Zimmerman vs. Martin



  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I think the prosecution made a mistake charging him with Second Degree murder. If he's found not guilty it will be because he was overcharged and they couldn't prove he's guilty of that charge.

    I don't think he deserves to walk, though.

    agreed. 2nd degree is exteme, but a kid was shot to death some charge should be held.

    Well I hope he gets 2nd degree murder. Zimmerman should get the chair or the needle for what he's done. That poor family lost their son and deserves justice.

    Oh my.... :noway: :noway:
  • GlassslippersAndFairyDust
    Why do you hope he is found guilty?

    Is it because the news shows Martin as a 10 year old kid in all his pics? Martin was a thug, drug dealer, "gangster", etc..

    Do I think Zimmerman is an idiot want to be cop? Yes. But he will never get changed with murder 2.

    All of Zimmerman's story is lining up as well. He's going to walk and there will be a huge race war over nothing.

    God I hate this world.

    ^^ this, except hating the world part :flowerforyou:
  • boredlimodriver
    boredlimodriver Posts: 264 Member
    Zimmerman is not guilty. Martin was a pot smoking, gun handling thug.

    He played a tough guy and got killed.

    End of story

    This is why it took 40+ days to arrest Zimmerman. Because there was no case! Public pressure is the only reason this case exists.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    From what I read, the gun shot wound was in his front, but he was found on his stomach, implying that he was shot while ON TOP of Zimmerman. So to me, that would seem like self-defense.

    So you're saying TM was literally on top of GZ when he was shot? Is there forensic evidence to support this? Blood splatter on GZ, gunshot residue on TM? I didn't see GZ covered in blood splatter or smears from removing himself from under TM's body after the shooting. TM could have been standing a distance away when shot then doubled over and collapsed face down. A gunshot won't necessarily knock you on your back.

    There is forensic evidence. Blood spatter and gunshot residue on TM showed that he was over GZ when he was shot. They talked about that yesterday.
  • onetwopotato
    onetwopotato Posts: 245 Member
    I think the prosecution made a mistake charging him with Second Degree murder. If he's found not guilty it will be because he was overcharged and they couldn't prove he's guilty of that charge.

    I don't think he deserves to walk, though.

    agreed. 2nd degree is exteme, but a kid was shot to death some charge should be held.

    Well I hope he gets 2nd degree murder. Zimmerman should get the chair or the needle for what he's done. That poor family lost their son and deserves justice.
    Okay. That'll hold up in court.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Guess you never played golf.

    Biggest waste of prime real estate EVER!
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Third, this was a 6', 17 year old young man. Martin was hardly a 'child'. He was the one who came at Zimmerman first. He was beating the crap out of Zimmerman, the police photos and medical documents prove that.

    Fourth, sorry but it was self-defense.

    Size isn't the issue. Age is. Seventeen is a child. How mature were you at that age? I am the mother of an 18-year-old college student. I know her friends. They are still children.

    As for self-defense/stand your ground, considering that Zimmerman was following Trayvon, couldn't the prosecution make a case that TRAYVON was standing his ground? Zimmerman is responsible by his actions for what happened. Now someone is dead. Had he at the very least remained in his vehicle, this would not have happened.

    No because you can't stand your ground against someone walking behind you. Someone walking isn't a threat to your life. Beating your head into the ground is. You should really read up on laws.
    He wasn't just "walking behind" Martin. He followed him first in a vehicle and then on foot.

    That's called stalking. Clearly Martin felt threatened.

    Should have ran and not attacked. Then he would be alive. Not illegal to follow someone.
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    I've been keeping up on the news, trial, and commentary, and there was no way to avoid ignorant people from going negative on this post. I always discouraged to see the blatant racism that still exists. Off my pedestal and on to my actual point.

    We are 20 years past the riots after Rodney King! I just don't think that is going to happen if Zimmerman is found innocent. Granted, people will be mad, but I don't think we'll be reduced to rioting and destroying our own neighborhoods again. I'm just so tired of seeing these comments saying black people are going to riot. Saying all that, I hope this jury can see through the trash and find Zimmerman guilty....at least of manslaughter, if not 2nd degree.

    There are twiiter accounts, facebook pages, etc dedicated to people saying they ARE going to riot if he is aquitted. Why would people not think this?

