

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @trooworld Sounds like you have started off well. I hope you get your walking pad set up this weekend.

    @cbabie Did you do your 20 min of something? If you see my motivation for consistency, let me know.

    @fabgeekmom I looked up chana masala. I think I might make that tomorrow. It looks really good. Plus I have all the ingredients on hand. That always helps.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @cbabie I hope you can get some rest this weekend. Is everyone feeling better at your house? Are you going to use the treadmill in the closet? LOL about the meal plan! :D

    @fabgeekmom Thank you! The meal plan is just an example of the things to have...don't have to eat just that. It's pretty boring and I wouldn't stick to that but I will do my version of it. Your dinner sounds like it was good. I hope the soup turns out well.

    @theslightedgeforever Thank you! I hope so, too.

    Hi all. Still sick. I may make a virtual doctor visit appointment today. We are in the process of switching banks and man, is that a pain. I think I've got it mostly set up now. We had a salad last night for dinner: Roasted Beet Salad with Goat Cheese & Pistachios from Cookie & Kate It was really good. We added chicken to it. I lost 1/2 a lb this week.

    Water yesterday: 76 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning all, I did not get 20 min of exercise in yesterday. I had a crazy day with errands and then "running" after the baby. I also didn't eat too well, wasn't prepared for the day I had. Better planning is needed. I feel frumpy today and that doesn't put my attitude in a good place. So change is needed there as well. Woke up at 4 by a baby throwing up..oh what fun..that will set your tone for breakfast. LOL

    @trooworld yea on the loss and so sorry you are still sick..this virus just seems to hang around and visit. I am thinking about doing what my mom used to do when company would come over...she would set the timer on the stove and when it went "ding" company had to leave. LOL.

    @fabgeekmom I agree exercise is important. It really isn't about how much, it's the movement in our body to keep all the parts moving. My dad never did therapy correctly after surgery on his leg and the leg was "stuck" in a bent position the rest of his life...I don't want to be him.. although I can hear my sister are him. LOL

    @theslightedgeforever I will let you know..LOL. You know DH likes to encourage you to eat..when he want's something, he wants you to enjoy it like him. Tell you you like to play you did Donna.. LOL

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @cbabie Too bad about the baby throwing up. That definitely would set back anyone’s day. Maybe you should concentrate on the food aspect and wait to exercise when things calm down. @trooworld Good job on the weight loss. Sorry you are still sick. Hi, all. I went swimming today. I ate leftover Chana masala for lunch. Greek yogurt with strawberries and blueberries. I nuked the fruit so it tasted sweeter. I ate a cookie in my hot tea and now am in the living room finishing my tea. My son is making ATK 3 ingredient bread to go with dinner.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @cbabie Sounds like you got exercise thanks to the baby. :) Oh I hope the baby isn't getting sick again. Yeah, this is a nasty cold. I hate it. LOL about the timer, I think you should!

    @fabgeekmom Thank you. Sounds like you had a healthy day.

    Hi all. I woke up with a migraine. :( I just took some medication, hopefully, it takes it away. I have a lot to do today and yes, I'm still congested. I did a video visit with a doctor and they can't prescribe me antibiotics until it's been 10 days. She did recommend I get Claritin D and use nasal spray. That didn't help much but I do feel a little better today. I'm going to pick out new glasses today. That will be fun.

    Water yesterday: 64 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning all, I am so tired of this bones hurt. LOL. Ready for summer EXCEPT winter clothes are covering all my sins. LOL. Baby is still not well, he is on another antibiotic. I need to go food shopping and get some good food in this house. Plan is food plan, shopping for the food, cook. I can tell you I have for sure done better on cooking at home in the last 3 weeks, so that is a positive. We have just had too many "goodies" left from Christmas.

