

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,599 Member
    Morning all, I didn't get on the treadmill yesterday. I actually was cleaning out my closets all day. LOL. you know I am in the purging mode right now.

    @trooworld I suggest you do one thing and not worry about "all" of it. I am finding that I am changing subtle little ways through my mindset and who I put around me. If I am in the influence of people who eat cake all day..eventually I will be doing the same. So I am trying to keep in front of me people who are fighting for their health in my area of my mind, by social media, books, TV, podcasts, whatever I can do to surround me with people who care about their health. Cause I am like you, it's been a long journey and I want to just accept me, but I have to keep striving as I really don't want to be insulin dependent like my parents.

  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    @trooworld oh, no, that’s awful about getting bit. Hope the dogs can get along better. Sorry also to hear about your rough day at work. I’ve been having rough days at work lately too.
  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    @cbabie that’s great that you got on the treadmill. Yes, it will make you feel so much better having that time to yourself and working out. keep getting more you time!
  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    @trooworld no definitely don’t give up. I have been there more times than I can count. The only reason I’m losing weight now is because I kept on trying different things. Actually more specifically, i’m doing some thing that I never did before. Maybe look through different diet plans and find something totally new and different.
  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    So this weekend we are on the third weekend away in a row, and all of us are desperately looking forward to a weekend of pure relaxation and doing nothing next weekend. I’m also ticked off because we’ll still be on the road tomorrow morning, and if I had had my kitchen, I could’ve made us all a nice brunch, I don’t mind doing work on Mother’s Day as long as we get to have a nice brunch. But I can’t even do that. And on the way back on the road, we have to make an appearance at my monster in-laws. Unfortunately my husband has a narcissistic mother. We got her what we thought was a wonderful present for Christmas, collectible, Norman Rockwell plates since he told me, she really loves that artist. We got ”I have nowhere to put them.” Well for Mother’s Day we’re not going through that again, we just got cards for everybody.

    On the weight-loss side, I lost two more pounds this week. I am very encouraged. My foot has still been hurting from the long hike and half marathon, but maybe a few more days and my son and I will be able to do the 5K workouts.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,163 Member
    @cbabie Well that's pretty good exercise, too lol. That's good advice, thank you!

    @senoritafloridita Thanks, they aren't getting along better yet but as Violet grows up, I'm sure they will. I'm sorry about your rough days at work. Thanks for the idea about trying something new, I may do that. I'm sorry you are away yet again. That's too bad you have to to the monster-in-laws lol. How ungrateful about the plates! That sounds like a really thoughtful gift. Cards are a good idea. Congrats on the loss! Woo hoo!

    Hi all. I began feeling ill yesterday. I had a temperature, body aches, stomachache, and a little sore throat. We were supposed to go to a music festival today but had to cancel due to my illness. It's either COVID or the flu, if I am still sick on Monday morning, I will take a COVID test.

    Water yesterday: 20 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    I'm loving all these pictures. Exercise has been good this week. Food-I've went over calories about 100-200 four times this week but the quality of food for the most part has been good. I even had some roasted veggies with sausage this morning for breakfast. Veggies in the a.m. never happens for me. So I'm trying to change that.

    @senoritafloridita Hubby and me losing weight. He's kind of in the put up or shut up mode since it's been 30 years I've been wanting to "lose weight and get to goal" I've lost loads of lbs and gained them all back. Still working on that consistency thing. But now he's gaining weight which he used to be a gym rat but not anymore. Now he's retired. I hope I can be a good role model for him now. Yaaay on your weight loss.

    @trooworld Awww too bad about the musical festival. I know how much you like them. I hope you get over this soon.

    @cbabie Did you get on the treadmill today? That's good that you are changing your mindset.

    Today I have reached my streak of 2500 days of logging in.
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Hi all. Hope you're all well. I'm back on WW. My first week and I've lost 2.5 lbs. Can't remember when I posted last but I finally moved house in December and loving my new garden. I don't get out much so I've been walking up and down my garden path to get my steps in and got my fitbit back on! I recently lost my best friend who was like family to me so that was tough and I fell off track.

    Treating myself to a haircut in a few weeks. Will then meet up with a friend and go lunch another day when she's free.

