

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,431 Member
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,165 Member
    @cbabie I'm glad you woke up refreshed. That's a nice feeling, isn't it? Good plan to make small changes. Yes, that place is WOW, so amazing! Thank you.

    @fabgeekmom It should have been and was to some extent but all the people walking through and taking pictures and standing around made it less so. Thank you. Good job with the swim. That's nice that it is cool out. Happy birthday to your son!

    Hi all. Happy 4th of July! It's supposed to be the start of a heat wave today but if you ask me, yesterday was pretty darned hot lol. I might go for a walk this morning somewhere and meet my husband for coffee but we'll see. I also feel a bit lazy.

    Water yesterday: 54.9 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 484 Member
    @trooworld it’s getting hot, here, too. The hot weather makes us lazy. Hi, all. Happy, fourth! I didn’t do much today. I did get a walk before it got too hot. Also rode the bike. I had to go grocery shopping for today through Saturday. I didn’t get everything I needed so my son will get it. We had salmon, corn on the cob and salad. I made a Skinnytaste recipe for strawberry and goat cheese salad. I rolled balls of goat cheese in a dried cranberry and almond mixture. I’ll do that again when the family comes over.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,165 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yes! Totally. That's good you got a walk in and rode the bike. That sounds like a good salad recipe. I like goat cheese.

    Hi all. Hot hot hot lol. Yesterday, we went for breakfast and then I didn't eat until dinner. We didn't do too much, we did go to Macy's. Other than that, just hung around the house. Today, I'm going to the county fair with a friend. It's supposed to be the hottest day of the week today. I'll be sure to wear a hat and sunscreen. I doubt I'll get any food at the fair, if I do, it will probably be this pineapple stuffed with shrimp or chicken. It's on the healthier side and something I really enjoy.

    Water yesterday: 24 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,599 Member
    Morning, we didn't do much yesterday. It is so hot here, you really can't stand to be outside. My oldest daughter, her DH and her daughter came over yesterday, got in the pool, cooked out hamburgers and visited. The 2 little ones love the pool. Oh I made brownies, (with applesauce) just didn't tell anyone. LOL

    @fabgeekmom LOL we always have too many sweets around here. You outside sounds peaceful..we have too much street sound to be peaceful. (live right off a main freeway here). It wasn't like that when we bought it.LOL.

    @trooworld Your day sounds relaxing. Enjoy the fair. I have never been to ours, used to drop the kids off when they were teens. I just never have been. I can hear my sister say that cause she is the fun one. LOL. If I did go, I would want real cotton candy..LOL Not shrimp and pineapple. See you are making better choices than I would. :). great job

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 484 Member
    @trooworld I hope you enjoyed yourself at the fair today and didn’t get too hot. The pineapple with chicken or shrimp sounds good. @cbabie I’m glad you had a good time with your daughter. Hamburgers and brownies are yummy. Hi, all. Today was a swim day. DH and I had salmon from last night for lunch. I had some arugula and homegrown tomatoes to make a salad. Tonight is steak night. DS is maintaining the steaks with olive oil and rosemary.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,431 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    Hope everyone had a great Fourth’s of July! I had a decent week. I joined a new gym last month and had a complimentary personal training session this past Wednesday. I definitely used different muscles that I haven’t used in a while.

    2 weeks left of this class, then I get a break before the next one starts. After the next class I’ll be halfway done with the program.

    Dogs are doing good. I took vacation this week to help family out after my stepdad had surgery. He’s all good just a lot of pain from everything they had to do.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Looks like it is going to be a rainy/gloomy one here.


    CW 213.6
    GW 120
    HW 228.8

    Days tracked 556
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,165 Member
    @cbabie LOL I bet those brownies were good. Sounds like a good 4th. Thank you! I did have fun. HAHAHA You are fun, too. :) You know, more on that shrimp and pineapple later lol. Thank you.

    @fabgeekmom I did! Good job with the swim. Tonight is steak night for us (we don't have it often but I got some from Sam's Club).

    @gemwolf110 I did, I hope you did too! Do you like your new gym? I can't believe you are halfway done already, that's awesome! That was nice of you to help out your family. Great tracking record.

    Hi all. The fair was a lot of fun. It wasn't too hot, it was about 78F. It was hot because there wasn't a breeze but it wasn't too hot. And not too crowded (we got there when it first opened). I got the pineapple shrimp thing BUT it was really boring, small, and expensive ($25!). I regretted getting it. It had a little plain white rice, some cut up pineapple, and about 6 pieces of boring shrimp (only seasoning was salt). I thought I remembered it being fried rice in that pineapple boat but I was wrong. Oh well. My friend talked me into going on the sky ride. I was terrified the whole time and it was hilarious. We went to the piglet races, which was really cute. The race for an oreo. I can relate lol. Today, just hanging out. We will probably go for coffee somewhere.

    Water yesterday: 50 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 484 Member
    @gemw1010 I hope your stepdad is feeling better. I know what you mean about using muscles you haven’t used before. The gym sounds nice. It’s good to have a session with a personal trainer. What are you going to school for? @trooworld It really sucks when you spend a lot of money for something that’s not good. The fair sounded like fun. I’m not sure I would be game for the sky ride. A few years ago I went up to the top of a really tall building in Chicago. That was scary but fun. Hi, all. I went walking before breakfast to beat the heat. It was nice. I’ll do the bike as well. Tonight is family dinner and my son is making shrimp tacos.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,431 Member
    fabgeekmom wrote: »
    @gemw1010 I hope your stepdad is feeling better. I know what you mean about using muscles you haven’t used before. The gym sounds nice. It’s good to have a session with a personal trainer. What are you going to school for? @trooworld It really sucks when you spend a lot of money for something that’s not good. The fair sounded like fun. I’m not sure I would be game for the sky ride. A few years ago I went up to the top of a really tall building in Chicago. That was scary but fun. Hi, all. I went walking before breakfast to beat the heat. It was nice. I’ll do the bike as well. Tonight is family dinner and my son is making shrimp tacos.

    He is feeling better slowly but today he isn’t feeling well. I’m going to school for a Masters of Business Administration (MBA).

    Have fun at dinner! Smart getting the walk in early.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,431 Member
    trooworld wrote: »
    @cbabie LOL I bet those brownies were good. Sounds like a good 4th. Thank you! I did have fun. HAHAHA You are fun, too. :) You know, more on that shrimp and pineapple later lol. Thank you.

    @fabgeekmom I did! Good job with the swim. Tonight is steak night for us (we don't have it often but I got some from Sam's Club).

    @gemwolf110 I did, I hope you did too! Do you like your new gym? I can't believe you are halfway done already, that's awesome! That was nice of you to help out your family. Great tracking record.

    Hi all. The fair was a lot of fun. It wasn't too hot, it was about 78F. It was hot because there wasn't a breeze but it wasn't too hot. And not too crowded (we got there when it first opened). I got the pineapple shrimp thing BUT it was really boring, small, and expensive ($25!). I regretted getting it. It had a little plain white rice, some cut up pineapple, and about 6 pieces of boring shrimp (only seasoning was salt). I thought I remembered it being fried rice in that pineapple boat but I was wrong. Oh well. My friend talked me into going on the sky ride. I was terrified the whole time and it was hilarious. We went to the piglet races, which was really cute. The race for an oreo. I can relate lol. Today, just hanging out. We will probably go for coffee somewhere.

    Water yesterday: 50 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"

    I like the new gym, was going there as a guest with my friend so could only go when she was going. Now I can go basically whenever I want to go. And the 556 I should have put days consecutively coming on MFP.