

  • aledba
    aledba Posts: 564 Member
    Subway is just like the rest of those dirty fast food chains.
    They want you to think you're making the best choice but the truth is, even a 6 inch sandwich is much larger a portion than most people should eat. Add to that the sodium, sugar, processed meat etc... it ends up being close behind McDonald's food high fat, salt, calorie, sugar values
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    those dirty fast food chains.

    Oh lordy.
    even a 6 inch sandwich is much larger a portion than most people should eat

    Yeah, when I go to Subway and get a 6-inch double meat turkey sandwich for about 350 calories, I think "hot damn, this is more food than anyone should eat! 350 calories! I'm a glutton."
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Stay away from Mcdonalds and hit up subway for them clean foods!

    This is a joke, right?

    Since you have made yourself blatantly clear that you refuse to celebrate or recognize the OP's accomplishment by taking the post completely off course, then perhaps you can find a new thread to argue in? The OP herself even mentioned how she wanted to commemorate how she passed up fast food a 2nd day. Yet you're too busy filling your ego with being right all the time and disproving everyone else. Is it quite possible that what works for you may not work for the OP or anyone else in here? What little esteem you must have with your 10% body fat if you truly need to make an argument about how someone can go from LOVING a food to completely hating it. Props for being an unnecessary evil.

    it seems the narrative has changed. It has gone from fast food is evil, to Jonnythan is mean. I submit that both are false.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Good job! That's been a hard one for me too! Didn't this morning though!

    You rock!!

    YOU Rock too! Love the passer's by!!!
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    Stay away from Mcdonalds and hit up subway for them clean foods!

    [lesser of two evils but I do agree]
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Stay away from Mcdonalds and hit up subway for them clean foods!

    This is a joke, right?

    Since you have made yourself blatantly clear that you refuse to celebrate or recognize the OP's accomplishment by taking the post completely off course, then perhaps you can find a new thread to argue in? The OP herself even mentioned how she wanted to commemorate how she passed up fast food a 2nd day. Yet you're too busy filling your ego with being right all the time and disproving everyone else. Is it quite possible that what works for you may not work for the OP or anyone else in here? What little esteem you must have with your 10% body fat if you truly need to make an argument about how someone can go from LOVING a food to completely hating it. Props for being an unnecessary evil.

    it seems the narrative has changed. It has gone from fast food is evil, to Jonnythan is mean. I submit that both are false.

    Not so fast. It is well known that I am not only a horrible person, but a big meanie as well. I help no one in any way, I am in the employ of every fast and junk food establishment in America, and kick puppies.

    It's OK though. I'm apparently on the verge of death from metabolic syndrome, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer as a result of eating fast food regularly. Then no one will have to listen to me, and the clean eaters can dance on my grave. "Here lies jonnythan, big mean jerk killed dead by Doritos Locos Tacos."
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Subway is just like the rest of those dirty fast food chains.
    They want you to think you're making the best choice but the truth is, even a 6 inch sandwich is much larger a portion than most people should eat. Add to that the sodium, sugar, processed meat etc... it ends up being close behind McDonald's food high fat, salt, calorie, sugar values

    This is why there is a debate. This is nonsense. If you dont want to eat fast food, dont. But dont try to convince others based on your own unhealthy relationship with food. Its not evil, its not more fattening, its just food. Period. If you dont like it, fine. I dont personally like Chinese food, but I drop into threads and call it evil, fattening etc.
  • iarelarry
    iarelarry Posts: 201 Member
    i need mcdonalds.....
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    Subway is just like the rest of those dirty fast food chains.
    They want you to think you're making the best choice but the truth is, even a 6 inch sandwich is much larger a portion than most people should eat. Add to that the sodium, sugar, processed meat etc... it ends up being close behind McDonald's food high fat, salt, calorie, sugar values

    This is why there is a debate. This is nonsense. If you dont want to eat fast food, dont. But dont try to convince others based on your own unhealthy relationship with food. Its not evil, its not more fattening, its just food. Period. If you dont like it, fine. I dont personally like Chinese food, but I drop into threads and call it evil, fattening etc.
    good point!
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member

    Not so fast. It is well known that I am not only a horrible person, but a big meanie as well. I help no one in any way, I am in the employ of every fast and junk food establishment in America, and kick puppies. ETA HijacKing every thread is my passion in life next to fast food. In fact I am eating a poptart gordita as I hijack this thread

    FINALLY...You have posted something on which we can agree! ; ) Just teasing you with the add serial posting fool you!
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    Congrats to Op! Awesome job:)
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Subway is just like the rest of those dirty fast food chains.
    They want you to think you're making the best choice but the truth is, even a 6 inch sandwich is much larger a portion than most people should eat. Add to that the sodium, sugar, processed meat etc... it ends up being close behind McDonald's food high fat, salt, calorie, sugar values

    This is why there is a debate. This is nonsense. If you dont want to eat fast food, dont. But dont try to convince others based on your own unhealthy relationship with food. Its not evil, its not more fattening, its just food. Period. If you dont like it, fine. I dont personally like Chinese food, but I drop into threads and call it evil, fattening etc.
    But, "apparently", Chinese food IS evil. :tongue:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    Not so fast. It is well known that I am not only a horrible person, but a big meanie as well. I help no one in any way, I am in the employ of every fast and junk food establishment in America, and kick puppies. ETA HijacKing every thread is my passion in life next to fast food. In fact I am eating a poptart gordita as I hijack this thread

    FINALLY...You have posted something on which we can agree! ; ) Just teasing you with the add serial posting fool you!

