WOMEN ages 50+ FOR JULY 2016



  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Re~ There are days when I do cook more than one meal for a dinner, but its most often because one of the two people I cook for is having left-overs. Years ago, left-overs never happened, I mean no one would eat them, because their father wouldn't eat left-overs... So there are times when I have some steak left over and I cut it up fine, spice the hell out of it, and throw it in a toasted bun. Voila! BAM meal done. The other night I did the bacon for one and the ham for the other because I spoil them.. Aaand I used the bacon to fry the ham, and cook the eggs. Is it wrong to fry ham in bacon drippings?? hahahaha! Not in my world. Pig is pig I suppose.

    I raised a piglet when I was in grade school. We had a family reunion that year, and one of my Minnesota relatives brought a piglet that was being ignored by its momma. I nursed it back to health, (it had sores from where the sow had pushed it aside), and fed it with a bottle. My dog Katie, that was black and white like the piglet was, even got into the caring. Until the piglet was looking for a teat that Katie didn't own...so the their relationship ended abruptly. Poor thing. But in the end, that pig weighed 200 lbs, and was a scary thing. We all know the end, so I don't have to type it. If you can't guess its fate, return to the food part of the story...

    You rock with the sweaty knees girl!
    (I have old looking knees that make noise like a transformer)
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 359 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,229 Member

    Still lurking! Lol!
    Irish Terri
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,737 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    I am up and dressed.. gonna go home in a bit and see what I can make for dinner and Toms Lunch, thentake the dogs for a walk, and then go feed DFIL,
    Tracy, Tal and I are going to the Christmas tree shop and to lunch, and maybe buy her some school clothes, going to raid my secret stash of money for this.. I know I know use it on something for me.. easier said than done.. but wont raid it to hard..
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,830 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Thursday!
    Becca- I find absolutely nothing wrong with cooking ham in bacon grease! I remember my grandma used to keep her can of bacn grease on the back of her cook stove. She was still using a wood fed cook stove when I was a teenager; but I tell you, she made the best EVERYTHING! And I think it was because she cooked everything in bacon grease. I tried it once for my dh and dys recently. They didn't really notice the change, but I did. Memories of grandma! Had to stop that, though. I was enjoying it a little too much! And the piglet? Reminds me of the time my dad got my sister and I bunnies for Easter. He thought he had gotten two males; nope. We went from 2 bunnies one Easter to over 100 bunnies a year later! Dad was constantly building coops, and we learned REALLY fast not to make pets of them. They were delicious!
    Re- sweaty knees? LOL! I am like that, too. I sweat from every where! My friends that I used to meet at the gym would laugh because I am a sweatty betty! I heard once that if you aren't sweating 1) you aren't working hard enough and 2) you aren't hydrated enough.
    Katla- Happy belated birthday! Hope your day was fantastic!
    Melanie- Been thinking of you in Baton Rouge <3 My heart is with you and your community. Senseless violence takes a lot out of you and makes you feel sick to your stomach and makes your heart hurt. Sending good thoughts your way. Come and visit us often. It will help to fill your soul with good things!

    Last year, I read a book called Born to Run by Christopher McDougall. A fantastic book about a tribe of people who live in the Copper Canyons of Mexico/U.S. and how they live and run these long, long distances. Amazing read that made me rethink how we live and how the shoes we wear are most likely causing the problems we are having with our feet/legs/backs...Love this book. That was last year. On a recent trip to my library, I saw that Chris M wrote another book last year called Natural Born Heroes. This one is another great read! It is basically the history of the Natural Movement/Parkour fitness movement. It is about how Winston Churchill thought out of the box during WW2 and put together a group of uniquely trained warriors, called The Firm. These were just regular people who didn't fit into the military/military training, but learned skills and a way of moving and pushing themselves and accomplished great things (especially on the isle of Crete). Just a fantastic read if any of you have the time and inclination... I haven't finished it yet, but while I was reading last night, I came across the name of a young man who has begun to put Natural Movement on the map as a way to strenghten your body and become more fit. His name is Erwan Le Corre. His first video he made was called The Work-out The World Forgot www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKGF-ErsJiI
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,830 Member
    tshirtartist- I found your post on the June thread in regards to the recent news of your sister's breast cancer diagnosis. So sorry to hear! My family is also in another cancer battle; my younger sister has brain cancer. My heart is with you. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way. and YES! it does make you think about your own health and making it a priority!
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 293 Member

    I am down 2 lbs since 2 weeks ago, 23 lbs since mid-April, but I "feel" fatter, isn't that weird?

