Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    edited July 2020
    Dinner with my 2 coworkers was a good dose of therapy and we all feel better for knowing we have similar if not exact issues. Scheduling one for next month - outside dinning with dessert.

    Dawn -People around me move too often or get married or have babies and then dont have time. Consider taking a walk after dinner - good for your biochemistry. Have the hissy fit of a 2 year old and see if that helps. Never know. Give yourself credit for dealing with all this stress... If you dont I will. Do you have access to my/Lana's mailing address through Scentsy - if so, send her your contact info via mail....

    Need to let computer scan itself and that is so boring to watch that I need to walk away.

    Hang in there. Sleep well.
  • Sara628588
    Sara628588 Posts: 88 Member
    Today I am waiting in for a parcel. Told it was on its way, its a large parcel so they cant post it through my door. Making use of the time to do catch up - a bit of housework (yuk) a bit of net browsing, and a bit of reading.

    My ex husband bought our daughter a car. She drove it - brakes failed on the motorway! He said hed had them checked (obviously didnt) . Trying really hard to be charitable and not bash him with a baseball bat

    Sara from UK
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,886 Member
    edited July 2020
    *** THURSDAY July 23rd ***

    Good morning all~~

    Dawn, hang in there as best you can with the depression. Exercise does do good things. It's not just the endorphins that we all hear about, but other more subtle things like some chemical that helps brain chemistry is made in the liver when we exercise.....
    Terrible about the snot-nosed Covid family who boarded their dogs....

    Sara in UK - Holy cow on the brakes failing. That should only be in the movies! Enjoy your time at home today.

    Sara in CA - That's really good that you got together with co-workers outside of the office, so to speak. 👍🏻

    Into the shower with me. Elderly neighborhood doggie "Ru" is coming this morning to spend the weekend with me so that his mistress can go hiking in the NC western mountains. 🐶


  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Good morning,

    Lana, glad you have Ru he keeps you buy and company. What kind of dog? Picture?

    Dawn, walking is an anti depressant, get some in when you can even if it is after dinner.

    Sarauk - my place would look so much better if I actually decided to clean - so good for you !!!! That ex and those breaks yikes - hockey stick/golf club also works - your daughter is okay?? Ex should have to pay to get brakes fixed in a just world.

    Almost Friday - like Almost Famous and Almost Thin. Will have to work to get there.

    Wave to all who follow. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,886 Member

    Here are two photos of my little houseguest Ru. He is a rescue, and he is ancient. He's a cockapoo. Poor fellow is more blind than when he was here in December. But he's cool 😎

  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Lana - adorable!
    not much new here. Today flew by. Had this open like 10 times and never got to type.
    Goal accomplished today - dig up my garmin to track my steps. I have been telling myself for days to get that back on my wrist. It is there!
    Dawn - as everyone stated, DON'T let the depression go too far. It will cost you more in the end. Are there County or State programs that have free services? In WI we have them - on sliding fee scales. Also think natural - find uplifting scents, aromatherapy, foods, etc to help your health. But those are not cure-alls. Meds are often needed as well. Take care of YOU!
    Maureen - laughed at your comment about a great walk with your daughter and her turning back. Gotta treasure any time we get!
    Sara in UK - WOW. that is horrible RE: Ex. I would've been livid!
    Sara - Coworker's do help one feel better - I am glad you have that.
    Have a great evening!

    CW 195.6
    HW 207
    GW 180
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Hello Lynn get back in the step mode! Good for you.

    Lana got your happy card as I opened it I was near my work computer and waved it at the computer very fast hoping it would do any good.

    News bomb after nap - not Mrs Monster but still worth telling.
  • Sara628588
    Sara628588 Posts: 88 Member
    Thank you everyone, yes my daughter is fine, she was shaken up but OK today. Most days I chat t my ex, not today :( I am SO cross with him. Nothing good will come of a row so I am avoiding him until I calm down.

    I am still not exercising....... got to get onto that...... weight was the same on scales today. Sigh

    Sara from England
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Seems one of our coworker is making the change of gender. The people who met last night for dinner were interested to know what the same coworker would do to be gone (rarely stays more than 2 months at a time at work) this was NOT anything I considered. Person has a new name and we must address person as such. Hard enough to feel they need to and then to have the courage to do so, points for that person.

    If person was someone reliable and hard working and did their share, I wouldnt wonder if this is just one more way to get out of doing their "bit".

    Stunned the meeting this morning which was luckily online......

    Hope to walk many steps in about an hour.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Sara - actually have had a couple co-workers go through transgender process and procedures. I had to tell them that I knew I would forget and call them by the wrong name/pronoun and to be patient with me. They allowed me to ask honest questions but I would ask them only when they were in a mood/position/situation to answer. Its one thing to ask questions in order to learn, its completely different to ask rude questions to embarrass or mock. There were several people who did just that. People can be such *kittens*

    Dawn - you are a friend on FB, dont ever be shy about reaching out. msg me and we can work out a time for a phone call and have a conversation. you are not alone.

