Anyone celibate?



  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    _birdie__ wrote: »
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    Sugar_Pill wrote: »
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    Sugar_Pill wrote: »
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    Sugar_Pill wrote: »
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    Sugar_Pill wrote: »
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    Sugar_Pill wrote: »
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    I was in a TV programme once, but really wouldn't say I was a celibate

    I don't get it...

    So you are a celibate?


    But, I'm a celebrity... round here anyways.


    There we go - wasn't the best joke, but not bad for a friday afternoon :wink:

    It's Friday morning- and it was terrible.

    Lol - wow, aren't you a ray of sunshine :smile: Cheer up, its the weekend

    You don't make it to the top without a few enemies, sunshine.

    LOL - what?? Top of what sorry?

    You're not cut out for this

    Sorry - I'm not cut out to speak to someone in a chat forum? I made a joke, you didn't get it and then used negativity to try and surpress me because you are a self proclaimed 'celebrity' on the chat forums? must be so proud :smile: I made a joke - very sorry


    Who took the jam out of your donut? Like these people who hide behind fake pictures and do animations as comments lol...I did the frog joke actually..

    You talking about me? I will kick your *kitten* buddy. My picture is fake and I post animations! Got beef?

    Lol...riiight...I actually said I like em and even clicked the 'like' button on the images. Not sure why every is jumping up and down. 3rd time...its happy

    Oh, you're the one who gave it the "Awesome?" My bad then. We good brah, just keep the thumbs up coming!!

  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    Louise1491 wrote: »
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    _birdie__ wrote: »
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    Sugar_Pill wrote: »
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    Sugar_Pill wrote: »
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    Sugar_Pill wrote: »
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    Sugar_Pill wrote: »
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    Sugar_Pill wrote: »
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    I was in a TV programme once, but really wouldn't say I was a celibate

    I don't get it...

    So you are a celibate?


    But, I'm a celebrity... round here anyways.


    There we go - wasn't the best joke, but not bad for a friday afternoon :wink:

    It's Friday morning- and it was terrible.

    Lol - wow, aren't you a ray of sunshine :smile: Cheer up, its the weekend

    You don't make it to the top without a few enemies, sunshine.

    LOL - what?? Top of what sorry?

    You're not cut out for this

    Sorry - I'm not cut out to speak to someone in a chat forum? I made a joke, you didn't get it and then used negativity to try and surpress me because you are a self proclaimed 'celebrity' on the chat forums? must be so proud :smile: I made a joke - very sorry


    Who took the jam out of your donut? Like these people who hide behind fake pictures and do animations as comments lol...I did the frog joke actually..

    You talking about me? I will kick your *kitten* buddy. My picture is fake and I post animations! Got beef?

    Lol...riiight...I actually said I like em and even clicked the 'like' button on the images. Not sure why every is jumping up and down. 3rd time...its happy

    Oh, you're the one who gave it the "Awesome?" My bad then. We good brah, just keep the thumbs up coming!!
    Actually I gave you that awesome.

    I figured he was lying! UGH! Can't trust anybody on the internet these days.
  • jtcedinburgh
    jtcedinburgh Posts: 117 Member
    Ack, get a room you two ;) Or, in the spirit of this thread, separate beds :p
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    perhaps, after a while, you stop thinking about it and can devote mental energies to other stuff.

    The times when I stop thinking about sex and have the mental clarity to focus on other things ... tend to be right after I've had sex. I predict that not having sex will lead to thinking about nothing else.
  • jtcedinburgh
    jtcedinburgh Posts: 117 Member
    Louise1491 wrote: »
    Ack, get a room you two ;) Or, in the spirit of this thread, separate beds :p
    So how many females friended you since you faked celibacy?
    Nowhere near as many as you think*. I guess my avatar scared 'em all away (but, let it be taken into account that the face fungus is no more, I am now back with the badger and blade, getting that BBS mojo thang honey)....

    * Honestly wasn't my intention. I'm not celibate, never claimed to be. Just occasionally like the idea. But then, I also like the idea of hermit retreats and stuff....
  • jimgregg724
    jimgregg724 Posts: 30 Member
    If you choose celibacy after you've lost your virginity, how long does it take to become a virgin, again??
  • Chrisjuvers
    Chrisjuvers Posts: 2,692 Member
    Without a medical reason,who in their right mind would choose to be celibate.EVER. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Have an orgasm, that'll give you some clarity
  • Chrisjuvers
    Chrisjuvers Posts: 2,692 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    If you choose celibacy after you've lost your virginity, how long does it take to become a virgin, again??

    Math Problems Are Hard....

    let's see, carry the five

    times three



    Common Core Math is always hard..
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Without a medical reason,who in their right mind would choose to be celibate.EVER. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Have an orgasm, that'll give you some clarity

    Damned nuns. They never did allow 16 year old me any access to their habits.
  • PamelaW41
    PamelaW41 Posts: 287 Member
    Huh? Celibacy on purpose?!?! WHY???? That's just crazy talk.
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Without a medical reason,who in their right mind would choose to be celibate.EVER. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Have an orgasm, that'll give you some clarity

    Have you tried it, willfully? Or are you just assuming that there's no benefit to be had and passing judgement on those that do?

    I've tried it before. It was the worst 48 hours of my life.
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    Without a medical reason,who in their right mind would choose to be celibate.EVER. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Have an orgasm, that'll give you some clarity

    Have you tried it, willfully? Or are you just assuming that there's no benefit to be had and passing judgement on those that do?

    I've tried it before. It was the worst 48 hours of my life.

    good one

  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    edited July 2016
    Without a medical reason,who in their right mind would choose to be celibate.EVER. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Have an orgasm, that'll give you some clarity

    Even without bothering to verify, pretty sure no one who has admitted to choosing to be celibate by choice said they have voluntarily given up onanism (darn kitten filter) as well.

  • fitgirldc
    fitgirldc Posts: 55 Member
    Not a chance. DH says sex is part of my "job description". :neutral:
  • Chrisjuvers
    Chrisjuvers Posts: 2,692 Member
    fitgirldc wrote: »
    Not a chance. DH says sex is part of my "job description". :neutral:

    Nice one! I'm using this on DH next time he's "too tired"
  • Riffraft1960
    Riffraft1960 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Maxematics wrote: »
    Without a medical reason,who in their right mind would choose to be celibate.EVER. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Have an orgasm, that'll give you some clarity

    I'm not sure if having Asperger's constitutes as a "medical" reason, but after looking all around me and seeing how desperate many people get in the name of sex and how pathetic hook up culture is to me, it's really not that hard to see the appeal of celibacy. I have nobody to answer to but myself, as well as no emotional complications to deal with such as people expecting feelings out of me that I just don't have. Besides, as someone else stated, it doesn't take the presence of another to achieve an orgasm.

    I think she is saying hire a prostitute rather than be celibate, since you don't have a partner.