    Karen in Virginia
    This is how I feel. I have 15 to 20 pounds to go and my current weight is the new status quo. Realistically, I know that I had to replace most of the wardrobe, but knowing I have more to lose, makes me feel really fat, although I am not.

  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    Re, Sheepshead! (That was supposed to be "sheesh!", but my auto-correct changed it and I liked it... is that really a word?) Why didn't I think about opening another browser window?? I do that all the time! In any case, thanks for pointing that out. I was wondering how you managed to respond to so many of us! And congrats on your sweaty knees! It means you're working hard. (It also probably means that it's humid down there.) Also, you have inspired me to get on the elliptical before I sit down for the day.

    Janetr, it's wonderful to do be able to do things you couldn't do before! You're talking about huge functional gains, and it's so challenging to get those. I'm very impressed.

    Joyce, I hope you get opportunities to rest in a calm place in the coming weeks. Hospitals are tough to be in.

    More later, the elliptical is calling...


  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Janet, you have naked ladies in your yard!!! That is one of the common names for that flower. I have some too, and love them. For those that don't know, they have flat strap-like leaves in the spring, similar to daffodil leaves. But those die back, and late summer you get one stalk with one flower. They are a bulb that is in the amarylis family.
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 359 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Good Thursday Morning to All! :)

    Joyce ~ Your mention of nifedipine had me looking up side effects as I also take that. It looks like I have a lot of the side effects mentioned and now I am wondering about an alternative. I was prescribed this while I was teaching and under a lot of stress 10 or so years ago. I also take lysinopril and was prescribed simvastatin. All of these meds have a lot of side effects. I want to stop taking these but worry what will happen if I do. Will talk to my doc the next visit.

    Becca ~ Love your outlook on life! We are so lucky to have you among us.

    Congrats to all you ladies who are doing kettle bell swings and other exercises. I admire you so much! o:)


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,948 Member
    :) Good morning, Today is the day I dance both morning and afternoon and Jake's daughter and her family are supposed to show up.

    :)Becca, I appreciate your upbeat attitude. I learned that cultivating an attitude of gratitude would make my life run better and it has. Instead of whining about changing sheets, towels, and clothing so much during Jake's healing, I am so grateful that I own a working washer and dryer and I add them to my gratitude list every day.

    81824br5uyrfrsr.gifBarbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington t113030.gif

    My word for 2016 is "alacrity"....I will greet all experiences in my life with cheerful readiness
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Janet, you have naked ladies in your yard!!! That is one of the common names for that flower. I have some too, and love them. For those that don't know, they have flat strap-like leaves in the spring, similar to daffodil leaves. But those die back, and late summer you get one stalk with one flower. They are a bulb that is in the amarylis family.

    You are right, they do have one stalk, but each of these stalks have four or five flowers on them.

    Janetr okc
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Barbie ~ Did we miss your birthday?
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Have a great day everyone. I am having a friend over for coffee and pineapple upside down cake (DH loved it! I made two and sent one over to our great neighbor) I don't love it myself so it is not going to be tough to say no thanks, I'll have peach slices out as well since peaches are pretty good right now!

    Michelle I bought the armband on a whim, hadn't been looking for one, do you not like it because it gets in the way, too much trouble? Anyway , thanks for thinking of me I will use mine today and see if it is useful.

    Can't believe how quickly the week has flown by. NYKAREN
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,066 Member
    Janetr My mom had those kind of lilies. Thank you for sharing!
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    So apparently it is "National Junk Food Day" .... as if we need one of those!! So I indulged!! Bagel, cream cheese and strawberry jam!! And I know my body will revolt, headache from the yeast and sugar...ugh!

    And is it Friday yet? All the company will be leaving Friday morning, yeah! However it is pouring rain and I am going back to my granddaughters swimming lessons, so I don't know what they are going to do! Maybe they could pit the 4 pails of sour cherries they thought they should pick for me....ha ha

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    My husband is on a kick of selling the house and buying a new motor home and becoming full time RV'ers. It scares me to death but appealing at the same time. We found a two year old motor home yesterday that has only 6500 miles on it with washer/dryer, dishwasher, two bathrooms, king size bed, yada, yada. I think I could live in it, but talk about purging " stuff". Kept me awake thinking, now I'm dragging. Have to go to Sam's and then get the motor home loaded as we are leaving Monday for Denver to attend my sister's 50th anniversary party.

    Thank, Margaret.

    Janetr okc