    @fabgeekmom Yes I agree, I should concentrate on the nutrition part, the rest will come. Tell me more about this bread you son was making..3 ingredient? Sounds perfect. LOL

    @trooworld sorry about the migraine. I completely understand every day for a few weeks now I get those stupid headaches and I hate them. I did use Claritin and nasal spray..the spray worked better than the Claritin. LOL Have fun getting new glasses, it's that time of the year for me too. I have to make an appointment yet.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @cbabie He didn’t make the bread as he said the reviews were not good. It’s basically self rising flour, sugar and beer. Instead I found some biscuits in the freezer that he made before Christmas. They were ATK butter and lard biscuits. So good! It’s good that you are cooking at home. Food is so much better. Less expensive, too. @trooworld Too bar about the migraine and cold. Getting new glasses is fun. Hi, all. It’s a little warmer here but windy. DH and I walked around the block. I think colder weather is coming. I’m going to ride my bike before lunch. I have leftover steak that I will eat on a low carb wrap. We’re going out to eat tonight. Not sure where.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @cbabie LOL yeah I know what you mean. I'm also ready for summer but my summer body is screaming "Yay winter!" lol I'm sorry the baby is sitll sick. I hope the antibiotics help him. That's great that you've been cooking at home. We've been doing pretty good with it, too. This month is a "NO SPEND JANUARY": we can only buy essential things and coffee out that is included in our budget. No eating out or Amazon shopping lol (unless we use our personal pocket money). So far, so good. Thanks, I hate that I get migraines. I was good with the Claritin and nasal spray yesterday for most of the day but woke up congested again. SMH.

    @fabgeekmom Thanks! I hope it doesn't get too cold there. I hope you enjoyed your dinner out and the bike ride.

    Hi all. Well, my migraine went away and I was able to do some things. I picked out the below glasses. I really love how unique they are. This morning, we have to attempt to fix the garbage disposal. It is either an easy fix or it needs to be replaced. If it needs to be replaced, it's above my DH and I's pay grade and we have to hire the handyman. Luckily, we have a good handyman. I also want to set up the walking pad. I have a video call with a friend at 9 am that I haven't talked to for a bit. Here are the glasses I picked out:


    Water yesterday: 64 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning all, Yesterday was busy as I had company all day, but had fun and enjoyed my visitor. However, we had pizza for lunch. I ate 1 piece and boy I can tell it. The baby was up until 11 last tired. I have to sit down and plan meals and get food in this house. My fridge is so bare. LOL. Even the baby is getting low on milk, this week just seemed to have flown by. So glad baby girl is out of school on Monday, so I get another day off. LOL

    @trooworld Love those frames and I think that scream you!! I hope you can fix the disposal and don't have to call your handyman. So glad your migraine went away. It sounds like your new year is working in your favor.

    @fabgeekmom Yes, I always read the reviews, why do all that work if people say it's not good..LOL. I bet those biscuits in the freezer were good. I love that you had them and could just pop them in. I am going to do that with bread today. I have 1 frozen loaf left in the freezer. Thanks for the reminder. LOL

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @trooworld I like the glasses. Good luck with the garbage disposal. I’m sure you enjoyed your chat with your friend. I hope you get the walking pad up. @cbabie That was good restraint on eating only one slice of pizza. I know you are glad to have a day off tomorrow. Hopefully sickness will leave your house. Hi, all. DH broke my favorite Starbucks mug this morning. I know it was an accident but I was bummed. I wasn’t going to replace it but DH said if I didn’t buy one he’d buy me one himself. We went for a walk after breakfast and it wasn’t too cold. We were wrapped up and the sun was out. I’m going to do a workout on my bike. My son is making tomato soup with fresh tomatoes I got at Sam’s Club. ATK recipe, of course. We eat at my daughter’s house tonight. I don’t know what she is preparing but I am sure it will be good.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @trooworld When I first read your post about the recipe my brain registered Goat cheese and cookie and I thought yuck. Gross! Then went back and reread it. lol Yaaay on your 1/2 lb loss Hope you feel better. I kept pumping Dayquil down hubby. But had to keep reminding him do NOT take Tynelol with it. He seems better today cause he's aggravating me. lol Fingers crossed I don't get it. Cute glasses. I like the color.

    @cbabie Put the leftover goodies in the garbage and spray windex on them. it's been 3 weeks now. Yes the family will yell and complain but they'll get over it. Germs like to latch onto unhealthy bodies. The healthy foods keeps our immunities high. Claritin never works for me. But then I don't have allergies, knock on wood. Mom had no social graces. lol I have had a couple of friends have knee replacement surgery and I'm always after them to keep doing their exercises at home other wise they will end up like dad.

