform be breastfeeding in public?

    Personally, I don't think they should. This is not because of some crap like "mothers/women shouldn't be in the military"
    This is because of my opinion on the Uniform and what it means. In my Opinion, When in public and in uniform, you are a soldier. That's it. If you need to breastfeed while in uniform, you need to do it privately.

    By the way, I think the same thing for a female Police Officer.

    Personally, I don't see a problem with it. We have federal laws that are supposed to support and protect breastfeeding mothers in the work place... how are they any different than I am, besides the fact that I don't wear a uniform and I work in a office? They work to defend the laws our Government puts in place so why shouldn't they be allowed to take advantage (in a good way) of them as well?
  • notenoughspeed
    notenoughspeed Posts: 290 Member
    Yay! and I'm not talking because it's exposing a breast. Breastfeeding is a natural human thing. Babies need fed.

    For Florida, you can even print out cards that provide the law if someone decides to get up on your biz about it.
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member

    Google "attachment parenting breast feeding'. Come back when your mind is no longer blown.

    This! Thank you for mothering.
  • edge_dragoncaller
    edge_dragoncaller Posts: 826 Member
    I normally have no problem with breastfeeding in public, I just wanted to state that right up front.

    Now though, I ask all you public breastfeeding supporters...What about this? Should someone in their Armed Forces uniform be breastfeeding in public?

    Personally, I don't think they should. This is not because of some crap like "mothers/women shouldn't be in the military"
    This is because of my opinion on the Uniform and what it means. In my Opinion, When in public and in uniform, you are a soldier. That's it. If you need to breastfeed while in uniform, you need to do it privately.

    By the way, I think the same thing for a female Police Officer.

    A woman proudly serving her country whilst supporting a growing family. Service above and beyond, I reckon. I cannot understand your objection.

    My main reasoning is this :

    While you are in uniform as a member of the Armed Service or a Police officer, the Normal folks on the street should be able to run up to you in an emergency for help. If I have some sort of emergency, and I see a woman (or man) in uniform, my first reaction should be relief, and as part of the responsibilites that come with the uniform, she should be ready and able to respond immediatley.

    Now with that same emergency, if I come running and I see that uniform, but the woman is breast-feeding, I'm not going to feel like I'm going to get any assistance at all. I know that if a mother has to choose between a stranger and their baby, I am less important than that baby (and I agree with that perspective). This is why I have that perspective.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    The fact that we've gotten past the point where we see breasts for what they are (secondary sex characteristics designed to feed babies), and now see them instead as sexual objects no matter the use, is a sad reflection of our society.

    Babies need to eat, and a bottle is NOT a "normal" way for them to feed. If they need to eat, there is nothing sexual, wrong, indecent, or disgusting about them doing it in a public setting. They are simply eating. It's the adult interpretation of what breasts are that is the issue, not the breastfeeding itself.
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    I normally have no problem with breastfeeding in public, I just wanted to state that right up front.

    Now though, I ask all you public breastfeeding supporters...What about this? Should someone in their Armed Forces uniform be breastfeeding in public?

    Personally, I don't think they should. This is not because of some crap like "mothers/women shouldn't be in the military"
    This is because of my opinion on the Uniform and what it means. In my Opinion, When in public and in uniform, you are a soldier. That's it. If you need to breastfeed while in uniform, you need to do it privately.

    By the way, I think the same thing for a female Police Officer.

    A woman proudly serving her country whilst supporting a growing family. Service above and beyond, I reckon. I cannot understand your objection.

    My main reasoning is this :

    While you are in uniform as a member of the Armed Service or a Police officer, the Normal folks on the street should be able to run up to you in an emergency for help. If I have some sort of emergency, and I see a woman (or man) in uniform, my first reaction should be relief, and as part of the responsibilites that come with the uniform, she should be ready and able to respond immediatley.

    Now with that same emergency, if I come running and I see that uniform, but the woman is breast-feeding, I'm not going to feel like I'm going to get any assistance at all. I know that if a mother has to choose between a stranger and their baby, I am less important than that baby (and I agree with that perspective). This is why I have that perspective.

