Don't count salad



  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I count fruit and vegetables, but have never counted salad ingredients, i.e. lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, celery. Works for me. Anyone else do the same?

    So, you count fruits and vegetables, but you don't count lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, or celery....which are fruits and vegetables.

    Confusing post is confusing. How do you decide what fruits and vegetable count as fruits or vegetables and what don't?
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Reading through this thread makes me realize why there are so many people "doing everything right" but the scale 'just doesn't budge." How many other things are not being counted or are being "estimated" and "eyeballed?"
    Well said
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    So food without calories! What a discovery!!

    Fingernails, man! Seriously, they are already a part of you, so by eating them you are consuming yourself and burning calories gnawing at them. The only true negative calorie food!

    Loogies too.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    So food without calories! What a discovery!!

    Fingernails, man! Seriously, they are already a part of you, so by eating them you are consuming yourself and burning calories gnawing at them. The only true negative calorie food!

    Loogies too.

    Yeah, but unless it's a good one, there's less cheqing involved so fewer calories burnt.
  • gonnamakeanewaccount
    gonnamakeanewaccount Posts: 642 Member
    Why wouldn't you count it?

    I don't see the point.

    You're just cheating yourself.
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    I count it. I don't make "small" salads though... 1 head of lettuce, an onion, a tomato, a cucumber, etc. It adds up fast.

    It adds up faster than you think, even an all veggie salad can have upwards of 300 calories if you make them large BEFORE dressing them.

    Contrary to popular belief-- eating spends about 30 calories/hr... celery has about 5 per stick, even celery has appreciable calories that in large quantities can make you gain weight.

    Count ~every~ calorie going in. Preferably by weight (g)->weight (oz)->volume (tsp, c, tbsp, etc)... if you don't measure at all you're going to be fudging your numbers fairly significantly. If I have to eyeball or estimate, I multiply1.5x-2x what I expect the calories to be... because while I prefer to be as close to my number as possible, I'd rather be under than over.

    My favorite example because I'm on bag 4 of them now is potatoes... the bag says "medium potato 148g 130 calories." I've yet to find a single potato that small in *40 lbs worth*. Smallest has been 187g (165 cal) largest was 395g (347 cal.) So if you assumed *any* potato in that bag was 130 calories you're significantly mistaken.

    If you add things like avocado, bacon bits, croutons, salad dressing, cheese, olives, meat, almonds, etc... then the calories skyrocket. I've seen salads at restaurants upwards of 1500 calories.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I log everything
  • Fishshtick
    Fishshtick Posts: 120 Member
    Actually, you don't need to log any long as you don't eat it.
  • kathymhardy
    kathymhardy Posts: 266 Member
    croutons and cheese have calories

    Well yes, no one, including me, suggested otherwise!
  • kathymhardy
    kathymhardy Posts: 266 Member
    I count fruit and vegetables, but have never counted salad ingredients, i.e. lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, celery. Works for me. Anyone else do the same?

    Didn't realize when you combine fruit or/and vegetable with the possibility of dressing..that it somehow negates the calories and in turn makes the veggies and fruits no longer veggies and fruits.

    mind. is. blown.

    Why do some people have to be so damn sarcastic on here? I asked a simple question. This system works for me. I lose weight. Get over yourself you 'clever' person. Are you rude because you hide behind a computer?
  • angiewf
    angiewf Posts: 175 Member
    What I did was make up my usual salad and calorie count it, then I use that count when I have a salad. If it's bigger than usual I add in the percentage and of course any extras I add like low-fat coleslaw.Works for me.
  • fimary
    fimary Posts: 286 Member
    I try my best to count everything. I may be a little 'picky' at times trying to be as close as possible, but do try to be as accurate as I can.

    agree, nice to know someone like me :laugh:
  • ratty6276
    ratty6276 Posts: 3 Member
    I do count everything, that's the only way it work for me. Even on the odd time that I go over my allowance, although I do think " will I or won't I log it".

    Effort rewards people.......Effort reward

  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    In my opinion, it's completely pointless to track some things but to not track others. In that case, why bother to track anything at all? :noway:
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Depending what I put on my salads they can range easily 300-600. That's greens, veggies, fruits (yes fruit in my salad sometimes) meat (chicken) or eggs (hard boiled) avocado or sometimes beans (black beans, kidney beans, etc.) and of course whatever dressing I am using. I sometimes use Salsa instead.

    Same here! I don't log if I have a couple of lettuce leaves on my sandwich, but beyond that I log it all. My salads can get pretty epic
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    Reading through this thread makes me realize why there are so many people "doing everything right" but the scale 'just doesn't budge." How many other things are not being counted or are being "estimated" and "eyeballed?"
    Well said

    I second that.
  • GameOfPounds
    GameOfPounds Posts: 128 Member
    I count salad but I don't weigh the tomatoes or the lettuce or generally the "almost zero calorie" veggies. I would add "half tomato" "1 cup of lettuce" and so on..
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Why wouldn't you count it?

    I don't see the point.

    You're just cheating yourself.

    a small salad of lettuce and greens is how many calories ? 50 max?
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    I count them but I see the logic. 1 cup of spinach is 7 cals, if you're going over it's rarely because of veggies lol
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    Why wouldn't you count it?

    I don't see the point.

    You're just cheating yourself.

    a small salad of lettuce and greens is how many calories ? 50 max?

    But who--besides Amy Winehouse--just eats a plate of salad greens plain, with nothing else on them?