    @fabgeekmom I still haven't made the chana masala yet. I guess yours was good if you ate the leftovers. I bet it was better second day. Interesting on nuking the fruit. I usually just add stevia to the strawberries. I'll try that.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I’m glad hubby is better. I hope you don’t get his cold. Yes, husbands can get on our nerves. LOL! I put several servings of the Chana Masala in the freezer. It’ll be good for a meal when I don’t feel like cooking.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @cbabie That's good you had some fun. I hope you were able to plan some meals and get groceries yesterday. I have today off, too, and I'm so glad. Thank you! I love them too. I hope the new year is working in my favor. :D

    @fabgeekmom Thank you! I did enjoy my chat with my friend. She moved to Washington State about 8 months ago so I miss her very much. That's too bad about your mug. Tomato soup on a cold day sounds nice.

    @theslightedgeforever HAHAHA! Thank you and yes I do feel better. LOL about your hubby I'm glad he seems better.

    Hi all. Well, I've told you before that my husband is on "island time" and again yesterday, he proved me right. Not only did we not set up the walking pad but I asked him twice about the garbage disposal and he deflected saying he'd "do it before I go to my brother's". Well, the time came and went and I asked him again about it when he got home from his brother's and he said, "I think it isn't making the noise anymore." I said, "No, it is." He asked when the last time I used it was and I told him today when I was cooking. He said when were you cooking. At this point, I wanted to shake him but I just said about an hour ago. Did he fix the disposal at that point? No. The subject dropped. Remember when the toilet was broken and I finally took it on myself? That was because the toilet was broken for TWO MONTHS. And it's our only toilet. Yes, it was flushing but you had to flush it like 4 times for even toilet paper to go down. Grrrrh. He can shove his island time. lol

    Other than that, I did a little crafting yesterday. I sewed a poop bag holder for the roll of poop bags that we carry with us. It came out pretty well. I also made a small bag (see picture). It's lined. I like how it turned out and my BFF wants me to send it to her so off it goes.

    Water yesterday: 24 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @trooworld Nice looking poop bag! Too bad about DH not helping you. Hi, all! It’s cold here! 40 degrees! DH and I are going walking after breakfast. I have a long coat I bought a few years ago. Hat, gloves,etc. last night we had Skinnytaste cheeseburger soup and garlic sticks. The recipe is online. We need to go grocery shopping today. Tonight we are having burgers and fries. Tomorrow we’re having chicken shawarma from the NYT app. Later in the week is chicken soup and salmon over rice (NYT). That is two separate meals.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning all, It's still cold here and I need to make myself take the baby for a walk, I just hate the cold. My daughter is home from school today, so maybe she will keep baby entertained and I can get some things done. LOL. Baby didn't sleep all through the night and is up really early this morning, so I am hoping he takes an early and late nap? LOL

    @trooworld I love that bag, so cute. Are you like my mom and you don't need a pattern, it's in your head? So sorry about DH, I on the other hand that lives with someone who goes behind you or sometimes while your drinking it and empties it and puts it in the dishwasher...or like yesterday I had to tell him not to clean baby girls room there was only so much time allotted to play and he had better use it to play. LOL. I did get my groceries bought and meals planned, they may not be best lean wise, but they are all in the crockpot. LOL

    @theslightedgeforever well most of the "goodies" are gone, but GD asked me to make peanut butter fudge, I told her no not tonight and her mom said..ok not tonight, but sometime this week? SMH... She says it's as good as what she buys in the fudge stores and I should make it and sell it. LOL

    @fabgeekmom The tomato soup sounds yummy. I love tomato soup. I live with a few people who are carnivores and we have to have meat all the time. I forgot to buy ground turkey yesterday and am bummed. I was wanting to make my breakfast burritos and freeze them. Oh well later this week. I bet you will love whatever your DD cooks for you. Sounds like she had a good role model. LOL

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @fabgeekmom Good idea about freezing the leftovers. I have some stuff in there. I think I need to start labeling again. I love chicken shawarma. Beef/lamb also.

    @trooworld Yeah, the honey-do list. Mine was waiting for retirement and here we are. I guess now we are waiting on death. If mine comes first I won't have to worry about it anymore. lol Is there anything you can do on setting up the walking pad? So if you at least get it started, he will come and help finish it. I'm over here chuckling because I was reading about toilets and then poop bags and then I realize they are for the dogs not you. :D I kept thinking why is she carrying around her poop?

    @cbabie Do you have any of those thin long underwear they make now? The new materials really keep you warmer even though thinner. Or layer, layer, layer. Plus carry some sugar free hot chocolate. How old is baby now? He might only need one nap now so he'll sleep longer through the night. Teach GD to make it as good as you and then she can make it and sell it. You know the old saying of teaching the man to fish. I love tomato soup too. With some nice grilled cheese. Comfort food for the winter.

