Looking for geek friends. :)



  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    The force is strong with this one.
  • nursenelson
    nursenelson Posts: 295
    I am a geek in many many ways.... but I have no idea what you all are talking about!
    add me if you'd like...sorry I read - don't play video games.
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Not sure my geek/nerd level but here it goes
    First games played were on a PC on a Tandy computer in 1985. I didn't have an Atari but I did play neighbors as a kid until I got my own NES. Once computers had hard drives I crashed a few too many (c:\del *.* ...oops I just wanted more room where did the boot file go?). I beat the first mario before I was 9 using warps of course, and collected everything from sports cards to comic books. I played magic the gathering about a year after it came out, until about 2000. I role played my way into college but was never was hard core. Avid cartoon watcher, but my "anime" chops are weak. Watched toonami back in the day but I never made it a hobbie. If I was in a king of the nerds competition I would lose. I have geek ADD never obsese on things long enough to get that geek god of (insert geeky obsesion here) status on things. I still play games but not a leet FPS type player. RPGs or tower defence game among my favorites. I guess what makes me a geek is I'm unapologetic about what I like. If I like something I will focus on it a bit until I find the next thing. I never worried about what other people thought. Was told not to play flute because only girls played it. Didn't care thought it would be fun picked it anyways. Add me if you would like. Alway up for more friends
  • mbw5680
    mbw5680 Posts: 5 Member
    Check out www.nerdfitness.com Total geek website about getting healthy, losing weight, etc! HUGE community there too!
  • JSE81
    JSE81 Posts: 114 Member
    32 M Aus
    Senior Systems Administrator
    Have a ticket here for PAX but am unable to go due to work.

    Add me if you want. :)
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I kick myself because I didn't mention that I also play D&D. I'm a second generation player, my dad played while he was stationed in Korea. I inherited his dice bag and his dice. I treasure it. :) We play every weekend we can and I DM one of the 2 that are active, (My husband's prepping the We Be Goblins campaign because we funded Reaper on kickstarter and we finally just got all of our Bones Miniatures.)

    Also that SNES is my favorite system. I have played and beat all of the Final Fantasy games, with 3 (I guess they call it 6 now but for me it holds a special place in my heart as 3, because that's what it was when I watched my brother play) being my favorite. I remember not being able to read the dialogue and wanting to so bad. Brother wouldn't read to me. So it's why I learned to read! And Chrono Trigger, I can tell you all you need to know for all of those. There probably isn't an RPG on SNES I haven't at least heard of, let alone played.
    D&d and the military are like bread and butter. , I learned d&d from my uncle who is an ex marine. He played a lot in okanawa. He would DM and the party would be a jock, a stoner, marine buddy, Me, and my cocky but lovable cousin. It was a pretty motley crew, of polar opposites. I never experience the nerd hate I hear so much about, but the 90s had the grunge era which made it popular to be alittle different.
  • GJRicketts
    GJRicketts Posts: 52 Member
    First learned about computers back in '81 (BBC Basic) moved onto Atari, Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Commodore Amiga, Sega Mega Drive, PS2 and now on XBox 360 loving Fable 3, CoD, Defense Grid etc.
    I love working out and lifting the heavy weights, but to maintain my Nerd Status, i diarise everything and run comparison stats to check progress (just a simple Excel thing).
    I am an ex- Roleplayer (can't find anyone to play AD&D these days) and have written several scenarios. I have the dubuious distinction of being disqualified from Games Day 85 AD&D UK National Championships because I played too much to character (he was evil and i really went to town - it was a fair disqualification).
    I read pretty much most Fantasy and Sci-Fi On TV, I LOVE A Town Called Eureka, Firefly, Babylon 5, Chuck, Heroes, The 4400 oh and being a child of the 70's I totally get WW - I was in love with Linda Carter for .... ok maybe I still am.... A bit...
    Now work in Insurance based IT. Yup, Insurance AND IT, does it get more nerdy?
    I also love nothing more than cuddling up with my Fiancée who is at least as much a of nerd as I am and is the centre of my world. Looks and brains and she's nice too, the rarest of rare jewels! She kicks butt on CoD and usually beats me in most games.
    NERDS OF THE WORLD UNITE! We are the future.
  • Mythril
    Mythril Posts: 146 Member
    The first system we had in our house was a nintendo. I wasn't really allowed to play it, it was my brothers and he always got the systems because he was the oldest and a boy. He also got a super nintendo with ff3 and Secret of Mana. Man, I loved watching him play even when I didn't understand what was going on. When my cousins asked what I wanted to play they always had to follow up with "NOT FINAL FANTASY."