    All the best.
  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    edited May 2023

    First pic is a drone shot of the camping weekend, second two are from this weekend
  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    @trooworld oh no, I’m so sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. I hope you feel much better soon.
  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    @theslightedgeforever that’s great about the healthy eating! And that’s good about you and your hubby losing weight together now. I know you can get to goal! Definitely, with all the healthy, eating and exercising you’re doing, you’ll be there before you know it.
  • senoritafloridita
    senoritafloridita Posts: 79 Member
    Happy Mother’s Day to all who celebrate! I hope you are all treated like queens.

    Well, I was able to catch up on my rest last night. I was completely bushed yesterday but luckily, there was a nice field by the concerts, where I just took a quick nap in the grass and everybody else took cat naps in Adirondack chairs that were on the grass too. The music was absolutely beautiful and it was so refreshing after some stressful things we’re going through at home.

    Also, I skipped breakfast as usual yesterday, but then had a very big lunch so I decided to skip dinner as well. So this morning when I got up, I wanted to weigh myself as I usually do first thing. The hotel gym was shut off due to renovations. I just wanted to go in to see if there was a scale in there, but they wouldn’t let me, boo.

    Oh, well, our hotel just happen to be next to a great breakfast spot. It opened at seven, but we decided to be there at 6:30 just in case there was already a line. There wasn’t, but we were still happy to be the first people in the door, because most of the restaurant filled up pretty quickly after that. And we had a very nice breakfast after all which I didn’t think we would be able to have. So yay.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,163 Member
    @theslightedgeforever That's good to have veggies in the morning. Thanks, I'm really disappointed. Congrats on your 2500 day of logging in!

    @roz0810 Congrats on the loss! That's great you have a garden at the new place. I'm so very sorry about the loss of your best friend. Hugs.

    @senoritafloridita Cool pics! Thanks, me too. It sounds like you are having a great weekend. Awesome.

    Happy Mother's Day if you celebrate and if you don't or if you have a complicated or rough relationship with the mother in your life, I'm sorry and I feel you. I'm still sick and won't be participating in celebrating Mother's Day with my MIL today. In fact, I'm about to go lay down on the couch. Just wanted to check in. Have a great day!

    Water yesterday: 20 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,428 Member
    roz0810 wrote: »
    Hi all. Hope you're all well. I'm back on WW. My first week and I've lost 2.5 lbs. Can't remember when I posted last but I finally moved house in December and loving my new garden. I don't get out much so I've been walking up and down my garden path to get my steps in and got my fitbit back on! I recently lost my best friend who was like family to me so that was tough and I fell off track.

    Treating myself to a haircut in a few weeks. Will then meet up with a friend and go lunch another day when she's free.

    All the best.

    Welcome back! I’m so sorry to hear of your friend. Sending hugs.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,428 Member
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Thank you all. It feels great to be back on track.

    I don't post much because I feel like I don't have much to say or anything interesting anyway 😂 I will try to update my weight loss here once a week 🙂
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    @cbabie. So glad to hear you rediscovered the treadmill - hope you enjoy zoning out in your own space many times this week 😁😁
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,163 Member
    @roz0810 I wouldn't worry about that, I have nothing interesting to say and I still post every day lol.

    Hi all. Still sick. Staying home from work today.

    Water yesterday: 20 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,599 Member
    Morning all, I didn't do so well last week, I got on the scale and gained 3 lbs..not sure if it's real, but that is what the scale said and you know scales can't lie..LOL.

    @trooworld I hope you get to feeling better and it's not Covid..that stuff just knocks you out..

    @Tamevv Glad to see you here, we all have something to say, interesting is up to the person who reads it, but our comments are important, so I am glad you post even if you think you really have nothing you feel is interesting to say..someone will be encouraged and that's a fact. lOL

    @roz0810 you have much to please keep checking in.. it really does help us. Sorry about your friend. hugs!!

    @gemwolf110 glad to see you here...and beautiful post.

    @theslightedgeforever LOL DH putting on weight...see what happens when you retire...except mine is skin and bones now...smh

  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Morning all. Thank you for your kind words ❤️

    I'm down 5lbs in 9 days. I have a long way to go but im proud of myself for not messing up. I use this sheet below and I love it. My first week on WW completed. Feeling excited!