

  • cathyfalcone9819
    cathyfalcone9819 Posts: 49 Member
    We tend to neglect getting our rest days. The body mind and spirit that. Good for you
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    Hi all! Well you were right, I didn't lose my days on MFP. Now, I just have to remember to check in every day.

    Day 2 of the Whole30 is here. Yesterday I didn't do bad at all. Emptied the fridge and cupboards of non-compliant foods (there were 4 grocery bags full of stuff we gave to my brother-in-law) and made a healthy dinner: chicken italian sausage and apple stuffed acorn squash + roasted potatoes (see pic). It was really delicious and if every day is like yesterday, I'll have no problem on this program for 30 days. I did miss my evening wine spritzer a bit, but not too much.

    I was very hungry after dinner last night and I don't know if I was just craving sugar or if I was thirsty. I ate a small snack and the hunger seemed to away so maybe I was actually hungry.

    Hubby is still sleeping so I've got the apartment to myself. He's sure to get up soon and ruin it lol. Today, I'm going to do some prep work for the week: make homemade mayo, a couple of meals, and fold laundry. Have a great day everyone!

    @cbabie I'm so glad you are feeling better. Make sure and drink enough water to curb that hunger! More reading and exercise sounds like a marvelous idea.

    @mysticlizard it sounds like you are setting yourself up for success! Great job.

    @cathyfalcone... yes indeed. Rest days are important.

  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    @cbabie - I hope you get to rest and read to re-charge for the upcoming week. <3

    @cathyfalcone9819 - I tend to neglect rest as well, there is always one more thing I would like to take care of and get out of the way... :/

    @trooworld - Yes please check in daily and let us know how it is going. It sounds like you are good to go. :)

    I went over my calories with junk last night. It was boredom. The good news is that I think I ate all the junk available :s so I should have less temptation for awhile. I also met my protein goal. I got my exercise in this morning o:) so I feel better about the whole thing.

    I hope everyone has a nice Sunday. <3

    January Goals
    CW 239
    1. Log all food 6 out of 31 days Under calories 5 of 31 days Over calories 2 of 31 days Protein 4 of 31 days
    2. Exercise 25 hours (1500 minutes) this month 345 minutes
    3. Managing stress 7 out of 31 days

    I am being purposeful in my daily actions to become the healthy active balanced person that I want to be.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    I forgot to include the shot of dinner, so here it is: 61fz33csanq2.jpg

    @mysticlizard I tend to do that too. I'm glad you have no more junk in the house...that makes it easier!
  • cathyfalcone9819
    cathyfalcone9819 Posts: 49 Member
    My day started off good and ended badly. It's ok . I just a little down. I'm not looking forward to work tomorrow and it is not just Moday Blues. But tomorrow is another and I finished today with a nice big glass of water. I have much lunch made
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    mysticlizard Great idea on weighing the bowl. Anything that makes it easier for us will keep us more consistent. Did you exercise? At least you know why you ate junk. Awareness is half the battle.

    cbabie Sounds like you are feeling better. That's good When I was a kid they used to have an Arbys but I would order ham and cheese instead. I think I've always been a rebel child. Or maybe someone that just chose to be different.

    cathyf Even though your day didn't go as planned it seems you ended it on a good note by drinking some water and preparing lunch for the next day. Go you!

    trooworld Yaaay on a successful day one. Remember all you have to do is stay OP "just for today". I used to have a sign on my fridge that reminded me of that. 30 days is too much for me. But if I can just get through today, I will be successful. Your dinner looked really good.

    gemwolf Which parts of the Whole30 didn't you like? I was raised to be a rule-keeper so when I see a diet plan I used to think I had to follow it exactly. Because that's what the rules say. But now I know that the diet plan police aren't coming to get me and so if I falter I don't quit because I've already blown it. I just readjust. I just rewrite the rules to fit me. I haven't looked at it yet but I'm imagining whole foods for 30 days. That would be hard for me. Tell me I can't eat something and that's all I think about But adding more wholefoods into my diet would be a really good thing so I'll take a look.

    I'm filling a bit better. I'm sitting up so that's a start. The fun thing about January is going back through old documents through the years and finding all sorts of plans. All I have to do is tweak a bit and they are ready to use. If I ever get over this illness....

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    Morning gals: Today is Monday...yea, busy week for me at work...big wigs coming in town again. Always puts people on edge. Well I did watch TV last night for a bit...I was so cold. I hate being cold. I did also listen to a broadcast, so felt like I did get part of my goals. Still haven't gotten into the exercise thing...I will

    @mysticlizard Yes balance, a little over eat, but exercise. See when we know what causes us to do things,we have the knowledge that helps us keep moving to achieve our goals.
    @cathyfalcon God said on the 7th day he rested..and you planned and made lunch already. Great job.
    @trooworld sounds like your doing great. We all need to clear the clutter sometimes. Yesterday our Pastor used the words clean slate. I had been given the sames words the day before, so I am holding on to that. The food looks great.
    @theslightedgeforever , glad to hear you are on the mend. It sucks to be sick...
    @gemwolf110 I hope you have a great day!

