Serial Starters



  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Another stormy night... ugh... was 70 Degrees at noon...55 by 2:00... rain and hail... Spring in Mo... Weather is interrupting my TV shows... lotsa tornados but none close, yet... looking like storm will die down before tornados reach us...hopefully... calling for 1- 3" of snow on Sat... blah...
    Several years ago, I had to drive home thru a Blizzard at the end of March... was hard to believe at the time... doesn't surprise me, now..

    Annie - hope you were able to get in touch with your son and he is doing better.. glad he is starting therapy... I'm sure that will be helpful... sorry about the funeral...
    Just a side note... my great niece is 2, today (her name is Annastyn, they call her Annie)

    Sara- cheese in oatmeal? Interesting...

    More eating, today.. slightly better... less Carbs... almost where I should be on my Macros...

    Well, guess I need to find something to pass my time as the weather is not getting better and unable to watch my show... watching Master Chef Jr... those children amaze me!

    Will try to be back..
    Have a good evening
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    Dawn - cheese was okay in oatmeal but ricotta was much better. Stay safe in your area.

    Worked a little on 4 of my knitting projects. Hand (rheumatoid arthritis in one hand) done for day.

    Time to sleep in hammock with Miss Tillie - waiting for Lana to come by and tell me her day's news.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I never think about Ricotta in things... other than lasagna or some type of pasta...even though you have mentioned it before...I think I need to reprogram my brain...

    It's quiet tonight...hopefully, storms have missed us...

    Lana - hope your day wasn't too rough...
    waiting with Sara and Miss T under Palm Tree... hope to see you there..

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member

    Good morning,

    Up early, could not persuade dog to go back to sleep. It's okay I went to bed early last night.....

    Knitted a little on all 4 projects (2 preemie hats - 2 sizes, scarf.chemotherapy hat). Keeps me out of kitchen usually.

    Have pork chop recipe (serves 4) on possible for weekend cooking adventure - roasted balsamic vinegar vegetables /pork chops.

    Looking for a little sleep before Friday kicks in.

    Dawn glad you had a quiet night. Missy - check in when you can. Lana - how are you?? Annie, funerals are not easy to attend, but better to go than not.

    Wishing all a great Friday - lurking from work.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    edited March 2017

    Official weigh in day (even though I've been weighing each day.) Drum roll please....down 1.7 lbs from last Friday! I was actually .2 lower yesterday but it made its way back for this morning's WI. We enjoyed supper out at a new local buffet last night. I didn't eat a lot, but it was too many carbs. Happy to say I am on Day 10 of no pop!

    DS seemed a bit better yesterday. I know he's ready to be home but they don't get here until Sunday. Lots of time on the bus between concert locations. I hope, in the en, he can appreciate the experience! He has asked for help going through emails from the college he's planning to transfer to for next year. Will probably do that early to mid next week.

    Work is crazy and weekend will be a bit busy. DD has a tae kwon do tournament tomorrow. It's her first one, so we really don't know how it all goes. We'll just be there cheering her and her teammates on! I have homework to do this weekend. Happily, my two younger kids are on spring break after today - so no homework for them this weekend! :)

    Good plan for the day. Need to make a plan for tomorrow. May allow myself one "good" cup of coffee or hot chocolate this afternoon if all goes well today. Was a little low on water yesterday so working to correct that today.

    Lana - do you have any good resources for meditation? I may be interested in something like that for myself. I've been working on deep breathing and relaxing to try to help my own anxiety and tension in my neck and shoulders. I hope your appts have all gone well.

    Also, Lana - Being 10 lbs from goal is great but I guess it makes me mad, too, because I was at that number about 3 summers ago and I let it slip away. Then last summer I was 2 lbs away and let it slip away again. I need to figure out how to get there and STAY there!

    Cold here today. The thermometer says "0". Yuck.

    Dawn - glad the storms stayed away from you. I won't feel like we're free of snow here in MN until sometime in April! I mean, right now the ground is bare but we could still get a good snowstorm or two. Luckily the snow doesn't stay long now. Spring is almost here!

    Make it a great day. Will lurk from work.


    Today: 155.2
    All-time high: 177.8
    Goal: 145.0
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member

    It's Friday!
    It's snowing in NYC. I hope it doesn't stick. I should do laundry, and that's a hike.

    Annie - Congratulations on fabulous weigh in!
    It's so good you got rid of the bubbles with high fructose corn syrup.
    Please let go of the past; it will only make you feel bad. Look forward always.

    Sara - I was knitting a scarf in the round, with pink eyelash yarn my sister gave me years ago. Several feet into the thing, I held it up and saw I had dropped a stitch in two different places. I decided to rip it out rather than "sew" the two places. You never would have seen the mistakes if I had "fixed" them, but it bugged me, so....... I started again. I will be more vigilant. I have never dropped a stitch on the two items I made in the classes. Must have been this fuzzy eyelash yarn when I was tired.

    Waves to Dawn and Missy and all the other ladies~~
    Welcome waves to anyone new or lurking - stop in and say Hi!

