Breastfeeding in Public....



  • edge_dragoncaller
    edge_dragoncaller Posts: 826 Member
    My main reasoning is this :

    While you are in uniform as a member of the Armed Service or a Police officer, the Normal folks on the street should be able to run up to you in an emergency for help. If I have some sort of emergency, and I see a woman (or man) in uniform, my first reaction should be relief, and as part of the responsibilites that come with the uniform, she should be ready and able to respond immediatley.

    Now with that same emergency, if I come running and I see that uniform, but the woman is breast-feeding, I'm not going to feel like I'm going to get any assistance at all. I know that if a mother has to choose between a stranger and their baby, I am less important than that baby (and I agree with that perspective). This is why I have that perspective.

    Are you even IN the military???

    And I can't imagine that most women in the armed forces or police officers are going to very often be in uniform breastfeeding in public. They're most likely at work. How many women are at work breastfeeding?

    No, I'm not in the military. Does that have any relevance here? When someone like me (you know, a normal citizen that knows nothing apparently) sees someone in a military or police uniform, That is and should be a sign that says "this person can help and/or save me." If I see a woman in uniform Breastfeeding...I'm not going to get that "oh thank god, I'm saved" feeling.

    I can't imagine that "most" would either, that is not the point. If you are in uniform, you are a public servant and should be ready and able to respond immediatley to any threat/crisis/ someone starts shooting in the park where these two women are breast feeding.

    Can you honestly believe that these two women would do anything at all before making sure that their babies are safe?
    You don't understand the military. I have never served, but 20 years' worth of relationships with men in the military and female friends who have and are serving and who have raised children gives me an understanding better than yours.

    There is no reason a nursing mother -- and the only circumstance I can think of where she might even do this is at a parade -- in uniform shouldn't nurse her baby in public.

    FYI, would you feel saved by a heavily pregnant woman wearing her uniform in public? Or a woman in uniform simply holding her baby? Because those are very similar situations and I've seen both of those things often.

    See, now that right there is you assuming that because I'm not in the military, I know nothing about it. Best friend, Army - 7 years. Another of my friends, Navy, 5 years. Father, Marine, 4 years. My Wife's good friend, Navy, 3 years.

    I know what the uniform signifies, and that is service to the country and to it's populace.

    No, I would not feel "Saved" by a woman in uniform holding her baby, or pregnant, and while similar, they are definitly not the same. The pregnant woman cannot make the decision to not have the baby in her arms while in uniform. The woman holding her child or breastfeeding can.

    It's called Day Care and Bottle-feeding.
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