    Okay, I have to go read and then get ready for work.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    Hello all! I've got a lot to do this morning, I have to wash and dry my hair (I only do this every other day), make a semi-complicated breakfast which I should have made yesterday, get ready for work, and take the dog for a walk. It's only 5:30 and I don't have to leave for another 90 minutes, so I should be able to get this all done, right???

    @gemwolf110 I like it so far. The food has been good and I've not felt bad, which I anticipated due to all the junk I've been having. I am glad it's only for 30 days, as soy and sugar seem to be in everything (and are off limits). I understand, it's kind of tough for a number of reasons, but at least you know what it's about now and in the future who knows? Maybe you'll want to try it.

    @cathyfalcone9819 I'm sorry you had a bad end to your day. I suffer from depression too, what helps me is healthy distractions, something besides eating, like reading, researching things on the internet, cleaning. Finishing the day with a big glass of water sounds perfect!

    @theslightedgeforever I like that, 1 day. I can do 1 day. So far, it hasn't been a hard program but it may get hard and I might need to think 1 day at a time. I'm glad you are feeling better. Sounds like your documents are organized nicely? That would be helpful.

    @cbabie I hate being cold too, but hate hot worse I think. Cold, you can put a blanket on. I like that, clean slate, I like that image and that is what I am doing for 30 days, cleaning my slate!

  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    edited January 2017
    Good afternoon ladies,

    @trooworld - You supper looks really yummy. I love squash. It sounds like you are ready for the week.

    @gemwolf110 - Hi, it is good to see you. Hang in there with the OT.

    @cathyfalcone9819 - I am sorry you are feeling down. I am sending happy thoughts your way. <3

    @theslightedgeforever - Yes I got my exercise in. I am glad you are starting to feel better. Remember not to do too much until you are 100%.

    @cbabie - Sorry about the added stress at work. I am sending you happy thoughts. As far as exercise, maybe break it down and make it informal. Like getting up at each commercial or between programs and walking around the house. A few minutes here and there will add up and it is something until you can block out time to do more.

    I was under my calories yesterday and met my protein goal and got my hour and a quarter of exercise in for today.
    It has warmed up enough for it to snow. If we get enough I might get some extra exercise shoveling. A lot of paperwork and many appointments to get through this week. @theslightedgeforever is right, just one day.

    I hope you all get through Monday all right.

    January Goals
    1 January 2017 239 CW 238.2
    1. Log all food 6 out of 31 days Under calories 6 of 31 days Over calories 2 of 31 days Protein 5 of 31 days
    2. Exercise 25 hours (1500 minutes) this month 420 minutes
    3. Managing stress 8 out of 31 days

    I am being purposeful in my daily actions to become the healthy active balanced person that I want to be.

    edited spelling
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    cbabie At least you did part of your goals. Actually every morning when we wake up we have a clean slate and chance to do start over and do better

    trooworld What have you been doing for exercise? I have my stuff on Googlemdrive. I didn't think I journaled but I do in my own way. Its about this health journey. Some answers I wrote 6 years ago I could have written yesterday. Some things I haven't learned new habits.

    mystic lizard My only goal right now is to get better. I've been going over my carb goal lately because of juices. I never drink juices but I've been craving them.

    I was supposed to get my implant done on Monday but with feeling so bad I didn't want to add pain into the mix so I called today to reschedule. I found out my dentist is no longer associated with the clinic. I'm wondering if they were just going to let me show up to my appt. No one called to tell me. So now I have another appt for a consult with a new dentist.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member

    Yes to day is a new day with a clean slate. Calories reset to zero..LOL You know you should never underestimate the power of the mind. I am on a 21d prayer/fast with my church. 3 years ago I did 21D no food at all (on my own, not with the church or anyone) only 1/2 cup juice a day.... I have chosen not to do a complete food fast. But you know when your belly gets hungry, your mind can go many ways. Because I am determined in this fast I look at what the fast is for, the WHY I am doing this. It keeps me from going to the kitchen, in fact it MAKES me almost become obstinate. Why can't I be this strong when eating normal? What makes us have that resolve that we will do this..

    Look at all the things you guys are doing in your goals and what you have have found your WHY...

    @trooworld I hope you got everything done in time. Those kind of mornings stress me out..LOL
    @mysticlizard oh I am not sure if I wanted to wish you joy while shoveling or wishing you had something more fun to do for exercise..LOL either way you're doing great!
    @theslightedgeforever I am glad to hear you are doing better and yes keep drinking the juices. Don't you just love doctors? Well sorry to hear about that and hopefully this one is much better.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    Hi all! I'm off tomorrow for hubby's medical appointment, and for that I am glad. Not that he's in need of an appointment, but for the day off. I plan on dyeing my hair, doing my nails, and making something in the crockpot. We'll see if all that happens lol.

    @mysticlizard great job on the eating and exercise! Do you enjoy the snow? We don't get it here, but I used to live in Ohio where it really snows, and I enjoyed it to a point.