    If she is breast feeding she is not going to be on active duty, is she?
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    Oh, I see your point!

    Someone in uniform is declaring themselves at the service of other citizens, without reservation.

    I stupidly read your post as deriding breast feeding.
  • ecjkek730
    ecjkek730 Posts: 1
    This is such an upsetting topic for me because i'm constantly getting rude comments about breastfeeding. "are you going to do that here?" Breastfeeding is a beautiful experience and people need to stop seeing it as something sexual. No one is asking you to stare at my breast while I feed my daughter. if it bothers you, look away. At least I cover myself, which my daughter hates.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My main reasoning is this :

    While you are in uniform as a member of the Armed Service or a Police officer, the Normal folks on the street should be able to run up to you in an emergency for help. If I have some sort of emergency, and I see a woman (or man) in uniform, my first reaction should be relief, and as part of the responsibilites that come with the uniform, she should be ready and able to respond immediatley.

    Now with that same emergency, if I come running and I see that uniform, but the woman is breast-feeding, I'm not going to feel like I'm going to get any assistance at all. I know that if a mother has to choose between a stranger and their baby, I am less important than that baby (and I agree with that perspective). This is why I have that perspective.

    Are you even IN the military???

    And I can't imagine that most women in the armed forces or police officers are going to very often be in uniform breastfeeding in public. They're most likely at work. How many women are at work breastfeeding?
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    My main reasoning is this :

    While you are in uniform as a member of the Armed Service or a Police officer, the Normal folks on the street should be able to run up to you in an emergency for help. If I have some sort of emergency, and I see a woman (or man) in uniform, my first reaction should be relief, and as part of the responsibilites that come with the uniform, she should be ready and able to respond immediatley.

    Now with that same emergency, if I come running and I see that uniform, but the woman is breast-feeding, I'm not going to feel like I'm going to get any assistance at all. I know that if a mother has to choose between a stranger and their baby, I am less important than that baby (and I agree with that perspective). This is why I have that perspective.

    Are you even IN the military???

    And I can't imagine that most women in the armed forces or police officers are going to very often be in uniform breastfeeding in public. They're most likely at work. How many women are at work breastfeeding?

    The poster is referring to a photo where women in uniform are breast feeding. The photo is obviously a set up, but her question was - should women breast feed in uniform.
  • jenniferrusso7393
    jenniferrusso7393 Posts: 189 Member
    I breastfed 2 children, and I guess I am just a modest person...I was never comfortable doing it in public, even with a blanket, shawl, whatever... But I think if a woman is comfortable, and discreet, then go for it! :smile:
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    I breast fed my first child for 9 months but was never brave enough to do it in public, now pregnant with my second - I look forward to trying it. Breastfeeding is a beautiful thing, everytime I see it happen in public I'm just cheering on the inside for the mom.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My main reasoning is this :

    While you are in uniform as a member of the Armed Service or a Police officer, the Normal folks on the street should be able to run up to you in an emergency for help. If I have some sort of emergency, and I see a woman (or man) in uniform, my first reaction should be relief, and as part of the responsibilites that come with the uniform, she should be ready and able to respond immediatley.

    Now with that same emergency, if I come running and I see that uniform, but the woman is breast-feeding, I'm not going to feel like I'm going to get any assistance at all. I know that if a mother has to choose between a stranger and their baby, I am less important than that baby (and I agree with that perspective). This is why I have that perspective.

    Are you even IN the military???

    And I can't imagine that most women in the armed forces or police officers are going to very often be in uniform breastfeeding in public. They're most likely at work. How many women are at work breastfeeding?

    The poster is referring to a photo where women in uniform are breast feeding. The photo is obviously a set up, but her question was - should women breast feed in uniform.
    Yes, I'm aware. I still think unless he's actually served or has some understanding of the armed forces in general, he's a bit out of line with what he said.

    Also, other than the National Guard, I'm pretty certain that people in the major branches of the armed forces are not meant to be called upon on the street to assist the way she (he?) described. There is a line there and it's there for a reason.

