Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    edited February 11
    Good afternoon,

    Happy Sunday, my sports in soccer and will get to it soon. Cookies were for a Valentine's bake sale and crochet sale. Most of baked goods were chocolate so the gingerbread went well. I have hearts and angels to give to Winter craft sale. Did not sell too well.

    Found a mult purple color yarn for lady at church whose mother is having chemo. Very hatd to find yarn anymore,

    Lumpia for lunch and have the makings for Korean Bibimbap, but we will see.

    Cannot afford another dog at the moment. Sad but true.

    Wishing all a good day. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,888 Member
    *** February 12 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Missy! One more week!!

    Maureen - sending good vibes for Skye 🩷

    Sara - I must go look up lumpia. The Korean food sounds really good 😋

    Another rainy day here, which throws off my walking. I will walk and dance in the house. Cue the music!


    267.4 today
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Good evening,

    I usually dont, but I had to make a sample piece of knitting to see what size needles to knit with. The pathetic selection at Michaels made me chose another yarn so I have to use smaller needles so the hat does not fit an elephant instead.

    The Korean food I make I can use vegetables that I like, gets my greens in there as well. Look for Lumpia in the frozen section. Can be baked or fried/air fried as well. They are Philippine egg rolls in a sense. Can be pork,beef,chicken, and vegetable.

    Missy one more week hard but it can and will be done and you will do well.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,888 Member
    edited February 13
    *** February 13 ***

    I'm up a bit too early this morning - trusting the fog will lift after a nice hot shower.

    Sara - my area doesn't have anything as exotic as Korean or Philippine food, but I looked up a store on the other side of Raleigh that might make a good excuse for a fun 1-hour road trip, with ice in the cooler in the car for the purchases!

    Waving to all who stop by today 👋🏻🌴.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,888 Member
    *** February 14 ***

    Happy Valentine's Day Y'all 💖

    Wishing you a day filled with everything good!

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy Lent!

    Aced the big paper and submitted the final assignment today so I’m done ✅

    Maureen sending prayers for skye. Furkids are expensive!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,888 Member
    *** February 15 ***

    Wow - Missy..... Big Congratulations on your acing the big paper.
    What's next for you, if anything, with your education?
    How is Skye doing?

    Waves to Sara and Maureen and anyone else who stops by the Cabana Club today 🌴⛱️~


    267.4 today
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,418 Member
    *** February 15 ***

    Wow - Missy..... Big Congratulations on your acing the big paper.
    What's next for you, if anything, with your education?
    How is Skye doing?

    Waves to Sara and Maureen and anyone else who stops by the Cabana Club today 🌴⛱️~


    267.4 today

    Have 7 more classes to go but have a 12 week break. Thank goodness!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Good evening,

    Wow Missy good job!! I focused more on the 12 week break than you next classes. That is time for your brain to rest.

    Lana, I found Korean Beef at Walmart -so anything is possible. You can also use vegetables and rice with chicken and soy sauce - nice change - teriyaki sauce tends to have less sodium so check your bottles.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.

  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 642 Member
    Congrats, Missy. Thats great.

    Skye is so much better. She got stitches on Sunday and had her drain out by Tuesday, not “taken” out, just pulled out bc Jem and she got excited the ONE time I let them out together. Of course. But she seems to be doing well. Fingers crossed. Over $3000 now and counting.

    I’m doing ok here—having more good days than otherwise, so progress is slow. But I’m getting more consistent with logging. The big problem is I’m really hungry by 1 or 2, and I just don’t know what to eat to keep the from happening while I’m at school. I’m thinking of taking in a microwave to heat frozen veggies. We will see.

    Looking forward to a 3 day weekend. Hope you all have a great weekend too.
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 642 Member
    In a month, I'll be 65. I'm so excited. No other changes pending, so I'm not sure why, haha.

    Missy, what degree are you pursuing?