    @theslightedgeforever just walking the dog on the weekends, hardly exercise, but before Jan 1st I was lifting weights, walking, and doing BodyPump classes...will get back to that hopefully this week. That was smart to reschedule your implant, I'm sorry they didn't call you to tell you they weren't associated with the clinic any longer, that's really unprofessional.

    @cbabie wow, I can't imagine not eating anything for 21 days, that is truly a reset! I didn't end up washing my hair, I'll do that today, but I got breakfast made and walked the dog.

  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    Good morning Ladies!!! I just have a few minutes to post. I have to take my Dad to Physical Therapy for his hand in a little while. Thank God it is getting better. I have been trying to get things done around the house just in case the weatherman is right. Friday and Saturday there is a possibility of an ice storm in Tulsa. In 2008 we had one and our electricity was off for 9 or 10 days. Not fun! I am making sure my laundry and everything is caught up just in case. I just love reading the posts from this site and so glad I found it. You all are a huge inspiration to me and I consider you all my friends. I may not always have time to write things but I at least try to read all the posts when time allows. Everyone has a wonderful day!!!!
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,

    @theslightedgeforever - I am glad you are on the mend. Sorry about your dentist.

    @cbabie - Sometimes the WHY is elusive and sometimes it changes. I think when we are focused and follow through, that it is something that we need in our life at that particular time.

    @trooworld - When I was young back home in CO I used to ski and take the kids sledding. Now I only like the snow when I look out the window and don't have to go anywhere. My oldest daughter is developmentally disabled and we moved to MN because they have some of the best programs in the county to allow her to have the most independent life possible. So though she does not live with us, we need to stay close by so she has our support to be successful. I hope you have an awesome day off tomorrow.

    @lore11a - I too consider all the women here friends too. Everyone is so supportive. I hope you don't get too much ice. It is nice to have everything done ahead to be ready and if you don't get hit, you are ahead on your chores and groceries.

    It is still snowing lightly and the sun is trying to come out. I got an hour and a half of exercise in today. I did my walking and then I started peddling. Usually when I peddle I watch a documentary (I hate to peddle). Well I decided to put on a movie today. I got so caught up in what I was watching, I got an extra 15 minutes of peddling done. So I guess I had better watch movies and maybe I won't mind peddling as much.

    January Goals
    1 January 2017 239 CW 238.2
    1. Log all food 9 out of 31 days Under calories 7 of 31 days Over calories 2 of 31 days Protein 6 of 31 days
    2. Exercise 25 hours (1500 minutes) this month 510 minutes
    3. Managing stress 9 out of 31 days

    I am being purposeful in my daily actions to become the healthy active balanced person that I want to be.

  • rickweinberg
    rickweinberg Posts: 53 Member
    cbabie wrote: »

    There are a group of us that have been on the WW site for years and we are starting over here. We are hoping to keep our group and add to our group with more interaction here. Some of us do WW tracking, some do MFP, some just do on their own. The most important thing is accountability and encouragement. We strive to encourage, as we all have our own things we are working on to improve. However, it all comes down to HEALTH. We can't take back the years of abuse, but our bodies are amazing and heal themselves when given the opportunity. We will post on this THREAD every day, we will not start a new one. So bookmark this thread and come visit us everyday.

    I hit lifetime about 3 times on WW. It is good but I'm at the point where I don't feel that it is necessary to pay to lose weight. WW taught me that I did not have to feel trapped about my weight. That was invaluable. I was, for a very short time, employed by WW. If anyone has questions about WW I may be able to help. I would love to add you as a friend. I feel that we can each inspire each other. Can never have too much inspiration.
  • rickweinberg
    rickweinberg Posts: 53 Member
    Hi all!! I'd like to join this thread!! I'll try to post often. My challenge is to log everything I eat and drink and stay within my 30 pts. Last week I went over and only lost .2 lbs.

    Still a victory. Keep it up.
  • rickweinberg
    rickweinberg Posts: 53 Member
    trooworld wrote: »
    I forgot to include the shot of dinner, so here it is: 61fz33csanq2.jpg

    @mysticlizard I tend to do that too. I'm glad you have no more junk in the house...that makes it easier!

    Beautiful food photo.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,595 Member
    "Progress means getting nearer to where you want to be. If you've taken a wrong turn, then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road." C.S. Lewis
  • mmcjtink
    mmcjtink Posts: 26 Member
    Hi ladies!!! I have been reading your post and I must say you are all amazing!!!! I would love to join your group if you have room for 1 more!!!!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    Hello all! Things have been going good over here. No complaints. I have the day off today, have to take hubby to the medical appt and do some things. I hope you have a great day!

    @mysticlizard I think that is how I would feel about the snow today at this age. lol I understand about living near your oldest daughter, my brother-in-law is developmentally disabled and lives on his own and we just had to check on him last night because he was talking funny. It was a scare, but he was fine. You never know when they will need you right? That's great that you peddled so much and got a lot of exercise!

    @rickweinberg welcome! That's great you are at lifetime. Congrats!

    @gemwolf110 wow still so much OT? Great job getting back to the gym! I have a hectic schedule too, and when I do go to the gym, I go at 5am because that is the only time I have.

    @mmcjtink Hi there! I think we always have room for one more. Welcome, please join us!