WOMEN ages 50+ FOR JULY 2016



  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    I agree with you Margaret
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited July 2016
    OOh this morning I joined a deep water aqua aerobic class so for 60 minutes I swam, balanced, kicked, smiled, in the deep end with other ladies! I am feeling the burn still! I am going to eat a great lunch then a half of an Atkins protein bar for dinner.

    Loving the opportunity to live the life I have, with people around me that care about me.

    Saddened about Dallas TX, and all the places where violence occurs. Feel bad for people that don't get the recognition they deserve. Can not fathom why people always go to a racial issue, when it's really a human issue. Remember when we were drilled about the Golden Rule? Treat others the way you wish to be treated. Don't judge a book by its cover. Respect your elders. It all stems from teaching our kids to be kind, and know that respect is earned.

    In my eyes Police have always been the pillars of the community. I grew up to never EVER question the police. Whatever they tell you to do, for your own safety you do it. They are not mind readers, nor do they have time to analyze a situation weighing the pros and cons. If people would just freeze and let the officers tell them when and what to do, and not have their own agenda (I'm reaching in my pocket to get my ID etc) all this chaos would end. Police do not have time to weigh a person's character. These are my views now, and I have a right to them. I am just voicing my opinion.

    Coffee calls me! ((((hugs to all you fine ladies!!)))))
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    I see the hook, but I am not going to bite. Or only a bit. I see the great tragedy on both sides.
    Please, may sense and human respect prevail.
    Every death is terrible.
    We have just had an inquest on the tragedy that was, and still is, Iraq. Every single death, on all sides, is a great mourning for the families.
    Justice, truth, honour, love. Compassion.
    I could get angry and I do,
    But my love for all humankind is stronger.

    Love to all. Heather
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    Please don't misunderstand...just because I'm a police officer's mom doesn't mean I condone all their actions. I abhor gun violence and support black lives matter as much as I do blue lives matter.
    It's ironic that as anti war activist & women's right supporter back in the day I ended up with one son in blue and another a Navy JAG...go figure!

    GLo wondering what I'm going to do now to make a difference on the North Shore of Ma
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Spent yesterday with my daughter and her kids at SeaWorld in San Antonio. I am exhausted! We walked about ten miles then added more in the evening down on the Riverwalk. I drove home today and was really glad to head down my driveway to my house to collapse!

    Marcelyn in Houston
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Hi Gals,
    145 posts with breakfast!!! Here goes…
    Karen in NY - Family is the biggest stressor for me too… hang in there!

    Mia – how could you forget that we are the chatty Kathy group??? (for those who don’t remember chatty Kathy was a doll, with a string that you pulled and she would say one of 4-5 things she “knew” how to say)

    Katiebug – thank you for my geography lesson… I need it… I could pick out GA on a map…and know Alanta is it big city (capital I think) but I didn’t even know you had gnats….

    Barbie – you are doing awesome, and we know we have your love and support, this is just our time to return the support to you.

    Debbie TX – get your passport so you can go visit….

    Terri – glad to have you pop in.

    Becca – love the quotes

    Susan – welcome

    Cheri – hang in this one might be better!

    Allie – I want you closer so I could give you a real life hug and help you move your DFIL – although I might have to slash Tom’s tires while I was helping.

    Rosie - I charge “friends and family” for my services, not the full going rate, but enough for them to take it seriously and not treat me as a slave.

    I am so sad for all directly affected by the Dallas event, and also for all Americans who are facing a huge change in the level of comfort/safety we feel in our public spaces. Shed a few tears this morning when I heard the news.

    July Goals:
    2 fun things a week, Lunch with Ben, visiting with mom, went to dinner for Cajun food.
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday – like to hit 160 miles for the month.


    Kim from N. California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    godmomkim - lmao!!!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    @Annr Becca I gave blood in your honor today. :)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I had breakfast with 4 dear friends today. We worked together in the school district for years. It was wonderful. One now lives in NYC, and one now lives in Kennewick, WA. The rest of us are in the Portland, OR vicinity. I feel so lucky. :smiley:
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Katla - I visited my yoga friend today and had a cuppa and a chat. Blessed indeed. <3 Female friendships make the world go round. :D

    All our windows are shut and locked. Hooray! I've had enough of a gale blowing through my house.

    I will investigate as to whether I can donate blood. It's 9 years since the discovery of my breast cancer. I used to give blood because when I lost my second baby (Kate, stillborn) I received 5 litres of blood. 8 + pints. I feel I need to pay it back, but with cancer and chemo I had to stop. I am O negative, so especially useful.

    Thank you for reminding me.

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Heather <3 I lost Joy at 28 weeks gestation. :'( I am also O negatuve.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Margaret and ljdw99 – I found it amazing that the ‘girlfriend’ seemed so ‘composed’ while she was filming the ‘selfie’. Maybe I’m wrong; but, I would have been screaming and crying hysterically ‘if’ that had been my ‘boyfriend’ or ‘husband’; then she got ‘mad’. Why is it so violent for people when they get stopped for a perfectly good reason (tail light out); then people come in and try to make everything so ‘racial’. I don’t think the politician made a bad situation worse by saying ‘if it had been a white man involved … would HE have been shot? Maybe so, if the officer heard ‘gun’ and did not hear the part of “he has a license to carry a gun’?”

