WOMEN ages 50+ FOR JULY 2016



  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 50 minutes of Traci Long Step Forward DVD. I didn't think very much of this DVD, I'm not into high impact and her cueing wasn't very good at all. The plan for tomorrow is to take the deep water class and this'll be the last time Vince needs to take me to that class -- yea.

    Went outside and worked on the weeds for an hour, then we cut the grass (weeds), then worked an hour more on the weeds. I'll get there yet.

    Miracles of miracles -- Vince is talking about renting a skid steer to level the part that I want leveled so he can just use the tractor and then to spread the dirt in the backyard. Maybe it's because today when he was cutting the grass again he didn't go down the slope with the tractor.

    Came in, took a shower, then we went to go see "The secret Life of Pets" It was really funny (except for the part with the snake. I know it's an animation, but it's a snake just the same)

    barbie - so glad Jake is feeling better. sorry things aren't better with his daughter, but I know you and you'll make the best of it.

    janetr - the heaviest weight that I use is a 10 pounder, so you're ahead of me!

    Mary from MN - I didn't think you could use a dumbbell in place of a kettlebell. You're a hoot (bouncy bed)

    Lenora - up until recently my stomach was fairly flat. But lately I have this roll of flab that I can't seem to get rid of

    We're supposed to Skype with Bryan Thurs at 11:30. Jess told him that there was something wrong with me and please don't ask me to explain it, but he called her to find out (about my ear). Why he didn't just call me I have no idea. Jess kept telling him to call me.

    Oh, Jess gave me this really nice gift today. It brought tears to my eyes. It was one of the "incredible edibles", when I got home I must have eaten 2/3 of it....lol She added a card saying "just a little something to know you're well thought of and loved, even if I and/or others don't show it. I love you!" I thought for sure I was going to start crying in the store. Really, she didn't have to do that, but it was so nice of her

    Terri - so glad you popped in. Been missing you

    Glo - the shingles shot wasn't recommended until I reached 60

    debbie - happy birthday to your dh

    Re - the "mystery date" was to pick up the Incredible Edible, which reminds me that I'll have the pineapple and melon. The mango was SOOO sweet. Ahhhh...one year I forgot to put sunscreen on the tops of my feet. Never again!

    Vicki - so sorry about your mom

    Allie - she's beautiful

    Joyce - that's great that you took the initiative to see the surgery. Lots of people wouldn't. I'm so proud of you

    Mirianm - good for you with those planks!

    Michele in NC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Re – Yeah, that’s what I’ve been told … abdomen is the last ‘to go’; just hope that my Mother’s ‘skin’ comes back into play. If I lost it after my boys were born and it got ‘flat’; I think I can do it now. I know age has a lot to do with it, too. Might be pulling out that 5’ diameter hula hoop out again. Great workout. Takes an ‘adult’ sized hula hoop for an adult to keep it ‘up’. Ones you can buy in the store are for children and are not heavy enough to keep it up.

    Joyce, Indiana – My husband HATES hospitals, especially ER’s … not long ago, he was moaning and groaning like he was passing kidney stones; and, I told him that ‘if’ he did NOT stop it, or let me drive him to the nearest ER; I was going to call an ambulance to take him to the ER. He finally caved in and let me drive him. Instead of going to the ‘city’ ER; we went to the one in the next town (the other direction). From the time we left home until we got home (20 mile drive each way) … 4 hours (maybe a little less)! If we had gone to the ‘city’ ER, we would have still been sitting in the waiting room. The ‘only’ way I will ever go to an ER now, will be ‘in the back of an EMT bus’. You still seem to wait forever; but, you aren’t having to listen to ‘wailing family members or get hit by some child trying to hit a sibling’. The times I have been ‘in the hospital’ … he has made his ‘appearance for the day’ and left. When I have needed someone to either stay with me or ‘check on me’ … my BF does that duty.

    Vickil57 – Last year I had a really bad cold; and, usually if I don’t get it taken care of quickly, I end up with bronchitis, pneumonia, or pleurisy. Took 2 rounds of antibiotics; several different cough medications, several shots and every time I lay down to sleep (even with my C-pap on); my nose would either stop up or run. Got to the point of near hysteria because I could not breathe. Called my MD who does my C-pap stuff and got in to see him that day; he gave me Prednisone and 2 days later, not stopped up a bit. Next time I will know who to go to first.

    Grandmallie – Beautiful granddaughter!

    Becca – DDnL#2 says they ‘also curse their employees out a lot, too’; one reason she decided to go back to school and become her own boss as a cosmetologist; and, makes a lot more money, too.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Joyce~ Great story friend! Just goes to show you that you can never judge a cat by its spots, or a doctor by his particular personality. How fascinating to learn, I am amazed by our bodies and how they work and heal. To think that the moment we are born, and the doctor cuts the cord, the babies heart goes from 2 to 4 chambers right? How amazing is that...Glad you have your cat to give you comfort. Best therapy ever. It's hard to sleep when all this is going on around you, but our hearts are with you. Just relax, "All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be exceedingly well."
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Hello ladies... back from holidays and trying to get caught up. Missed you all.

    Carey -Northern Alberta
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited July 2016
    Allie - She is stunning! :flowerforyou:

    Miriam - Well done you! It must be all that kicking in the hot tub!

    Very hot night here. I did get some restless sleep. Today it's going to cool off a little, but be humid.
    This evening we are going to eat a cold, snack dinner as soon as DH gets back from cricket and set off for our first visit to DS's new house in Brighton/Hove. The grandchildren will probably be asleep when we get there, but we will be there when they wake in the morning.
    I expect we will be able to walk them down to the sea tomorrow. So excited. Have any of you googled Brighton? I love it. The Royal Pavilion is a sight to behold.