    Lana, Chapel Hill doesn't have a variety of ethnic foods available?? That's disappointing. I guess b/c it is too close to a bigger city, and Raleigh is the safer bet. I'd want to invest in a multi-cuisine restaurant, with a small commitment to several types of foods, like a food court but with better foods and less "fast food" feel. All healthy and sustainable practices, of course :)

    Tillie, I'm sorry you are currently petless. I'm sure that's been hard. I see all sorts of people finding stray kitties and dogs and that never happens to me--probably b/c I have two dogs with me whenever I'm out and they scare off any "competition." I have two cats now, too. I adopted them as "special needs" b/c they had FLV (feline Leukemia virus), and weren't expected to live long. They are over a year now and well past the expected crisis period, so I guess they don't. Super sweet and fun. It will be a year in my home as of April 10. Their first birthday just passed, Feb. 4. Jem's 2nd birthday was Feb. 1--also my dad's birthday. Jem will get neutered after I financially recover and get the cats vaccinated--was told there was no point before . . .

    And now both sons are living with me, so my house is full and my heart is almost full. Raleigh and Markell still missing. But the pics and videos help.

    I'm waffling on meeting goal and right now just trying to stay under maintenance most days. Slowly losing. That has to satisfy me until I find a way to deal with the hunger. I know walking/running a lot probably means I need more than I have calculated for. Maybe I'll reset my diary and see if that works? I like having an unknown "buffer" of exercise above what I've calculated for, but it might be what's hurting my progress.

    I hope everyone has a great day.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,888 Member
    *** Saturday, February 17 ***

    Maureen - I certainly got myself all turned around as to whose doggies are where! Glad to hear that your Skye is doing better.

    Missy - that's great that you have a long break before picking up classes again.

    Sara - thank you for that point on the teriyaki sauce!

    Later today, I'll go back and re-read the above posts. I need to get out now, do some gift-shopping, and then wrap gifts, and get to the Post Office. I forgot that Monday is a holiday, and they will be closed.
    * sob *


  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,888 Member
    *** February 18 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Just getting us started...

    * ⛱️ tossing beach bag and trashy novel onto favorite lounge chair for later 🌴*


    267.4 today
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 642 Member
    Hi, all. I walked/ran nearly 8 miles yesterday total--talk about overdoing it! But my sons and I went to a new trail and I wanted to try jogging the loop. I had already done 3-4 earlier in the day. The loop was tough and I managed to jog off and on about 3/4ths of it. Then on heading back to the car ( a 1/2 mile walk), I ran into Cole who said Quentin was lost, so I turned around to help. Cole was running ahead, found Q who wasn't actually all that lost :) but by the time I got to the car, I was at 7.87 miles for the day. Needless to say, I ate a lot after all that b/c I was so hungry, but still came in under goal.

    I'll take it much easier today--maybe 2, 2.5. And I have tomorrow off so I can do shorter walks with the dogs (one at a time so Skye doesn't get too wound up).

    Went to Costco this morning with Q--he drove his gorgeous Mustang, so that was fun. Plus I'm rarely a passenger so getting to look around on the drive *and* explore Costco (he's a member with his dad; I'm not) was fun. All the stuff to buy that I don't need, haha.

    Anyway, I wish it was warmer and sunnier here for the long weekend--but still better than WI, where my town is literally at freezing temps--although oddly for that city, sunny.

    I hope everyone has a good and healthy day.


  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,418 Member
    mkculs13 wrote: »
    In a month, I'll be 65. I'm so excited. No other changes pending, so I'm not sure why, haha.

    Missy, what degree are you pursuing?

