Looking for geek friends. :)



  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    Yeah, I don't need to steal my parent's Atari controller because I had my own. I guess that makes me an old geek :)

    I still have my Atari. :) And a Commodore 64. I'm a nerd and proud of it. :)
  • maQmIgh
    maQmIgh Posts: 236 Member
    Im more 'Trekkie' than 'Anime' but still think of myself as a geek :)

    Im into computer games like Street Fighter 2 and Assassins Creed (I'm not good at them, but I like them)

    The boyfriend has been dragging me into the world of anime... and whilst I find some very tedious, I have become hooked on some (Tenchi Muyo, DBZ and Bleach to name a few) :)

    Feel free to add me

    And good luck :)

  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    Loves me some Batman but really any superheroes. I loved them from my childhood. Had a "Rogue streak" in my hair. Just wanted every episode of "Young Hercules" on Hulu Plus. Also a proud fur-mommy with no intentions of skin babies (?)...real babies just seemed really offensive to my boy. Add me!

    My boyfriend also loves him some Batman. I love WW... we were just meant to be. Lolz.
  • SilverLotusGirl
    SilverLotusGirl Posts: 537 Member
    Add me if you want, just let me know it's from the geek thread. Let's see, I like anime, right now I'm watching Soul Eater and trying to figure out why I like the show so much, I watch a lot of documentaries. I love medieval history, geisha, animals, nature, ancient egypt, world religions, I'm a new Whovian, and right now there is whole missing in my life that was filled by Game of Thrones and Orphan Black. I'm working on reading Game of Thrones but working nights makes it hard. I'm rereading a book on Geisha, it's easier to pull away from at work than Game of Thrones. I also dabble in steampunk and love looking at cyberpunk and to a certain extent dieslepunk. Anyone know of any fun cyberpunk books? Back in the day I used to rock tabletop gaming. I never got to play D&D but I LOVED Scion and Shadowrun. eesh, I ramble. Add me if you want. ps, I think I'm allergic to cherries. I at 20 as a snack and now my mouth itches. lol

    My stats,
    Age: 27, but I don't really act it. Not that I'm immature I just don't feel "27"
    Height: 5'5"
    CW: 210ish...I kinda avoid scales
    GW: super sexy curvy and strong with the numbers falling where they may
  • Jenniferanne6
    Jenniferanne6 Posts: 17 Member

    I'm a bit of a geek as well. Here I am in a nutshell: reading EVERYTHING, watching all Star Trek, Firefly, MST3K ( BF got me several boxed sets for my birthday.). Professional student. collecting vinyl (with an emphasis on Leonard Cohen and new wave). I'm also a ringer at bar trivia competitions.

    I'll send you a friend request. Anyone is free to add me! :)
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    Add me if you want, just let me know it's from the geek thread. Let's see, I like anime, right now I'm watching Soul Eater and trying to figure out why I like the show so much, I watch a lot of documentaries. I love medieval history, geisha, animals, nature, ancient egypt, world religions, I'm a new Whovian, and right now there is whole missing in my life that was filled by Game of Thrones and Orphan Black. I'm working on reading Game of Thrones but working nights makes it hard. I'm rereading a book on Geisha, it's easier to pull away from at work than Game of Thrones. I also dabble in steampunk and love looking at cyberpunk and to a certain extent dieslepunk. Anyone know of any fun cyberpunk books? Back in the day I used to rock tabletop gaming. I never got to play D&D but I LOVED Scion and Shadowrun. eesh, I ramble. Add me if you want. ps, I think I'm allergic to cherries. I at 20 as a snack and now my mouth itches. lol

    My stats,
    Age: 27, but I don't really act it. Not that I'm immature I just don't feel "27"
    Height: 5'5"
    CW: 210ish...I kinda avoid scales
    GW: super sexy curvy and strong with the numbers falling where they may

    Oh my, I hope you're not allergic! Take an allergy pill, stat. :P
  • Zelinna
    Zelinna Posts: 207 Member
    I'd rather spend my Friday nights curled up with my cat, Schmendrick (bonus points if you know where his name is from) watching a nature doc. than out with friends. I've seen every episode of Star Trek TNG and Voyager at least twice. I've also got an obsession with my Sims. I regularly quote lines from The Princess Bride. Does that count ? :) If you'd like to add me, please do.

    Oh I do I do! My favorite movie growing up... I still watch it whenever I can. (I actually posted something about it a few days ago). I also love Voyager, anything by Josh Whedon, and most recently Orphan Black.

    Now my geekiness is really confined to weekends when I can play League of Legends.
  • The_Fat_Friend
    The_Fat_Friend Posts: 34 Member
    I'd love to friend some more geeks....my initiation into Geek begin with the original Atari, then graduated to the Nintendo (NES), my first computer was a 386x (how's that for a time stamp??!?!?), I've dabbled in D&D, Magic, but my true passion is the computer games and sci-fi / fantasy novels.

    I play/have played Skyrim, Sims, WoW, Star Wars, Dragon's Age, Conan (online), Mass Effect, Oblivion, Warcraft....oh and don't get me started on comic books - I'm a HUGE X-men fan. I'm stoked True Blood is back and need my Game of Thrones fix, am curiously addicted to Black Orphan, and can't get enough Doctor Who!

