Serial Starters



  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana - Simple is best! That's the way I like it... creature of habit... don't like change
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good morning,

    Dawn thrift stores are good for old versions of WW as well.

    Thank you for your good thoughts. Headache is back to sinus infection.

    We have a pot luck at work, I chose not to participate as I was expecting to be really sore jaw wise after dentist, so I have my Shepherd's Pie - if I dont bring I dont eat (I have coworkers who dine royally and never bring....).

    Will have to think about doing more walking. Sleeping after Tylenol was no problem....

    Will lurk from work. Make it your best Tuesday.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member
    edited February 2017
    Good morning Girls~~

    I was looking through my browser bookmarks, and saw this link from W W for Meal Ideas. The first half of it still works--the part where they show you photos for 7 breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks. If you click for further details, you have to be a member.
    Still, I thought I'd post it, in case anyone was looking for a fresh idea here or there.


    Today: 239.8
    All time high: 245.6
    Goal: 185
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana - thanks! Well definitely check it out!
    Congrats on WI
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good evening,

    Dog done with walk and we are in for evening.

    Good job on weigh in Lana - liked the link, new ideas are helpful.

    My reward for all my medical apts/ issues is to buy a large sauce pan /larger skillet and a large casserole dish so that I can start making skillet dinners/ casseroles that freeze and I will have the variety for dinners that will keep me from straying..... Priced it at Target where I can look at the items and see how they are made etc. Have to wait for a paycheck so nothing done quickly. Additional possibility is to start getting facials again.

    Next dental apt is same day as ob/gyn but dental is after 6pm so I was pleased to know the chocolate shop just down the street from dentist is open until 6 - 2 pieces of chocolate that is safe to eat (no nuts/caramel) will be going home with me to enjoy after crowns are inserted.

    Knitting - finishing #2 chemo hat and will call it an early evening. Snoring in lounge chair with Miss T. Lana bring earplugs....

    Missy - how can we help you with your April goal??

    Wishing all a great evening.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - sounds like very good rewards! Good time to try new recipes!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good morning,

    The company I work for is Catholic owned so they are having an Ash Wednesday ceremony and it is optional.

    Almonds and granola are out until my permanent crowns are in place. Greek yogurt plain is just not the same....

    Dog up and waiting for me. Oatmeal on stove. Hot water bottle on back of neck/head last night helped me to sleep after dog pit stop.

    Will lurk from work, my boss is gone for rest of week, so we shall see who will be playing (cat's away)....
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Ash Wednesday

    Today is Day 1 of no pop. So far, so good. I did end up putting some crystal light into my water this afternoon - just for some flavor. My brother said I'd might as well be drinking pop. But I said it's better than eating something I shouldn't. Planning to really limit my sweets but am not going to say that I will cut them completely for the next 40 days.

    I have also committed to reading a daily devotion each day. My mom sent me a new devotional book because I had expressed interest in reading a devotion each day of Lent.

    Neck/shoulders sore. Back/hip/leg feeling pretty good. Anxiety not as bad today. Still there, but not as bad.

    Work is crazy. Canceled my PT appt tomorrow morning since we are releasing the software update we've been working on the last few weeks. I feel like I should be here right away in the morning.

    Will CBL!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good evening,

    Peanuts put me well over my daily total..... I had to use music at work to stay awake.

    The Cheeseburger casserole in is not one recommended for freezing but if I halved the recipe???

    Shepherd's pie in toaster oven. Someone I know at worked asked if I have lost weight. I thanked her I told her the scale says no..... nice to hear something like that, makes the denials worthwhile.

    Lana - Miss T and I will be under the Palm Tree later. Hoping the cboys can cure some of my crankiness.

    Wave to Annie and Dawn and anyone else stopping by.

    Have a great evening.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Oh, oh......a cranky Sara is not a good thing. Sending CBoys to take care of that pronto.

    Waving to Missy and Annie and Dawn~~~~


    *flopping onto chaise long, looking for earplugs in case Sara snores*
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Lana - much of crankiness comes from sore jaw and inability to eat my favorite foods..... how did your dental apt go?
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Waves to all! Popping in for just a moment... unexpected trip to ER, today...SO decided a nail would look good in his wrist, instead of board... he was very, very lucky... didn't hit bone or do any major damage... didn't even get stitches... cleaned it up, gave him antibiotics and a tetanus shot, put a bandaid on it and sent him home... he's really hurting, tho... in a very bad spot, hard to use his hand...he plans to work, tomorrow..we will see how he feels.. definitely hurting..

    Still trying to get back on track with eating... I'm eating, just very little...normally, I would be happy that I'm not gorging myself.. and, I am.. but, I am afraid I'm gonna get to a point and just eat til I can't eat anymore...

    Well... gonna head to bed... have a good night...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good morning,

    Dawn!! Glad that all worked out in the ER -Tetanus shot glad to see he got one. As for eating, you have to eat to exist- so make sure you make better choices. Just dont stop - were the words on WW that keeps me going.

    Cheeseburger casserole- - does not freeze well (so said website) but if I halved the recipe it would make 3-4 servings which would be perfect, so that may be this weekends project. I wouldn't need to buy any of my reward items as it will use a 1.5 quart casserole (recipe says use 3 quart casserole).

    Dog taken care of, paper is here, oatmeal is heating ( I read something online about soaking oats before cooking....) and back for some ZZZ for me.

    Hey Lana - Miss Tillie has been known to snore of a sort as well. So definitely bring ear plugs one of us will be snoring!!!

    Wave to all who follow. Make it your best Thursday.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member
    edited March 2017
    Good morning All~~

    Hmm......Dawn.....Nail in wrist instead of in board sounds like automatic air tools on a job site. Also sounds as if it was a fairly large nail. Air guns are heavy and unwieldy, and if the safety is not present or on the fritz, the thing can go off with a tap of the trigger before you are ready. Or worse, it's tempting to keep finger on the trigger and just tap the gun along the work, so if you bump anything before you are ready, the nail shoots out. I hope SO heals up soon. The trouble with those nails is that most have a coating on them, sometimes resin, sometimes a bonding glue. Yick.

    Sara - My dental visit was nothing, just full set X-rays with semi-incompetent tech who took twice as many because, well, she's not that good.
    I do hope that your mouth improves each day so that the weekend is fairly normal for you.



    Today: 242.0 :(
    All time high: 245.6
    Goal: 185
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara/ Lana - SO is hurting pretty good this morning.. feel bad for him...the nail went thru the board and into his wrist... ugh.. he's beating himself up, for not being more cautious...I don't think he could have been more cautious than he was... fluke accident... thank you for kind words...

    At work, check in later...
    Have a good day
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Cheering you on Missy! Amazing!

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Thanks Missy..I wish I could post pic .. it sounds worse than it looks... again, he was very lucky... Congrats on going to Spin class...I almost wish I could find one close... but, I think I would quit... need a work out buddy in the worst way...BTW, you are not a bad Catholic for not getting your ashes... life happens... you do what you have to...

    Oh.. my dogs snore so loud.. Boston's are known for it... they wake me up, sometimes... they also run me outta the room with the odors coming from them... gotta love em tho...

    Well, heading home in a few... day finally over...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    edited March 2017
    Good evening,

    Sent the link from work.

    Proposal for work Marketing idea has gotten green light from Manager, will send to COO next week to see if it holds water.

    Shepherd's Pie for dinner.....

    Knitting in hammock under Lana's Palm Tree. Dog has had her dinner may be sleeping soon.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Sara - good to hear about your proposal getting the green light! Clever girl!