    Link some? I haven't seen a single one. I don't believe there will be rioting over this, the assumption that blacks will riot seems itself questionable. Or its very selective cherry picking.
  • Jlopez201
    Jlopez201 Posts: 61
    His blood... somehow defied gravity.. :huh:
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I don't know what this thread is even about. *twirls in circles, gleefully ignorant of the world*
  • Last2bfirst
    Last2bfirst Posts: 49 Member
    I have taught hand gun self defence both from the stand point of Texas law (not unlike Fl) and the execution of self defence. Like others have said, yes I think Mr. Zimmerman was a bit spring loaded. I do not question his passion for protecting his neighbors and community but I think it got in the way of good sound judgement. Regardless of if he should have stayed in his vehicle, and I think he should have, or not, then again IF Trevon attacked Zimmerman and regarrdless of his injuries Zimmerman felt his life was in danger then he had the legal right to defend himself. So at least now I feel it is a leagal shooting but not a good one, it could have been avaoided.
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    I think it's Zimmerman.
    And what frustrates me is that EVERY night the argument shifts over to place the blame on Martin, Zimmerman, Martin, Zimmerman, Martin, etc.... SO frustrating!
    I saw a few nights ago, that Martin was a regular THC user- and the forensics expert said that the body gets used to the effect of it, so it should not have caused any significant mental/physical change in Martin, which I thought was interesting. After googling THC and its effects, I read that it has a rather sedative effect on the human body, and that in fact, even if he DID consume high amounts of it, it would not make him aggressive, in any way.
    This case is pretty interesting, but I am just frustrated by how long it's taking to solve! I think that one piece of huge evidence (though not exactly tangible) that should go against Zimmerman is that he gained weight so rapidly after the case opened- that he has some sort of guilty feelings about this whole ordeal in which he was involved. Also, his testimonies have changed so much, which is normal. But I still think he's guilty.
    Nice to hear some news on these threads actually! Something different :)
    Thise are the "general" effects of THC, but drugs can effect different people in different ways. Why do you think we get the ridiculous lists of "POSSIBLE" side effects every time a new drug comes out. If ONE person experienced it, it's got to be listed. THC likely didn't make him aggressive, but is it possible that it did? Sure.

    And, as far as his having gained weight, I find it humorous that you attribute that to guilt feelings. I would attribute it more to not getting regular exercise and eating the crappy foods being fed him while incarcerated. Not EVERYONE eats their emotions anyway. Just because SOME people do, doesn't mean it applies to everyone.

    Yes of course; side effects are different for everyone. But I still do not think that it made Trayvon aggressive. And I believe the news had mentioned the two having encounters before this last one, which indicates there was a conflict of interest before, as well
    And as for the incarceration 'diet', I did NOT in any way insinuate that he was eating away his emotions. Like I said, it's a piece of intangible evidence, but his demeanor and his extreme weight gain, really strengthened my belief that he's guilty. And also, there are SO many incarcerated people who are in reasonably good health- Zimmerman *somehow* wasn't one of them? If he wasn't guilty, then what made him so nervous and fidgety in the courtroom? Just his demeanor is enough to make me squirm.

    Lol. Weight gain as evidence of a murder? Glad you aren't on the jury. Also, you wouldn't be nervous if you were facing life in prison for defending your own life?

    See that's what I'm saying. that is MY perception. I would obviously not use this as evidence if I were on the jury... Knew someone was going to misconstrue my statements! *sigh*
    If you didn't have anything to worry about, and you weren't guilty, you shouldn't be so worried.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    This is pathetic thread that should be locked. If it were about God, it would have been stopped 7 pages ago, but since it is about the murder of a black child and yes, 17 is a child. Anyone knows that, it doesn't take a degree to see that. If someone was stopping my son, he would probably not react with roses and flowers.

    Get racially profiled because you drive a nice vehicle, live in a decent neighborhood, then come talk to me.

    George Zimmerman was wrong, he had no business playing, judge, jury and executioner. Now you can all respond with your nasty snide remarks, I expect it. I see a lot of bigotry and racism here and MFP should be ashamed for letting it continue.

    i agree with you on everything but having this locked. its good for people to discuss this. if anything it exposes the racists.

    I suppose this is true. I'm full on "Tell me more" every time someone mentions race wars or being scared of black people's reactions or uses the word thug. The casual racism, bundled up as concern for the neighborhood/law/justice/society is my favorite because they don't even realize how what they say actually is projecting.

    Those darn scary black people and their social pressure and the media (run by black people I guess) and their darn race war riots!

    Meanwhile in Europe, people riot over football.

    This I have to reply to. I have read more than one article, and seen the tweets myself, from black people talking about rioting and how they will go out and "kill a random white person" if Zimmerman walks.

    I realize you want to think that people are making that up just to be racist, but it would seem they are given a damn good reason to be concerned.

    Well if you saw it tweeted on the internet good lord knows it's gonna happen.