    Not sure if I pushed myself into the realm of geek enough for some, but am really looking to get to know some of you and sharing (and maybe even gaming) with some of ya'll!
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    Trekkie, Steampunk Enthusiast, Stargate maniac, Marvel fangirl and there's no happier place for me than a Con!

    I actually told my hubby this week that I wanted to play D&D. My high school self is laughing her face off at 30 yrs old me but I'm happy.

    Edited to add to my geek cred.

    How do you feel about the new Star Trek movies?

    FLOVE them! I really really like what they did with it and the casting is fabulous ( and yummy as well...)
  • SilverLotusGirl
    SilverLotusGirl Posts: 537 Member
    Add me if you want, just let me know it's from the geek thread. Let's see, I like anime, right now I'm watching Soul Eater and trying to figure out why I like the show so much, I watch a lot of documentaries. I love medieval history, geisha, animals, nature, ancient egypt, world religions, I'm a new Whovian, and right now there is whole missing in my life that was filled by Game of Thrones and Orphan Black. I'm working on reading Game of Thrones but working nights makes it hard. I'm rereading a book on Geisha, it's easier to pull away from at work than Game of Thrones. I also dabble in steampunk and love looking at cyberpunk and to a certain extent dieslepunk. Anyone know of any fun cyberpunk books? Back in the day I used to rock tabletop gaming. I never got to play D&D but I LOVED Scion and Shadowrun. eesh, I ramble. Add me if you want. ps, I think I'm allergic to cherries. I at 20 as a snack and now my mouth itches. lol

    My stats,
    Age: 27, but I don't really act it. Not that I'm immature I just don't feel "27"
    Height: 5'5"
    CW: 210ish...I kinda avoid scales
    GW: super sexy curvy and strong with the numbers falling where they may

    Oh my, I hope you're not allergic! Take an allergy pill, stat. :P

    Well see...I'm allergic but it's only an oral allergy. When I eat them the soft parts in my mouth and throat itch a bit but that's it. It's annoying but luckily oral allergies rarely result in anaphalactic shock or sever allergic reactions.
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    I'm an ubergeek, working on computers for 30 years - currently managing tens of pedabytes of storage for a large company.

    I loved Deathnote - I have the L/Ryuk necklace on my rearview in my car. And I JUST found, after 15 years of looking, my very first television crush on DVD: David from Star Blazers. The entire series (along with the live action Space Battleship Yamamoto!). I was *FIVE* when I fell in love with him. And I met Peter S. Beagle last month at a screening of The Last Unicorn. And I'm going to NDK this year in Aurora because I couldn't pull off Dragoncon again this year.

    Obsessions: Doctor Who and all spinoffs, A Song of Fire & Ice, Douglas Adams, soul-crushing anime, though I am currently loving IGPX on Adult Swim. Also, international fantasy/sci-fi - I loved 1Q84 and the Nightwatch series, counting them amongst the greatest reads ever. To which, I read The Hobbit when I was 5 as well. Final Fantasy, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Devil May Cry. Magic the Gathering, which I'm just picking up. Battletech, D&D, Vampire: the Masquerade, Cyperpunk Old School. Yeah. I has issues.

    NEEDLESS to say! FR sent! :P
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. Interested in some anime (kind of picky with it), video games, etc.
  • HunterKiller_wechange2
    HunterKiller_wechange2 Posts: 332 Member
    Geek into Sci fi, horror, gaming, comics, tech and anything to do with UFOs.. Feel free to add :)
  • Bunnyguru
    Bunnyguru Posts: 18
    Fantasy and sci fi geek(I should be reading Feast of crows now but i'm stuck in Discworld ), gamer, former anime lover and just a bit weird person :) but im loving it...

    Feel free to add me :)
  • nerdfitquest
    nerdfitquest Posts: 167 Member
    Hey everyone feel free to add me. as my name states im a nerd on a quest to get fit. I am a big time video game player, roleplayer (D20, Pathfinder), Otaku, and about anything else you could consider nerdy <3
  • xampx
    xampx Posts: 323 Member
    I am a geek by association. I don't really play many games (the occasional bit of Wii fot and Mario and a bit of Harry Potter on the DS) but love watching the BF complete Mario or Zelda whilst I make some geek inspired craft project.

    Mario star quilted cushions, lego brick door stops, and an epic Link from Zelda bed sized afghan!

    Photos available on request!

    Plus, were the same age and height, I started at 253lb and want to get to about 160-170lb
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    Trekkie, Steampunk Enthusiast, Stargate maniac, Marvel fangirl and there's no happier place for me than a Con!

    I actually told my hubby this week that I wanted to play D&D. My high school self is laughing her face off at 30 yrs old me but I'm happy.

    Edited to add to my geek cred.

    How do you feel about the new Star Trek movies?

    FLOVE them! I really really like what they did with it and the casting is fabulous ( and yummy as well...)

    I was SO surprised I loved them too. Except for Kirk, he just looked froggy to me. Lolz.
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    Geek into Sci fi, horror, gaming, comics, tech and anything to do with UFOs.. Feel free to add :)

    UFOs and horror scare the bejeebus out of me, so of course I love them.
  • nerdfitquest
    nerdfitquest Posts: 167 Member
    Still want to find some more Geek friends :) add me!
  • PrimalPixie
    PrimalPixie Posts: 69 Member
    Feel free to add me. :drinker: