

  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    In-n-Out ftw!!

    I may get some today.
  • Aylawade
    Aylawade Posts: 22
    I enjoy McDonald's food. I also know that if I cut out things I enjoy entirely, my weight loss will end in failure. I am sure it isn't the best food in the world to eat but it's nice to have a 6 pc. chicken nugget Mighty Kids Meal from time to time.
  • pushyourself14
    pushyourself14 Posts: 275 Member
    My goal for the day is to have a McD's double cheeseburger for lunch.

    I'm still sore they took them off the dollar menu.

    I might get a McWrap for dinner. Or one of the new Quarter Pounders.

    Haha I thought I was the only one who felt slighted about McD's double cheeseburger being taken off the dollar menu. The McDouble is nothing but a slap in the face :P

    OP, good for you! Great use of willpower. :)
  • sensored44
    sensored44 Posts: 45 Member
    i used to find myself buying and eating stuff without remembering that i was doing it. I would have an empty chocolate bar wrapper in my hand before i got back to the car. I realized that i just wanted something from the store, so i started to spend that buck (that was going to get wasted anyways) on a $1 scratch-off lottery ticket. That way i was fulfilling the urge to get myself something, it kept my hands about as busy as a chocolate bar was, cost about the same, but didn't make me fat.

    hmmm good idea.. and maybe I would win at the damn lottery!
  • becajb
    becajb Posts: 50
    I gotta say, I'm new to the forums and loving the debates. I think that some people need to not take themselves so seriously. I agree with the original posts from ninerbuff, jonnythan, and the comment from Prattiger65 about the wine being poison comment made me laugh . Now before y'all rip into me, here is my 2 cents:

    I have to disagree with the poster who declared that fast food is 'poison'. I have been a yo yo dieter for too many years to count. Why did I constantly battle the 10 lb loss and 10 lb gain for the majority of my life? Because I had this idea in my head that some foods were 'bad' and some were 'good'? What foods were on my 'good' list? Let's see.. vegetables (no dressing), rice cakes, cabbage soup (yah you've know you've tried that diet right?) and other foods that a book told me would make me lose weight. Foods I did not enjoy AT ALL. I lost the weight every time. And then ate all the foods that I 'wasn't allowed to have' in excess and there I was right back where I was before. It has only been in this past year that I have learned to look at food differently. The reason I am posting this is because just over a year ago I would have made the same comment about fast food being poison. Not anymore. I enjoy fast food because the sugar, fat and sodium make it taste delicious. The difference now is that I enjoy it in moderation. If you had told me over a year ago that I could be the healthiest I've ever been and be able to eat fast food with no feelings of guilt, I wouldn't have believed you. Changing my relationship with food has changed everything for me. But that is my own Personal experience. Emphasis on the word Personal. Every one of us is unique. My wish for all of you here is that you find success with whatever path you choose to take on your journey.

    Oh and BTW, I am a Pescatarian, been that way for my most of my life ... let's bash that now just for sh%&s and giggles!

    Thank you for such an open and balanced post.

    I am trying to get your mental state where food is on a scale rather than “in or out”. I do not like fast food but love carbs and sweets - making and feeding people cake is a joy for me and not for my waist... so I am working on making it a better choice which changing my cooking techniques and frequency of bake offs and walking briskly past cafes!

    I don’t want to stop baking as that is my relaxation time and when i can be creative so it is important to adapt it to a better lifestyle.