    I would destroy a Pop-tart Gordita. And shed body fat and improve my lipid profile while doing it.
  • sluggz
    sluggz Posts: 134
    Jonny - the problem is that your rationale completely ignores food quality. While it's partially true that a calorie is a calorie, and protein is protein, a carb is a carb etc... There are gigantic differences between the food served at Mcdonald's vs. food you make at home. Maybe not in a Macro sense, but certainly in a micro sense.
    Many people, myself included, believe there is more to food than just Macro content. IIFYM even contends that you also need to watch your fiber, and your sodium/potassium water balance.
    I believe ingredients matter. I buy grass fed beef because I believe its nutritional profile is better than commercially raised beef. That has been proven true. I buy wild caught fish to avoid the chemicals used in farm raised fish. i try to avoid GMO's as much as possible. But I'm certainly not 100% on it.
    I certainly don't think I'm better than you, and I certainly don't care to preach it at every single opportunity I have. In fact, I even congratulated you on your success.
    But health is a broad term, and narrowing it down to a few categories doesnt do it justice.
    In my opinion, and is just that, an OPINION. If the OP (and others) need to avoid it, for any reason, who are you to talk them out of it by steering them towards something that is not healthy (in the broadest sense of the term)?
    I still stand by my previous posts that say there is better food out there than Mcdonald's and anyone would be better off avoiding it. Not because it's inherently evil, but because there are better options out there.

    and you know, because science says so...
  • Scooby5544
    I am right there with you. I wanted a Sausage McMuffin so bad this morning, but just got black coffee instead cause I know that darn thing is full of every bad thing in the world =) GOOD FOR YOU!!!
  • Scooby5544
    Darn straight about Subway. Look it up on their website. Scary!!!
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    Dang Fast food!!! I have McDonalds for breakfast and lunch and sometimes dinner!...................I know I know already that it is so bad for your waist line! But I too have given it up! One week down! YAY US!!

    Yay you! If it works, it works... good luck!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Jonny - the problem is that your rationale completely ignores food quality. While it's partially true that a calorie is a calorie, and protein is protein, a carb is a carb etc... There are gigantic differences between the food served at Mcdonald's vs. food you make at home. Maybe not in a Macro sense, but certainly in a micro sense.
    Many people, myself included, believe there is more to food than just Macro content. IIFYM even contends that you also need to watch your fiber, and your sodium/potassium water balance.
    I believe ingredients matter. I buy grass fed beef because I believe its nutritional profile is better than commercially raised beef. That has been proven true. I buy wild caught fish to avoid the chemicals used in farm raised fish. i try to avoid GMO's as much as possible. But I'm certainly not 100% on it.
    I certainly don't think I'm better than you, and I certainly don't care to preach it at every single opportunity I have. In fact, I even congratulated you on your success.
    But health is a broad term, and narrowing it down to a few categories doesnt do it justice.
    In my opinion, and is just that, an OPINION. If the OP (and others) need to avoid it, for any reason, who are you to talk them out of it by steering them towards something that is not healthy (in the broadest sense of the term)?
    I still stand by my previous posts that say there is better food out there than Mcdonald's and anyone would be better off avoiding it. Not because it's inherently evil, but because there are better options out there.

    and you know, because science says so...

    The goal of all this, at least for me, isn't absolute nutritional perfection. It's about being healthy and helping people. No one is served by scaring people into thinking McDonald's food is "poison" or somehow going to injure them when it's not. When people like you convince people like kkerri that McDonald's is incompatible with health, you all too often get her kind of yoyo dieting.

    Look, people love McDonald's. They love Taco Bell and they love Domino's and whatever. People like you convince them that they can't have these things while being healthy. You know what they usually do? Decide to get healthy, cut those things out of their lives, lose weight, and then eventually give in to their desires and feel like they failed their diet and failed themselves. They devolve back into their old eating habits because they never learned how to incorporate the foods they love into a healthy diet! Making people think that they have to cut out some of their favorite foods in order to be healthy is not sustainable for most people.

    If you want to be as absolutely healthy as humanly possible and take absolutely no chances, then by all means skip the Quarter Pounder and eat grass-fed beef because it has a slightly different fat ratio. But look. There's seriously absolutely nothing inherently wrong with McDonald's food, or any other fast food, that requires people to totally eliminate it from their lives if they don't want to. It's 100% possible to be perfectly healthy, lose fat, be super active, etc., eating fast food multiple times a week. That's reality. There's nothing in there that's going to kill you if you eat it responsibly.
  • BeccaSperry
    Congratulations! That's a HUGE accomplishment!! Fast food is so addictive. Kicking the habit will help ensure your success :)
  • lshender
    lshender Posts: 33 Member
    Excellent! The first day's the hardest. It gets easier. It really does.