Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Lana how is the knitting class going? I know have 4 different things on needles.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member
    edited February 2017

    Knitting is coming along. I am still working on my scarf from the Knitting Class, which was over months ago. I am very slow. My form/technique could use improvement. Once my ability to THINK better returns, I am going to re-learn how to hold my yard for knitting and purling.

    I found one woman on YouTube; her "Name" is IKnitWithCatFur. I looked up a Harris Tweed stitch (as part of my sampler scarf project), and even though the purpose of her video was to feature this pattern, I couldn't help but notice how excellent her style was--she holds her yarn in just such a way that, for her, changing from knitting to purling is effortless and very efficient. So sometime in the near future I want to learn to improve myself with that. The reason I can't do that right now is that in the video, she moves so quickly I truly cannot follow what exactly she is doing--even when I play it on my laptop and slow the video down.

    Meanwhile, it is good for me to get to this informal knitting circle just to get out of the apartment and socialize with other human beings. :open_mouth:

    Time to knit a few rows and go to bed.

    Sleep tight everyone~~

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good morning,

    Many instructional videos for knitting on Youtube. Continental style knitting involves less movement (English style knitting you have to move the yarn front and back each time with right hand - Continental is left hand always holds yarn - so look and see if there are other Continental style knitting videos). Good time to learn the other style, I cant get my brain to cooperate I have been knitting my way for too long. Newest knitting is using grey/yellow together in blocks of color - there was a post about using grey/yellow on - a website for knitter/crocheters.

    Clear skies on tap today which is such a wonderful change.

    Wave to all who follow - Will lurk from work.
  • cfausset85
    cfausset85 Posts: 25 Member
    edited February 2017
    You ladies must have so much patience to knit. I tried to learn once but I just don't have the patience for it. I'm an avid sewer myself, with two vintage machines and a fancy schmancy digital modernized doodad as well.

    Hope everyone has a great day! I gotta go get the littles ready for the day. And coffee, I need coffee.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Good morning Ladies!

    Welcomes to anyone new to stop by~~

    Sara - I must knit "continental". Yarn is over in the left hand, but not up high. YouTube is a great source these days. I'm grateful it's there.
    Enjoy your better weather. I bet it will be a relief!

    CF - When I was young and living with parents and grandmothers, I sewed, which came in very handy because I am tall and back then, tall girl clothing was hard to find. My problem is that I just don't know how to take care of and adjust a sewing machine. The little (cheap) portable I have from my mother is strictly for repairs now. Maybe a set of curtains/drapes soon. And to think I used to make dresses for myself! Now I buy pants and tops from J Jill, and that's it.

    Off to the dentist for cleaning + checkup. I know they will find something wrong and urge a new crown somewhere.

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Scale is slowly heading back in the right direction but I have not yet lost the pound I gained last week. Official WI is tomorrow. Good plan for the day. Thankful today for a husband who cooks! Roast in the crock pot and a side of steamed broccoli is planned for supper tonight. It is good to see scale moving in the right direction and trying to use that as motivation!

    PT was good today. I have had quite a bit of pain/discomfort/tightness this last week and my hip was definitely out of alignment this morning. Tried a couple of new things. Will continue with my exercises and see physical therapist again next week. She had to give me a pep talk today.

    Feeling very puffy today. Will increase water intake.

    Cold is slowly getting better. Lots of sinus pressure today but less sneezing and running. Slept well.

    We received a free box of meals from Blue Apron from DH's uncle and aunt. :) Excited to try those this weekend. We ordered a steak meal and a chicken meal. We also have my MIL's 65th birthday on Saturday. Going out for pizza and bowling. Will try to limit myself to thin crust pizza and salad at restaurant (it is a buffet) and then I will sit out the bowling with my back issues.

    To the knitters: I started trying to teach myself to crochet a couple of weeks ago. I used to know how to crochet as a kid but it's not coming back to me quite like I had hoped. I will need to take more time to practice. Hoping I find it therapeutic and relaxing.

