July 5th start 30 Day Shred



  • Neeti1021
    Neeti1021 Posts: 43 Member
    Ok, I just did my Shred again and it does feel like it's definitely better since day 1 for me. I started to add some walking to it but it's just too hot!!!!! My monitor reads 292 burned. I am using 2 lb weights but I think I'm going to have to use heavier ones because I'm not feeling a burn that much. Is there such a thing as a 3 lb weight? I have 5 lb weights but that is too heavy.

    Good luck everyone!!!

    Neeti :smile:
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    I have 3 pounders, and they are just about perfect weight. I can feel it a bit in the beginning and it starts to burn just about at the end of the moves.
  • wolverinefactor
    I just did the workout and I was interrupted a few times so it wasn't a steady 20 minute timeframe or however long it was. But my god, it felt like my butt got handed to me and this is from someone who jogs a lot each day and does 300 crunches (which I'm unsure if I'll do tonight as I'm beat, I blame the heat). Hoping tomorrow goes smoother.

    I take it you don't take any days off from this so this means I have to take this with me on vacation next week lol That should be interesting.
  • JessicaBuff
    JessicaBuff Posts: 233
    IM IN!!! im gonna start in the morning..How long are you supposed to do each level? Like for a week or what? So excited about this!! I havent exercised in ages and have chronic fatigue due to hemochromatosis so im hoping this will up my energy some!! Good luck everyon!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Day 1L1 complete I am using 5lb hand weights I think I am going to try to do it 10 days for each level to complete the 30 days.
  • forgiven4life
    Today is my weigh in day so I thought I would post my measurements starting out and my weight today.

    Weight : 196 lbs

    Arms : 12"

    Stomach (at belly button) : 37"

    Calves : 14"

    Thighs : 23.25"

    Hips : 47.5"

    I've gained 1.3 lbs this week, but I usually do when I start working out. Hopefully as I continue my body will get used to it and drop the excess water weight.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Ouch~! Day 2 hurt me. I think I was sore from yesterday still, I only burned 176 calories on HRM today, but it felt so much more intense. Stuck it out of course, and the jump rope in circuit 3 actually felt good!
    Some time in the pool this evening should relax my muscles enough for tomorrow ( I hope )
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171
    Day 2 done I little sore in my legs and chest but not bad I was using 10 pound weight a little to much so I start with 10 then work to 5 pounds as it gets to much! much better!
  • wmb0124
    wmb0124 Posts: 44 Member
    Gonna do Day 2 after church tonight. I'll be honest, I'm not really looking forward to it. I used 5 lb. weights yesterday and that combined with push ups (which I never do) mean I can't lift my arms! I did like the abs and legs exercises, though. I guess tonight I just won't use my weights. The next 29 days should be interesting lol.
  • jtotheno
    jtotheno Posts: 123 Member
    I stupidly did my day one and 2 only 12 hours apart (midnight day 1, noon day 2) and now (day 3) I can barely lift my 3 month old daughter! LOL. I am using 4lb weights, but might haveto switch to use my 3lb wrist weights instead for a bit. I have very strong legs, and aside from feeling like jello for about an hour after day 2, they are fine. Mostly I fell the pain in my chest and very upper arms. Anyone else feeling it there?Ouch..
  • tamalea
    tamalea Posts: 107 Member
    I love it when she says lay down on the mat. I never thought I would look so forward to crunches: anything to put my arms down :ohwell:
  • Neeti1021
    Neeti1021 Posts: 43 Member
    LOL, that is too funny! I feel the same way, today is day 5 for me and I thought it would get easier but I also could barely life my arms and I didn't do it 12 hours apart. She makes a comment during the workout that if today is your 5th day you can feel yourself building the resistance.....I was like NO I'm not, I did the entire level but I was really pushing myself. I was so happy when I was laying down doing the sit ups and I hate sit ups.....Go Figure....lol

    Good luck!!!

    Neeti :noway:
  • jtotheno
    jtotheno Posts: 123 Member
    I am still debating whether I am going to do it tonight or not.. DAMN it's sooo hot!! I know I should.. I have to get back into the swing of things if I ever want to go wedding dress shopping. I know I will be very mad at myself if i don't make that goal!
    Damn.. trying to get my wedding ticker to work.
  • blufire07
    blufire07 Posts: 14
    okay i didn't officially start day one til now! Just finished the workout! (yeah for me) after two intense exercising days at the lake i was so sore this morning i didn't think i was gonna start the shred but im pushing myself cause i want these results. Anyways my measurements are:

    Weight: 131
    Arms: 12"
    Calves: 14"
    Thighs: 21.5"
    Hips: 27.5"
    Stomach(at belly button): 30"
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    LOL, that is too funny! I feel the same way, today is day 5 for me and I thought it would get easier but I also could barely life my arms and I didn't do it 12 hours apart. She makes a comment during the workout that if today is your 5th day you can feel yourself building the resistance.....I was like NO I'm not, I did the entire level but I was really pushing myself. I was so happy when I was laying down doing the sit ups and I hate sit ups.....Go Figure....lol

    Good luck!!!

    Neeti :noway:

    Today was just day 2 and I am feeling my arms also while at zumba today she kept doing something with your arms over your head and I was like plz new song! LOL I think it those dan lateral raises that be killing me!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Day 2 complete along with a 1hr of zumba!!
  • natspoiledbrat
    I love it when she says lay down on the mat. I never thought I would look so forward to crunches: anything to put my arms down :ohwell:

    I'm so with you on this one! Never in my life have I been so eager for crunches! lol Its a great workout!
  • forgiven4life
    Good job everyone on keeping up the Shredding! I finished Day 2 last night and it was a tad bit harder for me I think. Those side lunges with lateral raises KILL me! By the second set I am having to modify and only raise one arm at a time. I am using 3 lb weights right now. I think on some of the moves like the chest flys when laying down, I am going to start using my 5 lb weights because I don't feel it much with the lighter ones. I was sweating for sure when I got done with the whole thing. I log mine into the exercise log as "circuit training, general". I think that would be more accurate than just aerobics because of the strength training she has in there. What are everyone elses thoughts on this? Logging it as that gives me just over 200 calories burned. That's sounds about right, but I don't have a HRM to get accurate results. I also did another video last night for added cardio. I completed a 30 min walk & jog and boy, was I sweating when I got done!

    I'm really enjoying reading everyone's responses to how they are doing! Before you know it, we are going to be several inches less of us. I'm not sure how everyone else is doing the levels, but I am doing 10 days each level.
  • ShannonJohnson
    ShannonJohnson Posts: 86 Member
    I'm in! I just went in for my first wedding dress fitting and I really need to kick my but in gear :smile:
    I will be starting tonight so I will enter in my measurements tomorrow. Yay! I'm saying that now cause I'm sure I wont be saying that tomorrow morning!
  • ginnyvv
    ginnyvv Posts: 2
    OK I'm in but what do you put in for your daily calorie burn? I'm doing the Boost Your Metabolizm one of Jillian Michaels and sure do feel the "burn" today!:happy: