My fiancé said ...



  • LizAnn925
    LizAnn925 Posts: 20 Member
    Wow, you are not fat at all! Your weight is actually extremely low for your height. I am 5'4 and I weigh about 139 and I am not considered fat either. Honestly, you should be extremely mad. The fact that you are recovering from an eating disorder and he had the nerve to say something like that is disgusting to me. If I were in your shoes, that would be grounds for a breakup. It shows that he has no concern for your health, no concern for your feelings, and obviously can't appreciate what is right in front of him. I am sure you look beautiful just the way you are. You do NOT need to lose weight at all.

    If you do anything, just hit the gym and start using the weights. Building muscle can make you look lean and you will feel so great about yourself if you can lift and watch yourself get stronger. Check out for some exercise ideas. Since you are so slim, you will see your muscles in no time. Try working out a different part of your body every day. For example:

    Monday: Biceps & Back
    Tuesday: Triceps & Chest
    Wednesday: Legs
    Thursday: Shoulders
    Friday: Rest
    Saturday: Cardio & Abs
    Sunday: Biceps & Triceps

    You can switch it up however you want. Of course, doing cardio and abs 4-5 times a week is best, but you can really hit the cardio & abs hard Saturday morning. You should be doing about 5 exercises per muscle group, 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps for each exercise. For example, you can do 5 bicep exercises and 5 back exercises for Monday with 12-15 reps for each. There are a ton of different moves you can do with free weights and there are a lot of machines at any gym. I promise that you will start seeing results after 3 months or so - big results! No, you won't get "buff", but you will get toned and look more fit.

    Remember, it is OK to gain weight when you begin lifting weights. Muscle is leaner than fat, so a person who weighs 130 with 35% body fat and a person who weighs 130 with 25% body fat and has muscle will look completely different. The first person will look much 'bigger' while the second person will look leaner and more fit, even though they weigh the same. Weight isn't an issue here, it is really body fat percentage. Normal body fat percentage is about 24% for women, so shoot for 20% if you really want to look lean.

    Also, what do your meals consist of and how clean are you eating? Make sure you are eating lots of fresh vegetables & legumes (beans have a lot of protein), whole grains (quinoa, brown rice, whole grain pasta), fruits, and lean proteins (chicken, turkey, egg whites, tofu, seitan). Stay away from sugary foods like cookies and ice cream, and try to stay away from as many processed foods as possible. Processed foods contain a lot of harmful chemicals and ingredients that are down right addictive. If you start eating more leafy greens like kale and spinach, your skin will look better too!

    Overall, though, do this for YOU sweetheart. It is complete crap that he said that to you and I am too much of a feminist to let that slide. No man should tell his 115 wife that she is fat! I mean, what the hell. I weighed 155 pounds at the beginning of the year and my college boyfriend didn't tell me I was fat...I think you need to have a serious word with him. You are beautiful and you should get fit for yourself. You will be surprised at how rewarding lifting weights can be.

    Finally, I am proud of you for overcoming an eating disorder. I know that must be such a hard thing to do, but you did it. Give yourself some credit here. You can do anything you set your mind to if you can overcome such a difficult disease. Good luck, and message me if you have any questions. :)
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    what a pretty wedding dress!

    the fiancé is not nearly as lovely.