what is your number one problem right now?



  • catculus
    catculus Posts: 2 Member
    Work/life balance. I already don't get to see my boyfriend as much as I'd like because I'm working retail and he works 8-5. Then, in August I begin student teaching and intend to still work on the weekends. Also, I begin training for a half marathon next week and am worried about when I am going to fit in my runs.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Stress and anxiety- mine and those around me
    Impending visitors
    Unfinished home repairs
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    My knee hurts. I'm so sick of my knee hurting.
  • Firefly0606
    Firefly0606 Posts: 366 Member
    Assignment is due and I am better at procrastinating than I am at writing papers.
  • ausrunninggal
    ausrunninggal Posts: 28 Member
    Always snacking.
  • fwitsend1277
    fwitsend1277 Posts: 288 Member
    Despite eating well and drinking far more than previously, I have my third UTI since starting my plan 101 days ago. I never got a uti before.
  • thrashscara
    thrashscara Posts: 72 Member
    4 days since i stopped smoking, and can already feel the weight creeping up!!
  • timeforwork
    timeforwork Posts: 114 Member
    About to take the dogs for a walk but the kids want to come on their bikes turning a plesent hour into a big hassle from start to finish :(
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to handle my upcoming vacation, food-wise. According to the friend that I'm going with (who did most of the planning since she lived there several years), there's going to be SO MUCH FOOD!!! Hopefully I can exercise enough to make up for it!
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    I have a little tmj related pain on the right side of my jaw.

    Its not awful right now, but I'm worried about later.
  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    Can't decide whether to cosign for my daughter's college loan or take out parent plus. My wife set up a lunch date today for us with some of her relatives that I've never met without asking me, and i don't want to go, on top of it we had a fight yesterday, so really don't want to go. Haven't been able to cycle for over three months, and it drives me nuts. Pulled out my skates,will go play hockey, but this lunch date...uggg.
  • Anger67
    Anger67 Posts: 129 Member
    beer, then the eventual loss of diet self control. double edged sword.
  • mccokat
    mccokat Posts: 130 Member
    I slept in my makeup and now my eyes feel disgusting this morning.
  • Madwife2009
    Madwife2009 Posts: 1,369 Member
    ANHmommy wrote: »
    and the leftovers are just sitting on the counter talking to me saying "EAT US"...it isnt fair lol

    Just remember what happened to Alice in Wonderland when she too was tempted by something saying "Eat Me" . . .

  • cecsav1
    cecsav1 Posts: 714 Member
    I hate my job so much, I cry in my car every day on my lunch break. But I've been applying for jobs for months without any offers, do I can't quit.
  • adamyovanovich
    adamyovanovich Posts: 163 Member
    I'm cutting 1500 calories a day and i haven't lost weight in 10 days now. But on a good note i lost 4.5 pounds on the 6th of this month, so i have that going for me lol.
  • samchez0
    samchez0 Posts: 364 Member
    Overtime is leaving me so sluggish. I'm not built for 5 am wake ups.

    Also, pretty sure I'm going to need to get back on antidepressants. They give me the munchies though so I need to figure out how to balance that.
  • ANHmommy
    ANHmommy Posts: 27 Member
    ANHmommy wrote: »
    and the leftovers are just sitting on the counter talking to me saying "EAT US"...it isnt fair lol

    Just remember what happened to Alice in Wonderland when she too was tempted by something saying "Eat Me" . . .

    yeah, but that was such an adventure lol...
  • atroanirbas
    atroanirbas Posts: 87 Member
    I avg calories between 1200 to 1500 and no gain or loss. I want to lose 50lbs. I need to know should i increase my food to 2000 and my exercise back? Or continue to eat that and add exercise. It says to eat 500 less per day but wouldnt that be to few cal if i eat 1200 to 1500?
  • knelson095
    knelson095 Posts: 254 Member
    Well...I drove across the country by myself last weekend (Virginia to Idaho, 2500 miles) to be with my family at my cousins funeral. He shot himself last Wednesday. He just turned 26, we grew up together.

    I am staying at my parents house, but they are getting a divorce so all my mom's stuff is gone and it's horrible. Home doesn't feel like home anymore. Dad's sad and mom's sad and it just sucks.

    My husband was underway when I left, he's been gone more than he's been home the last two months. He's flying out here at the end of the month and we are driving back together two weeks later. I miss him.

    On the positive side though, my sister is due to have her first baby any day now. I'm going to be an auntie! Finally!