Serial Starters



  • caprisunoholic
    caprisunoholic Posts: 10 Member
    I'm guilty of being a serial starter! Would definitely like some friends to support me and keep me motivated to stay and work harder. Feel free to add me! :)
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    Good evening,

    Had to blast music in my ears to stop me from falling asleep at work! Submitted idea (if denied will discuss idea sooner....).

    Cheeseburger casserole for dinner, will see how leftovers taste.

    Annie! So proud of your daughter as well. Does she get a certificate? Suitable for framing??

    Crashing in hammock under Lana's Palm Tree - will hope to see Lana there as well.

    Wishing all a wonderful evening.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Annie - good for DD! That is so wonderful! You have every reason to pop in and brag!
    You should be very proud!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Dawn, glad you are okay and your friends are too losing a home is hard, injury is worse. Stay safe.

    Thanks Sara... today was windy, but much calmer...I can't imagine losing everything... one house was completely flattened! But, so thankful that they are here to start over!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member

    Dawn - sending good vibes out to your friends who lost their houses. Glad they were not injured.

    Sara - You have been knitting up a storm. No pun intended. Scruffies to Tillie.

    Annie - I bet you are very very proud of your daughter. ADHD is tough stuff.

    Waves to the new peeps.

    Long day today; two more long ones to come. Time to crawl into bed and read.

    Hugs to all~~


    Today: 242.4
    All time high: 245.6
    Goal: 185
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana- Thank you... much quieter evening, tonight...
    Hope your long days aren't too unbearable... hugs and good thoughts
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member

    Good morning,

    Lana - are your long days dealing with dr apts?? If so, sending good thoughts. Find something to reward yourself after each day.

    Oatmeal is almost ready and I would like to crawl back under the covers....

    Wishing all a great day. Wave to all who follow.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member

    Hi Ladies~~

    Yes, today and tomorrow are all MSK stuff. Bringing my easy knitting!

    You all have a good Wednesday. Cabana Boys have a special mid-week happy hour for us. Hot chocolate or orange/seltzer/cherries depending on whether you are hot or cold!


  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Thank you, everyone! I really got choked up and teary-eyed when my daughter texted me with that news. What a good affirmation for her and for us. She received a certificate and got her picture taken with the rest of the students of the month (the students in each grade are broken into either 4 or 6 teams and then each team of teachers nominates one child each month). The certificate hangs at school until the end of the month. She brought home a letter from the Principal telling us about her being chosen. It sounds like there will be a pizza party at the end of the month for the kids and possibly some sort of gathering at the end of the school year for all of the students and their parents. We took a celebratory trip to Dairy Queen last night (which is our tradition when any of our kids win an award, etc.)

    Scale still going in the right direction although yesterday was not my best diet day. Working for today to be better. Day 8 of no pop. Massage yesterday was great and I'm definitely feeling relief. Scheduled again in 2 weeks. Once I really get things under control, I think I will have a monthly maintenance massage and see how that works.

    Wednesdays are always busy. Lots of running after work (DD's tae kwon do and church activities) and really don't set foot at home until 9 p.m. I was so tired last night that I fell asleep on the couch around 9:30, which is not like me. Tonight will be a lost cause for homework or exercise.

    Lana - hang in there!

    Sara - keeping my fingers crossed that your idea is well-received!

    Gem - good job getting to the gym!

    Will lurk from work.


    Today's weight: 155.2
    All-time high: 177.8
    Goal: 145
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Annie - that is so wonderful that the school/ teachers recognize students.... it's so tough when kids have difficulties or struggle... it helps them feel good about themselves, feel accomplished...

    Last couple days have not been so good food wise... I'm eating, a bit... but, way too many Carbs... must make better choices...
    Scale is going down... which, is only because I haven't been eating enough..
    SO has not been feeling well for several days... nausea and diarrhea... can only hope he doesn't pass it on to me....I can not afford to be sick and miss work...

    Well, gotta get busy... late lunch...
    Everyone have a good day!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    Good evening,

    Crawling into lounge chair after dinner and shower.

    May just have enough calories for hot chocolate, or just enough so the red # isnt too high.......

    Lana - hang in there.

    Wishing all a great evening.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member

    Missy - Thank you for that funny unusual photo!

