Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,886 Member
    hickchic67 wrote: »
    The air cleaners I have are Winix brand. The model is C535 and each is for an area of 350 sq ft. They are amazingly quiet (except when on turbo, then they sound like a desk fan) and have an automatic mode where it will drop to "night mode" when you turn your lights off. The filter refills are relatively inexpensive on Amazon. The pre-filter is washable (I clean it every 2 weeks), the carbon is replaced every 3 months, and the HEPA filter is replaced once a year. It is amazing to see what all they pull out of the air! I got my first one on sale from Costco and was so impressed with how well it worked that I ended up buying 2 reconditioned units from the Winix site. I have one my living/dining/kitchen area, one in room where my cat's litterboxes are, and one in my bedroom.
    My sister was so impressed she bought a different model Winix off Amazon and moves it around her house every few days. She has to clean the pre-filter more often because she is a "crazy cat lady" with 9 indoor cats. It has really improved her breathing and she has less respiratory issues as well.

    Kathryn - Thank you for the information! Maybe Santa Claus will bring me one of these!?

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,886 Member

    Sara - I hope that you get what you need at work. Who needs this stress?
    It is good to hear Miss Tillie is taking to her food with an appetite!

    Waving to Kathryn and Dawn and Missy and Tracy in Tennessee and Tracey in Edmonton and Lynn and Nikki and Laura and AnnLiz and Runa and Ama and Saltine in Winnipeg and--oh my goodness--all of the new peeps whose names I have not gotten down, and Rafna and Watson and PDG and anyone else who stops by later on~~


    251.2 again today
    255.0 highest
    249.0 lofty goal for Sunday
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @Tilliesmommy1 Glad to hear the food went over well with your fur baby! And hopefully you can get a trainer that's a better fit. Work shouldn't have to be any more frustrating than it already is!

    @hickchic67 Great ideas on the air filters. I really should get those for my house too.

    @PatasdeGallina Chocolate is THE BEST! Hopefully we can keep each other accountable

    @LanaCabana537 Thanks for the warm welcome!

    Happy Tuesday Everyone! I was walking the dogs this morning and somehow thought it was a Thursday *sigh*. It's going to be a long week, isn't it? I'm already starting to feel more like myself after just one day back on track eating so hopefully that feeling sticks. I also made a crustless pumpkin pie this weekend, which is helping with the sweet tooth ( I wonder if my MIL would be upset if I brought one for Thanksgiving?
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Sara - My training when I started on new software & equipment amounted to 2 lines: "you're smart, you'll figure it out" and "just fiddle with it" <severe eyeroll> Hope you can get someone you can work with to get trained!

    Lana - i wish i had the air cleaners when my kids were growing up. i have a feeling there would have been a lot fewer trips to the doctor!

    **waves to everyone who drops in!**
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Talked to mom, yesterday. They found "something" in Gma's colon and want to do colonoscopy. Instead of calling mom like they said they would, they called Gma. Her response to colonoscopy, "Why? I know I have cancer" so, don't believe she will get it or any other tests done. She told mom, she wants to be with Gpa sooner. I am heartbroken, but I understand. She is 83 years old, the love of her life is gone, her family has fallen apart and, she has the horrible "C" word that devastates everyone it touches. She is taking her Chemo (pill) but, I don't think she will do more.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    And here we go again.

    about a year ago my wife and i separateed. we got back together around 3 months later, but in those 3 months i let myself go and got myself back over 100kgs.

    its time to start (again) trying to get this back down.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Lana I was looking at small appliances for my new apt, but an air system is about the same price with better health benefits. I need a deep fryer like nothing- hahahaha
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good morning,

    How is the week going?

    Most of today in training. Yikes. Tylenol and the ready.

    Went through section of desk and tossed a good deal. Push comes to shove and what I dont go through I just move, but that will diligence will not be a lot.

    Not sure if I can lurk from work. Wave to all who follow.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,886 Member
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    Talked to mom, yesterday. They found "something" in Gma's colon and want to do colonoscopy. Instead of calling mom like they said they would, they called Gma. Her response to colonoscopy, "Why? I know I have cancer" so, don't believe she will get it or any other tests done. She told mom, she wants to be with Gpa sooner. I am heartbroken, but I understand. She is 83 years old, the love of her life is gone, her family has fallen apart and, she has the horrible "C" word that devastates everyone it touches. She is taking her Chemo (pill) but, I don't think she will do more.


    This is just awful news. I am so sorry that this is happening to your grandmother and your family. What scares me always is it's one thing to die from cancer (being dead is easy), but what any person will go through--and for how long?--before their death is just awful for the person and for their family. Thank goodness for the existence of hospice care. I am assuming that Missouri does not yet have death with dignity.