    Must take the DH his morning cup of tea.

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    2:30 AM and can't sleep!

    Allison ~ Your granddaughter is beautiful!
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Writing on my cell phone because of internet issues so I'll be brief.

    Joyce, you don't need any help with your outlook but I'd rather be operated on by a surgeon with a calm wet-noodle personality than one who's a firecracker. Just sayin'...

    /Penny, flying low with grandkids near the North Pole
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Press day, my chickens... just flying by... :)

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Miriam - YAY! I really get a kick out of hearing that kind of thing. I remember Mary once wrote about some young relatives who were stunned to discover they were unable to budge the weights she lifted with great ease. :wink:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Mary - You've convinced me! I've been looking at your videos and others online and I have decided to give the kettlebell a go. I tried the swing this morning with 2kg dumbbell , just to check form, and I can use my dumbbells to work up a bit, but I have ordered an 8kg from Amazon which should arrive next week. I hope that won't be too heavy to start with.
    I really like the way you can do the exercises in a small space, say on holiday, and it would be less time consuming than my normal routine if I really get going on it. :D
    Thank you for your inspiring example!
    I hate the fact that I have put on 4 lbs, so I hope this will help.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Morning all..
    Slept pretty well last night... Faith was still asleep when I left this morning.. Trying to get stuff done down here and will go back and check on her even though Allisa will be there.. Working 1-6 today and off tomorrow.. Will see how things go, will now the lawn tomorrow..
    Joyce- so glad that Charlie is hopefully on the mend..
    Heather- have a great time with those grandbabies
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Tuesday! I love all of the pictures of the grandkids! Heather's Bea, Allie's darling grand daughter, and whomever posted the little guy missing his two front teeth! All adorable! Makes me smile!
    Heather- my daughter went to Brighton when she visited England with the Girl Scouts years ago. I wasn't sure if she had gone to the Royal Pavillion, so I did google it and yes! She does have photos of it! I envy the older countries and the history they have...I love America (sometimes) but we are infants in the historical sense.
    Miriam- Good job on the planking! I love it when some one my age is able to show them what we got!
    Anne- Enjoy your kayaking! That is something that my dh and I enjoy doing together.
    Kettlebells- I wish I had some! I will keep my eyes open for some on craigslist and garage sales. In the meantime, I have some free weight dumbbells I can use. I need to dust them off and get busy!
    Re- Thanks for the words of encouragement! I will admit, that it has taken the wind out of my sails a bit. I just need to focus and get through a couple weeks and see some loss. I can do this! I am going to take my measurements this morning and start tracking that way, also.
    Gotta run! Kids arriving!
  • EttaMaeMartin
    EttaMaeMartin Posts: 303 Member
    hi i am an everyday hot power vinyasa yogi. i am staying on my daily limits and so far 30 down, gained 8 and now down 4. i am very toned and would like to keep it that way. i would like to lose the last 4 i gained plus another 10. yoga keeps me inspired, in the moment, and always a new experience as instructors are different. it has saved my body soul and mind!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    KJ you can't do that to me so early in the morning, I had to look at my calendar to see if it is Tuesday or Wednesday. :)

    Janetr okc (where I need a second cup of coffee.)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    edited July 2016
    :)MIriam, congrats on showing young people how strong we can be...great NSV

    :)Joyce, best wishes and hugs to you and Charlie

    :)KarenE, a vacation in British Columbia sounds great. Did you go all around or just stay in one place?

    :)MIchele, you seem to spend so much more time taking care of your pool than you do actually enjoying it.

    :) The main reason that I use a dumbbell instead of a kettlebell is that Jake said that swinging a kettlebell looks dangerous but somehow he doesn't seem troubled by my doing the same thing with a dumbbell---so I swing away and don't tell him

    :)<3 Barbie
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited July 2016
    Lisa waving at you as you fly by...c0117.gif

    Penny You have your grandkids today? <3

    Carol Ugh about the sleep. I have such problems myself, but lately I have only myself to blame for it, as I have been lazy about taking my Magnesium Citrate and Glycine at bedtime. Hope you can get a nap today!

    Heather I am brewing my tea as we speak. My plumber, now retired, was British. I made him tea, silly me, which he politely drank a couple of times but I could tell it wasn't up to standards. So I asked him about it and he gave me a little tutorial. The day before he retired he was doing a job at our house, and we asked him to stay for tea. He tentatively took a sip of his tea, and his face lit up! He nearly slurped it down and was ready for more in short order. I was so tickled. So was he. :)

    The Royal Pavilion looks so beautiful! Magnificent! 89bj16yvvh66.jpg

    Carey Welcome back!

    Michele I am curious about your wild raspberry project. Are you pulling them out by the roots? or cutting them and painting the cut stems with brush killer? How are you keeping them from re-growing? I'm all worried about this being a perpetually renewable limbo-like form of hell. >:)

    NYKAREN coconut/lime grilled chicken sounds seriously delish! Yum!

    Barbie Isn't it funny how people have trouble realizing that you have a life and plans that need to be taken into consideration when visits are being planned? It never fails to astound me. It's a little bit insulting. Hope Jake is doing well.

    Miriam 01b0gc0jaajd.gif

    KarenE Welcome back! I have never been to British Columbia!

    Joyce What a great story! Hope Charlie is doing well post-op, he is in my prayers.

    Mary See what you've started? We will all be lifting weights before long! t31221.gif

    Allie Lovely Princess!

    I'm off to Jazzercise this morning but not with much enthusiasm. :|


    Karen in Virginia
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    DamitJanit wrote: »

    Lillian, pointing-and-laughing.gif I guess while the two of you are shoveling the dirt you will want us to give you an alibi?

    Myrtle Beach, SC

    Yes please!!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member