July 5th start 30 Day Shred



  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    I started the 30 Day Shed. It was really difficult the first day for me and couldn't move the second day. I think I used muscles I haven't used in 20 years. I do my elliptical everyday, but that only uses so many muscles. I'm on Day 9 tomorrow and it has gotten easier, but I'm a bit worried about going to Level 2. I had to skip a few days to rest my muscles. You are suppose to do the first Level 1 for 10 days, Level 2 for 10 days, and Level 3 for 10 days!!!
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Whew! I had a terrible day of eating, well just one meal, but I had to add another video after shred tonight and I am whooped. It felt good though by the time we got to cool down. Went from one to the other again and burned a total of 721 calories in 65 minutes~
    It's not getting easier per se, but I'm making it all the way through the sets.

    @natbrat ~ my knees are hurting, but not from the lunges, its the jumping jacks and rope that are getting to me! I would suggest not going down as far and make sure your butt is going behind, which will help keep your knee in the right place.

    @neeti ~ it's always good to take our agressions out in a healthy way like exercise. Gives you the mental release, dig into those punches!, and you feel better too :) Glad you were able to focus and get through it.

    @mrsbatt ~ I bet as soon as we can do this level without being sore, it will be time to move on LOL

    @wolverine ~ those last crunches make me shake! I have been tending to fall behind pace, but I know I am breathing in and out where I am sposed to, so quality over quantity. I may need a second run at this program to keep pace. Wow, not even through level one, and I'm planning for a second 30 days...

    Good night all and good luck tomorrow~
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171
    Tks for the encouragement it really helps get through it!
  • ShannonJohnson
    ShannonJohnson Posts: 86 Member
    Day 2 level 1 done last night and it was great! I would have done another one of my videos after it even but I had to go somewhere. But that makes me feel great cause I know nights that I have more time I can do that and a video after.

    Everyone keep on going cause it does get easier, yes I only just finished day 2 on level 1 but I was able to get through all the first round of push ups and half of the second round strong which was way better than the first day!

    Ready for day 3! And I even got my sister in law on it so we are on the same days which helps the motivation cause if she tells me she did it and I didn't it makes me want to do it. Not a competition or anything but it keeps me motivated and giving me the extra push to do it everyday. Awesome!
  • forgiven4life
    Hi everyone! I completed day 4 last night. I almost didn't do it though. My knee and my ankle have been bothering me a little and I think it's because of the jumping jacks too. I am noticing that my endurance is getting better. During the butt kicks, I can actually pick up my feet instead of barely bringing them off the floor. :laugh:

    I had a bad lunch too, but it was all within my calorie goal, so all is good, right? LOL. I really really need to work on my water intake. The only thing I have been counting on my food tab is plain old water. I've only been getting in about 3 glasses/day.

    I actually have a little more energy today, so the working out is starting to pay off.

    Good job everyone!
  • tamalea
    tamalea Posts: 107 Member
    I am looking forward to the day when I wake up in the morning and Ouch is not my first thought. :ohwell:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hey everyone,

    Neeti glad your feeling better now and great way to stick it out and get your workout in!! Your right men can definitely take you to another level mines was part of my 3mnth pitfall so glad to be bouncing back!! So getting it together after a few hrs is great!!

    No pain no gain I say because my shoulder feels like it is totally out of the socket whew and those lateral raises are killing me!!

    I sure hope the pain will be better by level 2 but probably different moves with some different pain:frown: but I guess as Jillian say to have the body change in such a short time this is what we have to go through!!

    Day 5 completed

    On a good note this week has been the best week I have had in months in 5 days I have worked out over 400 mins and I am totally stoked. It has been a while since I have been this motivated I am totally feeling on top of the world looking foward to weighing Monday and just in case the scale don't reflect my success I am going to continue to push foward I feel too good to let the scale stop me!!

    Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • forgiven4life
    Day 5 completed

    On a good note this week has been the best week I have had in months in 5 days I have worked out over 400 mins and I am totally stoked. It has been a while since I have been this motivated I am totally feeling on top of the world looking foward to weighing Monday and just in case the scale don't reflect my success I am going to continue to push foward I feel too good to let the scale stop me!!

    Have a great weekend everyone!!

    I like your attitude!! Motivating me to go ahead and get mine done. That and the 400+ calorie deficit I will have in my food diary if I don't do it! :noway:
  • Neeti1021
    Neeti1021 Posts: 43 Member
    cnbethea: Thanks so much! I feel weak saying that something like being upset with him gets me on the down slope but I want to learn from it and hopefully everytime I get upset I do the opposite and work it out. I'm glad that you got through it. You're definitely Rocking It Now!!! YOU GO!!!!! I hope I'll be able to keep up with Insanity with you after the 30 days. I skimmed through and peaked at Level 2 of the 30 Day Shred and it looks harder and Level 3 even harder then that. But I'm going to think positive and pray that by the time the 30 Days is over I'll have better endurance and be able to do it.

    MamaDaisyJ: Thanks!!! You're right, taking out my anger in a healthy way like working out is the best thing for me and I feel better afterwards. I used to eat when I got angry now I'm working out.....finally the right direction!!!! YAY!!!

    Well I got through today with a much better workout finally, Day 8 of the 30 DS plus a 3 mile walk. Not bad for me I guess. The heart monitor says 561 calories burned. Much better for me then yesterday.

    I have to say that with all the inspiration from everyone it makes this better! Thank you to everyone!!!!