    Lana, Chapel Hill doesn't have a variety of ethnic foods available?? That's disappointing. I guess b/c it is too close to a bigger city, and Raleigh is the safer bet. I'd want to invest in a multi-cuisine restaurant, with a small commitment to several types of foods, like a food court but with better foods and less "fast food" feel. All healthy and sustainable practices, of course :)

    Tillie, I'm sorry you are currently petless. I'm sure that's been hard. I see all sorts of people finding stray kitties and dogs and that never happens to me--probably b/c I have two dogs with me whenever I'm out and they scare off any "competition." I have two cats now, too. I adopted them as "special needs" b/c they had FLV (feline Leukemia virus), and weren't expected to live long. They are over a year now and well past the expected crisis period, so I guess they don't. Super sweet and fun. It will be a year in my home as of April 10. Their first birthday just passed, Feb. 4. Jem's 2nd birthday was Feb. 1--also my dad's birthday. Jem will get neutered after I financially recover and get the cats vaccinated--was told there was no point before . . .

    And now both sons are living with me, so my house is full and my heart is almost full. Raleigh and Markell still missing. But the pics and videos help.

    I'm waffling on meeting goal and right now just trying to stay under maintenance most days. Slowly losing. That has to satisfy me until I find a way to deal with the hunger. I know walking/running a lot probably means I need more than I have calculated for. Maybe I'll reset my diary and see if that works? I like having an unknown "buffer" of exercise above what I've calculated for, but it might be what's hurting my progress.

    I hope everyone has a great day.


    I’m pursuing a Masters in Business Administration and thinking about adding in a concentration in either Accounting, Business analytics, or Finance but not 100% sure about the concentration part. .
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Good evening,

    Before I lose another day. Walking yesterday was fair. Today I got twice as much and if I dont get any of the crud that's spreading around illness wise I hope to assist tomorrow as it is church food bank bag the food for the hand out day. I get a lot of steps doing that.

    Tomorrow is one of the few holidays our company gives us.

    Wind has been howling so I am glad to be inside. I have a couple of knitting projects to work on while I watch soccer.

    Shopping also on the list as I have to make some meals for work.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,888 Member
    *** February 19 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Wow has it gotten cold again. Yikes!
    I'm going up to NYC for an appointment, a meeting, and getting together with some friends. Back on Wednesday.

    Sara - I'm glad that you get the day off!

    Wishing a good day to Missy and Maureen and anyone else who pops by later on~


    267.4 today
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 642 Member
    Hey, all. I have had the day off and enjoyed doing nothing much. Q and I (he's my eldest) went for a short hike early--29F and brisk, but beautiful. See pics, attached. The front of my hair is white, but I included a pic of the back of my hair, which still has natural color. So funny to me.

    My house cleaners came today, too; what joy to have so much clean with so little effort :)

    It's 6:08 pm and not dark yet--but sun is definitely down. We have 50s for most of the week, then climbing for 4 days to the 60s -- I'm looking forward to it.

    Not excited now about having to work tomorrow, but I'm always so glad once I'm up and moving, looking forward to seeing students and colleagues. Thank goodness-- I don't want to retire until 70 in part b/c it will be better financially, but also I can't sit around so much. My back hurts from sitting today! Only got in 3 miles. Can't afford to skip the afternoon/evening walk/run like I just did.

    Anyway, enjoy the pics. jmhzo3ynl5iz.jpg

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Good evening,

    Worked on the Food Bank our church does monthly. I do not have tomorrow off, but I helped set up Sunday and bag groceries for them today. Got 4k for what seemed like very little on both days.

    Bananas all over the place - at church, at home and so still trying best way to use them.

    Work tomorrow as well. Murphy's Law found me today, it only rained when I was outside trying to walk, not true but it felt like it.

    Lana - hope your time in NYC goes well.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 642 Member
    I'm home feeling unwell today. Sucks b/c I just had a day off. I had my annual physical and vaccines--and seems I am reacting to one of the vaccines, although the doc said most people don't react to the first shot. Shingles. I'm achy and tired and I have a head ache. Afraid to go back to sleep b/c. I might not be able to sleep tonight and I plan on working tomorrow.

    But I'm so sleepy . . .
    I hope everyone's day is at least a little better than mine. :)