    Everybody hang in there. Seems some more winter is coming soon. Brr.

    Cheap and mostly healthy dinner: Tasty-Bite Bombay lentils over steamed cauliflower!
    Time to cuddle up in bed.


    Today: 242.4
    All time high: 245.6
    Goal: 185
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    edited March 2017

    Good morning,

    Have back of heel that is irritated by one of my pair of shoes, so I put a thick bandaid on it. Otherwise one more dr. visit...... Update - was wearing my heavy socks in those shoes, changed shoes and socks and it will do the trick.

    Grey clothing today, will wear brink pink stone necklace and bright pink lipstick - let rumors start!

    Told 2 people in my department about the "click here to submit ideas" link in a company email..... There are 400 people in the building you would think someone would respond.

    Lana - your dinner sounded filling and different. Googled to see that the lentils are "flavored" - good idea!

    Immediate Lead is out on sick leave his little baby girl had heart surgery - so I am helping new woman in our department - training in our company is so small you need a microscope! Nobody is angry for why lead is gone, but we have to scramble to get questions answered. Just is.

    Wishing all a great Thursday. Wave to all who follow.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member

    Sara - let them all wonder about the pink...hehe... sounds like a good plan... sometimes, no matter how simple you think things should be, people just don't get it, or care enough... hope your idea is received well, regardless... sorry to hear about the Leads baby... hope surgery goes well... good thoughts for the family...

    So far, quiet morning... but, day has yet to really begin...

    Check in later.
    Have a great day everyone
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member

    Running through to get to appointments..........

    So Sara, do you mean that the way you are dressing today looks as if you "are dressing for the job" - meaning the Lead's job (temporarily)? I am not caffeinated yet. Maybe I misunderstood what you were saying.

    Everyone have a great day.

    Will be back at the end for poolside massages.


    Today: 244.0
    Starting weight: 245.6
    Goal: 185
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Scale continues to go in the right direction. Had to fight with myself last night not to stop and get a calorie-laden coffee. Did break down and have a piece of peanut butter toast around 9 p.m.

    Awoke to a text from DS (age 18, currently on college choir trip) saying he was having a rough night = his depression/anxiety. He sent the text after midnight our time meaning we were asleep and didn't hear it come in. I texted this morning and simply said "I'm sorry." I'm sure he was asleep when I sent it. These kinds of messages make my heart pound and make me very anxious. Working on deep breathing. He will start seeing a new Christian therapist on March 24th. Bad girlfriend is out of picture. Working with him to look forward, not back. And not to wallow in those dark thoughts and focusing on what he perceives to be negatives. So, also working on concentrating on the positives.

    Whew! Made for a rough start to the morning. But I did not let it derail my breakfast.

    Sara - I have a dress on today and one person already asked where my interview is. :) In actuality, I have to go to a funeral today. But I will let some people wonder! Funeral is not for someone close to me. It is for my brother-in-law's father, who was 89 when he passed. But I feel like I should be there for my brother-in-law. He's a good guy.

    Speaking of the dress, I feel a bit like a stuffed sausage. Exactly 10 lbs to my goal. Keep moving forward. Checking into a membership at local university where there is an indoor walking track. I wonder if I would use it enough?

    Will check back later.


    Today's weight: 155.0
    All-time high: 177.8
    Goal: 145.0

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    Lana - lipstick /makeup and jewelry are not my highest priority as I crawl to work. It could start all kinds of rumors.....
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,879 Member

    Sara and Annie~~

    All fancied up! I wish I could be a fly on the wall at your workplaces. Sorry about that funeral Annie. Wow you are doing well--10 pounds to your goal!

    Annie does your son have any access to mindfulness based stress reduction? Meditation?

    Time to track the chicken and that cupcake.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    at work, oatmeal with cheese in it and hot chocolate for afterwards. congested and too lazy for anything more complicated. :)
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,345 Member
    Good evening,

    Oatmeal on stove. Have enough Hot chocolate to make one more serving, on grocery list...... Will see if International Store has Drost - make me make my own......

    Crashing under Palm Tree tonight.

    Lana - How did your MSK days go? are you done for week?

    Hope to stop by before lights out, in case I dont, wish you all a good evening.