    Time to wash up and get going.


    Today: 242.4
    All time high: 245.6
    Goal: 185
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    Lana - fancy "foo foo" yarn as I call it - is murder with mistakes. I understand taking it out, I also know nobody would have known.

    Annie - fabulous weigh in!! Cd's are available - but ask Lana for the website link/links she knows.

    At work. Fighting off horrible bad juju here today. Will pass out chocolate.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member
    edited March 2017
    Annie - I learned to meditate at the Insight Meditation Center and the Shambhala Meditation Center here in NYC. I think it is most helpful to learn it "in person" from a teacher, however, learning from an online source is better than not learning at all. Google around to see if there is someplace to go sit near where you live or where DS goes to school.

    There is a Zen Center in Portland Oregon, and their meditation instructions are fairly simple and clear. Print them up!


    PS - It doesn't matter if your eyes are open or closed.
  • PennysOnaMission
    PennysOnaMission Posts: 13 Member
    I'm not in WW as I am limited on funds for that fee but am interested in a group that offers consistent caring support and is like me... consistently starting over.

    I'm still trying to figure out this app but it was suggested to me by my therapist so I can finally get healthy thanks to surgery and impending future surgery that's needed. The weight has to come off and I must come first. Please help. Thanks for being here.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    Penny - welcome!! This website gets a little easier. Stop by and post when you can.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    edited March 2017
    Good evening,

    What a day - felt like it took twice as long. Debating if I should make cooking light macaroni and cheese with bacon and broccoli or the pork with roasted veg.....

    Dinner ? have no clue. Had eggs/ canadian bacon. Realized that pork for dinner this week is not a good idea with crowns being put in Tuesday. Looking again through cookbooks
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    Decided on making broccoli, mushroom and onion quiche. Have the crust, eggs/milk frozen broccoli and onions, so not too much to purchase.

    Under Lana's Palm Tree with my Tibet bells and aromatherapy. Wishing all a good evening.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    edited March 2017

    Good morning,

    Up for dog,she is done - back for zzzz's

    Droste on my shopping list, will make hot chocolate with milk for awhile (warming up milk - just like Lana - that is).

    New lady in our department was making a baby hat for her soon to be niece/nephew - she wants to make hats to donate as well. So it looks like there are 3 of us at work....Another coworker still in probation went ballistic at work and while her reason is valid, not sure how long she will stay.

    Errands as usual this morning, OT, and then with any luck nap with dog.

    Wave to all who follow, will stop by when I can.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member
    edited March 2017
    Saturday Question of the Day: Do you have fruit and vegetables in the house for yourself?
    Gotta have the stuff in the house ladies!

    AOTD: Yes, and more is being delivered this afternoon!

    Lana (trying to figure out how to get to Sara's this week for quiche)
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Always a bummer, when you start feeling good in your clothes... and, then yer bloated...GRRRR
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    edited March 2017
    AOTD: groceries, doubled up on my bananas (crowns get put in Tuesday - chocolate in small pieces afterwards!!) - bag of yukon gold potatoes as well. Quiche will have vegetable and salads for lunches at work.

    Dawn - bloated comes and then with any luck goes - hope the "going" part is soon. Hang in there.

    Setting clocks back now at home. Will set watch back later. BBL
  • cfausset85
    cfausset85 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey all! Sorry, I have been MIA. Depression has been bad lately. I finally got an appointment to see a doctor about it and they prescribed some meds that will hopefully help me get over this hump. I've been mainly binge eating junk and binge watching netflix and it has not helped my mood at all.

    Hope everyone else is doing better on their journeys than I have on mine this week.

    AOTD: I have lots of frozen bananas, strawberries, pineapple, peaches and mangoes in my freezer. I am not a huge fan of most fruit due to textures but I can blend those up for smoothies and tolerate them well. I have spinach, bell peppers, onions, carrots and broccoli in the fridge plus several 4-5 pound bags of commercially frozen veggies and my last gallon bag of frozen broccoli from our garden last year. So yep, plenty of nutrient packed plant based foods in the house.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member

    Hi CF! Glad you got meds. I hope they work well for you. My Effexor has done good things for me.
    Your fridge has good stuff!

    Sara! The clocks go forward!!!!! Spring ahead, fall back. We lose an hour.
    I changed all of mine already; I don't like overnight changes, so I start "living it" the day before.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member

    *Cabana Boys flying by private jet to Missouri with Bloat-Away Spray for Dawn*
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    Saw what my humidifier at work looked like so decided as I changed the filter to clean it out - so glad I did :s what a mess. Cleaned up a little part of my desk - so it feels bigger at work. Took coffee/chocolate flavor Dove chocolate bag to work, see if the gang likes that one. Hot water boiling for hot water bottle - eyes took a hit with allergies so trying to help them feel better. Will try and see if dog will let me take a nap.

    CF - I agree with Lana - glad you went to dr -

    Love the spray the cboys made for Dawn!! They can be so creative.