    I didn't say it was made it, but I do believe the fact that people are taking tweets seriously and referencing something that happened 20 years ago as the reason a Race War is going to be started is rooted in some people's inherent fear of black people. They play nice in public but the minute a black kid is walking behind them they cross the street and can't resist glancing back in fear every 20 seconds.
  • ddxm
    ddxm Posts: 9 Member
    I have taught hand gun self defence both from the stand point of Texas law (not unlike Fl) and the execution of self defence. Like others have said, yes I think Mr. Zimmerman was a bit spring loaded. I do not question his passion for protecting his neighbors and community but I think it got in the way of good sound judgement. Regardless of if he should have stayed in his vehicle, and I think he should have, or not, then again IF Trevon attacked Zimmerman and regarrdless of his injuries Zimmerman felt his life was in danger then he had the legal right to defend himself. So at least now I feel it is a leagal shooting but not a good one, it could have been avaoided.
    Lost of white people feel that their life is in danger when there's a black person within a mile of them. Guess they can now just open fire with no repercussions.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    What I've learned from this thread is how easily people forget what it was like to be 17.

    That is very sad.

    I remember when I was 17 and I certainly wasn't running around acting like a suspicious criminal. I also had a curfew that I abided by.

    Oh, wow, don't we all wish to be raised by your parents and have the same rules you lived by! Oh, and running around like a suspicious criminal huh, would that include DWB by chance, or would that mean that you happen to be black after 7 pm? :D

    Or maybe be someone who was caught with stolen property, burglary tools and who sold drugs?
  • boredlimodriver
    boredlimodriver Posts: 264 Member
    From what I read, the gun shot wound was in his front, but he was found on his stomach, implying that he was shot while ON TOP of Zimmerman. So to me, that would seem like self-defense.

    So you're saying TM was literally on top of GZ when he was shot? Is there forensic evidence to support this? Blood splatter on GZ, gunshot residue on TM? I didn't see GZ covered in blood splatter or smears from removing himself from under TM's body after the shooting. TM could have been standing a distance away when shot then doubled over and collapsed face down. A gunshot won't necessarily knock you on your back.

    an expert just testified yesterday that the gun was against his shirt, but a few inches from his chest. That indicates Martin was on top of Zimmerman when he was shot, like if you lean forward your shirt falls away from your body.

    But I guess you're another one who isn't following the case at all.
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    I think the prosecution made a mistake charging him with Second Degree murder. If he's found not guilty it will be because he was overcharged and they couldn't prove he's guilty of that charge.

    I don't think he deserves to walk, though.

    agreed. 2nd degree is exteme, but a kid was shot to death some charge should be held.

    Well I hope he gets 2nd degree murder. Zimmerman should get the chair or the needle for what he's done. That poor family lost their son and deserves justice.
    Okay. That'll hold up in court.

    I wasn't talking about the court, I was talking about my hope. As for the legal aspects, I agree Zimmerman could walk. I would find that very disappointing, cause I think he's guilty. But that's separate obviously from how the trial or FL legal system may resolve this.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Well I hope he gets 2nd degree murder. Zimmerman should get the chair or the needle for what he's done. That poor family lost their son and deserves justice.

    1) Florida retired 'Old Sparky' years ago. We use Lethal Injection now.

    2) Murder 2 gets you 25 to Life, not the Death Penalty.

    3) Armchair Lawyers are awesome.

    4) Judging a man's fate with emotion is the way to go!

    5) Murder 2 will never stick.
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    Humming the Smurf theme now...
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Third, this was a 6', 17 year old young man. Martin was hardly a 'child'. He was the one who came at Zimmerman first. He was beating the crap out of Zimmerman, the police photos and medical documents prove that.

    Fourth, sorry but it was self-defense.

    Size isn't the issue. Age is. Seventeen is a child. How mature were you at that age? I am the mother of an 18-year-old college student. I know her friends. They are still children.

    As for self-defense/stand your ground, considering that Zimmerman was following Trayvon, couldn't the prosecution make a case that TRAYVON was standing his ground? Zimmerman is responsible by his actions for what happened. Now someone is dead. Had he at the very least remained in his vehicle, this would not have happened.

    No because you can't stand your ground against someone walking behind you. Someone walking isn't a threat to your life. Beating your head into the ground is. You should really read up on laws.
    He wasn't just "walking behind" Martin. He followed him first in a vehicle and then on foot.

    That's called stalking. Clearly Martin felt threatened.

    Should have ran and not attacked. Then he would be alive. Not illegal to follow someone.

    All of your posts on this topic reek of prejudice and latent racism. I'm white btw.