    I was so happy when my then boyfriend now husband and I moved in together and he had a nintendo. My first console was a playstation. First one I bought myself was a PS2 that I still have, it's my baby. I bought my husband an XBox 360 for our first dating anniversary (this was big for him seeing as he didn't have a job yet or anything but a computer. He always borrowed his friend's game systems.)

    I love Doctor Who. I started watching it with my mom with Eccleston. She was a huge fan from before the new series. Now that I'm waiting on the 50th and Christmas specials (so excited) I've gone back and started watching the originals. Mostly out of curiosity, some of the earlier stuff is really hard to get through!

    Also, other things I really like. Star Trek. I've seen every episode of TNG, Voyager (is my favorite) and I'm going through DS9. Next I will watch Enterprise and then the original series. I've seen every episode of Stargate SG-1 up until O'Neil left but I couldn't get into Atlantis or SG-U. Heroes I watched every episode of until the last season where I just couldn't get into it, either. Firefly. RED DWARF. That is a childhood love that is unparalleled. It was what we watched on our Family Night, after ordering a pizza. It was so great! Watched every episode of Eureka, too. I'm watching Warehouse 13, although Mika is really irritating to me. I can't really get into the more dramatic Sci-fi. Oh, also I watch Once Upon a Time and Glee. Those are guilty pleasures of mine. I was a choir/improv/theater geek. Even attempted to go to school for theater. It was too expensive. :(

    Okay. That's it until I can remember what else.

    Oh, yeah. One more thing. My favorite memories include the drive from my mom to my dad's house on weekends where my dad would tell me all about the comic books he read growing up, and that is how I learned about Marvel and DC heroes. Through oral tradition. Like they used to do it!

    Not sure if you knew or not, but FF7 (Best FF of em all of course IMO) got re-released for the PC and had achievements added to it, and can now run at high resolutions as well. You can buy it directly off Steam right now for $12. I've been geekin out hardcore on FF7 the past week.. ^.^

    Ha ha ha ff7 is not the best for me. Have you played 6? It is my absolute favorite.
    I DID know about it being on steam. I want it, although I can't justify the 12$ to my husband right now. I own a copy and a PS2 so I can play it whenever. But achievements! I want! And also my friend bought it (7 is his favorite, too) and he has a mod that turned all the sprites into pretty. So now I REALLY want it. But I'm playing through ff8 while he watches since he couldn't get through it but wanted to.
  • EasilyLed
    EasilyLed Posts: 23
    Looking through this thread all I'm doing is creating a mental shopping list (have to try/watch/buy that!).

    My tastes are all a bit eclectic, I loved SG-1 (should have done more studying) and Star Trek too (new and old).
    Me and my sister had a bit of a geek off so I would avoid what she was into (Manga, anime & Dr Who) while I stuck to Sims, Age of... and console games. Love a bit of Nintendo too :happy: The only thing we both admitted to liking was Glee

    Now I'm a bit older and She is moving Continents I might have to try a bit of what she liked.... Just don't tell her
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    The first system we had in our house was a nintendo. I wasn't really allowed to play it, it was my brothers and he always got the systems because he was the oldest and a boy. He also got a super nintendo with ff3 and Secret of Mana. Man, I loved watching him play even when I didn't understand what was going on. When my cousins asked what I wanted to play they always had to follow up with "NOT FINAL FANTASY."

    I was so happy when my then boyfriend now husband and I moved in together and he had a nintendo. My first console was a playstation. First one I bought myself was a PS2 that I still have, it's my baby. I bought my husband an XBox 360 for our first dating anniversary (this was big for him seeing as he didn't have a job yet or anything but a computer. He always borrowed his friend's game systems.)

    I love Doctor Who. I started watching it with my mom with Eccleston. She was a huge fan from before the new series. Now that I'm waiting on the 50th and Christmas specials (so excited) I've gone back and started watching the originals. Mostly out of curiosity, some of the earlier stuff is really hard to get through!

    Also, other things I really like. Star Trek. I've seen every episode of TNG, Voyager (is my favorite) and I'm going through DS9. Next I will watch Enterprise and then the original series. I've seen every episode of Stargate SG-1 up until O'Neil left but I couldn't get into Atlantis or SG-U. Heroes I watched every episode of until the last season where I just couldn't get into it, either. Firefly. RED DWARF. That is a childhood love that is unparalleled. It was what we watched on our Family Night, after ordering a pizza. It was so great! Watched every episode of Eureka, too. I'm watching Warehouse 13, although Mika is really irritating to me. I can't really get into the more dramatic Sci-fi. Oh, also I watch Once Upon a Time and Glee. Those are guilty pleasures of mine. I was a choir/improv/theater geek. Even attempted to go to school for theater. It was too expensive. :(

    Okay. That's it until I can remember what else.