    Lana - I hate going to the dentist for that reason. They always find something!

    Better get some work done. Have a good day!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Annie - I used HappyBerrycrochet on youtube, her intro videos are not edited and go slowly.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Annie - good for you that the scale is going in the right direction! It's a lot to handle to have a cold AND the pain/discomfort/tightness stuff.

    They did not find anything new at the dentist, so I brought up the ongoing problem with tooth 14 (has a crack + a crown). Monday I go back for routine full X-rays and a big time adjustment of my night guard, which may be source of mystery pain with #14.

    Sara - did you get nice(r) weather today?

    I'm proud of myself: I bought and cooked a plain piece of fish today for dinner. I should do this more often.

    Time to relax a bit.

  • cfausset85
    cfausset85 Posts: 25 Member
    Lana- we had an old treadle sewing machine when I was growing up, 100+ year old machine. My dad actually taught me how to use it. Everything I've learned about my machines is almost completely youtube and google. Also, I had a dentist appointment today too! How coincidentally funny. Sorry you are having to deal with pain though. Mine was just a general checkup/cleaning.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good evening,

    Dinner done, shower over, dishes getting washed. Dog walk and reading/knitting next.

    Annie - excellent that scale is finally listening!

    Lana - glad you didnt find any problems at dentist, night guard adjustments are easy and might just do the trick. I am so proud of you having a good simple meal for dinner.

    Meat loaf and mashed potatoes were wonderful, had oatmeal for dinner, ran out of calories. Oh well.

    Weather was awesome, some clouds but no rain which meant dog could get her full walk in. We are 7 inches over average rain fall and there is more rain coming.....

    Hope to stop by before lights out, however if I do not, I wish everyone a great evening.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    edited February 2017

    Good morning

    Lana - if your night guard gets fixed maybe you will sleep better?

    TGIF make sure to get that in there.

    Best big chance of rain has moved to Monday - not sure what it is but I have gotten drenched going to dentist this year..... just a coincidence. Snow in mountains in record breaking potential so when that stuff melts..... Mornings into mid 30's again so bundle up again.

    Oatmeal on stove. Wave to all who follow.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member
    Happy Friday!!!

    QOTD: Will your weekend be "under control" or are you facing any food/social challenges?

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    WI was good today. I have officially lost the pound I gained last week.

    Struggling with some anxiety the last couple of days. I think it is fall-out from all of the stuff with DS in college along with my aches & pains issues of the last couple of months. Need to work on relaxation techniques to relax muscles and also stop nonsensical worries. Being able to exercise would help but that is not in the cards right now.

    We dodged a snowstorm! Looking forward to going to a family movie night to see Lego Batman tonight. :) Massage tomorrow morning and then MIL's 65th birthday celebration tomorrow night. Concentrating on not sabotaging myself along the way with too many good eats.

    Lana - I have been without a nightguard for about a year (maybe more) and I know I feel it. I have been lax about getting in to my dentist to have a new one made.

    Hello to all who follow today. TGIF!


    Current weight: 155.8 lbs (WI 2/24/17) down 1 lb from last week
    Highest weight: 177.8 lbs
    Lowest weight: 145 lbs (July 2014)
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Sara - It is amazing to hear about California and its rain/snow surplus. So often we hear of the drought conditions; it seems that the water overages are more rare. Here's hoping there is not too much damage done with snow melt.

    I forgot to tell you that I have been doing better with getting myself to go to sleep: I don't watch any TV right beforehand, and I've been looking at either wildlife photos or Royal Albert china patterns (soothing and interesting) on my phone in the dark right before before I feel sleepy enough to fall asleep. I am not a collector at all--that stuff is pretty and peaceful.