    Neeti :flowerforyou:
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171

    Did day 4 today it is getting better not so sore and able to do push-ups yay!!!!!! I have never been able to do the push-ups so it feels great to do it now! I hope everyone else is getting stronger.

    Rock on!!!!!!
  • wolverinefactor
    It went much better on Day 5. Not as much sweating, not as much of a struggle but somewhere in there is a leg muscle I don't work in my runs because now I get a slight crap during my runs (mainly uphill sections). I really just need to focus on what I eat and I need to really up my water.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Well, I skipped a day :(
    Woke up late, super low on calories... didn't even make the 1200 and was out of the house till really late. Look its 2am and just got the time to post my failure lol. Will just have to be sure I do a morning shred tomorrow, might even do two. Ya'll think thats a good idea? 2 shreds in one day... to make up for a missed one, hmm.
    Or today is just my rest day (from exercise), didn't even walk the dog... LaZ~ :embarassed:
    Other than woke up too late for breakfast, I don't know how I had so little calories, I mean, I do, I can look at my log and see, but you know what I mean... wasn't ever hungry today. guess it was just an off day. Better luck tomorrow.

    Looks like everyone's endurance is increasing in one area or another~ That's AWEsome! Here's to getting through it all without missing a beat tomorrow :drinker:
  • forgiven4life
    Day 5 completed last night. Man, my knees are really aching. I guess from the jumping jacks. I've also been doing a walking video every night and that one really gets my lower back because there are so many knee lifts. Listen at me just complaining.....sorry. Oh, I've been doing some of the exercises with a 5 lb weight instead of a 3 and it feels good. I'm finally starting to feel it in my shoulders and arms.
    I know we are only around Day 5-7, but has anyone thought about what you might do once you finish this 30 Days? What program will you move on to? For me, I think I will start back on The Firm. I used to do it a long time ago, but got away from it. It's not an every day thing though. It came with a calendar of the days and which workouts you are supposed to do.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Completed level 1 day 5 (216 calories today) ~ I hate myself for skipping yesterday. But, I'm down to only stopping for about 3 seconds during the 2nd set of cardio in circuit 1. I just hate that jumping! Feel it more in my legs than my knees now, so that's prolly good news.
    May or may not do a second shred this evening to catch back up ~ does anyone have an opinion on this idea?

    Forgiven4life ~ I'm thinking about doing shred again, then maybe pick up jogging (C25K) after that. I want to lose maybe 20 lbs before I try to jog, the jiggling would be distracting to me LOL ~ I also couldn't imagine doing this with 5pounders yet, but I see several folks using them. I might give it a shot my next run through. *dying with 3 lbs*

    Ya'll have a great day!
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171

    Missed yesterday I was busy all that day! I was helping with a baby shower had to clean my house because in-laws were coming and I was cooking all day so very busy. But one good thing is that I got alot of excerise from cleaning and cooking. But today I will have to double it!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Day 5 completed last night. Man, my knees are really aching. I guess from the jumping jacks. I've also been doing a walking video every night and that one really gets my lower back because there are so many knee lifts. Listen at me just complaining.....sorry. Oh, I've been doing some of the exercises with a 5 lb weight instead of a 3 and it feels good. I'm finally starting to feel it in my shoulders and arms.
    I know we are only around Day 5-7, but has anyone thought about what you might do once you finish this 30 Days? What program will you move on to? For me, I think I will start back on The Firm. I used to do it a long time ago, but got away from it. It's not an every day thing though. It came with a calendar of the days and which workouts you are supposed to do.

    After the 30 day shred I am going back to Insanity I haven't finished it yet but I want to be a grad so I will try and conquer it again once and for all!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Good morning day 6 and 7 completed I don't think I made it in here yesterday can't believe I have worked out 7 days straight haven't done that in as while still only feeling it in my shoulder hope that get's better with round 2. I'm so glad to have you all to do the shred with I feel like now I will be a grad for sure!!! Let's keep shredding it!

    Has anyone notice any changes in the 5-7 days so far? My weigh in is in the morning hoping for good results!!
  • tamalea
    tamalea Posts: 107 Member
    Day 6 done :tongue: I have to say it is getting easier. :happy:
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Day 6 done~ decided not to go for two shreds in a day, just seemed like too much work LOL
    These late night workouts are killing me. Hoping I can get back to naptime exercise tomorrow. Totally getting easier, well more endurable I guess. Made it through tonight without a pause, and I'm pretty sure I kept up on the butterfly crunches. Anyone notice that Jillian isn't down there doing her 'favorite' exercise? lol prolly too hard to keep talking on those ones.

    I did find a real good yoga (not cardio) video on Netflix ~ it felt frelling awesome after the shred. I don't think I have relaxed this well in years! Crunch:Candlelight Yoga if anyone is interested~

    Homework time, I'm cutting it off at an hour tonight, then make the Man's lunch and maybe I can get to bed before 2am? Good night and may the force be with you
  • ShannonJohnson
    ShannonJohnson Posts: 86 Member
    So I did day 5 level 1 Sunday, I didn't do it on Saturday but me and my dog went for a 2 hour walk I figured that made up for it :) but back into it this week and I'm excited, I lost about 2 lbs since last Wednesday when I started!!

    Input from others on this- I am thinking of continueing to count days even though I didn't do the workout, like Saturday I counted as day 4 but I didn't do the workout. I only plan to miss maybe a few other days during the whole 30 days. I just thought that I should keep going so I move onto the next level on time but I didn't know what others were doing...

    Do you count only days you workout or do you count everyday if you workout or not?