    Oh, yeah. One more thing. My favorite memories include the drive from my mom to my dad's house on weekends where my dad would tell me all about the comic books he read growing up, and that is how I learned about Marvel and DC heroes. Through oral tradition. Like they used to do it!

    Not sure if you knew or not, but FF7 (Best FF of em all of course IMO) got re-released for the PC and had achievements added to it, and can now run at high resolutions as well. You can buy it directly off Steam right now for $12. I've been geekin out hardcore on FF7 the past week.. ^.^

    Ha ha ha ff7 is not the best for me. Have you played 6? It is my absolute favorite.
    I DID know about it being on steam. I want it, although I can't justify the 12$ to my husband right now. I own a copy and a PS2 so I can play it whenever. But achievements! I want! And also my friend bought it (7 is his favorite, too) and he has a mod that turned all the sprites into pretty. So now I REALLY want it. But I'm playing through ff8 while he watches since he couldn't get through it but wanted to.

    Agreed. FF6 takes a dump on FF7.
  • chrisloveslife
    chrisloveslife Posts: 180 Member
    Well...I'm not into anime, but I am definitely a sci-fi geek. I love Doctor who and supernatural. Also I am kind of obsessed with superheroes especially the Marvel ones. I also read a lot. Too much according to most, but I don't give a damn what they think ^.^
    And, I don't mean the "cool" geeks that find a pair of thick-rimmed glasses and their parent's Atari controller and think they're geek chic now.
    ^^ My thick-rimmed glasses actually have a prescription. And Atari is too mainstream, I play Super Nintendo.

    I'm not really a "gaming" geek or "anime" geek, but I am a sci-fi geek. You can feel free to add me! I added someone just because their ticker had a picture of the TARDIS.
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    I managed to out geek my fellow physicist colleagues.
    My profile pic is of a selection of our board games and my handbag is a D20 (numerically correct too)

    Can i join?
  • randomgirlusa
    randomgirlusa Posts: 45 Member
    For all you LoL nerds, all I gotta say is put on your big boy pants and bring it to Dota 2.

  • beckerkra
    beckerkra Posts: 80 Member
    The first system we had in our house was a nintendo. I wasn't really allowed to play it, it was my brothers and he always got the systems because he was the oldest and a boy. He also got a super nintendo with ff3 and Secret of Mana. Man, I loved watching him play even when I didn't understand what was going on. When my cousins asked what I wanted to play they always had to follow up with "NOT FINAL FANTASY."

    I was so happy when my then boyfriend now husband and I moved in together and he had a nintendo. My first console was a playstation. First one I bought myself was a PS2 that I still have, it's my baby. I bought my husband an XBox 360 for our first dating anniversary (this was big for him seeing as he didn't have a job yet or anything but a computer. He always borrowed his friend's game systems.)

    I love Doctor Who. I started watching it with my mom with Eccleston. She was a huge fan from before the new series. Now that I'm waiting on the 50th and Christmas specials (so excited) I've gone back and started watching the originals. Mostly out of curiosity, some of the earlier stuff is really hard to get through!

    Also, other things I really like. Star Trek. I've seen every episode of TNG, Voyager (is my favorite) and I'm going through DS9. Next I will watch Enterprise and then the original series. I've seen every episode of Stargate SG-1 up until O'Neil left but I couldn't get into Atlantis or SG-U. Heroes I watched every episode of until the last season where I just couldn't get into it, either. Firefly. RED DWARF. That is a childhood love that is unparalleled. It was what we watched on our Family Night, after ordering a pizza. It was so great! Watched every episode of Eureka, too. I'm watching Warehouse 13, although Mika is really irritating to me. I can't really get into the more dramatic Sci-fi. Oh, also I watch Once Upon a Time and Glee. Those are guilty pleasures of mine. I was a choir/improv/theater geek. Even attempted to go to school for theater. It was too expensive. :(

    Okay. That's it until I can remember what else.

    Oh, yeah. One more thing. My favorite memories include the drive from my mom to my dad's house on weekends where my dad would tell me all about the comic books he read growing up, and that is how I learned about Marvel and DC heroes. Through oral tradition. Like they used to do it!