    Annie - it is frustrating to not be able to exercise as you are accustomed to. Maybe just stretches and yoga/floor stuff gently? Upper body small weights? --coming from someone who never does this stuff. Only cheering you on. Have fun at MIL's celebration.

    CF - I hadn't thought of YouTube for the sewing issues. Thank you.
    What daunts me is getting a machine to have proper tension--whatever it is that makes the top and bottom stitches perfectly match and be tight/loose enough.
    Also I think machine quality is a factor. I grew up working with an all metal Necchi machine which was pretty good. Then my mother got rid of it, bought a cheap portable Janome, and that's what I have now. Strictly for simple repairs and maybe a set of simple curtains.
    Wardrobe people in the theater swear by their all-metal Berninas. Maybe when I retire soon, I might invest in something good.

    Cabana Boys have something special in store for all of us later on.

    *tossing hat and bag onto favorite lounge chair.*

    Today: 240.4
    All time high: 245.6
    Goal: 185
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    edited February 2017
    Lana - I had stitch tension issues, I had to take it to a sewing machine repair shop one of my gears in the bottom bobbin area broke. Dust getting into them is also a chronic problem, so consider getting a "clean/lube" for your machine - but maybe youtube might have that.

    At work bbl.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Good ideas Sara~~
    Thank you!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good evening,

    Eggs, fried ham and fried sweet potatoes- ahh what a way to end a Friday!! Over a little on #s, but I had unplanned soup for lunch. Just is.

    AOTD: my weekend will be in pretty good control if I dont let the bakery good talk too loudly to me and I can find a good recipe to make for the week. Shephard's pie sounds good - my dental visit may make my jaw hurt so less chewing the better. Will look for a recipe.

    Dog out and then read and knit/watch dvd.

    Dog has not has her special treat today, so she will be looking to see what the Cboys have to offer.

    I will try and fly by before lights out, but if I dont, have a great night.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member

    Good morning, dog up and taken care of. Back to sleep again.

    Errands, OT and then home to with any luck knit/nap. Found a Shepherd's pie recipe that I will lighten up a little. Makes 6-8 and I may have to use a casserole dish and a cake pan, but the stuff freezes okay.

    Will stop by later. Wave to all who follow.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Hi Sara~~

    I got up a bit too early this morning. Had breakfast at diner with neighbor, and it was not worth the calories: overcooked eggs and bacon, boring watery home fries. Water; skipped the toast and butter. Argghhh.....

    I'm going back to bed to get more sleep.

    Waves to all who stop by later~~


    Today: 240.2
    All time high: 245.6
    Goal: 185
  • cfausset85
    cfausset85 Posts: 25 Member
    Hello to all this morning.

    Lana- yeah, and you have to change your tension accordingly sometimes to the weight of the fabric you are using. So if you are a novice to some extent, it can be frustrating to get that perfect tension for one project, switch to another project with heavier or lighter weight fabrics and then have to adjust the perfect tension all over again. I used to sit for hours, playing with tension settings and using different scraps of fabric in single, double, triple or even quadruple thicknesses. And then if, like me, you have three different machines, you have to learn the tension sweetspots on each one. I hope to someday invest in an overlock machine and my ultimate sewing dream goal is to get a big fancy industrial machine.

    So one of my new fitness goals involves sewing too... I was at a church yard sale where I found 65+ yards of fabric, good quality knits, home décor fabrics and fashion apparel fabrics of varying weights, for less than a dollar per yard. If you don't know, that's a great deal. I organized them into my current stash, which wasn't exactly suffering anyway, and set aside some very lovely fabrics to make myself some new dresses and blouses when I lose a set amount of weight. When I reach 190, I can begin a new large project for myself. I will also need to draft new patterns for myself based on that weight and those measurements and that is a big reward too since I am a bit of a math nerd.

    AOTD- I think I should be fine over the weekend. If anything, it should be easier for me since I am a homebody anyway and I prefer to be at home with my family if I can be. And running errands through the week makes me misstep more than anything.