Hurtful comments towards my appearance.



  • wolfgirl78
    wolfgirl78 Posts: 56 Member
    Congratulations on your success! You look beautiful, not sickly or guant. Those bishes were probably jealous. Don't let the haters get you down.
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    A couple points you're very attractive young lady you look fine very cute.
    The next thing since you're young you'll learn this as you get older a lot of people are just bitter *kitten*. When they look at you they're jealous of the work you've put in or without knowing the amount of work you put in to make themselves better they try to put you down.
    As one of the previous posters have said we live in a generation where overweight is becoming normal and when your normal you stick out

    Congrats on what you've done and enjoy your life
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    You look great! Sounds to me like someone is more than a little jealous of your success. Just shake it off. You should be proud of your success.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I would have replied with the phone number for the nearest eye doctor and suggest that they make an appointment.

    Also ignore the comment about looking pale, need lip tint, blah blah blah. You don't need to change a thing.

    Don't let them get to you. You have made a lot of progress and you should be very proud of yourself.
  • singletrackmtbr
    singletrackmtbr Posts: 644 Member
    You look great to me. Those before and after pics are awesome! There's a thread that went around here last week about fit shaming I encourage you to check out. I'm guessing the offensive parties were jealous of your success and felt the need to bring you down to feel better about themselves. Hold your head high and be proud of your hard work.
  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    You. Are. Adorable. Please don't let what others hurtful comments bring you down - it's jealousy, or who knows what else - but those who matter in your life and TRULY LOVE YOU - will just support you. Chin up!! xo
  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    Thanks for the make up tips, i apologize for not being tanned? i dont really know how to respond to that comment.

    You know... that was her 1st post ever? And please disregard HER comments as well as they were rude. You are not too skinny, you look lovely and your makeup is perfect. What a weirdo (her, not you!!).
  • itsdreday
    itsdreday Posts: 60 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss! They're just jealous. Many people in my life started making hurtful comments once I lost a lot of weight (359lbs at my heaviest, 170 at lightest, 200 now losing again). They judge themselves based on how much you weigh, as in they feel okay as long as they can still look down at you for your weight. When you pass them up (down?) on the scale it forces them to look at their overall health and size honestly. They change their tune quickly from "No one cares how much you weigh" to "OMG I must be so fat and ugly if even YOU weigh less than me". I've heard that so many times. True colors come out. Keep your chin up, you look beautiful.
    LINIA Posts: 1,114 Member
    139 is the weight you are and people have to get used to seeing the "new" you!

    I'm 5'1" and weigh about 120...... You are saving your knees, hips and health by losing the extra weight.

    Stay Strong.
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    They are just not used to the way you look now. You know you look good, so, try not to internalize what they say. You are young and you will hear lots of things throughout your life. Just work on being self confident, then, nothing anybody says will really get to you.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Kris, you look amazing and wear your eyeliner how ever you want. Some people are just idiots! <3
  • madguru7
    madguru7 Posts: 37 Member
    Well that's just a terrible thing to say to someone. They should be ashamed. Perhaps they're jealous of your accomplishment? You need to be happy with the new you. I see you smiling in those two recent pics. Keep smiling. You look happy and healthy. Congrats on the weight loss.
  • ginaDDDD
    ginaDDDD Posts: 27 Member
    Omg you are so adorable and cute and beautiful!!
  • amb3rj0y
    amb3rj0y Posts: 47 Member
    Some people always have something negative to say. Probably just projecting their insecurities onto you. You look great and should be proud of your weight loss :)
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    You do look different from before. Your cheeks do not look too thin. Your eyes do not look sunken. If they do not see you often they may be surprised at the change. In no way do you look sick though.