Finally found something that works



  • Kobz27
    Kobz27 Posts: 64 Member
    Joe Rogan wasn't supplying the information. The author of the primal blueprint was. The glucose your body needs can derived from fruits and veggies alone.
  • Kobz27
    Kobz27 Posts: 64 Member
    Also, there's more than sugar to worry about in candy. I'd be worried more about the processed chemicals they put in there.

    Also, explain why obesity rates have increased since the government put grains on that awful food pyramid.
  • Kobz27
    Kobz27 Posts: 64 Member
    dewd2 wrote: »
    Kobz27 wrote: »

    It's in the book the primal blueprint. Go read it

    Since you are into books (not research), check out Diet Cults by Matt Fitzgerald.

    When a book is based off solid research, it's based off solid research....
  • Kobz27
    Kobz27 Posts: 64 Member
    Also, vinnie tortorich has a doctorate from Tulane which is more than can be said about you people naysaying NSNG. He is one of the best fitness trainers out there. Go to his site, debate him...
  • Kobz27
    Kobz27 Posts: 64 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    Kobz27 wrote: »
    Also, vinnie tortorich has a doctorate from Tulane which is more than can be said about you people naysaying NSNG. He is one of the best fitness trainers out there. Go to his site, debate him...

    Oh, what was my degree in?

    I don't know, but if you're on this blog, you're not training world class athletes.
  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    Kobz27 wrote: »
    Also, vinnie tortorich has a doctorate from Tulane which is more than can be said about you people naysaying NSNG. He is one of the best fitness trainers out there. Go to his site, debate him...

    oh ok so you are undermining my masters because i dont have a doctorate... which with a simple google search nothing came up about this person having a doctorate.
  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    fishshark wrote: »
    Kobz27 wrote: »
    Joe Rogan wasn't supplying the information. The author of the primal blueprint was. The glucose your body needs can derived from fruits and veggies alone.

    and it can come from other things too. There are cultures thar have survided for a long time on grains... way before you were a twinkle in your mothers eye and waaaaay before paleo/primal/ blah blah was ever invented.

    Wait, there are other cultures? Food habits that include eating grains existed before the US food pyramid?!

    psshh no! civilization started with America DUH!
  • Erfw7471
    Erfw7471 Posts: 242 Member
    Kobz27 wrote: »
    Also, there's more than sugar to worry about in candy. I'd be worried more about the processed chemicals they put in there.

    Also, explain why obesity rates have increased since the government put grains on that awful food pyramid.

    But when I was 130 lbs overweight I wasn't following the food pyramid. I was eating excessive amounts of all foods. Who really has gotten obese by following the food pyramid & its portion recommendations?

    Since you're interested in scientific research and data, Alan Aragon is exceptional. I also like Brad Schoenfeld, Eric Helms & Layne Norton as well.
  • AmberSpamber
    AmberSpamber Posts: 391 Member
    Don't worry about what everyone says. Everyone responds differently to different techniques. I find that if I eat one piece of fruit a day I will loose, but 2 and I wont. Everyone here would debate that and say it must be because I am eating too many calories, but I know what I eat, and what my body likes, so listen to your body. I am glad that you found something that works for you!