    My exercise has been nil. I just want to sit and do nothing. I did organize my closet by color though. Evidently I keep buying variations of long sleeved black tops/sweaters.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @fabgeekmom Oh that's not the poop bag, that's just the bag I made. I didn't put a pic of the poop bag lol. I hope it wasn't too cold for you to go for a walk. That's good you have all the wardrobe to go out in the cold. The soup sounds good. Your meals sound delicious!

    @cbabie It's cold here, too. I hope you were able to get things done yesterday and that the baby took at least one nap. Thank you! Oh gosh, well, I usually do need a pattern but this I sort of used a fat quarter for the lining and the outside which I trimmed down a bit. For the handles, I measured what they told me to measure. I might add a snap or two to it. LOL about your husband. Did he play with baby girl? I'm glad you got some things done, groceries and meal plan, yeah!

    @theslightedgeforever LOL I was thinking about the walking pad. I can open the box but he won't do anything until the weekend, he's so lazy during the week lol. HAHAHA about the poop bags! Yes, for the dogs. ;) That's good you at least organized your closet.

    Hi all. Yesterday was a mixed bag: I was supposed to meet my friend who had weight loss surgery after her hike. She couldn't give me a time. So I was playing the waiting game. I figured she'd be done by like 11 am since she started at 7:30. I made Skinnytaste-recipe bagels and cooked some center-cut bacon and scrambled eggs so I could make breakfast sandwiches for my breakfasts this week. I went to the pet store and got dog food. When it was 11 and I still hadn't heard anything from her, I texted her. She said she didn't know, it would be at least 1 pm as she was miles away from her car. I was kind of mad but said okay. I had wasted the day but at least got some things done. I then started to work on making some bookmarks. I ate lunch and then at about 1, she was ready to meet. I met her at a coffee shop and it was nice seeing her but I was still a little ticked that she couldn't have told me it would be the afternoon before we met. After we had our meeting, I picked up my husband and came home and folded most of my laundry (I had a LOT!) and put it away. We had Greek Baked Orzo for dinner, which was pretty good.

    Water yesterday: 24 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @cbabie I hope you got stuff done yesterday. Hopefully baby took a nap. I remember those days. My men folk are also carnivores. @theslightestedgeforever Good job on organizing the closet. Maybe a little exercise next? @trooworld Too funny about the bag! And your friend is so unreliable. Glad you enjoyed the visit. And you got a lot done. The Greek baked orzo sounds good. Hi, all. My walk yesterday wasn’t too bad. DH and I went to Starbucks and found out that they don’t sell ceramic mugs anymore. My son said Target might have some. We also went grocery shopping. My cousin came over and we visited for a while. She brought my DH some food she made so he could have something different when we make something he doesn’t like. Today is a swim day.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @trooworld Glad we got the poop bag thing cleared up. I like the material on the bag you showed us. Ooh I hate the waiting game. Although it's a good time to get stuff done because you suddenly have an "open" slot in your schedule you didn't think you would have. I'm trying to learn to be flexible with my schedule. In lots of ways I'm all or nothing on it. I'm learning to say I may not finish but I can get started.

    @fabgeekmom Yes on the exercise. I thought yesterday was just a do nothing lazy day. Really I think it was the beginning of me getting sick. Last night I was feverish and today I've had a headache and no energy despite me taking meds. I need to take my own advice on exercise like on schedules....."In lots of ways I'm all or nothing on it. I'm learning to say I may not finish but I can get started." Commit to 5 min no matter how bad I feel. It won't kill me. Maybe the accomplishment will help me feel good. Wow on the ceramic mugs. Are they going to "bring your own"? I have heard lots of coffee houses are going to that. I like to look at the ceramic mugs at Caribou Coffee but never buy because I have no room.

    I haven't cooked in two days. I told them they are on their own. Still waiting to make that Chana Masala. (it's been so long now I might be making up the name. lol)
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @theslightestedgeforever When you are sick you get an exercise pass. But 5 minutes is a good start. It sounds like you went on a cooking strike. LOL. So what is everyone eating? My family is not worried as I have to eat. And my son helps with the cooking. I seldom buy coffee at coffee houses as I can make it better. I like a tall mug with room for coffee and frothed almond milk. I have one that will work. Feel better, soon.