    Not sure if you knew or not, but FF7 (Best FF of em all of course IMO) got re-released for the PC and had achievements added to it, and can now run at high resolutions as well. You can buy it directly off Steam right now for $12. I've been geekin out hardcore on FF7 the past week.. ^.^

    Ha ha ha ff7 is not the best for me. Have you played 6? It is my absolute favorite.
    I DID know about it being on steam. I want it, although I can't justify the 12$ to my husband right now. I own a copy and a PS2 so I can play it whenever. But achievements! I want! And also my friend bought it (7 is his favorite, too) and he has a mod that turned all the sprites into pretty. So now I REALLY want it. But I'm playing through ff8 while he watches since he couldn't get through it but wanted to.

    Agreed. FF6 takes a dump on FF7.

    Hehe, I'll agree to disagree! FF6 was good, but didn't quite fit the bill for me for sure. I actually liked FF8 more than 6 honestly... =P Still a good game though regardless. I'm hoping they re-release the PC version of FF8 again with the same improvements as they did with 7. That'd be pretty sweet!
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member

    Hehe, I'll agree to disagree! FF6 was good, but didn't quite fit the bill for me for sure. I actually liked FF8 more than 6 honestly... =P Still a good game though regardless. I'm hoping they re-release the PC version of FF8 again with the same improvements as they did with 7. That'd be pretty sweet!

    I thought all 3 ps1 final fantasy games were top notch. Go to show everyone has differing opinions because my favorite was 9. I know my opinion isn't the popular one, I like it. That said once 8 gets going its pretty good. Just a slow to start.
  • beckerkra
    beckerkra Posts: 80 Member

    Hehe, I'll agree to disagree! FF6 was good, but didn't quite fit the bill for me for sure. I actually liked FF8 more than 6 honestly... =P Still a good game though regardless. I'm hoping they re-release the PC version of FF8 again with the same improvements as they did with 7. That'd be pretty sweet!

    I thought all 3 ps1 final fantasy games were top notch. Go to show everyone has differing opinions because my favorite was 9. I know my opinion isn't the popular one, I like it. That said once 8 gets going its pretty good. Just a slow to start.

    Yeh, 9 was pretty good, and I liked how they kind of took a step back and brought in some of the original class types that we were used to from like FF1. No other JRPG that I've played though matches up to 6, 7, 8 though honestly... With one exception of course, and a typical exception being Chrono Trigger..
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    Not really an anime girl (other then FullMetal Alchemist & Cowboy BeBop), but a huge nerd in so many ways and raising a wonderful nerd boy.

    Interests of ours include:
    Star Wars
    Comics (preference for Marvel and Vertigo)
    Huge Neil Gaiman fan
    Star Trek
    ComicCon & cosplaying (my son and his dad were the BEST Boba/Jango Fett duo EVER)
    Doctor Who
    Serenity (Really, ANYTHING Joss Whedon touches)

    My 6 year old is the gamer in the family, I haven't picked up a controller since N64
  • inflames95
    inflames95 Posts: 15 Member
    awesome!! i loved black butler!! im really into anime atm....... feel free to add me and let me know what other anime and games your into :) same with anyone else here :)
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member

    Yeh, 9 was pretty good, and I liked how they kind of took a step back and brought in some of the original class types that we were used to from like FF1. No other JRPG that I've played though matches up to 6, 7, 8 though honestly... With one exception of course, and a typical exception being Chrono Trigger..

    Well best of all time any system not only ps1, I would go in this order with 6. 9, 7, 8, than 5 Although i enjoyed the newer ones I'm not counting the ps3 ones because they are like a whole different species of JRPGs
    8 has a really nice story, just didn't like the early game play which is what I think brings it under 7. First hour bores me and it feels sluggish at first. That said my favorite one on any system is 6 and is sluggish, in which you hardly play at the beginning and its still has a great intro feel. I heard Hironobu Sakaguchi hasn't felt any final fantasy since 7 has held up to his standards. And I would almost agree with him. There seems to always be a hiccup in every game lately(you know your old when lately spans 15 years) where the story drags it feet for awhile. Atleast 8 gets it over with the first few hours and than it gets good fast there after. I think 7 really benefited from its delay because of company focus on chrono trigger . Not only did they get more time to iron it all out, but chrono trigger's seamless storyline was probably modivating reason to really get it just right. Because of that I totally get why it's so many people's favorite.
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    Too much anime talk and not enough Star Wars talk here.