    I agree with Becca, most of us (judging from being 50 or older) grew up learning “The Golden Rule”, ‘not to judge a book by its cover’, and ‘treating people (in authority) with respect’. Even when you don’t necessarily agree with them or their job’s policy. I agree with the Police Chief about stopping the divisiveness and violence. The police officer put their lives on the line without much (if any) respect and little money. But, when some of those people need a policeman/woman … they’d be really more upset if they did not show up as soon as they called. ALL LIVES MATTER! Family values are no longer taught to our children/grandchildren. But, ‘if’ you carry a gun and it is properly where it is supposed to be; then, stick your arms out of the window and then until the police tell you to ‘get out of the car’ and ‘expect that the police will be armed’ … for HIS/HER safety. People seem to ‘demonize’ the police where people would not go into that area, for a lot of reasons, including our present POTUS. What happened to “We the people” … instead of “Us vs Them”. Most of the looting and burning have been in those very neighborhoods where they live … but, the outside instigators don’t care about that. I could go on-and-on; but, now we have 5 officers killed and 7 more injured … don’t even know their condition. Five families cut apart because someone yelled ‘gun’. The police do NOT have time to assess the situation … they don’t know if they’ll be shot at and possibly killed. Sure it is wrong when someone gets ‘killed’ including the police.

    When I was in 8th grade; we had 3 black students come to our school; and, they were not treated differently. Sure, it was a small school and they ‘volunteered’ to come. Girl was quiet; one boy played football, the 3rd was probably a little more defensive. They graduated with us; and they were the only blacks in our school of maybe 500 students. The one that played football was a ‘twin’ … wonder how his parents came up with which games they went to? They sat away from the bleachers, maybe in their cars.

    Then politicians blame Republicans and want ‘gun control’ for everybody. Chicago has the ‘strictest gun control laws’ it the country; and, the ‘highest’ rate of crime. Some of it with guns.

    All this is IMHO!

    Marcelynh – Isn’t San Antonio’s “River Walk” just great. I went there for my job training and was in a hotel overlooking the Alamo. I never knew it was right downtown. River Walk was just outside the back door. I loved it! I'd go back in a NY moment!

    Kim – My DYS and DDnL#2, and DGD#4 live in Louisiana … he is a ‘great cook’ of Cajun Food!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Update - on Googling it, it looks as if I can't donate in the UK. Sad about that.

    Karen - So sorry about Joy. <3:'(

    Love Heather
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    Kim yah who! So happy for you. I think I remember you saying it was the "perfect" job for you...so even better! :)

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Happy Friday. It is going to be another hot one. I am so ready for Fall. I am working the 6-6 shift today. Then tomorrow we have my side family reuion in Hastings at the park. If my mom was not going to be there I would pass. I am just in the dumps and not wanting to do much of anything, besides sleep and eat. I know if things don't look up I will have to talk to the doctor at my 6 month appointment next month and upping my pills. I do not want to do that, but just can not shake this mood.
    Lenora--Those potatoes sound good!! I will have to try them, Thanks, for sharing.
    Rita--What kind of challenges are you doing? Can I join with my fitbit? Sending hugs and prayers that things get worked out soon.
    Barbie--Glad to hear Jake is doing well and listening. Sending you a big HUG!
    MIchelle--glad to hear the tumor was benign. Those words can bring such a relief.
    Been a long day and almost time to go home. Take care and look for the good in life and in each other. I love each of you for all you do and bring to life. Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I think Kim is happy!

    Storms hit hard again today only it hit in one of our metropolitan area cities, Owensboro Ky. It seems they get hit real hard quite often whether it is tornadoes or storms like what they got today. But this one happened during rush hour with lightening strikes hitting trees and having them land on cars right in front of you on the road. We still have a lot of people out of electricity. We are fine in our subdivision.

    Lisa, so glad you got your RV just in time. Glad you are illegal now. Would hate to have the editor of the greatest editor of a local newspaper not living above the law.

    Allison, I think people perceive you as one of those people who they know they can go to when they need something done and you will say yes. There is another word.

    Went to our local Wally World and got my fusible webbing to hem Charlie's slacks. Now to just do it. I have a problem with that. They had American T shirts either saying USA or having the flag on them for $1. I should have stocked up on them and given them to my grand kids. But I just bought one. I was glad to see they were made in the good USA.

    I slept last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 It was so wonderful to not toss and turn and toss and turn and look at the clock and see it at 3 AM, 4 AM, 5 AM,etc. nurse practitioner told me that with what my spine xray looks like that I need to be taking pain medicine. I have just been taking Ibuprofen. She said I need to be taking Norco which I guess is a healthier version of Lortab. Charlie has his left over from surgery so I took one. She also ordered Prednisone to take care of my bursitis and not to take the ibuprofen at all. When I am done with that I am to start an arthritis pill. My lumbar sacral spine showed severe degenerative disc disease and the hip xrays showed moderate arthritis. So I really really slept last night. I have been taking a muscle relaxant every night but I guess I really don't need that. I'm not having muscle spasms in my lower back.

    Joyce, Indiana