  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    News in my neighborhood--- the Bassett Hound/Corgi mix the neighbors adopted a few weeks ago had her puppies! (They were unaware she was pregnant when they adopted her until they took her to vet to be spayed. It was quite an unexpected surprise!) She went into labor this morning and by 5pm had 10 puppies!! Unfortunately, one did not survive, so she has 9 pups. Its her first litter. She did splendidly! By posting pics of the pups as they were born, about 6 of them already have potential homes! Its an older retired couple and they are doting "grandparents"!!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,886 Member
    *** FRIDAY July 24 ***

    Good morning everyone~~

    Just getting us started.....

  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    Good morning, all,

    Fridays mean very little once again. The Moose is open and my next free weekend (currently) is October 10th. That will change because we have not set the calendar at the Moose for October yet.

    August is almost completely booked between Moose activities and the start of League Bowling (for which I now have to attend each League's meeting to distribute their material). By completely, I mean every single day, not just weekends.

    My food choices are still less than stellar. As I have stated to several people recently, right now my mental health is much more important than my physical health. I will eat what appeals to me or not eat at all as is my whim.

    Hoping everyone has a Fabulous Friday and a Wonderful Weekend!

    Tracy in Tennessee

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Good morning,

    Happy Friday. TGIF!!

    Kathryn- Puppies! what a treat. I only know a couple of people here and their dogs and no puppies that I can see. I hope you are able to enjoy them.

    Regular type errands this weekend, and with any luck a hair cut. We shall see.

    Need a strong cup of tea. It is Friday after all and I need to look awake for work.

    Wave to all who follow. Stay sane and safe out there.
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Puppies???? I would be there every day - well it might be a bit early. But they are going to be so much fun! Good for them to be patient and continue fostering.
    My son's girlfriend made me some cute new masks. Nice and light weight. Looking stylish now!
    Hello Tracy - wow! you have a busy life....hope you are enjoying?
    Waves to Sara, Lana, Holly, Sara6, Lana, Maureen and all others who pop in.
    Have a great weekend!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,886 Member

    I wish I had a doggie valium for poor Ru. He is pacing much more than normal today; he's probably fine, but it is making me crazy. Owner says that this is totally normal for him. Gah!

    Kathryn - The puppies sound so wonderful. I am glad that people are interested in adopting them! Bassett and Corgi seem like a good mix 😄 It must be SO amazing to be around puppies during their first 8 weeks.

    Lynn - I am jealous that you have stylish masks! Photo?

    Tracy your dance card is so full, you have two dance cards! I am with you on the taking care of the mental health first, then the physical.

    Sara, I hope that you get your haircut this weekend and that it makes you happy.

    Sara6 - what are you doing this weekend? I hope you have something really nice on tap.

    Maureen is probably running and paddling and keeping really active.....I hope that you have a good weekend.

    Hey Holly - how are you doing in PA? Weekend plans?

    Dawn in Missouri - what's on your agenda for the weekend? Do you have to work on Saturday or Sunday? Remember to take care of you and DH first. Hugs.

    It's time for Friday Happy Hour at the Cabana Club~~
    The Boys are taking special requests.......

  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 638 Member
    Busy folks on this thread. I'm enamoured of the puppies and hope we see a LOT of pics.

    Dawn, I'm sending hugs. One thing I've learned about being the friend who keeps things bottled up--people begin to assume you don't ever actually need them. I'm glad your folks seem to be doing ok and glad you are letting yourself be angry at the thoughtless, thoughtless people who risk exposing you. That's all they deserve.

    Lana, if the dog is pacing, put your fitbit or garmin on it and see how many steps you get :)

    Trying not to waste so much time these days on line. Very little FB lately and I'm so much happier for it. Not just the garbage I see, but I feel it's just a pretty worthless way to fill time when I'm too lazy to do anything else. Getting more active takes commitment on my part--not the exercise, I am good at that, but so many wasted hours. Yuck.

    I'm hoping to get back to early morning jogs--lately I've shifted back to evening and my days go better if I don't wait. I have a sore muscle somewhere in my gluts and it's painful when I wake up and when I sit, but not while walking or jogging. So I'm trying to remember to take Ibuprofen 3x/day for a week to see if that helps, but I'm not so good about remembering to take it. Set alarms today so that should help.

    TTYL, all.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member



  • Sara628588
    Sara628588 Posts: 88 Member

    Sara6 - what are you doing this weekend? I hope you have something really nice on tap.


    I actually work all weekends - Fri through to Monday, and work till nearly midnight. Its when the need is highest.

    Had lunch with my daughter, she is still upset about the car incident, me too!!

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member

    Here are two photos of my little houseguest Ru. He is a rescue, and he is ancient. He's a cockapoo. Poor fellow is more blind than when he was here in December. But he's cool 😎


    I LOVE Ru!