    Big, warm hugs to you~
    Love and light~
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Dawn, piggy back on Lana's post, find out of Hospice is available in your area - it is such a comfort and help when your Gma gets to that point. Your Gma has her own plan, try to work with it as much as you can it will make all of those involved journeys with this easier.
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @arniedog74 I'm so sorry. Cancer is the worst! I hope your Grandmother's process is as peaceful as it can be

    @Tilliesmommy1 Hopefully training goes better today and no tylenol is needed

    @zorbaru Luckily you're catching it early and life seems less tumultuous so it should hopefully be a *relatively* easy fix

    Happy Wednesday! I'm doing a wine and paint event where I get to paint my dog (how cool is that?!). I even woke up early to get a workout in before work since I'm missing the gym tonight (neither dog was very impressed I chose to sweat instead a morning walk--but they'll have to get used to it now that winter is coming). I'm probably going to bring sparkling water instead of wine. Especially with the holiday season upon us I don't need any additional indulgence days.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Today was an early Tylenol day - so shower over, will curl up with my hot water bottle and dog and call it done.

    Seems we are behind schedule - you mean the week she was off sick is not my fault?? That I dont just go verbally postal on her is amazing.

    However, my day is done and my dog does not need my stress.

    Wishing all a great evening.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good morning,

    Got a hug and a pep talk from a coworker. The lady cannot train, will not see it and is in Sup's pocket.

    I am up later, fed and medicated dog but will eat my breakfast later. This will work when I get a microwave with my new apt.

    Not sure if I can lurk from work but will try.

    Wave to all who follow.
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,454 Member
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    Talked to mom, yesterday. They found "something" in Gma's colon and want to do colonoscopy. Instead of calling mom like they said they would, they called Gma. Her response to colonoscopy, "Why? I know I have cancer" so, don't believe she will get it or any other tests done. She told mom, she wants to be with Gpa sooner. I am heartbroken, but I understand. She is 83 years old, the love of her life is gone, her family has fallen apart and, she has the horrible "C" word that devastates everyone it touches. She is taking her Chemo (pill) but, I don't think she will do more.

    My thoughts are with you at this difficult time!
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Dawn - So sorry to hear about your grandmother. Prayers and positive thoughts as your family navigates through this. <<<hugs>>>
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,886 Member

    Hi All~~

    Just a quick check in.


    252.0 today
    255.0 highest
    249.0 lofty goal for Sunday, which is looking unreachable
    179.0 goal
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good morning,

    Hot dog its Friday!!

    Not only cant my trainer speak well, she cant write well. Two pages of instructions took her many rewrites when I asked questions like "what is 'it' ?" - and she went home at lunch. I just could not believe it. My hope is that our Supervisor is having the department learn about other departments - maybe she would be tempted and apply for an open position there? Sadly, my trainer thinks this is her dream job. Enough of this for now.

    Okay it is Friday - I am bringing pickles to the sandwich pot luck next week so a different item on my shopping list. I will bring two kinds Baby Gherkins and Bread and Butter. We are tied to our phones so we dont have time to spend in a normal pot luck table. Good news is that also limits the calories available.

    What is everyone doing this weekend? Celebrate your Friday!!

    Wave to all who follow.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,886 Member

    Sara - A big round of applause and many pats on the back for you going through this training period. I just hope that in the end, you do manage to acquire all of the knowledge you need to do well in this position. If little things are missing, you might be able to get them from your co-workers.

    Weekend will be getting my house ready and myself organized in order to leave for 2.5 weeks. I'm going up to NYC to take care of business and go to routine doctor appointments.
    I should try to walk a bit on my finicky problem left foot.....

    The Cabana Boys have a special Happy Hour for us today~~ Yay!


    I am not going to make that lofty goal. I sabotaged myself. Again. 🤦🏼‍♀️
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    good Friday morning!
    I echo the round of applause for Sara. I don't know why some people feel like it is ok to make other peoples lives more difficult?
    This weekend I have a lot of time to myself. Wisconsin deer hunting season. My hubby and son do not go away, but they are gone much of the daytime hours. I hope to do a thorough cleaning of the house and then start Christmas decorating. I don't have anyone over for Turkey day, so I will start early :wink:
    Lana - sorry to hear about the sabotage. I too am working my way from a number I did not want to be at again, but the scale is moving down again this week. Trying very hard not to beat myself up. One choice, one day at a time.
    Waves to all - welcome newbies. I have to go back and catch up some.

    CW 190.4
    GW 185 - 12/31 (I will be kinder to myself over the holidays)
    HW 209
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    edited November 2019
    Trying to get everything done after work today, like grocery shopping, so I can spend Saturday at GalaxyCon with my friend (tickets were my birthday gift to her). I am not a huge fan but she is and no one else would take her. We will see how it goes!
    Sunday we are going to see a house my daughter wants to buy. She said this one felt like home as soon as she walked into it. I am nervous about her buying anything in the city because of resale value and crime, but somehow, I seem to have raised a city girl. She loves living in the city.
    Somewhere over the weekend, I also have to start all my cooking and baking!!
    This will be first year we will not celebrate the holidays on the holidays themselves. We have had to jump through hoops getting everyone together this year and even after all our scheduling, there will still be those who miss the family gatherings due to work. :(