    HIS understanding of the uniform and what it stands for kind of matters only if he's worn it.
  • edge_dragoncaller
    edge_dragoncaller Posts: 826 Member
    My main reasoning is this :

    While you are in uniform as a member of the Armed Service or a Police officer, the Normal folks on the street should be able to run up to you in an emergency for help. If I have some sort of emergency, and I see a woman (or man) in uniform, my first reaction should be relief, and as part of the responsibilites that come with the uniform, she should be ready and able to respond immediatley.

    Now with that same emergency, if I come running and I see that uniform, but the woman is breast-feeding, I'm not going to feel like I'm going to get any assistance at all. I know that if a mother has to choose between a stranger and their baby, I am less important than that baby (and I agree with that perspective). This is why I have that perspective.

    Are you even IN the military???

    And I can't imagine that most women in the armed forces or police officers are going to very often be in uniform breastfeeding in public. They're most likely at work. How many women are at work breastfeeding?

    No, I'm not in the military. Does that have any relevance here? When someone like me (you know, a normal citizen that knows nothing apparently) sees someone in a military or police uniform, That is and should be a sign that says "this person can help and/or save me." If I see a woman in uniform Breastfeeding...I'm not going to get that "oh thank god, I'm saved" feeling.

    I can't imagine that "most" would either, that is not the point. If you are in uniform, you are a public servant and should be ready and able to respond immediatley to any threat/crisis/ someone starts shooting in the park where these two women are breast feeding.

    Can you honestly believe that these two women would do anything at all before making sure that their babies are safe?
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    I breastfed 2 children, and I guess I am just a modest person...I was never comfortable doing it in public, even with a blanket, shawl, whatever... But I think if a woman is comfortable, and discreet, then go for it! :smile:

    You are a traitor to your gender. Firstly, you say you were never comfortable breast feeding in public and excuse this by describing yourself as a modest person. You imply that anyone who is happy breast feeding in public is immodest.

    You then say that if a lady is comfortable breast feeding in public then she should...

    As Long As She Is Discreet.

    Discretion to be decided by whom? Shall she put a shawl over herself? A burka, maybe?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My main reasoning is this :

    While you are in uniform as a member of the Armed Service or a Police officer, the Normal folks on the street should be able to run up to you in an emergency for help. If I have some sort of emergency, and I see a woman (or man) in uniform, my first reaction should be relief, and as part of the responsibilites that come with the uniform, she should be ready and able to respond immediatley.

    Now with that same emergency, if I come running and I see that uniform, but the woman is breast-feeding, I'm not going to feel like I'm going to get any assistance at all. I know that if a mother has to choose between a stranger and their baby, I am less important than that baby (and I agree with that perspective). This is why I have that perspective.

    Are you even IN the military???

    And I can't imagine that most women in the armed forces or police officers are going to very often be in uniform breastfeeding in public. They're most likely at work. How many women are at work breastfeeding?

    No, I'm not in the military. Does that have any relevance here? When someone like me (you know, a normal citizen that knows nothing apparently) sees someone in a military or police uniform, That is and should be a sign that says "this person can help and/or save me." If I see a woman in uniform Breastfeeding...I'm not going to get that "oh thank god, I'm saved" feeling.

    I can't imagine that "most" would either, that is not the point. If you are in uniform, you are a public servant and should be ready and able to respond immediatley to any threat/crisis/ someone starts shooting in the park where these two women are breast feeding.

    Can you honestly believe that these two women would do anything at all before making sure that their babies are safe?
    You don't understand the military. I have never served, but 20 years' worth of relationships with men in the military and female friends who have and are serving and who have raised children gives me an understanding better than yours.

    There is no reason a nursing mother -- and the only circumstance I can think of where she might even do this is at a parade -- in uniform shouldn't nurse her baby in public.

    FYI, would you feel saved by a heavily pregnant woman wearing her uniform in public? Or a woman in uniform simply holding her baby? Because those are very similar situations and I've seen both of those things often.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    Hello this is the 1940's calling and we wanted to know if you were done boring our problems so that we could go back to griping about it. By the way if you see that Hitler fellow stay away from him cause he's a bad egg.
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